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<br /> rr� � • -� ' Ib.Borrowor'e Cop�+.}iarrower ehdl be aivon ono ccmtatmtd capy attho Nata ar��Fi�n Seau�ity Inatrumont, —�---"� -
<br /> �� _ . ,, 17.Tt�neter oi the Proport or�Bonofioi�l�nteroc+i in I3areawer.It all ar eny part ot the Proporty ar any �,�_�:____.�_�-._
<br /> • � interest in it ie sald ar transfened�or tf e beneticial intere.►t in Borrower is sold ot tre�naterred and Hor�ower ie not a —_=
<br /> ~ .�,' s� natural pereoa)wlthout Lender'e p or wdtun cansent,I.ender mey�nt Its optton,cequire Immediato paymm►t In tull of
<br /> . •• � ell sume seound by this SsaurIty Instrument. Hoaever. this optton eha11 not bo exerafsed by L.ander it exeraiso it. _:_ __
<br /> ^ prohibited by fodarai law ea of tho dete of tida Security Instrument. 6�--II=�-=
<br /> L'�w It I.ender exerets�thie ep�on�Lender ehall give Borrower nodce af aceeeletation.The notica shall provide a perlod
<br /> .,�.
<br /> , � :..,
<br /> ,�:,ti�k:_zJ`::. ,'.'•,..
<br /> � "` " of not less then 30 days from the date the notics is dellvered or meiled wlthin which Barr�aer muat pay all eum�secuted �--
<br /> �'� �" 6y thta Securlty lnstrtsment.Ii Horrower faits to psy these sums prior to tha exp'�rat3oa of thia period.I.ender may invoko ' ����
<br /> �--�- ---
<br /> -�-��"' ;, � any romedies permitted by thls 9ccudty Instcumer►twithout turt her aottce or d e mand on Barrower. !__ _
<br /> - 18.Borrower's Rigbt to Re�Aet�te.It Bonower meets certa�n condittons�Borrower shall have tha dght to have ,�_
<br /> � � enforcement of thie Securit�Instrument dlscontinued st any dma p r Ior w t ha ear l�er o f:(a)S d ays(or suc h o t herperi o d =--
<br /> ,� as appIlcabla law mey epe�iy for reinstatement)betore sale of the Property ursuant ta anypower of eale contelned in _`��°e____
<br /> thie Seaurity Inatrument;or 4b) entry af a 3udgmant enforcing this �ec�y Instcument.Those condittans era that ;-���-
<br /> ,. Bornower:{a) paya Lender atl �ums whioh then would be due under thia Securlsy Instrument and the Note es it no •. :';���=�
<br /> • . : „-,�.
<br /> acceleratlon had ocaurned;(b)cures eny default of any other covenante or agreaments;(a)pays all expensea incuned in ;,.�� ---
<br /> , �, enforctng this SeaurIty Instrumont,includiag,but not limtte�to.reasoaable attornays'foes�and(d)takes auoh action as „ ,:;�_.�
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to essuce that the liea ot this SecurIty Inatrument,Lender a righte in the Pr�perty and ..��-k::s��= �_
<br /> Borrower's obligatIon to pay the suma seoured by th{a SecurIty Instrument shall continue unahanged.Upori reinstatement ; �:�., „`;.''��,+�.��
<br /> �/ � ~ by Borrowet�this Secudty�Inatrum�ntend theobltgationa secured herabyehall remain fully effectiveas ti noecceleration ??�±':,:_w
<br /> had occurred.However,this right to reinstateshall not apply In the aase of accoleration under patagraph 17. .n_:_,,�=
<br /> 19.Salo af Note;Change of Loaa Servicer.The Note or a partial intereat in tha Note(together with this Soaurtty -
<br /> " � Instrument)mey be sold one or mora times without prior notlr,e to Borrower.A sale may result in s change in the entity � ., r
<br /> ,
<br /> . .'� �_�__---,-„.--,- (known es thp"L�ee�+rvir�r")thet cc�itect�a monthfy paymente due under the Nota and thie Securitv lnstrument, here �. --=
<br /> also may ba one or more ohanges of the Loan Seiwicer unrelated to a sele of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan ���- - -T���=
<br /> � ,. Servtcer,Borrower will be gtven wdttan notice oi the chan ga ia accordance with paragraph 14 above and appticable law. � ;:�,,. ,;r.
<br /> The aottce will atate tho nama and addrese of the new Loan ServIcer and the address to which payments should be made. � _
<br /> " � The nottce wtll elso contain eny other iniormation required by appltcable law. . •.,�+�. =:�wa-I
<br /> �0.H�zardons Subataacea.Bonower shall not cause orperm�t the presence,use.disposal,etoraga,or release of � �
<br /> � any Nazardous SubetRnces on or in the Pro y.Borrower ahall not do,nor allow aayona else to do,anything atfecting � , ,-
<br /> the Property that is in vIolation oi any Env romnental Law.Tha preceding two sentences ahall not apply to the ptesence, ''��,,,.�
<br /> .t
<br /> � use, or storage or► the Proporcy of amall quantltIes of Hazardoua Substances that are generally recognized to 1�e ^`�'��"
<br /> appro�priata to normal residentiat uses and to maiatenance oi the Property. ��' ��
<br /> � Borrower ehall promptly give Lender writtcn notice of any investigation.clai m,demand,lawauit or other action by ':��• �
<br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involvtng the Property and an�+ Hazardous Substance or �'�="'
<br /> Environmental Law oi which Borcoaer has actual knowledge.If Bonower learns.or is notified by any governmentel or =��'.
<br /> ---: --- -- regulatory authority. that any removat or other remediatian of any Hezardous Sui�tanco aft�ti��� tt►C Fr�pei-ty is -_ - - `;�'� ' -
<br /> necessary,Borrower ahall promptl�take alt nece:isary romedial acttons�n accordance with Bnvironmental Laa. +��,
<br /> As used in this paragraph Z0. Hazerdoua Substances"are those aubstancesdefined es toxic or hazardoussubstances . � ;
<br /> by Environmental Law and the following aubstances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products, a�
<br /> . toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvonte, rnaterials containing esbestos or iormaldehyde, and radioactive '
<br /> matenals.As used in thie paragraph 20,"Environmentel Law"meana iederal lewa and laws of the jurisdiction ahere the � '
<br /> Property ie lacated that relate to health,safety or enviranmental protection. ,� _ .
<br /> NON'UNIFORTi COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree es tollow� '� �
<br /> �� 21. Acceleratioa; Remedles. Lender sh�ll give notice to Borrower prtor to acceleratioa fallowing �� � O
<br /> .. Bonower's breach of any enven�nt or atreement ia this Security Instrumeat(but aot prlor to acceleratioa ; t'
<br /> " under psragraph 17 unlesa applicable l�w providea otheresise).T6e�►otice shall specity:(s1 the def�ult;(b)the , ,
<br /> ; . actiou nqu�red to cure the det�utt; (c)• d�te. not less th�n 30 days from the date tde notice is given to : ,
<br /> _, Bonower,by which the detauit muat be cured; aad (d�tbat failure to cure the defsult oa or before the date � �
<br /> � specified in t6e uotice may result in�ccelerattoa of the sums secured by this Security Instrument�nd sale of ; . � • �'� ��"°"`
<br /> the Proporty.The notice shdl[urthor Qntotm Borrower of the right to reinstate aiter tcceleratioa aad tha • �".���.�
<br /> ri�bt to bring s court actiou to assert the noa-exiatence of a default or aay otber defense oi Borrower to •�; �' y-
<br /> accelerat{on aad ssle. If the default is not cund on or be fore the date apeci[ied in the aotice. Lender,at its ,
<br /> � option, may require i�nmediste paymeat in fuil of aU sums e�ccured by tdis Security i�strameai without � - �'-
<br /> futther demand and may �avoke the power o! stle�nd any ot6er remedies permitted by applicsble law. . ,. !��
<br /> Leader adall be entitled to coltect all expensea iacurred in pursuing tbe remed�es prov�ded�n ttiis paragraph � •;,�
<br /> 21.iacluding,but not lirnited to.reasoaable attorncys[ees aad costs ot tltie evidence. , -
<br /> Yf the power o!sale is invoked�Trustee shail cecord a aotice of deiault in each county in which any part of �3
<br /> the Property is located aad shall mail copies o[such notice in the maaner prescribed by applicable laa to
<br /> Borrower ind to the other p�rsons prescr�bed by applicable law.Aiter the ticne required by applicable law. �;
<br /> Trustee ahalt gtve publlc nottce ot ssle to thepersoas and in the manaer prescribed by apQ1 icabte la�v.Trustee. �� _
<br /> without dem�nd on Bonower,shall sell the Property at public auctioa to the highest b�dder at the slme and .
<br /> place and uader the terms destgnated in the notica of sale in one or more parcels aad in aay ordar Trustee c`
<br /> determines.Trustee may postpoae sale oi all or any parcel oi the Property b3 pubtic announcement et the ;',�
<br /> • time and place af any pnviously sc de du le d sa le.Leader or its desigaa may purchase the Propert y at any
<br /> • sale. �.
<br /> � F�rm 3028 9/90
<br /> �-6R�MEIro�oe►o� o.o.e e�e Imtlete:
<br /> `
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