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� . . .'"��f�•�� diM.' . ..'r_"'--__ <br /> . � <br /> __ �. . �""_,..:�"_-��� •_._.__-•-... _.. <br /> _' ._._� �--� � ' . �7�w . ,. <br /> puyme�sta tnay na la�ger bo rcquircd.nt the apttan oP Lcnder.if mortgage insurance covernge(fn tho amouat and for the periad <br /> qm�i.ender requlres)providcd by nn insttrcr approved by L,cnder n�nln becomes uv�ilnblo and Is ubt�ined.Boirowcr slialf pay <br /> tha premiuma nequi red to ma{ntain martgago insuruncc fn cffcct�ar to provido a loss raserve.until the requirement for mortgage <br /> insurunce ends in accordanae wiu�any written agrccment betwccn Borrowcr und Lender or epplicuble law. <br /> 9.IdnpecMlon.Lender or its agcnt may mako reuso��ablo entrles upan artd Inspections of the Property. l.ender shall give <br /> Bom►wor nottco at tM timo of ar priar to an inapection spocifying res�sonable cause for the insRectian. <br /> 10. Condemnatlon.The praceccls af uny nwuM or claim for damages, dinect or corsaquential. in cocu►ecd�n with nny <br />— = — <br />