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<br /> ' � aPP��Ct►nlo Inw mny epccify for rcinstntement)befora Aale aP thc Property pur�uant m any p�wer of r,nle rontnirted In thi�
<br /> � � ""�'_� Security Inatrumcnt;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thix Security InsUUment. 77�ose cortditions are that 9orrowcr. (a)
<br /> �� pnys i.ender Wl suma which then would be duo under thte Secudty Instrument and the Note as if no acceleratton had
<br /> oeeurred;(b)cures arty defuult of uny other eovenants or ogceementa;(e)pays all eapenses tneurmd in enfoceing this Seeudry
<br /> Inat�ument,lncluding,but not timited to, reasonable attorneys•fees; and(d)takea suah scUon as J.ender may ne�onubly
<br /> -- . requlre to asaure that the lien of thi»Security Instrument,L.ender's rtghts ta the Property nnd Bomower'a obligution to pay the
<br /> � ,,,i,...�_,,.;, ; y;__, . sums securrd by this Secudty Insttument shall condnue unchanged Upoa reinstatement by Borrower. thia Securlty
<br /> - �; lnst�ument and tha obAgadona secuted hereby shall remain fully offective as if no acceieratlon had occaned. Hotvever.this c
<br /> �,�.., dght to reinstate shaU pot apply in the easa of arceleration under paregraph 17.
<br /> '":'•�;:,,•;.�,,�Y*�, ' 19. Ss�lle of Nate;Cbange of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(tagether wtth this Secudty
<br /> `•;��>•��..•-:•,,��, Insuument)may be sold one or more times withaut pdor rtaatcc to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entIty
<br /> K�w"�� - �_� '± (knowa as tho"Loan Servlcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and thla SecurIty Instrumen4 Thero also
<br /> �� �?�` '�='• � ��` may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nate. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> �=r��� '.'� � � • -` Botrower wlll be given written notice of the change in acco�dance with paragraph 14 above and appHcuble law. The notice
<br /> ���, �,��.. will state the ntsme and address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments should ba made. The nodce wltl -�
<br /> .��'' also contain any other information requimd by appllca5le Iaw.
<br /> J . .,.� 20. Hazardous Substeaces. Bomower shaU not cause or permit the presence. use.dieposal.storage.or releASe of any
<br /> f �� • � Hazardous Substartces on or in the Property. Borrower shall aot do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting 1he
<br /> • ' Property that Is in violation of any EnvIronmental Laa+. The precedfng two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use.or
<br /> ;�', storage on tbe Property of small guantlties of Hazardous Substances that ate generally recognized to ba appropdate to normal —=
<br /> * � residend�l uses and to maintenance af the Property. —.
<br /> _ , .. _. Bocrower shell pmmpdy�ive Lender wrltten natice of any investlgation,claim.demand,lawsnit or other acdon by any
<br /> - - y ;o:�ernrnent�l as rcgulatary agcncj or priratc p�rty in:�oliing!he Property and any Hazsrdous Sabstenc?or Envlmnmental ��._
<br /> g V T ^ Law of which Borrower has actusl knowledge. If Borrower lr,erns, or �s notified by any govemmentnl or regulstory
<br /> � � • suthority, that any removal or other remedIadon of nny Hazardous Substance affecting the Property Is necessary, Borrower �
<br /> � � shail prompdy take r�ll neccssary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. �:`
<br /> • As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by R-
<br /> � Envlronme�tel Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other tlammable or taxic petroleum products,toxic �""K
<br /> • pesticides and herbicidea.volatile solvents.matedals containing acbestos or formaldehyde,and radioact�ve mater�als. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal luws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> ', that relate to health,safety or environmentul protecUon.
<br /> ! NON-UNiFORM COVENAIV'fS. Borrower and L.ender fuRher covenant and agree as follows: __
<br /> � 21. Acceleration;Remedlea L,ender ehell give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratton foUowing Borrower's ''-
<br /> breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instr�unent @ut not prior to acceleratioa wtder paragraph 17
<br /> - --- un:�s�pgl3catsk lsYr prnrldfs athemise?. '!'t:�aatls�shal!spect�y. {8)�4C il4�fl!lltj(�!)l�l4 8!`tl0n l4Qil�f4!'l!!!'1TlP �,'-
<br /> � . defaWt;(c)a date.not less then 30 daya from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by whtch the dePault must be ��
<br /> • ' cured;end(d)that tallure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in accelera8on of °=_
<br /> � � We sums secuted by thts Security instrument and sale of the Property. The aodce shall further tnform Borrower oi --
<br /> • . the rlght to reinstate at�er acceteration and the right to bring e court ection to essert the non-existence of a default or �
<br /> '� any other defense of Borrower to acceleration end sale. If the detault ts not cured on or betore the date spectfled In
<br /> the notice�Lender at its optton may requirc immed�ate payment(n thll of ull sums secured by thts Security lnstrument „
<br /> •� " without Yurther demand and may invoke the power of Rale and arey other remedies permitted by applicable law
<br /> '� Lender shall be entttled to rnlleM ell expen.s�incurred in p�irsutng the remedies provtded tn thts paregrgph 21,
<br /> •• includin�,but not Itmtted to.eeaconable attarneyA'fees and ca�tss of title evidence. •
<br /> . , I[the power ot snle Lg invoked.11rustee shall record a notice of dePsult in each connty in which any part of the
<br /> • � Propecty is Iocated und shaU mail rnpies otsuch noUce in the mantter prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> �A the other petsons pmsceibed by applicable luw �.fter the time required by upplicable law.'IYustee shull give publtc •
<br /> . nodce at sale to the persons end tn the manrter prescribed by applicable lew. 7lrustee,without demand on Borrower.
<br /> .. � shall sell the Property et pubUc auction to the htgh�t bidder at the time and place and under the terms deslgnated in
<br /> the rtotfce of sale in one or more parcelg end in any order 7Yustee determines. 1'rustee mey postpone sale of all or any
<br /> panrl of t6e Pmperty by public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sele. Lender or Its
<br /> designee mny purchase t6e i'roperty at uny rate.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment ot the prlce bid.11rustee shall deliver to the purchaser 1lrustee's daed conveying the
<br /> . Property: The recitels in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima tacie evidence of the truth ot the statements made theretn.
<br /> 'Ilrustee shall epply the praoeeds ot tl�e sale in the following order: la)to all costs and expenses of exercising the Rower
<br /> . �
<br /> . �
<br /> • _ _ -- — .-- --
<br />