�„ .. .....
<br /> "' '�l�R.�4ritr_�ftM'�i " . _ _ ...
<br /> .. _
<br /> ,
<br /> _ ._ . .....:�.r!- . r:..� . . ___
<br /> . .–__ �... . . ._ � ' ' _ _ _ .. . —� ' - . . - _
<br /> ' , gas.,,.'7.+:.�;.�r .
<br /> , +...
<br /> •,,,
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<br /> .. . ... . ..v
<br /> _ .__...
<br />— • ' { .. " ' ' . � ... . _.___
<br /> . .. . . . . . ✓i " "_' . . . -
<br /> . _ _ - "r�.�,. �,dM'� ' �.��..._._� –'" "--.'--._. __-. _
<br /> . ew�lfeM�R..�� , .
<br /> ����
<br /> . ��M:�":fiSA".'�'"V�;.
<br /> . s^....Ai�,7rLi'.HI}.
<br /> ' r.� • , T�unort�l Mr�by w�r►anq thst TNStod�)hoids f���npl�dtt�to tM�bon dowr(bb prcperty,ttcat Tn�atarfo)has�en�!UwflA wthoAty w �,-_, -_ ..� _ .__.
<br /> dad�nd�noumber tM�s�rte. ttut tM propariy t�ir�s��l o��ar oi NI Ilein and �naumbtatic�s,�xa�pt�nournbnncu af reoaM. �nd th�t E, ,.,-_.y.�_x
<br />' ��"" ^ TruatoH�1 wlll w�nsni�nd d�f�nd tM DiaP�rt1►�at Tnistod�)• n�o,�pdrMt�il al�tmante whom�wver. Ta�tm(�1�la f��by wahw��1 _ ..._�_.�
<br /> ' :�".;•. nilnqut�hh Mi dphts of dowa.MornRStud�distrlbWw sMn.�exwnptlon tn�nd to tiw�bow daorfbsd ptop�Ry
<br /> �s� °,..L TnMtotte)��d aaf�of tMtn(urtiw oov�wn��M�yraM Md►i�flaiary w faMowss -
<br /> ;�. . • --
<br /> ,� •. ° i� t. To p�y�Il ll�n�,p+dOnMnt�,a otMr N�ab pdmt th�ProP�nY��nd to p�Y wMn dw aM w�nb,t�.nM�,tw�,nr ah�►pM
<br /> . � , � upotl tla D�nWn1►ot wfda sny I�ss��P�mdt.IIC�MY� ar pri�l�p�asipmd to brntloi�ry N�dditlonM t�oudq to thie Tnm D«d. GwN+d�nO a;._�._
<br /> . .. ° .. tho»In or on pubto dom�in. - _ -
<br /> .
<br /> ...
<br /> ....._
<br /> t �-• - --__
<br /> � ? Z. To(ewr��nd Iu�P Ineund buNdinp��nd ot�r tmprowm�rrt�InoNidinp flzauti�nd naohm�flt�now on or MrMfta plaob on tl�prop�etY r��•...--
<br /> to tM a�U�t�otlon ot B�rNfloi�ry.Suah I�wuano�wW b�pprowd by�nd drpo�it�d witA B�rnflol�ry.�nd�ndon�d witA tas�pay�bi�at�us�to :•>,--_-
<br /> , ., . B�n�+flot�ry. Any wrta�o nosiwd by B�mflelary m�y M us�d to p�y to�reoomuuatlon of th�dt�uowd knprowrtwrt�or If not�o�ppNrd emy �__-
<br /> , � M appQ�d,�t tlw opdon of B�n�Aal�ry,tn paym�M of�ny fnd�Et�dnn�rtwtund or unnMtu►d aound by t�t�Tru�t ONd. • :t�='°:,.-__-_
<br /> ' '% ti�,�---
<br /> ' �nd otfwr Mprowm�et�now on or M►�sfar p��o�d on tM prap�rty oaauq�d�nd In pood ropdr, �� �`��"'�-
<br /> � a. To kNp eIi buibtnp�,flxtuns,�ttaolrrnM�� • ,:���;=_----
<br /> �.malnt�nna�,�nd oondWao and to MltM�oommlt na pannit my soU of rr�st�o►�nY�P+�m»�of tM vaiw of tM proWRY, 6�mfldMl�Y �' .. �..___ - - ---
<br /> .. ��nur upon tM prop�rly to insp�ot ths�o►to p�dorm�ny��utlati��d Mni�or tn tM to�n a��M1�1. ••"�'�C�c4�r�,..
<br /> ; �s.:�"�'k�r►1�_.�,.
<br /> ' ��.;=-.-=
<br /> 'j 4. In tl»waM Taaorltl f�ib to p�y any�ims.JiWpnNMs,�s�n�rnt,t�ca� nM�.t�„,or ohup�s or mM�ie�ny[MUnno�on tM : . ,.�f��'r�
<br /> ptoperty.buitdlnps,flxturos,stt�ohmanls,or tmprov�ments N provtd�d MrNn or in the to�n apreen�nt(s),B�rnfloUry.�t to�optlon,mry m�k�
<br /> .u�•_
<br /> � woh paym��or proNd� Imunna�,malMen�na�,or �pYn�nd�ery amou�u paid tM»for wiU b�oom�p�n of th�pd�oip�t Ind�bt�d�u ' T. :;,�i�,"�'�,:�5:
<br /> ' s�aund Mnby,b�imm�disteiy Ou��ed Wy�bl�and b�ar int�nat at tM d�f�utt ryts proNd�d in th�not�t�l Bom tM d�U of p�ynNnt u�ll pald. "`v
<br /> Ths�dvana�mmt by 8enefloisry of arry suoh amouM�wUi in no menn�r Iimit tM dpht of B�n�ttoi�ry to d�W�re Twstorb)in dNwlt or acsraiw :'�-:_'�`
<br /> any of BsnMoi�ry's other�Iphta aid�«nsdle�. � 5,.-�'--
<br /> __ ..... ... .. ..... _ .
<br /> .. B. tn ehs sveerc 8enefioiery is a puty tu oi�y i{U�-i=ar:tl:Mlsp tls�p►e^e►�Y o►tM Usn of W�Tru�t Osed.indudin0 arn►aotlon bY 8�neflolM►to ^ -
<br /> enforas tAts Teust O�sd or any wit tn whiah Bsnsfldary b nsrned a dst�nda►t tineludinp aond�mn�tion and buAwptoy proee�dinp�l BeneRof�ry �'-- -- •-
<br /> may tnour��»nsa�nd�dveno�paym�nq ior absuaot U�s,momeSn f�a l��exnM attow�d by taw).oosa,�nm•�ppnt�al t�.and ° ` �`,R;::-
<br /> otMr ch�rpss and any�mount�w�dvmoed wtli beoome p�tt ot tM pdnoip�t ind�btedn�ss�eound h�nby.b�tmnsdiately dus�nd psy�Dls and , ' , � � ��;.,.
<br /> • bar intan�t�t ths dsf�uit nts provtd�d in tM notNd from tlu d�t�of�dvano�wttil paid. �'�"�W'`
<br /> ,� -
<br /> 0. Any�w�rd�mads to Trustodd or thelr suooesson by ths�xerotss of emtnent domdn�ro Mraby a�ipned to Bsn�flol�ryj and B�n�flo:try u ' ri Y-:�;
<br /> ' Mr�by euthodsed to ooll�ot�nd ippty the�rns in p�ymant of my ind�btednas,maturo or urnmtund,��m+red by tHs T�ust D�d. —
<br /> 7. In ths event Trustor(s� deteuit� in tht paymsnt wMn dus of�r►y sum�srourod hsnby(pdnolpai,IM�rNt,�dwno�ntr,or prot�otiw
<br /> �dwnass>, o�felis to perfomn a obwrw eny oovenanq �nd oonditions oonWn�d Mnin, in ths aot�t�), Oan pr�nent�s).ar �ny otMr - -
<br /> tnftrum�nq,or any proaesdinps N broupht by or apsinst Ttu�torpl und�r��/8anktuptoy I�wo,B�ndioi�ry.�t itt opUon,tn�y��olw thr�nUn ' �, w� ,
<br /> Indebtsdness seoured hereby to be immedietety due snd psyrWe and the whols wfll b�ar inte»at at tM d�fwit at�a�proNd�d In tM noa(t) , ��
<br /> �nd 8srnflalery rtwy tmmsdist�ly wthori:�Twstss to�x�rob�th�Pow�r o!8�1�pnnud h�nin in tM m�nn�r proNd�d in th�N�brMka Ta�tt .
<br /> = �¢A�������yQ�QZ����tery,m,►y tereotose N�s Trua Osed in th�rtannsr proNded by taw tor tM tor�olown of moetpp�s on '�
<br /> roel property,inatudinp the appdntrne� of s Reoeiver upon�x parte applloadon,eotios beinp heroby��realy wrw0,without nWrd to the � -
<br /> velue ot the property or the wfAoiently thereof to Eleoharps the dndebtednees eeaurad hereby er in ths loan apreementtt). D�I�y by BrneflciMl
<br /> tn exeroteinp Ib�i4hn upon detautt wW not be oonmued es a wdver thereof end srh►aot ot Beneflolsry wMNnp�ny�p�oifled d�fait w�i not M
<br /> oonsuusd as a wdvsr of eny tuwrs detwit. If tP►s prooeeds under suoh�ete or foreo�oars sn inwt}loisnt to pay the toW indebtedn�st aout�d
<br /> hsreby.Trustot(�)do heroby aproe to be peraonefly bound to pay ths unpeid bdsnoe,end 8ensflolery wi0 bs entltled to e detiobnoyN+dpm��t. •
<br /> a. Shouid BsneNolary eleat to exeroiie tho Power of 8ete aranted herain,8eneflolery witl ooUty Trustee who will teoord,publlaA,tnd deUver to
<br /> Trustor(�)suoh Notios of Detault and Notloe af 6ete es then requlred by law and wtU in the menner provided by Isw.ssli the prop�rty et ths tlme �
<br /> end plaoe ot�eie flxed in the NoUoe of Sele,either es a whots or in separete lot�,psroets,or keme and in tuoh order ss Trunee wiA deem
<br /> expedisnt. Any penon mey bid et tM�ele fnoludinp Tru�tor(tl,T�u�tee,or 8eneflolery. �'
<br /> ��
<br /> 8. Truttot(s)hereby requeata e eopy of any Nodoe of Oetault or Notloe of Seie hereunder to be meiled by oertlfled matl to TNrton�)et tM
<br /> �V�
<br /> addresstee)set toRh heroin. �„�y ��'
<br /> � 10. Upon det�ult,8ensflolsry,�Ither In penon ot by opent, wlth or without bdnginp any aodon or prooeedinp and wlth ot without rspnd to tM � �-,�f y�
<br /> vdue of the property or the eutAotenoy thereof to dfeoherpe the indebtednees eeoured hereby,is eutho�i:ed and entltled to entar upon and teke ��•� T �
<br /> ponsss�ton ot the property in ft�owo neme or In tM e►ems of the Tru4tee end do eny aots or sxpsnd e�y sume It deemf oece�Wry or d�sirebte ,�h .
<br /> to proteot o�preaerve the vaiue ot the property or eny intereat tMreln,or inoreeoe the inoome therefrom;and with or without takinp po�sssdon �,
<br /> of the property ia euthodzed to eue for or otherwise ooqeot the rente,iesues,orop�,proflts,entl inoome thereot,inotudinp tho�e psst due and � , �.�
<br /> unpetd,and spply tho semo upan any Indobtedneas eeoured hereby or In the toen aproement(s). I .?�,�
<br /> No remedy heteln oonterred upon or reeerved to Tastee or Benefiolery ie Intended to be exotusive of eny othet remedy heroln or by tew ; �'
<br /> provfded or permitted,but eaoh witt be oumutetive,wllt be in eddlUon to every other remedy piven hereunder or now o�hereetter exl�dnp at I�w •��
<br /> or in equity or by etetute,end mey be exeroised oonourrently,lndependendy o�suooee�ively. •
<br /> � 11. Ttu�torUf eoknowiedpes tAet the dutlea end obtipetione of Truatee wll�be determined�oleiy by ths express provlsion�of tht�Ttuet Deed or , ,
<br /> . ��
<br /> the Nebreeke Truet Oeeda Aot end Truetee wlll not be Ilebte exaept for tM performenoe of euoh dudee end obiipatlone ea s�e epeeifladty wt
<br /> � forth therein,and no imp�led aovenente or oblipedona w11i be Impoaed upon Truetee;Truetee will not be Iiebte tor eny eodon by it in 9ood tdth
<br /> end reeaonebly beileved by it to be authodted ol wlthi�tM dieoreNon or tlyhte ot powere oonferrod upon It by tNe Truat Deed or�tete Iew. Y'
<br /> 12. The inteprity end tesponslhlilty of Truetor(e)oonaUtutes e pert of the ooneideretlon for the obiipetlo�a eeourod herobr. 8hwid Ttustotlt) '
<br /> f ' seli,trenstet.or oonvey the propeity deeoribed hereln,without prior w�itten oonsent ot Benefloiery,Benefiolery,et Ite optlon.mey dedsro the ;
<br /> entlre indebtednese Immedfeteiy due end peyeble end may ptooeed in the entoroement of ita riphte os on ony other defeuit.
<br /> � � 1S. Aseipnment of Rente Inotudf�g Prooeeda ot Mlnerei Leeaes. Trustorfs) heteby eseipns,trenafere, end oonvoye to BeneHolery eU rente, �
<br /> royatdo�,bonusee,and detay money�or othor prooeeds thet mey from Ume to tlme beoome due und payebts under sny reel eitste Ieese or
<br /> urder eny oit,pes,yrevel. rook,or other minerat teese of eny kfnd Inciuding geothermei reeouroee now exlstlnp or thet mey heroake�oome Into
<br /> � existenoe, ooverinp the property or any pen thereof. AI! euoh auma so reoelvod by Benetialery wl�l be epplied to the inQebtedneoe eecurod
<br /> Mteby;or Beneflalory,ot Ite optlon,mey tum over erd deNver to Trustor(s) or their euaaeeeore In interest, eny or eU of euoh tume without
<br /> prejudioe to eny ot 8eneticiery'��ipht�to teke end tetdn tulure sume,end without proJudloe to eny ot its other riphte under tNs Truet Deed.
<br /> Thf�essipnment wllt be cnnatrued to be a provfslon tor the peyment or�eduotlon of the debt,subJeot to the BeneNolety'e optlon ar I�eroinbetaro ,,
<br /> provided,independent ot the Ibn o�the property. tJpon peyment In tuU ot the debt and tM�eoonveyenoe of thle Ttust Deed of�eoord,tMs ,.
<br /> neeiynment wili beoome inoparadve end ot no further toroe end eHoot.
<br /> � t4. This Trust Oeed aonsdtutaf e 8eoudty Agreement wlth rospeot to ei�the property desoribaf herein.
<br /> � I 16. The oovenents oonteined In thie Trust Oeed wlli be deemed to be severeble;In the event thet eny poroon ot ttu�i rusi veed is dacemineo
<br /> to be vold or unentoroeeble,thet detarminoUon ill not oNeot the vuifdity o}the remainine portlone of tho Truet Deed.
<br /> .
<br /> � ! ' � � ) '
<br /> i � �
<br /> . `l, y�`�L� ` .
<br /> � Step M Sohuiu Cheryl l Sohut
<br /> �
<br /> � .
<br /> STATEOF ;C'Oiel�.•���t 1
<br /> �, � .
<br /> •. Ap�/:00028a81: PAm�ry Artom�r�D N:OOOa9158; qFl:86319 l�pd Ooo.��b:Meroh 28,1894
<br /> fCBO 8011 Trust Oeed ard Ae�ipnment of Rento PeOe 2
<br /> . -- �
<br />