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<br /> :.��°�.�.�,�� �'LD��[iTHF.R WITN nll thc improvcmcnt�nc�w ar herenRcr crectett on tho Prapctty,nnd all cuscmenta,eP�xt�ten�nce�,
<br /> -= - — piu!bixtureo nnw an c�reaftcr u purt uf tho{zropcny. Alr tcptaccmente and edditiona Rhdl also hcr cavereA by tht�Secudty
<br /> - --- tn�trument. All at tha fore��ln�1�rofamed tu in thlw Sccudty i►sstn�ment�s tha"Pmpcety:'
<br /> RARRQW�R�'AVE�I�ANT�thwt I�amawer ix IpwfLlly�eleed oP�he aAtaro hereby convoyed and has tho d�ht to arani
<br /> nnd cunvey thn 1'n�perty and thRt Ilw Property Ix unencumbered,oxcept for encumbr��ce3 af record. Bormwer wtrranw Wn4
<br /> will dofend�ener�lfy the tftb tv the Propeny�g�in�t ali cldmx and dem�nds,eubject to�ny encumM�nce�oP record.
<br /> - ---- -------_� TEf19 9�CllftiTY 1NST[t[lMNNT cMnbtncy uniform covonanta for natinnnl uFO and non•uniform covcnants with . ___
<br /> Itn�ited vari�Nona by JuriRdiction to constitute�unifonn Recurity in»trument covering rcal property.
<br /> UNIFORM COV6I�ANTS. Botmwer nad Lcnder covenant and agrco us follows:
<br /> 1. Pryment of Princlpd and Intereaq�eepryment and Late Chugee. Bortawec shall promptly p4y whea duo the
<br /> � pdnaipal af and interest on the debt avldenced by the Note and any prepuyment and Iate charges dua under the Note.
<br /> • 2. Funde br 1Mxa��nd Ineumnce. Subject to appltcnblo luw or to a wrttten waiver by Lertder.Borrowar ahall pay to
<br /> `•' •.� Lender on the day monthly psyment�ure duo under the Nate.undl the Note is paid la tt�U.a sum("Funds")for.(a)yeariy
<br /> -, �'^ uues und assessments which may atwin priarity over this Securlty Iastrua�eat as a lien on thc Property:(b)ycarly teasehold
<br /> +ri . payments or ground renta an the Property.if any; (c)Yearly hazard or pmperty iasurance premiums; (d) Yearly flood
<br /> .;� .,
<br /> �.: insurance premtwas,if any: (e)yearty mortgttge inauren�.e p�emlums, jf any:ertd(�aay sums puyable by Boirower w
<br /> i.ender,(n accocdance with the pmvistona of paragraph 8,in lleu of the paymeat of mortgage insurance premiwns• 7'hese
<br /> �� items arc caqed"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in en amount not to eaceed the maxlmum
<br /> amount a lender for s federally related mortgage loan may require for aorrower�s escrow account under th� federal R�al ,
<br /> Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as a�nanded from t�me to dme, 12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RPSPA").unless enother
<br /> �,,.r . ;„r� law that applies to the Funds sets a lesscr aatoun� If so.Lxndcr may,at any time.coUect and hold Funds in stn amount not W
<br /> __ • p.n� �w loacnr Qmn��nt I.encier may c.cdmate the amount of Fundc due on the bsals of cutteAt d8t8 artd c�easonable
<br /> t'���,`;•,•'_��' .:-v��. esdmates of expenditures of futum Escmw Items or otherwlse in accordance�.�ith applicable law.
<br /> ,f<,'-.
<br /> • "'�+ The F'Unds shall be held in an lnstitution whose deposIts are insured by a federal agency, insuvmentality,or eatlty
<br /> ,_. , ,. , .. ,:,.�,,,, ;; (including l.ender.if I.ender is such an insdtudon)or In any Federal Home Loan Bank. �.ender shall apply the FUnds w pay
<br /> -'^� '•�' - ' ' the Escmw Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> �,...,.
<br /> `� account,or vedfying the Escrow ItomF,unless Lender pays Botrower interest on the F1mds and applicable law pennits __.
<br /> � ' ��• � L.ender to�nake such a charge. However. Lender may requtre Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent ceal
<br /> ' estate tan reporting r,ervlce used by Lender in connecNon with this loan,unless appllcable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> ' asrecment is made or applicabls law requires interest to be paid,L,ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> �� - eamings on the Funds. Bomower and L.ender may agree in writtng,however,that interest shall be puld on the Ftmds. Lender
<br /> , shall give to Borrower.wt�hout:harge,an annual accountlns of the Funds,showing credlts and debits to the Funds and the -
<br /> � ' purpose for wt►Ich each debit to the Fhnds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums sectued by
<br /> _ _ _ '� tt�is Security Instrnment �
<br /> If the Fu�ds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shaQ account to
<br /> ' �� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance wlth the reyuirements of applicnble law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> � " Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender may so nottfy Borrower in wridng.and,In
<br /> ' � such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> " , defictency in no morc than twelve monthly payments.at Lender s sole discreNon. -
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secureci by this Secudty Instrumene.Lender shal!promptly refund to Borrower any --
<br /> �, � � � Funds held by Lender. If,under parngraph 21. L.ender shall acquire or sell the Property.L.ender,pdor to the acquis[tIon or -
<br /> � sale of the Property,shall apply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisldon or sale as a credit agatnst the sums
<br /> �, ' secumd by this Sccudry Instrument. __._
<br /> " 3. Applicatton ot Payments. Unless npplicable luw provides otherwise, all payments r+eceived by I.ender under -'
<br /> • purngmphs I und 2 shall bc applied:fint.to uny prepayment churges duc under the Note;second.to umaunts payable under �-
<br /> � .• � parugrnph 2;thicd.to intercst due;fourth,to principal due;and tast,to nny late churges due under the Note. T_.;
<br /> . 4. Chargesi l.iena Borrower shall pny all tuxes, assessmentc, churges, fines and imposidons attrlbutable to the �'3�
<br /> �, � Property which may attain priarity uvcr thi�Scrudty Instrument,und leacchold payments or�round mnts,if any. Bomower 1•`�
<br /> , •. . shall pay the.se obligattons in the munner provided ln para�raph 2,or if not puid in thut manner,Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices af amounts to be paid under .
<br /> � - this psuagr:tph. If Bonowcr roakes thcsc paymcnts dircctly,Borrowcr shal!pmmptly fumish to Lender reoPipts evtdencing
<br /> ' " the paymenGS.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dischurge uny lien which hati priarity over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> � In writing to the puyment of thc obligation securcd hy thc licn in a manner urrcptablc to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> �° � lien by,or defends ngainst enforcement of ttm lien in,legal proceedings which m the Lender's opinion operute to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien; or(c)securcc from the holder of the lien un agrcement�uti,factory to I.ender subordinating the tien
<br /> to this Securiry Inswment. If Lender dctermincs that any pa►t of the Property is subject to u licn which rnny ottain prioriry .
<br /> over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. IIorrc�wer�hall tiatisfy the lien or take
<br /> one or mare of the actions set forth ubovc within 10 duys of the giving of notice.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurence. Borrou�cr�hall kcep the improvemcnts now exi,ting on c�reafter erected on the •
<br /> � Property insured a�;unst loss by fire,har.urds included within the tertn"eztended c���•eragc"and uny other hazards,inciuding I
<br /> ; flaads or floodin�, for which Lender requircx inxurunce. Thiti in.urance shall be maintained m the amaunts and for the
<br /> ,
<br /> ' . Form302R 9I90 ipuKrl.,fnnaxe,i �
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