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-� . ��.. . . . :_' .�TR . ." __. . .._ . 11 . ..�.�..� � <br /> -_--_ .��ifl. I <br /> " � . <br /> . . <br /> _� . r� . _. .. . _ ..... _ ._. .._. . <br /> � �...�)• /{ � ��-��� . ' � - ' . <br /> 1 <br /> • �. ` ; .ia i.rl�K ,WR'1u�� "...-}N„�l'- .. . i _� _.� <br /> . �/ i. „ -. ' � � . .. __. -.—____....� .._ . -- <br /> __' _—'_"_ , ". __." <br /> _iiY�Bi � 11i1211 ."'_ ._.'_ .ti -..- .. . . <br /> . . ..,....'.'._ <br /> � -� - __....�.,v� 94w 1���6 �_-�===r�.� --y --- <br /> """"`�� 17.Transfer o8lhe Property or a Benef9cial Interest tn Sc+rrower. <br /> [f all or any part af thc Property or any interest in it <br /> • � � � �s sold ar trunsferred(or if a beneficial interest in Barrowsr is aald ar trnnsfcrced and BaROwer ia nat a natural person)without ---= __ <br /> _ .. �n l.ender's prior written cansent, [.ender may, at its optinn, require immediute puyment in Pull af utl suma secur�l by this �' , �: - -- <br /> ` "` �Sceurlty Insttument. i�opt Ian s hu l l nat be exerc is e d by I.e�der i f exerc ise is pm h i b i t c d by fe dcr u l Inw a�a P t he du t c a�:r�°.:__<_--� <br /> ,r',��.',�'�. . . ...�,. _m.�--� <br /> � :.h, af this Security Instrument. — <br /> •• ' If l.ender cxercises tMs optiun,Lender ahall give 8orrawcr natice af scccleratian, The notice�;haU pruvide u period oi not =-` <br /> .� ���y�-.;ti �;4f less than 30 days from thc date the natice is deUvered or mxiled within which &�rruwer mutit pay aU sums securecl by this � ` • <br /> t .;...,�... . . Secudty instrument. If Borrower fnils ta puy these sums p�ior ro thc expiratlon of thiti period.l..cndcr muy invokc uny mmcdics �- <br /> .. ., -�,�----- <br /> � . permitted by this Securlty Insttument withaut further naNce or demand on 9onower. ,;���c�i <br /> _ <br /> ', w� a, ��,+. IS. 8arrower's Right to Reit�.state. If Borrower mects ccrtuin conditians. Harrower shull have the ri�ht to huve ;;��fi_-� -- <br /> ��� � ` � "�' enforcement of this Securiry lnstntment dlscontinued at nny time prlar to the euriier af: (u) 5 days (or such ather periocl u.s *��tK���„_a_T__ <br /> • ° .'; � • applicable law may specify for relnstatement> befare sale of the Property purtivant t� uny power of sule contnined in this � ����`:_.�,-�- <br /> ' , . Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforctng this Security Instrument.Those candiduns�re that Harrawer.(a)payh ::?•.�._:= <br /> • • ' l.ender all sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instrument and the Nate us if na accelerntian had occurnd; (b) �pti'i„=::� <br /> � cures any d�fault df any other cavenunts ar agreements; (c) pays all expenses incuned in enforcing this Security lnhtrument. •• �� � ;��,:r."__ <br /> . includln�,but not limited ta. reasonable attomeys' fces;and (d> takes such action us L.ender muy rcasonably requirc to assu�e � ° "" �,��r:— <br /> �� • � that the Iten of this Security Instrument, L.ender's rights in the Praperty and Bonawer's obtigation ta puy the sums secured by ,`�y, '� <br /> • ' -- this Security instrument shall cantinue unchanged. Upon rcinstutement by Horrower, this Security Instcument and the ._, : ��•if.;,�; <br /> abli�atians secured hereby shaU remain fully effective ac if no acce�eration had accurrcd. However, this rtght to retnstate shull �".�''F� �'•.'�` <br /> �� {' not apply in the case of accelerution under para�raph 17. ^ "• ` 1�- <br /> , 19. Sale of Note; Chenge oP L.oan Servicer. The Nate c�r a partiul interest in the Nute ttagether with this Security . '•;"Y'`f`�� <br /> „ Instrument)msy bc said one or more times without prior n�ticc to Barrower.A sule may result In a change in thc entity(known :''��;� <br /> as the"I_aan Servicor")that collects monthty payments duc under thc Notc and this Security Instrument.There ulsa may be onc , � '�— <br /> ' or morc chan�es of the Laan Servicer unrelated to a saie of the Note.If there is a chunge of the L.oan Servi;er,Borrower will be . ,���:'T"f"� <br /> � • • �� given written noticc of the change in acc�rdoncc with parug�ph 14 ubove and applicable law.Thc notice will stute thc numc und :- � �-��_:: � <br /> " �� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address ta which puyments should be mude. The notice wfll ulso contuin any other �- ;X�'��.'`c' _ <br /> information rcquired by applicablc law. . „ ` <br /> " 20. Haxsrdoa5 Substane�. Borrower shall not cause cir permit the presence. use, ditpc�+al, storuge, or release of uny <br /> Hazs►rdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not da, nor ull�w unyone else to do, ;snything affecting the , ? ���_— <br /> Praperty thut is in violution of uny Environmental Luw. 'Thr prereding two tientences shull nat upply to the presence,use, or ��� <br /> staragc on the Property of small quuntitics af Haiurdou� Substancc�that are�;eneru!!y recognizcJ to bc upprapriate to normal , • `'�•>'�:�'-� <br /> " , residential uses and to maintenancc of the Pmperty. • ".-;� <br /> � Borrower shall prompdy give Lender wriuen notice of uny investigutiim, claim, demand, law,uit or c�ther action by uny ' �y. :':�.�=- <br /> ' �uvernmentul or regulatory ugency or privatc paay involving the Prnperty and uny Hm.ardaus 5ubstancc or Environn�entul I.uw %-� - <br /> ' of which Borrower has actuul knowledgc. [f Borruwer leurns, or ix n��tificd by uny bovcrnmentul or rcgulutory uuthority, thut ;.5-��. <br /> •. any removal or other remediution of any Huzurdous SubstuMC uffecting the Property i+necexwry, Barroa�er shuU prcnnptly tuke ;;�,�v�,� <br /> all necetiwrv remedinl uctinns in accordance with Errvironmcntul Luw. +����� <br /> � As used in this paeagruph 20, "Hur.urdous Suhstunccs" urc thn►c xubstunccs dclincd us toxir��r hai.urd�iuti substunces hy � — <br /> Envircm�nentul [.uw and the following substunceti: gusolinr, kerosene, uther ilutnrnuble c�r taxic petrnlcum �raducts, tuxir <br /> pesticides und herbicidcti,vc�latilc snlvents,mutcriuls contuinin�uxtxhten or ti�rn�aldehydc,und radiuuctivc matenul�. Ati uacd in 'x" <br /> this paragraph 20. "Environmental Lnw" mcuns fedcrui luw� and lawz i�f the jurixdiction whcre thc Property is lcn:ated that 3k � <br /> �� '' relute to hculth,.uCety or environmcntul pratection. • �' � <br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVENANTS. Burrowcr and I.endcr furthcrr�rvenunt und ugme u�follows: ���� <br /> 21. Accelerntion; Remedirw. Lender shall�ive notice to t3orrower prtor to uccelerution followinp�Barrower's breuch ,�.�p <br /> of any covenant or a�reement in this Security Instrument (but not prtor to accelerution under para�raph 17 unl�.s . �' <br /> • appltcable law provid�s othenvise). The notice shall specify: (a)the defwuth (b) the artion required to rure the default; .. ,;'� <br /> (c)a date,not I�s than JO dayti from the date the�iutice iy piven tc� which the dePault mutit be cured;and , �, <br /> ' (d) that failure to cure the dePuult on ��brfort the dat�� tipi�a iticd in the nntice mev result in acceleration of the wmti :.•� �_ <br /> _ " secured by this Securtty[nstrmuent und sate of the Pro{xrt}�. The natice shall furt6er inform Borro�r•er af the ri�ht to ` ����.';�1�I <br /> e reinstute after arcelerat[on and the ri};ht to hrin�;u court netion tu ussert the non•existence i►f a dL�fault or an�� c�ther I :,:��.;•�,� <br /> defense of Borra��•er to uccelerution und sate. If the defuult ix nut cured on ar before the datc sp�rifi�d in the notice. �,,;;, -� <br /> Lender. at its<►ption, muv rcquim immcdiate payment in fuli of ull sums sirured b�• thix Scrurity Instrwnent �rithout ,. - <br /> � furthcr demand and muy invoke the{„��vcr of sulc und um other remcdi�y permittcd b� upplicuhlc law•. I.endcr shall be , r. <br /> enNticd to collcrt aQ expci�scw inrurred in pursuin�;thc�emedtcw provided in this para{�ruph 21.h�cluding.but aot limitcd - . ,� <br /> to.reas�mabte attornc3��fces and cost,of tttic e�•idcncc. � <br /> IP fhe power of sule is Im•oked. '1'ru�tc�shidl recnrd u notice af defuult in euch cnunh• in a•hirh um p�rt of the ' ;* <br /> Property is tocated and xhuil muii copi�w uf xuch notice in the munner pr�wrribed b� uppUca�le lu�+� to Borro���er and tu .�-, <br /> the other pers�ms prescriNed M•upplicuble lua•.After the tirnc riK�uiriKi h�•upplicubte tu��.T�usta�rhull kt�e public notice <br /> of�k to the pertiuns und in thc munner pr��urined by uppliruhic lua. 'l'rust�ti. �cithout demund i�n Bnrro«�cr, shuli sell �+ <br /> thr Nroperty at puBlic uurtion tc�the hiRh�wt bidder s�t the time nnd pince und undcr the term�d�wi�nut��d in the nntice of . ", <br /> wle in am or m��re purcc�, and in an� urdcr Tru.tcc dMern�irnw. "1'rust�ti mu� pnst��nc+ulc of�U or am• parccl of the , <br /> Property by publir unnouncement at U�c time und plucc�►f am pre�inu�l}� �cheduled .utc. Lcndcr nr itti d�wiknec mu� o <br /> purcha�e thc Prapert�•at ar»•sulc. <br /> : ' Form 3028 8180 � <br /> ��.�,,.�.,��. <br /> : � <br /> . :, <br /> � <br /> ' � , <br /> ! <br /> I . , 9 <br /> .� <br /> . f <br /> ! � <br /> � : , <br /> � <br /> � - _ <br />