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<br /> " " - 4.Fire,Flood and Ot6er Hnzard Inauranre. Bonower stwlt insuro all improvementa on tho Propaty.whether now in • ;T`��",__`� .
<br /> �}' .,"';� ��-_°
<br /> � ,.,:�. . . „' aueistence ar subsequently erecte�f.e8ainst at�y hazerds�casualde�.end condngencies,inciuding firo.for which Lendar roqulres •�."`�:�-
<br /> .�..�__
<br /> . �. � insuranco.'Itda insuranee shall be maintaine�in tho amounts and for the pertods that Lender requira.Bornewa shall also insure �t.'"'w4-
<br />- ;�,'�•'.�;;:_�,,,' '.. � tU lmprovarx�ta oa the P�opatv.whetha now�n eaiata�ce or subsequenily etr�eted.�gainet loss by tlooda to the onteru roquirod . , °��""�" °�-
<br /> - by the Socretary. AU insurence ahall ba c�rrie8 wlth aompanics approved by Lendcr.'I]�e ina�rance pollcies and any ecr►ewals "�' _ �
<br />— — �_ ! ry•���—iF'�
<br /> �. ''i � . � at�all be beld by I.ender end shall includa loss paya6le clsusas N favor of,and In a form acccpt�bte w,Lcnda. �.�;�.,�,=-
<br /> ?�# � � .` , _ . .- _
<br /> � ., •. � , r:',`�-;_
<br /> .t In tho event of loas. Borrower shall give Lender lmmediate nodce by mail.Leader may make Proof of loss if not mads
<br /> i,. � prompUy by B�rrower.Each Lrsurance campany concerned�s hereby authorized and directod to make payment for such loss �
<br /> � dicectiy 2o L�nder�instead of w Bomowet and W I.er�der joindy.All or any part of the lnsurance proceeds may be applie�by ,.
<br /> L,c�der.at its optton� eithe�(a)to the roducdon of the�ndebtedness under the Note and tt.�s Se�urtty Instrumcnt, first w any , ° .
<br /> ` deWqueat amounts applied ln ihe arder ln paregraph 3.and then to prcpayment of prirtcipal.or(b)W thcs reswratlon or repair of °_
<br /> ` the tlaarnaged Property.My appllc�tion of the proc�eeds w the prineipal shaU not�ctend or postpone the due date of the monthly
<br /> r �
<br /> /� . � � � payments which are referra�to in paragraph 2�or change tho amount of such payments.My e�ccess insurance proceeds over an � : ��
<br /> emount required w pay atl outs�nding Indebtedness under the Not�and this Securlty Insuumeat shaU be paid to tho entity legaUY �,::
<br /> . endtled dtereW. : �;.r•e•�
<br /> ,. ,,::.�,,. -�.
<br /> . '. In the avent of foreelosure of thls Securtty I�trument or otha uansfer of dtls to tho Propertl+ that e�cdn8u�ishes the � � >�=:ti_ _ -_
<br /> - --_--_� -- i� -d,k.i�ncss.at�rlgtst�dilc ast3 lntcrc..^L of Banor.�er 3s=sat�to lssrs�rsssce polfcies�rs fo•rn ahalt pas.a m the QurchaSer. _ .__ ___=-�-
<br /> � � . ��
<br /> � � S.Occupancy,Preseevatlon�Matntenance aad Protection of the Property;Bonrower's Loan Applicatton;Les�seholds. �' ` ��
<br /> ' Hmrower shall occupy�establish.and use the Property ag Borrower's principal c�esidence wtthin s�ety deys afux the execudon of .. <�.
<br /> this Security Iastcument and shaU condnue to occupy the Propasty es Borrower's pr{ncipal residenco for at leagt ona year after the ,,
<br /> . daDS of occupancy. unless ths Saxctery deuxmines this requirement wUl causcs undue hardship for Sarrower. or nnlos.� , �
<br /> °� eatenuadng checumstances eslst whtch aro boyond Borrower's con�ol. Borrower shaU nodfy Lendtscs ot any axtenuadng r; �,�•��
<br /> c
<br /> clrcumstsnces.Bomowcr shaU not commtt w�ta or destroy.damago or substentlally chan8c the ProPertf'or allow tha Prope=ty to � �;,°`
<br /> detuimaW,reasonablo wear and tear earepted.Lender may inspect the Prop�rty if tho Property ls vacant or abandoaed or the loan I �;,- • -
<br /> •� is in default�Lraider may teke reasonable acdon to protect and prese:ve such vecent or abandoned Property. Bomower ehall elso
<br /> _ ---"---'_------ bn 1n defaut�if Bomnwcr,during tha Ioen appUcation procc�.Bave matcrlelly falso or inaccuraw inforn�atian ar atatcmants to I w.^ � —
<br /> L-,__--.
<br /> � � I.ertder(or falted w provida Lender with any materfat informadon)in connec�Ion with the loan evtdenced by Ne Nota�lnctuding. —
<br /> , but not Wnited to,repmsentations conceming Sorrower'e accupancy of the Proper�y as a principal residenco. If 1hi�Soeurlty . . Rt �?.
<br /> Instrum�t is on a leacchold� Bomower shaU comply with thc provisions of tha leaso. If Boirower acquires fce titla to the •.
<br /> Property�the leaschold and fee tltle shaU not be merged unless Lender agrces to the mecger in writing. �� � ��;
<br /> � „ - 6.Charges to Sorrower and Pirotectfon ot Lender's Rig6ts in the Praperty. Sorrower shell pay aU govcmmental or " ��?
<br /> Q: �
<br /> munictpal charges, fincs and imposidona that are not included in paragraph 2. Bomower siwtl pay chc� obUBedans on dme , ���
<br /> direcdy to the eadty which is owed tha payment If failure to pay would adversely affect I.ender's interest in the Pruperty. upon I
<br /> Lendar's re�uest Borrower shatt prompUy fumish to Lender reccipts avidencing these payments. ' *
<br /> • i
<br /> . Ef Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments reguired bY paragraph 2,or feils to perEorm any other covenants ' . �;) 'A
<br /> `' and a�eements contained in this Secudty Insuument,or theses is a legal proceeding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in : � -� �
<br /> � � .��•, . 4
<br /> tha Property(such as a proceed�ng in bankruptcy,for condemnndon or W enforce laws or regulations)�then Lender mey do and `
<br /> pay whatever is rteces.gary to pmtect the value of the Properey end I.ender's r�ghts in tha Property.including paymem of taaes, I �„"`
<br /> � ha7ard insurance snd other items menQoned in paragraph 2. � '>�
<br /> . i �I
<br /> Any amnunts disbnrsed by Lender under this paragraph shall becoma an additional debt of Sorrawer end be securod by this i ,
<br /> Security InstcumenG'It�ese amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbucsement,at the Note ratc.and at tho opdon of I.ender. � �.�?
<br /> shall ba immed�ately due and payable. � '�;
<br /> 7.Condemnation. '[he proceeds of any award or cleim for damages. direct or consequential. in connecdon with any '
<br /> condetnnadon or othea taking of any part of thc Property.or for conveyance in piace of condemnation.arc he�eby asslgned and :,
<br /> shall be paid w I.ender to the extent of the full amount of Ihc indebtedncss that rcmains unpatd under the Note and thia Sccudty • .
<br /> Instrument Lende�shall apply such �roceeds Lo the reducdon of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrumeiet,
<br /> , fust to any delinqucnt amounts applicd in the ordcr pmvided in paregtaph 3,and then to prcpayment of principal.My application -
<br /> ; � of the pmce�dis to the principai she11 not extcnd or postponc thc duc datc of the monthly payments, which arc refened to �y �
<br /> ' ' �•4R(NE)to2oo) CFC(10/92� Pag03ot 8 �mc�atc✓���
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