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..j��.. _��'..�� � rfN•• r� .' � . '__'. .�. .__ __ <br /> �:� __._. __ ._.. _. . .. _. ..- — <br /> _°_�.�� - . -__ . ,.. -� ___�_ .____.._ <br /> = a -_ _�.�..y.a�.:� , �.Q��4 —r--- — � <br /> — . — . -��,. �-—� - - <br /> __ - — --�.� . . <br /> -3mmar��-r� S. Ht�zzard or PrapePty Insurnnce. Bnrrower shnil kcep the intpravementR naw exisdng an c�rca8er crected on 1hc <br /> � � Pmperty insured agulnst I�,ss by tiro, huzards included within the term "extended coveroge" and uny other hazardR. including <br /> tla�ds or ttoading. for wh{ch Lender requires lnsurance. Thin inr,urance shall be mu{ntained in the emountx and for the perladv <br /> _ thut l.ender reyuires.The insurance currier provlding the insumnce shull be cho.gen by Borrower subject to �ender's approval <br /> whfch shall not be unreASanably withheld. lf Barrower fafls to maintain caverage descdbed abave, l.ender may,at Lxnder's <br /> „, aptipn,.�btatn rnvernge to protect 1.ender's rights in the Property in accordnnce wlth parugmph 7. <br /> :�_-- —� AU Insurance policies tutd �e�tewals shall be:icceptable to Lender and shnit include u standard mangage clause. l.ender �"- "'" '�" <br /> shall {�uvo the right to hold the poUcies and renewals.IP Lender requires,Borrower shAU prompdy give to Lender all �eceIpte of <br /> �' ps�ld premiums und cenewul naticcs. In the event af lass, Barrower shull give pmmpt notice to the tnsurance carrier and Lender. <br /> _ �� Lender may make proaf af loss if not made promptly by Borrower. _ <br /> Unless l.ender nnd Barrower otherwifie a�ree in writin�.lnsurunce praceed4 sh�l! bc applied to restaation or repair of the <br /> . Property dumaged. if the rcstoration or repair is economicully feasiblc And I.ender's securlty is not Iessened.If the restoratton or <br /> - .��. <br /> �cpair is not econamicaily feasible�r I.ender's ucur�ty woutd be lessened,the insurnnce proceeds shnll be appited to the sums <br /> • secured by this Security inRtrument. whether or not then due, with �ny excess puid to Barrower. If Borcower abandans the <br />• -:>>i��+�`�� does nat answer within 3U duys a ►atice from Lender that the insurance carrler has offered a settle a cluim. then <br /> .Y;�..���.il�;'. <br /> 'I „ ,� :�,. �1 Lender rnay collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use tl�e proceeds ta repuir ar restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> � ' �•f'r;..-���;�� securcd by this Secarity Instrument,whether ar nat then due. The 30-day period will besin when the not�a is given, <br /> ; s�.fi;�t�w�'�° .� Un1e5s L.ender and Barrawer othcrwise agrce in wdting, any applicntian of procceds to princtpal shell twt extertd or <br /> , _�• .? w ;,�,�,' poupone the due date of the manthly payments referred to in paragraphs t und 2 or change the umount of the payments. If <br /> -=- "�'�._ --:.�.�', un�r r�+ragrn;.h 3! the Property f��rqnir�d by Leader. Borrower's rfght to any insuranca policles and proccr,ds �lii�g fram � . . - - <br /> °,.,- . damnge to the Property priar to the acquisition shall pnss to L.ender ta the extent of the sums secured by tha Securiry Instrument <br /> . - , immedistely priar to the ncqui�ition. <br /> �. " b.Occupancy, Pr�ervatton�Maintenanceand Protection of the Praperty;Borrower's I.oan Application;LeaseholdA. �• <br /> Borrower shatl accupy,establish,nnd u+�the Propecty as Barrower's principul residence within sixty daysaftcr the execution of <br /> � � . ' this Secudry Instrument and shaU continue ta occupy the Property es Borrower's prinripal residence for at least ane year after ��' <br /> . the date af occupuncy, uniess Lender otherwise agrees in writln�. which consent shnll not be unreusanubly withheld. or unless ,r�.>�,,._. <br /> . ,. '�,'�= <br /> � � extenuating circumstunres exist which ure beynnd Barrower's control. Borrower shull nat destroy, domage or impair tha •�.�_-•• <br /> . Propc.rty. ailow the Property to deterlorate, or cnmmit waste an thc Property. Borrowce shall be in defeult if Any forfeiture ^ �*;��� <br /> �l:l u <br /> . ' .. , actian ar proceedin�,whether civil or crirninal,is begun thut in L.ender's good fuith judgment muld result in forfeiture of the ' ��:r.�- <br /> , . �.�••: <br /> Property ar achenvise materiaily impair the lien crcated by Ihis Security Instnimcnt or L.ender's secutlty inkrest. Bnrcower may e " ''?-'�� <br /> ' .� - . <br /> °' '° cure such a defAUlt and reinstate,ag provided in para�rnph 18. by cuusing the uctinn or procecding to be dismissed wlth a ruling � <br /> � ��,. that, in Lender's gaod fuith dctermtnation, precludes forfcitwe of thc BorroN•er's interest in the Propeny or othcr materinl .,,. . �` � _ <br /> . �,� <br /> - impuirment uf the lien created by this Security lnxtrument or Lender's security interest. Barrower shall ul�o be in defAUlt if . <br /> Bormwe�,during the loan uppltcution pmeess,guve rnuterially fulse or inarcurute information or statements to Lender(or fai�ed „ <br /> , to provide Lender wlth uny muterial informutiom in cannection with the loun e��idenced hy the Note,including,but not limited ' _ <br />