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<br /> 1538031 CONR-31�0-i �"
<br /> � THIS CONDOMtNIUM RIDER is made this 22ND day of MARCH 1994
<br /> , . F-
<br /> �� aad is inoorporated into aud shall be deemod to emend ead supplensent the Mortgage,Deed of Taat or Saa�dty
<br /> - � Deal (the "Securtty It�stnunent" of the same date �{ven by the undersigned (the "Horrower") to secure _
<br /> �` " Bonower's Nota to NaRWE�T MDRTOACiE� I NC. ---
<br /> � �r�_"��_ �r ==--
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<br /> '.�°:.�,Yr:� (the"Lender") ����- --_-
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<br /> . : �'�;`,::rr••=''tiil:,-" . =----.-- °,
<br /> . •��,::...��.>•.::,.. of the sume date aad cover[ng the Prnperty descrf:�ed in the Security Instrumeat and located at: _.
<br /> , �.• ..• R t�_--
<br /> " �:`�Y �� ' ��'` 2807 $k�NTW00D BLVD� ORAND Y8LAND� NE b8801 �`�-- -
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<br /> •• , , . The Property lacludes a untt in.wgether with en undivid�intemst in the common elements�f.n condominium ;�..Y�_o _
<br /> _- —.- ----- . pmjcct atoa�a�: __
<br /> •� ° Pinewood Condomi�ium Property Regime II - -
<br /> . (Naau of Cond�minium Pto)at] "•�,
<br /> , � " • (the"Condominium ProJect"). If the owners associat�on or other entity which acts for the Condominium Project _—
<br /> (the 'Owrtera Assflslation") holds titic to propeity for the beneflt or use of Its members or shanehotders, the �. -m
<br /> ' PropeKy also includes Bomower's interest in the Owners Association and the uses, pmcceds and benefits of ��
<br /> " . Borrower'a lntemst. "��
<br /> � ' CONDONIINIUM COVENANTS. In addition w the covenants and agreementa made in the Secudty • �,=-
<br /> Insuument. 9orrower and L.ender further covenent and agree as fotluws: � -�
<br /> ' , A. Condomintum 0611gations. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations under the � --
<br /> ' �� � • Condominium Project's Constttuent Documents. The "Constituent Documents" ere the: (i) Detlaratiun ur any « :"
<br /> : _ other document which creates the Condominium Project; (ii) by-laws; tlii)code of resulattons;and (iv)other
<br /> . „ equivalent documenu. Borrower shall promptly pay,when duc,all dues and essessments imposed pursuant to the �.. '
<br /> • Constituent Documents.
<br /> � B.Razord Insuranoe. So long as the Ownera Association malntains.with a generally eccepted insurance '
<br /> carcler. a "master" or "blanket" policy on the Condominium Project which ls satisfactory to L,ender and whIch . _
<br /> provldes lnsurance coverage in the amounts, for thc periods, and against the hazards Lender reyuires. includiag sf
<br /> �� fire and hazards included within the term "extended covcrage."than:
<br /> ', (i) Lender waives the proviston in Uniform Covenant 2 for the monthly payment to Lender of �
<br /> � one•twelRh of thc yearty premium installments for hazard insurance on the Properry: and
<br /> - " (ii) Borrower's obligatton under Uniform Covenant 5 to maintaIn hazard{nsurance coverage on the , �,'-
<br /> - „ Property is deemed satisfied to the extent thnt the required caverage is provtdal by the Owncrs Association - °
<br /> . policy.
<br /> '�. Bornower shall gtve Lender prompt naice of any lapse in required hezard insurance coverage. ��
<br /> ' � In the event of a distrlbution of hazard insurance proceeds in lieu of restoration ar repeIr following a loss to f�-
<br /> ' . . _ .. the Property.whether to the unit or to rnmmon clements,any praceeds payable to Borrower are hereby�ssigneci ._ N
<br /> - � . � and shisll be paid to Lender for applicatton to thc sums secured by the Security instrument.with any excess paid to �
<br /> Borrower.
<br /> C.Public Liabllity Insurance. Borrower shall takc such actions as may be reasonable to Insure that the �
<br /> Owners Associatlon mair�tains a public tiabilIty insurance policy acceptablc in form. amount, and extent of
<br /> . coverage to Lender. • '
<br /> • � �
<br /> ' � MULTISTATB CONDOMINIUM RIDER•Singie PamltyFannie MaelF�eddla Mao UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Rorm 3140 9/90 I
<br /> Pepo 1 O1 2
<br /> '��, �- �o NMFL 3140081�s�om VMPMORt6ACiEfO(iMS 131312838100 1800�621 729� It
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