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<br /> — " ��"-"��`='-°'T�="�"`"'"" upplicablo lnw mny spccify for rciastnu:mcnt)befo��c emlc nf Uio Pmperiy pursuant�o�ny powcr�f Rnlo conwi�ed in Wis
<br /> _ Sccurlty InauuWtcnt;or(b)cntry of u judgmcnt onforcfng thfa Srcudty�nsuument. 'i'h�so conditlan:s aro that Horrower (s)
<br /> _ . paye Lendcr etl euma which then wauld be due under thie Secutiry Inattument �nd the Notu a.v iP no acccioradon had
<br /> occutred;(b)cun�any default af any other covenants or egreementa;(c)p�ye sll expenses Incurred in enforciag this Se�urity
<br /> Insuumen� 1ncludlnB.but na limited to,reasonable attamcye'tees;and(d) takcs euch actloa as l..endor raay��sonably
<br /> rcqulno to asauro that the lien of this Securlty Inauument,I.ender's dghta in tlre Propeny and Horrower's obllgadon to pay�be
<br /> �� ' sums secured by th1R Security lnauvment :�ttaU continue unchnnged. Upon reinaWUment by Hoirower. thia Securlt�j � _ _
<br /> Iaswment and the obligations secured henby ahall remeln fuily effxtIve es if no seceleradan hsci occurrrd. However�this
<br /> �: dght to ceinstste shall not appty in the ense of uccelerat�an under paragraph 17.
<br /> 4 19. SWe of Note;Chaage ot II,nan Seevkxr. The Nou or a partisl lnLanst in ibe Nate(together with this Secwity
<br /> � ,. Instrument) may be sold one or more dmes wIthaut prior nodce w Bo:rower. A sale msy reault in a change ia tho entity
<br /> (known ax the"I.oan 3ervicer")that collecta ma�nthly payraenta due under the Note and this Securlty Insuument Thare atso
<br /> " may be one or more changes of tbe Loan Servtcer unralated to a sate of tha Nou. Lf th�n ie a change of the Loun Servicer.
<br /> ;. Borrower wiU be given wri¢ten nodce of the change ia accordartce witt►pareg�ph 14 above and applIcable law. The notice
<br /> wIU state the asme end address af tho aew Loaa Servtcer and the address to which paymeats should be mede. The nodce wlll
<br /> also coatain aay other inf�rmudon tequired by applicable lsw.
<br /> _„ : Z0. HaUtrdous Substaacea. Borrower ehall not cause or permit tha preseace,use.dlsposnl,storage.ar rcleaso of tu►y
<br />� , ,� Hazardaua Substances on or In tha Property. Borrower ahall not do.nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecdng tho
<br /> 3�',;,�a� Prn p e rt y that is in violadon of an y Envlronmental Law. The precedin g two sontencea shall aot a p pl y to the pn�seace,use.or
<br /> ,� .��' atorage oa the Property of small quanfldes of Hazardous Subswncea that are generaUy re�ognized to be approprlate to aormel
<br /> '��' �, resldential uses end to maintenance of the Property.
<br />__-• _°� = ."�y�`r�: R�+rrawe.r ahatl pmmptiy pivn T.ender written natica of any investigatIoa.clalm.demend,lawsuit or other aatton by any ---
<br /> ;,,, ;:;,,, .. ,; ;�:�. govemmental or regulutory sgancy or private party involving the Property aad any Hazardous Substanca or Envimnmental
<br /> Law of which Borrower has actusl knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notifIed by aay governmental or regulstory
<br /> ;, •• authorlty,that any r�emoval or oti�eer remediadon of any Hezardous Substance affectins tha Property is neceasary„ Hornower
<br /> • ' � , shall pmmptly take ail necessary remedisl actIons in accordattce with Enviropmental Law.
<br /> ' : As used lo ihls paragraph 20,"Hezardous Substances"are those substnnces defined sis toxic or hazardoua substences by —
<br /> ' Environmental Law and the following substancea: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum producta.wxic
<br /> � ° � pestIcides and herbicides. volatile solvents, matedals contain[ng asbestog or fotmaldehyde� and radioactive matedals. As —
<br /> • use<i in thts paragraph 20,"Envlroamental Law"means federal lews and lawa of the jurisdIction where the Property is located
<br /> that rclatc to heald�,safery or envlronmenu+l protectlon.
<br /> . NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Aorrower and I.cnder further covenent aad agree as followa:
<br /> . ' 21. AcceleraHon;Remediea I.ender ahell give aottce W Borrower pdor to acceleration tollow[ng Borrower's
<br /> � ' breach ot eay covenaat or agreemeat in this Securtty Instrnment(but not prlor to acceleration uuder�wregrapb 17
<br /> __ . unless appilcable law provides otherwise). The nodce si�aii spectt�s (a)the defaulti(b)the acdon required to cure the � `
<br /> - , default;(c)a dete,�eot less lhan 30 days Prom the date the nottce is given to Bs►rmwer,by whicd tke default must be
<br /> � �� cwed;and(d)that faUure to cure the default on or befare the date spec(tied ta the natice may result in acceleradou of
<br /> 1 ,� � t the sums secured by this Secur(ty Inatrument and sele of the Property. The notice ehall further Ipform Borrower oi
<br /> the rlght to reinstate after acceleration and We ri�hht to bMng a court acUon to assert the aon-eadstence of s default or —
<br /> any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before tde date specifled in _—
<br /> • the nottce�Lender at ita optton may require immediate payment tn tull of all sama secured by this Securtty Instrumept
<br /> wlthout further demand and may invoke the power of sale and apy other remedies permttted by appl[cable law
<br /> I.eader shall be eptitled to copect all expensea incurred tn pursuing the remedies prnvided in Wis paragraph 21, ��
<br /> Including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and cosGs of title evidence. �'Y
<br />_ , If the power of sale is invoked,TYustee 57�a11 recoM a notice of defatalt in each county in which any part of the .
<br /> ; Property is located and shall maU coples of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower nnd to
<br /> ' the other pensone preseHbed by applicable law. At�er the time required by appllcable law,'lt�ustee shall give public ,
<br /> � notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law 'Itustee,wtthout demend on Borrower, ,
<br /> ehall sell the Property at publ[c auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> the nottce of sale in one or more parcela and in any order Trustee determines. 'Itustee may postpone sele of aU or any
<br /> • . parre!of the Prnperty by public announcement ai!he tlme and place of any preriously schedoled enle. [,e�der or ikv _ ..
<br /> , designee may purchase the Pr�perty et any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.lYustee shall deliver to the purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the '
<br /> • • Property. The recttals in the'Ilrwtee's deed shall be prima fucie evtdence ot the truth of the statement�made therein. `
<br /> 1Yustee shalt apply the proceeds of the sate in the followin�order: (a)to alt costs and expenses of exercising the power �
<br /> �;
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