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.�-�. <br /> -_ _�.. 't .- - --- -- -.. -, „ __- <br /> �-- <br /> i ! `� <br /> . .:..,. � ._ ._....._:— :.-- <br /> � __.._ _ �___ ��__ ____��__�. A—�_ ______. _.�� <br /> K .- ----- - .,.J . �4• i��33 <br /> _ TOOBTHER WITH ail tha Improvements now or hercafter erated on the pmperty.rmd all easements.appurtenanc�s,and <br /> -- — flxcures naw on c�re.3Rcr A psut of tho properiy. AU replucementR nnd ad�ittona ah�ll ulso be covered by this Securlty <br /> •�� Inst�ument. All of the foregoing!s referrcd to In this Secudty I��strument ax the "Property." <br /> BORROWBR COVRNYANTS thut Borrower is lnwfuHy�seised of tho estnte hereby conveyed und hav thc right to grnnt and <br /> � convoy the PmpeRy and thut the Property is unencumbereit. except far ertcumbrnnces of record. Horrower wuttuntK unei wlll <br /> -= — defend generally the titlo to the Property ogainst all cluim.g and demanda.subject to any encumbrances of recard. <br /> ` -- — THIS 38CURITY 1NSTRUMENT combines unlform covenunts for natianal use und non-uniform covenenta with IimIted <br /> variations by Juri�sdiction to consdtute a uniform security lnstrument covedng real property. G <br /> �,. ; UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonawer and Lender covenant und agrce es foltawR: <br /> � 1. Payment ot Principal and Interestt Prepayment and Late Charges. Barrower shall promptiy pay when duo the <br /> � principal of and interesc on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepstyment und lute churge.s due under the Note. <br /> 2. Ftinds for Taxes and Insurnnee, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to <br /> ,�, - t, ,� I.ender on the day monthly payments sre due under the Nate.until the Note is paid in full.a sun�("Funds') for:(a)yeurly tnxes <br /> � ,.;;a.., I and assessments whfch may attain prlorlty over this Security Inatrument a�a lien on thc Property;(b)yearly lcasehold puyme�ts <br /> _ 'fvJ.,.. l:NJFY"s'.j I —__ <br /> ��#°�m,�,�{�y � or�round rents an t�e Pmperty.if any;(c)yc�dy hazard or properry insurance pmmiums;(d)yearly tload insuranco premfums. <br /> "� if any:(e)yearly mortgoge insurance premiums. 1P any; und(�any sums payable by Hotrower ta L.endcr. in acwrdance wtth <br /> '�`A��''�� ����° }' ''* the rovisians of ara ra h 8, in lieu of the <br /> �/'`� �Y. ,; „ ,,. ,�_ p p � p payment of martgage Insurance premiums.These Items are called "Escrow Items." <br /> � �� � L,endcr may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an iunount not to exreed the maximum amount a lendcr for a federally <br /> • • • ` related morigage laan may requlre for Borrower's escrow uccount under the federal Restl Estata Settlement Procedures Act af <br /> ti• ••�`� �+ '� 1974 as amended fram time to time. 12 U.S.C. Settion 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),untess enother law that applIes to the Funds <br /> - - � sete a lesser amo►mt. If r�, Lender may,at any tfine,collect and hold Punds fn an amount not to exceed the lesser nmount. �– <br /> -- -----�---�--� Lender may es[imate[he arnoun[of Funds due on the busis of currem elaw and rrxsunabir estimaics uf r+��;c�iJiiu�ra uf tatuie <br />