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-------- -_..��w. - — - — _ _ <br /> - - ------ - � <br /> _ _ -- --y�--�.----_ .r..;: . <br /> :.� . ... , • � , . <br /> ��ji' I 'a+ Jy <br /> � T ''h. . .. ..�....f <br /> � `} , - .. . . .. <br /> , - . :��.t.> . ._. ... .'_. .- _ . <br /> , . ,. ._. .,_ -. ._ <br /> :.� � . -_� _..__ _'__ -__-_- <br /> - - =�-�..�. . �94-soz4�� � <br /> --- - �, <br /> -- _�•�.����� npplienble Inw may sj,ecify for ceinstntement) befare Rnle of the Propeny pun�uant to any power of Ac►!e cantnined in this <br /> _ Sccuriry last�vment;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforctng thia Securiry Insuument. Thoso conditions aze tchut aonower. (a) — <br /> paye Lender all eums which tben woutd ba duo under this Secudty Instru�nt and the Note as if no ecceleratton had <br /> � ocewnd;(b)au�a ony dafaultof any other covennats or agceements;(c)pays aU oxpeases incuned in enforcing thls Secudry <br /> - Instrument,intlutling,but not limited ta. reASOnabio uttorneys'fees;and(d)Wces such acdon as LeAder mny reasonuWy <br /> requi:a to csaure that tha Uen of thia Saurity I�swment,l.ender�dghts!n tt►e Pmperty and Borroaer's obllgation w pay tha <br /> - - ' sums secured by this Secudry Inswment sball cantlnuo unchanged. Upon relnstatement 6y B�nirnwer. tGis Securiry — <br /> ���---' insm►ment and che obiigations secured hereby shall remain fuUy effecpve us if ao accelerattoa hsd occumed. Hcnvever.tbis �"�- - <br /> ; r�ght to reinstate shaU not apply in the case of acceleratioa under paragraph 17. � <br /> �`1 + 19. S�le of Notet Cdange ot Loaa 3ervlar. 1'he Nota ar a pardal interest in the Nae (together wlth this Security <br /> -� � Inauument)muy be sold one or more dmes without pdor nodce to Borrow�cr. A sele may result in a change in the eatity <br /> Awov�n►as tho"Loun Servicer')that coliects montttly paymenta due under the 1Vote and this Secudty Inatrument. There also <br /> ; may be one or more changes of tha Loen Servicer unrelated to s sa7e of the Note. If thece is a chanse of tho I.aan Servlcer. <br /> . � Borrower will be given written nodce ui the change ip au;ordance wlth paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The aotIce <br /> .}� will state the name aad address of the new Loan Servicer end the address to which payments sdould be made. The notice wIll � - <br /> - also wntain uny other Infom�atlon requfrad by appUcable law. <br />`"� 20. Hazardous S�bstances, Barrower shall not cause or permit tho presence,use,diaposal,storage.or release of any <br /> j Hazardous Substances on or fn the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor altow anyone elsc to do. anythin�affecdng the _ <br /> ' Property that is ln violation of any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shaU not apply to the presence.use.or <br /> stotase on the Property of amall quantidea of Hazardous Substences that are generally recognlzed w be appmprlate to normal <br /> resIdential uses nnd to maintenance of the Property. <br /> �• Barrower shall promiNly�ive Lender written nodce of anv invesd�ation.cleirn,demand,lawsult or other actlon by any �- <br /> '�- �^�T�� �* I govemmental or regulatory agency or pdvute party involving the Pcoperty and any Hazardous Substance or EnvIronmental = - <br /> "�`� `` ` ""''='�'` Law of which Botrower has actual knowledge. If Bocrower leams. or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory <br /> •�,s�.� : . .T:�'+. - <br /> • ,. • �' authodty.that any removal orother remediadon of any Hazerdous Substence affecdng the Property ia necesseuy.Borrower �:-�_._. <br /> �y•;:. . ..^>. .• °,. shalt pmmptly take all necesssry mmedial acdons in accoMntece with Environmental Law. !°`�� <br /> ° °-. . ., As used in this para$raph 20,"Hawrdous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by �- <br /> ' , Environmental Law and the tbUowing substances: gasoline.kerosene. other flammeble or toxic petroteum products,toxIc �rc- <br /> t��' ` • •� pestfcides and herbIcides,voladle solvents.mateduls containing asbestos or formaldehyde.ond radioactive matedals. As _.,._-. <br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Enriranmental Law"means f'ederal laws and laws of the Jurisdiction whera the Property is located E:�'°"- <br /> ' •• that relute to health,safety or environmentel protecdon. �i;��•-- <br /> ." �' • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covennnt and agree as fdlows: = <br /> � 21. Acceteratton; Remedtea I.ender shall ' �`�''= <br /> . _,f_ _�:__._ ' �Ive natice to Borrower prtor to acceleratton foUowtn�Borrower a � <br /> breach of any covenent or a�reement in this Secur(ty I�strument(but not prtor to accelerat[on under paragraph 2� -� _ <br /> ur�lr�a ltralste la�r rnctsi�other�ise). The noilce shait eq _ '""�° <br /> � _ i PP P �pe�lf�i (a3 tiie defauli.(tr3 ihe actiou r airet!ta cure Lite Y �,��- <br /> detaWt;(c)a date,aot leas than i0 days from the date the notice is�tven to Borrower,by which the defaWt must be �v.'-. <br /> cured;and(d)that fallure tocure the default on or beforr Ihe date specttted tn the notice may result in acceleraUon of �}�`�'=��- <br /> , , the sume secured by this Security Instrument and sele of the Property. The nodce shall further tnform Borrower of � M���� -� <br /> the right to retnstate atter aaeleration end the rtght to bring a court action to assert the aun�exlstence of a default or , ' '�.:�,, <br /> any other defense of Borrower to acceleraUon and esle. It the default is not cured on or before the date apecifled ia • • <br /> , �� We nodce,Lender at!ts optfon may requtre immedtate puyment tn fuU of all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument ' <br /> . witltout thrther demand and mey Invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by appl(cable law. - <br /> ' .. " I.ender ahall be enttUed to mltect all expensea incurred in pursuing the remedtes provided in thts paragraph 21, ;,,- <br /> ; including,but not lim(ted to,masonable attorneys'[ees and costs of title evidence. , <br /> � ' I If the power of sele is invuked,7Yustee shall record a nottce of default In each county in whtch any part of the � <br /> ' " � Property is located and shal!mail copies of such notice tn the manner prescribed by appltcable Iaw to 8orrower and to = <br /> t the other persoas prescHbed by appltcable Iaw Atter the dme required by applicable lew.11�ustee shall give public • <br /> I notice oP sele to the persons and tn the cnanner prescribed by applisable law. "Itustee,without demand on Borrower. '�T. <br /> shall sell the Property at public auctton to the hiAhest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desl�nated in �� <br /> � .he potice of sale in one or more parcels and tn uny order'Ilvstee determines, 'ltustee may postpane sale of all or any <br /> ° , . i garcel of the Property by pablic announcement at the time nnd ptace of any prevtously uhednlcd salc. Lcndcr ar its - - <br /> � designee may purchase the PropeMy at any sale. . <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,'Itustee shell deltver to the parehaser 71�ustee's deed conveying the �� <br /> � Property. The recitels in th�'Itirustee's deed shall be prlma facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. .� <br /> ., � 'lirustee shall apply the proc�eeds of the sale in the followin�order: (a)to all costs end expenses of exercisin�the power „ <br /> , � <br /> �. � ' ., <br /> •• L. <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> . I <br /> I <br /> ' <br /> . � . . <br /> 61 <br /> •t , <br /> ' � }.. <br /> i . <br /> f.� <br /> , t � <br /> 1 . .. .. � _.... _.'__ . ____.. <br />