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<br /> . -_ — — AE'ED OF R$GONVSY�aNCB ��r„�/�'4 _
<br /> _�•: �Y�V�iF' . • .
<br /> �
<br /> NHBREAB, ali o! the indebtednwsa ssaured by t e Tiaed .o!
<br /> Truat exeauteA by HCT�IVZBH BROTHI�RB PARTNIItSHIP to �AMEB E. RIEl�i ..
<br /> � as Trustee for t�e bon�tit o! W�LL�[ A. GOFB• TRUSTEE, the
<br /> Bane�ioiary n�d fiher�in, datsa Augast Z9, i990 and Reaordad ire '
<br /> -------- t2Ye Olfiae o8 4h� Req�A�A� o� [�eeds �� Hei7. County, Iisbraska at �_�.
<br /> ��, 90-104990 hae� been �afd, and asid S�nolioia�y hes recxutestad that
<br />_�- ttais Qeed o! Reaonveyance be exeauted end delivered as �onlirsed by
<br /> ite endosse�aent belo�t
<br /> NOW THSRLFORE, 3n aon�ideratfon ot such pesywent and in
<br /> ecaordana� with �tte regue�t o! the Bienelie�ary nasad therein, the
<br /> underaignQd es Trustee doeg by the�se presents, grant, reie�ae and
<br /> . �y�;;�:� resaonvey to the person or personQ entiti�d there�o nll tha interegt
<br /> �•• �'� ,.�::.,,.,�.� �d estate derived to said Trustee by or thrnugh said Deec� oP Tru�t
<br /> ��'x`�'',�}' ;�:�;��r' on that aertain real estate loaated in Hall County, Nebraska, xare
<br /> �•Y'.':�'��4�5 �!r . .
<br /> �t��s��;�:..��,.:,. pnrtiaulariy deaaribed a�s �olio�s�s _
<br /> J,:.:a '.. �...� .•'':.:TC. '
<br /> A paraei. oP l�rtd loaated in the Northw@at Quart�sr (HW 4/4) --
<br /> of Seation Nine (9)� TowASh3.p aen t3.8y 'rluiva� Fc-oi�iy'o F.IBiiou ` —
<br /> � ` ` �" (13.) We�t oP the 6th P.M., Hnl.1 County, Nebraska, desorib�d
<br /> ° as fallowst
<br /> ' . , Commenafng at ttie northwest aorner of seation 9� thenae
<br /> N 89 Qeqs'ees 56�30" E� 1,899.89 feet to 8 poi�t o�i the
<br /> north Yine oP 3eotion 9 and the northerly tes�ainus of a
<br /> � 30 faot wide easement for inqress iutd egresst thenae
<br /> . . s 0o degrees 31�40" W alon� the aenteriine oP said 3o foot
<br /> wtde easement 1,170.43 feet to the southeriy tes�pi.nus of —
<br /> _ _ �s3d as�ement snd the trus gc�in± Qf b�ina�s n�; *hea�� ��
<br /> � 1� d9 deqrees 07�00�� E, 353.24 Peet= thenae S 00 degrees -`
<br /> 08�30" E, 331.96 feetf theACe N 89 degree8 36�40" �, —.
<br /> , �� � 507.64 Peet= thence N 44 degrees 16�30" W, 102.62 feeti �--
<br /> thenae 3 80 deqrees 52�50" W, 367.23 feetf 'thenae 3 30
<br /> � �, deqrees 02•52" w, 63.35 feet= thenae 3 85 deqrees 33�32" ��,.:'
<br /> W, 103.72 Peetf thence 3 87 degx'ees 55�42„ W, 220.52 Peetf �'=`
<br /> thenae S 89 deqreea 57•58n W, 329.45 Peetf thence 3 45
<br /> � deqrees 41�58" W, 191.76 feetf thenae 3 84 degrees iS�40"
<br /> W, 194.48 feet to the west line of the NW 1/4 of Seation '.
<br /> � � 9, thenae North along the west line oP said 3ection 269.87
<br /> feeti thenae N 81 degrees 37�32" F, 655.10 feett thence N ,;��,
<br /> 48 deqrees 44•32" S, 477.00 feet; thenae N 8S degrees
<br /> 01�10" E, 866.32 feett thenoe N 02 deqrees 09�20" E, 55.08
<br /> feet= thenae S 89 degrees 17�00" E, 13.70 feet to the true
<br /> point oP beginninc�r,
<br /> . togother with all buiidings, fixtures, and improvements and
<br /> appurtenanaes belonginq to suah premises. `
<br /> " Dated March is , 1994.
<br /> J 3 E. RIHA, Member of the
<br /> N raska State Bar Association,
<br /> , Trustee
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> , The foregoing instrument was executed before me on
<br /> March �`_, 1994, by James E. Riha, Trustee, to me known to be the �
<br /> identical person wha eubacribed his name to the foregoing instrument '
<br /> _' -._....."_ " ... ATl� ar4nne�lnAonA tn me thnf hu nvnn�.rn.t t6o ee...o ..o A�.. F...... ..«.t -
<br /> .. . T_" _' ' __'_ �.�'."_"������ �_ "�� �..� � �.� �_.�....���... ....� ......r.. ....i .�r v •��.�. u���
<br /> � ; voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �
<br /> i ` ' '�l li � � ti /� 111�•�7�--.—
<br /> � � `. �y�/�j�j� Not ry Public !�
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