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��.,. -.- _ . .. •� �� _. ---- - --= v <br /> .. _:_.._. , �.,. .�.....� <br /> --,- . ,,. . u _ _.. <br /> `:� ' " � " '. - <br /> f �,��;�•,:. . . - <br /> �.,...� <br /> �.' "t a- +: ' °�' —- <br />— .c . . _ __ <br /> . .:�.. . <br /> � -� .c.MpAM! ' . . . .. �..__.... . �� - <br /> _ __ .�.,.,:1 ��4- �oz��s <br /> --=-_- ---- - �; fOi}ETNER VN1TH al!ihe irnprovementa now ar hereafter erected on the property,and�II easernenta,uppurtenancc,w.and — <br /> � �`-`°'�""-"�i fixtures now or herettfier a part of the property. All replacetttents and udditians shAl! ulso be cavered by this Security � <br /> �`�� ' � [nstrument.RII of tha foregoing iF rcfcncd ta in this Securjty[nstrumcnt as thc"Propeny." �` �'�• <br /> i BORROWER COVENANTS that Harrawer is IawNlly Feieed of thc estute hereby conveycd and has ehe right to gmnl wed _ <br /> =i canvey the Propecty und that the Property is unencumbered,except far encumbrances of recard. 8onower wurrantti and will <br /> _, defend generaily the tide to the Property agoinst all claims und demands.subject to any encumbrances of record. <br /> ' THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT wmbines uniform covenants for national use and non-untform covenunta with limitcd <br /> _ ; <br /> �. �� � variations by JuriEdiction to constitute a uniform�curity instn►ment covedng rc�l property. --- <br /> -- - --- ---__ , <br /> �;„�.____. <br /> - UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barrower and Lender rnvenant ctrtd agrce as followx: � � <br /> �' 1. Pnyment ot Principal and Mterastt �'epayment end Lnte Chatg�. Borrc�wer tihall promptty pay when duc the _ _ <br /> iprincipal of and intemst on the debt evidenced by the Notc and any prcpayment and lute chargey duc undcr thc Natc. ����__ <br /> � 2. Funds tor Taxc.w and Itusurance. Subject to applicable law or ta a written wuiver by i.ender, &rcrawer+hull puy t� �;1__._- <br /> ' � '`• �' I.ender on the da monthl P � y ��v~��.LL----- <br /> .•�.;},'� y y payments are due under the Natc,unttl the Natc is uid in full,u sum('Funds")far:tu)ycurl taxes ,r,;,=,- <br /> ;S„ ,;,;�.�!'� and assessments which may attain pdority over this Security Instrument as a licn on the Property;(b)yeurly Ieusehoid payments `'�":.�W�"- <br /> _ ' "� `�,.��,iJSi_� or ground rents on the PmpeRy,If any;(c)yeurly hazard�r property insurance prrmiums:(d)yeurly fl�x�d insurunce premiums. � 4 _ °' <br /> ,,,, �» ,,. :, _�, if any; (c)yearly mort�age insurance premtums, if eny;and(�any cums payable by Barrawer tn Lender, in uccardunce with �.._.._ <br /> thP rovisions of arn ra h 8, in lieu af the a ment af mort a e insurnnce remtums. Thc�se items urc called "Escrow Items." `°'��� <br /> �) • .3,'.� P P B P P Y S S P .'.�S�;T�=—_ <br /> ��� �` � L.ender may, at any time,collec[ and hold Funds in an amount nat ta exceed the maximum amount a lender for A falerally � . . . _�,r�-- <br /> � � , ;� �: related mortgnge loun muy require for Borrower's escrow uccaunt under the federal Real Estute Settlement Procedures Act of , ';�.""=" <br /> �` " ��� � l474 as amended from tlme to timo, 12 U.S.C. Section 26U1 et sey.("RESPA"),unless another law that appHes to the Funds � - <br />