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<br /> ,.��a��� •' `� 8. N�zaMou�Mat�rl�tf.T�uetor ahali keep the Property in compllence witb all apptioable law�,ordlnanaes and reputations
<br /> ••�y..< rolatinp to indu�trlal t�yptene or environmental proteotlon(aoliectivety reterred to herein as"Hnvlronmental Lews'�.T►ustor sheti
<br /> •fti+°^?�'''• keep tt�e P�operty frse hom ntl eubata�cea deemad to ba hezardoue or toxio under eny Environmental Lewa(collsativsly�eferred to
<br /> ��'� ;�}• �� hercin��"Hazardous Materinle").Truator hereby warrante and represenzs to lendar that there are no Hezardous Materlals on or
<br /> ,•� :,'*��.:.�._'..; underthePmpert�r.Tiu�torherebqapreeatolrtdemnityandholdhartnleaeLendar,itadfreotoro,omasn,employsesandapmm,and
<br /> . � . any auccesaora to Lender'e Intereat,t�om and a�ainst any and atl otalma,damepes,lossea and Itabipdaa aristnp In connectlon with __
<br /> � ���,•, • � � F the preaen�e,uae,dieposni oe transpoR of any Harardous Meterlats on,under. bom or about tha Property.YHE FOREQOINCi � `-
<br /> � � SUR;O.Au C mNi tYo1 R�n�.l'usto�he eby asalyns t lender the rent�,Iasues end protite ot the Pro
<br /> � ., b perty;Provtded thet Troator ��!
<br /> shall,undi theocaur�ence of an Event of Oetau�t hereunder,have the right to aotteat and retain euch renls,leauea and proflts eafhey
<br /> � . . beoome duo and psyable.Upon the ocourrenae ot an Event ot DetaulL Lender may,either in person or by apent,with or without
<br /> ' brinpi�p eny aation or proceeding,or by a recelver appofnted by a court end without�egard to the adequaay of its seaurity,enter
<br /> upon and ffike posaeseion ot the Property,or any pan thereof,in Ita own neme or In the name o!tho Tnisteo,and do any acb whlch It 6T _ —
<br /> ' �� deems necessary o�desirable to preserve the vaiue,marketebflity or rentabltity oithe Property,or any partthereof or Intereattherein. —
<br /> Increase the inaome thereirom or proteot the aecurlty hereof and,with or without taking possesaion of the Property.sue tor or
<br /> // , oMerwise collect the rents,Issues end proflts thereof,inaluding those past due and u�pald,and apply the aeme,Ieas coats and �,-
<br /> l expenses ot operadon and coliectlon inaluding attorneys'tees,upon any indebted�ess seoured hereby,all In suoh arder as Lender —_-
<br /> ' - may determina.The entering upo�and taking possession ot the Properly,the calieodon ot auah rents,issues and profits and tha ��.,��:'�,�
<br /> � appllaaUon thereoi as aforesald,ahati not oure or waive any defauit or notice of default hereunder ot invatidete any act done in
<br /> . .. ,.�.,
<br /> responseto euch detauit or pureuant to such no�ce of defauit and.notwithstanding the conGnuenoe in possesslon of the Properry or ' '���;�;;_
<br /> :_ �_:__:_._:_�_.:___.:�_. the aolleotion,reaeipt and apanaado�of rents,lasuea or proifts,and Truatee and Lendar shall be entlUad to oxorciao ovory dpht � �.,; �----- - --
<br /> __ ._. . ---�
<br /> � providedtorinanyottheLoanOooumentsorbytawuponoccurrenceofanyEventofQefauit,inoludl�gwllhoutllmitationtherightto "_,—-
<br /> � exercise the power of eate.Further,Lender's Nghte end remedles under thla paragraph ahall be cumuietive with,and in ao way a =-
<br /> . , Ilmltation on,LendePs rightsand remedles underany assignment of Ieases and rentarecorded agalnstthe Properly.Lender,Truatee •���-�-
<br /> � ' � a�d the recelve�shalt be Iiabie to account anly those rents aatualty recelved. �+� `";"-
<br /> . 1 t.Ev�nts of O�hutt.The following shell constitute an Eve�t of Oefault under this Deed ot Truat � '
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any Instaliment of principal or Intereat ot any other sum secured hereby when due; • f�`i'�-"`�"__
<br /> • • (b) A breachof ordefault under any provision contained inthe Note,thta Deed otTrust,eny of theloan Oxuments,orany �+«
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon tha Property; � ��""="---
<br /> (a) A writ ot exeautlon or attachment or any aimiiar proceas aheli be ente�ed agalnst Trustor whlch shali become a Ilen on ---�-
<br /> the Property or any portfon thereof or Intereat therein; �• �._�--�
<br /> , (d) There shall be tlled by or agafnst 7rustor or Borrower an aotlon undor any preeent or future tederal,state or other ; ���• -
<br /> stetute,law or repulaUon relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliet for debtors;or there shai�be appolnted any buatee, '�
<br /> ' '• �_.. . recelveror Iiquidator of Trustor or Borrower or ot alt or any part ot the Property,or the rente,fBeues or protltB thereof,or Trustor ._ " `. . •�._, .,
<br /> __�___ .:._:. -
<br /> or Borrower shail make any generel aseignment for the benefit of credltora; ,
<br /> (e) The,ea�e,tranafer.Iease.assignment,conveyance or turther encumbrance o}eil or any part ot or any intereat in the � U, �
<br /> Property,either voiuntarily or fnvoluntarity,without the express written coAsent ot Lender; provided that Truator ahail b�
<br /> permitted to exeoute a lease ot the Property that does not contaln an option to purahase and the term oi whloh does notexceed . ' � �:'•:
<br /> one year, �.. •
<br /> (� Abandonment ot the Property;or "
<br /> (g) If Trustor Is noten Individual,the issuance,sale,transter,assignmont,conveyence or encumbrance ot more than a total �•'F� �
<br /> ,�-.6
<br /> � ot t—percent of(if a corporatlon)its Iasued and outstending atock or(if a partnerahip)a t�tel of percent ot r'
<br />_ p8rtnerahip Intereste ddring the perfod this Deed ot Trust remalns a�len on the Property. . ,,' �
<br /> ;� 12.Remedte�;AoaelereUon Upon Detauit.In the event ot any Event oi Detault�ender may,wfthout�otice except as required by
<br /> law,declsre alt indebtedness aecured hereby to be due and payabie and the same shail thereupon become due and payab�e �
<br />��� � wlthout any preaentment,demand,proteat or notice ot any kind.Thereatter Lender may: . ':����
<br /> % (a) Demend that Truetee exerctse the POWHR OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shell thereafter cause Truator's ,-� .
<br /> interest In the Property to be sotd end the proceeds to be dlatributed,ati in the manner provlded in the Nebraska Trust Deeds �';'��
<br /> Act �� ' �
<br /> �, (b) Exorciseany and all rights provided for in a�y o}the Loan Oocuments or by taw upon ocCUrrence of any Event ot�efauit; � ' �•
<br /> • and � -.... � .
<br /> (c) Commence an actlon to torectose lhis Deed ot Truat as a mortgage,appolnt a rer.elver,or specNically enforce eny ot the �� � `+�
<br /> covenants hereof. ' . . �
<br /> No remedy hereln conterred upon or raserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of bny other remedy fiereln,in the � •
<br /> Loan Dxuments or by law provfded or permitted,but each shelt be cumu�ative, shatt be In addition to every other remedy given � " ���
<br /> � hereunder,in tho Loan Documents or now or hereafter exlatfng at�ew or In equlty or by statute,and may be exercised conaurrently, ��_
<br /> Independently or successlveiy. ��
<br /> • , 13.T►u�tee.The Truatee may realgn at any time without cause,and lende�may at any time and without cause appoint a � •
<br /> succe&sor or substitute Trustee.Trustee ahell not be Ilab�e to any perty.Includfng without Ilmftation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any j -
<br /> purchaeer of t11e Property,ior any loas or damaga unless due to reckiesa or wflltui mlaconduct,and shali not 6e requlred to take any � ^�
<br /> actlon In connectlon wlth the eniorcement ot thts Deed ot Trust untess Indemnifled, In writing, tor all caete,compensatlon or �
<br /> expenses which may be asaocisted therewith.In additlon,Truatee may become a purchaser at any sale ot the Property Qudicial or ' �
<br /> ` under the power of sa�e granted hereln);postpone the sale ot all or any portlon of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the �
<br /> Property as a who�e,or In eeparate parceis or tota at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> • � 14.Fee�and Expensef.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise of power of sate,Truatee ahall be enttUed to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrst to payment of all costs and expenses of exerciatng power ot sa�e,including a�l Trustee's fees,and Lender's
<br /> and Trustee's attorney's tees,actuaily Incurred to extent permltted by app�icabie law.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses any
<br /> ' . , rtght provided by taw to cure an Event of Default,lender shatl be entltled to recover trom Trustor ati coats and expenses actua�ly
<br /> • incurred as a �esutt ot Trustor's defautt, fnctuding w►thout Ilmitation all Trustee's end attorney's fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> � applicable tew.
<br /> . � 15.Future Advances�.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may, at its option,make addltfona�and future advances and re-
<br /> � � � advances to Borrower.5uch advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,sha�i be secured by thts Deed of Trust.At no tlme shall •
<br /> , ' the princlpal amount of the Indebtedness secured by thfs Oeed of Truat,noi I�cl�,dll�g�s�uma advanced to protect the secutlty ot this .
<br /> , � peed of Truef,exceed the orfginal p�incipal amount atated herein,or$ � a�a• ,whichever Ia greater.
<br /> � � 16.Mf�eottaneou�Provialons. �
<br /> (a) Borrower Not Releeaed.Extension of the time tor payment or modlficatfon of amortization of the sums secured by this
<br /> • Deed ot Trust grented by Lender to eny auccessor in Interest of Borrower ahali not operate to release,in any manner,the Ifebliity
<br /> � � � , oi the origlnai Borrower and Borrower's successors In Interest.Lender shall not be requfred to commence proceedings agalnst -
<br /> . ��' auch succeasor or retuse to extend time tor payment or otherwise modHy amortlzatfon of the sums secured by this Deed of Truat '
<br /> ` � ;,- by reason o}any demanda made by the origlna�Borrower and Borrower's successora in Inter�at. '
<br /> � (b) Lende►'s Powen.Without aflecting the Ilabfltry ot any other peraon Ilabte tor the peyment of any obifgatfon hereln
<br /> mentloned,and without aHectfng the Ilen or charge ot thls Deed of Trust upon sny porlio�ot the Property not then or theretotore
<br /> � reieased as security for the tull amount ot ail unpald obilgatlone,Lender may,f�om time to time and wlthout notfce(t)release any
<br /> peraon so lieble,(11)oxtend the maturity or aiter any oi the terme of any such obilgetione,(itl)grant other indu�gences,(fv)reiease °
<br /> ' �� or reconvey,or cause to be reieased or reconveyed at any tlme at Lender's optlon any parcet,poruon or all ot the Pro�eny,
<br /> } (v)take or reiease any other or addltfonai security for any obligatlon herein mentfoned,or(vt)make composltlons or other
<br /> � arrangementa wlth debtors In retatlon thereto.
<br />_ * . • ' •
<br /> ,.
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