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<br />��-? L:�nd�rto prot�ct the seau►Iiy ot tR�Nots;(a)the psnarmancs of atl covenants and a�►s�msnU of T�una►wt to�th h�rNn;ana(d)a0 �
<br /> praeM�nd futur�Indebbdnns and oblipadona ot eonow�r(or any of tb�m�t mor�thon on�)to Lender whathe►EInoL tndinof�
<br /> t� absotute or contlnpvnt and wh�A�►��i�inp by nots,putnnty.ovKdnR or o�rwip.Th�Not�.thi�0»d of Trutt and�ny�nd�II
<br /> — olhsrdoawnbthat�eaun ths Noqor oth�iwiss�xecutsd In conn�atlon the�ewith,lnatudinpwit�out Ilmitttlon�uarant�a.NourHy
<br /> - -- prosnwnb�tnd astbnmmb of IaM��nd ranb��hatl b��Nened to hsran a th�"Laan InstrurtNM�".
<br /> � Trustor covenants and syrees wlth lender ee tollows:
<br /> � 1.Pa�n�t o0 tnd�M�dn�►.All indebtedness�eaured heredy ohal{be paid when dua. � -
<br /> +�� 2.Tlli�.Tn»tor Is th�ownsr of the Propsny.has the ripht and�uthority ro aonwy th�Prop�Ky,and wstnnts Mat tM Il�n
<br /> created hersby la a tir�t end pdor Ilen on the Properiy,except for Ilene end enoumbranoes�et torlh by T�ustor in w�lUnp and _
<br /> .� delivered to Lendsr betoro sxeautlon of this Oeed ot Trust,and the sxecutlon and deflvery o t t h i s D e s d o t T n►a t d o e s rt a t v i o l a t s an y
<br /> " " �ontract or other obllQadon to which Trwtot Is nub�eat
<br /> �"i5�`��' '� 3.T�x�A�trNnb.To pay before deUnquertay ell taxee.epeolat assaaaments and eil other chnrpae apa�nst ths Property
<br /> y�'.�..a .
<br /> �r�•:: now or hereetiter levled.
<br /> '��`'��""' ''' 4.Imuanc�.To keep Me Pro9ertyrinaured epalnet damnpe by flre,ha:ards inoiuded within the term"extended aoverape",and �___, __
<br /> .�.,;,.��,:,.
<br /> "� '�'-'�r�,� � euch othsr hau�r6a es Lende�may require,tn amounb and witt�campaniea acceptabls to Lender,naminp Lender as an addldonai
<br /> c 1e.R�:��;��:F�y�.-:'
<br />� ���x•. :r• ^t�••�" named inaured,witi�loae payable to the Lender.In oase ot Ioas undor such poilaiea,the 4snder fa authorized to adJuat,co�teat and -
<br /> ` ^" �� �`��� compromlee,atl ataima tt►ereunder and ehait have the option of apptying aU or part o}the Insurence proceeds(i)to any indebtadneas
<br />'� � � � � .:�� eecured hereby and in euah order ea Lender mey determine,(U)to the Trwbto�to be used for the repair or resto►aUon,of the Propsriy
<br /> �� �� ' .,'}. ' � or(iil)tor any other purpose or objeat sadafaatory to Lendar without atteodnp the I len of thls Deed of Truat tor the futl amount eecured -
<br /> � :�� • • �• ;:��;•,` hereby before suoh payment ever took place.Any applloation of proceede to Indebtadness ahali not extend or poatpone the due _._
<br /> . � . r date oi any paymenta under the Note.or cure eny detautt thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> � ' a.Esc�ow.lJpon rrriltan demand by Lender,Truator ehall pay to lender,in euoh manner as Lender may desipnak,suf(icient
<br /> t i l'' sums to enabte Lender to pay as they becomo aue one or more ot�he foiiowing:(i}aii Enxem,nsoaasmars�and attscr char�aQ�tstK �- --
<br /> � • the PropeAy.(iq the premiums on the property insuranc:e required hereunder,and(tii►the premiuma on any mortpage lrtaurencs �"`� _
<br /> • F" required by Lendor.
<br /> � ' 8. �Adnt�n*na��R�p�ira and Comp!lanc�wilh Lows.Trustor shait keep the Property in good aondidon end repatr,ehali �,q'.�
<br /> promptly repalr,or reptace any improvement whioh may be damaged or destroyed;ehall�ot commit or permit any waete or �'�
<br /> detertoraUon ot the Properry;ehall not remove,demolish or substantiatly alter any ot the tmprovementa on the Properiyr;shall not �-�..
<br /> commit,suHer or permit any aat to be done in or upon the Property in vlolaUon of eny taw,ordlnance,or reguiadon;and ehall pay and �__
<br /> " promptiy disaherge at Truetor's coat and expense all tiena,encumbrancea and charges levled,imposed or aesesaed againat the `{_- -
<br /> • • Properly or any paR thereof. �""
<br /> • 7. Fmin�M Dom�in.Lender Is hereby assigned all compensation,awards,demages and other puymenta or relief(herelnafter �_�.__'°"
<br /> � "Proceeds'7 in Conneadon v�ith condemnatlon or other taking of the Property or pa�t thereof, or tor conveyance in Iteu ot r�,__
<br /> candemnaUon.Lender shali be endtted at Ita op�on to commence,appear in and proseaute in its own name any aation or �,�
<br /> proceedings,anC ahalt atso be enUUed to meke any compromise or setdement in connectlon wlth such taking or damage.ln the f�.-. -
<br /> event any poRion of the Properry fs so taKen or damaged,Lender ehali have the option,in ifis sola dh8 86soiut8 d18or8Uon,ia a�s�lyr �� °
<br /> �� ail such Proceeds,aiter d'oducd�g therefrom ail costs and expenses incurred by it in connection with auch Proceeds,upon any � y y. '�.-
<br /> indebtednese seaured hereby and in auch order es Lender may determine,or to Appty alt such Proceeds,after such deducUone,to �" "
<br /> the restoraUon ot the Property upon suah condlGons as Lender may determine.Any appiicado�of Proceeds to indebtednesa ahBli �-••--
<br /> not extend or postpone the due dete oi any paymenta under the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder or heruunder.Any unapp�led �"�� --
<br /> :;_,
<br /> -•� • tunds shall be paid to Truetor. •
<br /> . 8. Ptrtomu�ne�br L�nd�t.Upon the occurrence of an Evdnt ot Oetault hereunder,or If any act fa taken or Iega�proceeding
<br /> ' commenced which materialiy aftecta Lender's interest In the Property,Lender may In its own discreUon,but without obligation to do
<br /> " � so,and wlthout notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Truator from any obligation,do any aat which Truator hes
<br /> . agreed but fai�s to do end may also do any oft�er act It deems necessary to protect the eecurity hereot.Trustor shail,immediatety "�
<br /> upon demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender atl costa and expenses incurred and aums expended by Lender in conneatlon wtth '�'
<br /> • the exerclse by Lender ot the forepoing rlghte,together wllh Interest thereon at the defautt rate provlded In the Note,which eha�l be , _
<br /> addeSl to the Indebtednes8 secured hereby. Lender shalt not fncur any liabillry beceuse of anything It mey do or omit to do . ,�
<br />. . hereunder.
<br /> � 9. H�sardous Mate�lats.Truetor ehell keep the Property In comptiance wfth ail appitcabte Iaws,ordinances and regutstlons �• �.
<br /> retadng to induBtrlai hygiene or environmental protection(cottectively referred to hereln as"Envfronmentel Laws").Trustor ahalt �;;;r
<br /> keep the Property tree irom aII subatancea deemed to be hazardous or toxfc under any Environmentel Laws(colieotively reterred to �
<br /> ' - hereln as"tfazardous Materlais'7.Trustor hereby war►e�ta And representa to Lender thet there are no Hazardous Materia�s on or
<br /> under the Property.Trustor hereby agrees to fndemnity and hotd harmiess lender.Its dlrectors,atticers,emptoyees and agente,and I _
<br /> any successore to Lender's tntereat,from and against any and a!1 clalms,demagea,�osaes and Iiabf�ltfes arlsfng tn connectlon wlth
<br /> • the presence,use,dleposai or transport o}•any Hazardous Materlais on, under,}rom or about the Properry.TNE FOREt301N0 ( .
<br /> 10. AssiOnment ot Renb.Truetor hereby assigns to Lender the rents,Issues and proftts of the Property;provided that Trustor �
<br /> shall,undi tfie occurrence af an Event ot Default hereunder,have the right to cotlect and retaln such rents,issues and profits es they �
<br /> become due and payabte.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Oefautt,lender may,efther fn person or by agent,with or wfthout
<br /> bringing any actlon or proceeding,or by a recelver appotnted by a court and wlthout regard to the adequecy of tb securlry,enter �
<br /> ' upon end teke possesslon ot the Property,or any part thereof.In its own neme or tn tha name of the Trustee,and do any acts whlch it
<br /> deems necessary or deairabie to pre8erve the vaiue,marketablllty or rentebiiity ot the Property,or any part thereof or interest thereln,
<br /> Increase the income therefrom or protect the securlry hereot and,wlth or without takfng possesslon of the Property,sue for or ;
<br /> otherwlae coliect the renta,isauea end proflts thereof,includtng those past due and unpald.and appty the same,Ieas costs and
<br /> ' expenseS of operatlon end coltectlon fnc�uding attorneys'tees,upon any mdebtedness secured hereby,ali in such order as Lender
<br /> may determine.The entering upon and taking possesalon of the Property,the collection ot such rents,issuea and proftts and the
<br /> eppllCation thereof as atoresaid,ahall not cure or walve any detault or notice ot defautt hereunder or Invaltdate any act done In
<br /> • • response to such default or pursuent to such notice ot detault and,notwithstendfng the continuance in possesslon of the Property or
<br /> the collection,recefpt and application oi rents,tssues or proilts,and Trustee and lender shali be entltled to exercise every right
<br /> provlded tor In any of the Loan lnstruments o�by law upon occurrence of any Event of Detault,Inciuding without Ilmitatlon the right
<br /> to exerclee the power oi sale.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under thls paragraph shal�be cumulativo with,and In no way a
<br /> Ilmifation on,Lender's rights end remedles under any assignment of leases and rents recorded agalnat the Properry.lender,Trustee
<br /> and the receiver shait be tlabte to account only for those rents ectualty recelved.
<br /> � t t. Evenb of Deteul�The following shall constitute an Event ot Oefault under th�s Deed ot TrusC
<br /> ., e.....,•►.a.
<br /> '— ,------' .'- -.. _ . . ..... .- '- --..--'..__._u�__._��.���i..�i...i..�...�e�..� n.�.h cnr�.roA hnrnhv�uhan rluw•
<br /> '- �....,__... . _ . .._
<br /> . . (p� rtliW(C W ay a�r tt�owunw�w v.y.u.vq.u.v. ...•v.vv.v.....�........ ��...____'__ ""._ "' ' __'•
<br /> (b) A breach ot or de}ault under any provisfon contalned in the Note,this Deed ot Trust,any of the Loan Instruments.or any
<br /> other Ifen or encumbrance upo�the Property;
<br /> - (c) A writ o1 oxecutlon or attachment or any simiiar process shflll be entered against Trustor which shali become a�fen on
<br /> '.� the Property or any portlon thereot or Interest therefn;
<br /> (d) There 8hell be fl�ed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an ectlon under any preaent or tuture tederai.state or other
<br /> •� atatute,taw or reputatlon reiedng to bankruptcy,lnsolvency or other re�iet tor debtors:or there shali be appofnted any trustee,
<br /> recelver or tiquldator of Truator or Borrower or oi ali or any part oi the Property,or the re�ts,tssues or proflts thereot,or Trustor
<br /> or 8orrower shell make any generat assignment tor the beneflt of creditora;
<br /> ' (e) The sale.transter,tease,assignmen�conveyance or turther encumbrance of ati or any part of or any Intereat In the
<br /> �" PropeAy.�ither vo�unterl�y or fnvotuntarlly, without the express written conaent of Lender; provided that Trustor ahall be
<br /> t permltted to execute a lease ot the Properly that doea not contaln an optton to purchase and the term ot whlch does not exceed
<br /> one year,
<br /> ' . (� Abandenment ot the Property;or
<br /> . . ._._i _ __ -
<br />