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<br /> — 1?.Tr�+tet oi tite P:a�aF a E3enelQd�1 fnterc.-t in Borrorrer.If ull or mry part ot'the Fruperey or any intexest in it �-
<br /> '""— - — is sold or transferred(or if u bene�cial interest ln Bonower is scild or u�ansferted a�id Honower ie not a i�aturaE pcn,uu)witl�uut
<br /> L.�ndcr's prlor written cansent. (.ender muy. ut its option. re�ufre immccfiute payment !n fl�ll of�11 sums securcd by this
<br /> Secu�ity tnstrument.Hawevcr.thin aption ahall nat be exercised by Lender if ezercise is prohtbStc�l by federal law as of the date
<br /> of this Sec�+dry Instn�ment.
<br /> If Lender exercises thia option.L,ender shall give Barcower aot�ce of acceleration.The notice shnll provide a period of not
<br /> less thr�n 30 days from tho date the notirx is delivered or mailed withIn which Borrawer awst pay nll sums sccured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument.lf Borrower fails to pay these sums prIor to the eapieatfon af this perlod�Lencter may invoka any nemedtes
<br /> permitted by this Secudty Instrum�nt withaut tLrther notice ar demend on Borrower.
<br /> "'"'J--f�- -�' 18. Borrower's Right to Rein.state. If Borrower meets certain wnditions. Borrower shall have the right to have �'-' �
<br /> enforcement of this Security InAtrument disconttnued at eny time prlor to the earlier af: (a)S days (or such other parIad ns --
<br /> � applicnble law may specify for reinstatement) before eale of the Property pursuant w any power of sale containeA in this
<br /> Securlty[nstrumenr.or(b)entry of a judsment enfoning this Security Instcument.Those wnditions axe that Bormwer:(a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then wauld be due under this Secur�ty Insuument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurrect: (b)
<br /> " cures any default of sny other covenants or agreements;(c)pa s ell expenses incurred in enforci�g this Securtty Instrument,
<br /> - Includtng,but not limited to.reasonable attomeys' fees;and(d�takes Ruch ection as L.ender may reasonably require to assuro —
<br /> � th�t the ljen of this 5ecurIry Instcument,Lertder's rlghts in the Property and Borrower's obligetion to pay the sums secumd by �
<br /> �.�� this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Secudty Instrument and the
<br /> � obligstians secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acccleration had occurred. However.this d�ht to reinstate shall
<br /> � nat upply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Ssle ot Nate; Change of Loan 3ervicer. The Nate or a partial interest in the Note (togcther wIth this Security
<br /> '��`: ]nstrument)may be sold ane or moro times without prtor notice to Horrower. A sale muy result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> �, .� us the"l.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.There elso may be one
<br /> ,„ ;�!'+�•� .:�.,, or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nate. if there is a change af the C.oan Servicer.Borrawer v�lll be
<br /> .. - -- givcn writtea not3cc of the cl�nge ia sccor+dance�t�lth paragsaph 14 sbove and epplicable Isw. ThP notice wiil state the name and =__
<br /> �a�s� ' . � address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also contain any other
<br /> ' , informattan required by applicable law.
<br /> ' . 20. Hazardau9 Substanees. Harrower shall nat cause ar permlt the presence, use,disposaf. storage, or retease of any =
<br /> ' .,�'��„' Hazardaus Substances an or in the Property. Borrower shall not da, nor allow anyone else to da, anythins affectins the —
<br /> " " . Property that is in violatton af any Envlronmental Law.The preceding two sentences ahall not apply to the precence, use. or _
<br /> • , � xtarage on the Property of small quantittes of Hezsrdous Substances that are generaqy reco�nized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> ° res►dential uses and to maintenancc of the Property. -
<br /> , " Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investi�atlon,claim.demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ,. •� •�'� govemmental or re�ulatary agency or private party involving ihe Property and any Ha•rardous Substance or Environmental Law �"
<br /> of which Bnrcower hus uctuul knowledge. If Borrower learns.or is notifivl by any gavernmcntal ar regulatory author�ty, that �_
<br /> " uny rcmovul or other rcmediution of uny Haznrdous Substance uffecttn�the Property Is necessary.Borrower shall promptly take —
<br /> . �' , �,., :. �;:_=
<br /> ,_. � . • _, nll necesu�ry remedial actions in acrordance with Envlronmental Law. .�.
<br /> ' -� As uticd in this parngraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazanious substunccs by
<br /> Envimnmental Law and the followin� substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum �roducts, toxir
<br /> pesticides und herbicides,volatite solvents,mutedals containin�asbe.r•ros or formaldehyde,and radioactive mutenals.As used in ��`
<br /> - this purugruph 2Q, "Environmental L,aw" mcans federal laws and luws of thc jurisdiction wherc the Property is located that --
<br /> � rclate to hculth,saCety or environmental protection. �'=-
<br /> �, ., NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr und Lender furthcr covenant and ngrcc ati follows: '��'"_
<br /> ' 21.Acceleratton:Remedtc.w. l.ender shall Rive nottce to Borrower prior to acceleration followlnR Borrower's breach .:'ti;s;'_°
<br /> � of any rnvenant ar agreement in this Security Instrvment (but not priar to acceleration under puragraph 17 unle.cs _'�•�r-
<br /> ° applicable law pravides othenvise). The nottce shatl specify: (a) the defaulh. (b) the action requtred to cure the detault; _
<br /> _ (c)a date. not less than 3Q days from the date the notice i��iven to Barrawer,by which the default must be cured;and � .
<br /> � .. (d) that fallure to cure the default on or before the dete specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> scrured by this Securtty Instrument nnd sale of the Prnperty.The notice shatl further inform Borrower of the ri�ht to ,.
<br /> � rninstute ufter eccelerution and the ri�ht to brin� a court artion to assert the non-existence nf a default or any other „
<br /> defensc of Borrower to accelerallon and sale. IF the detault is not cured un or beforn the date cpecified in the notice,
<br /> I.�ndcr.ut itK option. may requirc immediute payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument wtthaut
<br /> fuMher dcmand and may invoke the powcr uf tiule and uny��ther rem��diec permltMd by applicnble luw. �.ender shall be
<br /> entitled to collect all expen��w inrurred in pursuin�thc remedi�w pr�►vided in this para�ruph 21.includin�.but not llmited
<br /> to.nuMm�b�c auurneyti`fatiw and costs of tide evidcncc.
<br /> •� ' 1P the p��wer of sele ts imoked, Trust��r shali rirurd u notice uf defautt in euch county in w•hirh any paM of the "
<br /> � „ � 1'n�perty is l�K�uted ttnd shull muil ropicw oF such notice in the manner pr��xrilx�d by applicable law to &►rro�ti•er nnd to �
<br /> thc othcr{xnon�pri�criixd by uppliruble la�r.Aftcr thc timc r��uired b��uppNcablc la��•,Trustec shall�ivc publtc nnttce
<br /> oP r�ulc to thc pcnom and in thc munncr prc�cribed b} appitcabk la��•.Truxtcr, �tiith�ut dernund�n linrrnwer,shall relt
<br /> the 1'ropert��it pubitc uuctinn to the hi�;h�wt biddrr at the time und place and under the ter�m desi�neted in the n�tice of
<br /> - usle in nne or nu►re purcek und in an�• order Tru�ti�a detrrmines. Truvt��ma�• p��+tpnne sale of ull or an�• parcel of the
<br /> • 1'ropertt b� public unnouncement at thc timc u��d pluce of um� pre�ioutil� �nc�duled sale. I.endcr nr its de�i�n�Y ma�•
<br /> purchi�+c thc Property ut um�salc.
<br /> ° Form 3028 8190 I
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