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�• � . �__ _ � . _ _ . <br /> �, w:AJ� Y•�+'i.r M:.. . .-'- <br /> �r' n .; <br /> ii� <br /> � , ..1 � r�""' �� ." ,'.;: <br /> . <br /> . ` " _-..�4wl-q - � - . ..__._—-._ <br /> .. �'':^ <br /> .: --,__.�...�...,:� .. g�'��ota4�3 F - -� <br /> ° 17.Transfer at the Property or a Iknef[ctal Interest ir Borrower. If all or any part of tha Property or any interest ln it <br /> — ---- -- is sold or transfeaed(ar jf a beneficlal interest in 8onower is sold or transferred and Bonower ia nat s natural person)wlthout <br /> l.cnder's priar writt:n conscnt. Lender muy. nt its aption. requfre Imincdiau payment in fiall of nl! sums �ccured �iy this <br /> �,- ' Security In3trument. However.this aptton shsll not be exercised by Len3er if exerclse�s prohibited by federal law us of the date <br /> -- -- of thfa Secudry Iastntment. <br /> -- If Lender exercises thla option,Lender shall gtve Borrower notice of acceleratioa. The notIce shdl provide a pcdod of aot <br /> - less than 30 days fmm the dgte the nottce ia delivered or mailed wlthin which Bonower mnat pay all sums securod by this <br /> — - Secur�ty Insttument. if Bbrrower fails to pay thesc sums prior to the expiradon af thla pedody I.cnder may invoke any remedies <br /> ` (setmitted by this Suutity�trtstryment wtthout further notIce or demand on Barrower. <br /> �1 18, BotTOwer'e Right to Reinstate. If Horrawer meeta certain conditions, Borrower shall have the dght to havc c= <br /> enforcement of this Security Instnunent discontinued at any time pdor to the earlier af: (a)S days(ar such other periad as <br /> � I applicable law may sp�cify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power uf sale contatne� ln this <br /> Securi3y Instrument;ar(b)entry of a judsment enforung this Security Instnunent. Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays <br /> � Lender all smns whlch then would be due under thts Security Instrument and the Note as if no scceleration had occurred;(b) <br /> � cur�+xny default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incuaed in enforc[ng this Secudty Instrument, <br /> .,,,�;.. _,,,�„, fncluding, but not limlted to,reasonable attorneys' fees; and(d)takes such actbn as i.cnder may reasonably require to assuce <br /> '��s�r� that the lien of this Security Insuument, Lender's rlghts in the Property and Borcower"s obligation to pay the sums securc�by - <br /> ` this Security Instrument ehnll contirtua•unchanged. Upon reinstatement by }3ottower, thls Sec�urity Instrument and the <br /> ,i��� i''�'r�i� obllgations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as lf rto acxeleratton had occurred.However. this r�ght to reinstate ahall <br /> � ,;,��., : .,,�. .���� nat epply in the case of acceleration undcr paragraph 17. <br /> ���. ; �, 19.Sale of Note; Chanse of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with thia Security <br /> Insm►ment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A aale may result in a change in the entiry(known <br /> '� �.�:'�'�i� as the "Loan Servfcer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secudty Instrument.There alsa may be one - <br /> '^ ' . ;���� ar more changes of the Loan Servicer untelate�l to a eale of the Note.If there is a change of the I.oan Servicer,Borrower wlll be � <br /> ,.r : <br /> __._ _-__._— ' �lvsn wdtten n�tirr�f thP chnn�r in acrnrdence with paragraph 14 above and epplicable law.The notice will statethe name and — <br /> • � - addrcss of the new I.ocin Servicer and the address to which payments should be tnede.The notice will alsocontain eny other <br /> informatioa required by applicable law. _. <br /> ; 20.Hazardous Substences. Borrower shap not cause or permit the p.escncc, use, disposal. storagc,or release af any <br /> ; . ., `: Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do. any�h�ng affecting the <br /> � " Property that is in violatton of any Environmental Law. The precedin�two sentences shall not apply to the ptesence, use, or —_ <br /> `�� � •�•� starese on the Property of small qusntltles of Hazardous Substances that are generally reco�nized to be appropriate to normal <br /> �� reaidcntial uses and ta maintenance of the Property. �` <br /> ' Borrower shell promptly gtve Lender written natice of any investigation,claim. demand. lawsuit or dher action by any "° <br /> , govemmentul or re�ulatory agency or privnte party involvin�the Praperty and any HazArdous Substance or Enviranmental Law �'• <br /> of which Borrower ha+ actual knowiedge. If Borrower learns, ar is nutified by nny governmental ar regulatory autharity,that -- <br /> any removal or other rcmediatian of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Praperty�s necessary,Borrower shall promptly take , <br />_ _ � _ all necessury remedial actions in accordunee with Environmental Law. �°.: <br /> Ax used in this paragn►ph 20, "Ht�.ardous Substances" are tho�e substances defined ac toxic or hazardaus rubstances by — <br /> '. Envirc�nmental Law and thc fallowing substances: �asoline, kerasene, other ilammuble or toxic petroleum products, roxic ----- <br /> pesticides and herbicide,, volatile solvents,materials contuining asbestos or tormaldehyde,and radioactive rn�teriats. As used in `*, <br /> " this parugraph �0, "Environmental Law" mcans federal laws and laws ot the ju risdiction where the Property is located that --+,� <br /> • relate ta health,safety or environmentul protection. <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower und I.endcr furthcr c��venunt und agree as follows: <br /> 21.Edcceleratian; Remedies.I.ender shall�ive notice to&�rrawer priur to acceleration following Borrower's breach <br /> of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prtor to acceleration under paragreph 17 untess <br /> wpplicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a)the detault; (b)the action required to cure the dePault; <br /> , (c)a date, not less than 30 days from the date the nutice is�iven to Borroxer,by which the default rnust be cured;and <br /> �� td)that feflur�to cure the defautt on or bePore the dute specified !n the notice may result in acceleretfon of the sums ,, <br /> secured by this Security Instruntent and s�le of the Property.The nntice shall further inform Borroeer of the ri�ht to <br /> d� reinytate aRer accelcration and the riRht to brin� a caurt action to acsert the non-rxtstence ot a defeult or any other <br /> detense of Borrower to acceleration and�ale. If the default Is not cured on ar betore the date Ypec(fled in the nottce, <br /> I.ender,st its option. may reyuirn immediate puyment in full �►f all sw»s secured by this Security Imtrument w(thout <br /> • furlher demand and rnuy invoke the powcr�►f u►le und uny ather rcmedtes permittcd by upplicuble lax. I.ender shull be <br /> � a ntltled to collect all expensc+inrurred in punuin�;the remedi�w provid��d in thix paru�ruph 21.tncluding� but �ot limited <br /> , to,reaxnnable attorney+'f��and cost+of tittc cvidencc. � <br /> �• It thep�nver c�f tiule iti inv��ked, Trustee shull rrcord u notire of default in each county in which an�� pert of'the <br /> Pn�pert�• is lt,cuted and shall mail copie:+��f xuch notice in the munner prescrilKd bv applicable�aw ta Rurrower and to <br /> thcother per+onti prescritxd b�•applicablc lu���.After the timc required b�• upplicable lu���.Trust�r shallgive public nntice <br /> - „ ��f udi tn the perconc nnd in the munner prexribed by applicuMe lu�r.Tru+tc�e,w•ithout demand on I3orro�►�rr,shnil sell <br /> . • the Pro�xM�•i�t pui�lic nuction to the hi�;hiwt bidder ut the time and place and under the terms d�wi�nated tn the nottce of <br /> ' � tiutc In onr or mnrc purccix►md in unc ordcr 7'ru+tcc dctcrmines.Truzt�ti ma}{x�.rtpc�ne�alc of ull or an�p�rcel of the <br /> '' I'rup�rt� b� publh unnaunccmcnt ut thc timc und plucc e►f nn� pre�ioutil� uhcdulcd xulc. Lcndcr crr its dcwtgnec may „ <br /> punhii+c thc Propert� ut um sulc. <br /> Fam 3028 8/80 � <br /> , ��.,.,��.,��. <br /> I <br /> " i <br /> t <br /> ...- � � <br /> _. <br /> $ i ' <br /> ;.� <br /> . + <br /> z� <br /> , <br /> � . <br /> . ! <br /> , _ �- _ _ <br />