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<br /> �'� � � 17.Ta�n�sfer oi the Praperly or a 8eneflclal Interest in Borrowcr.If aU or any purt of thc Property or any interest in lt
<br /> ' � •,- ��';°�.ri, • is sold or trnnaferred t�r if u beneficiul jntec�est in Borro�ver is sald ar trnnsfcrned nrtd Barrowcr is not a nntural per.san)withaut
<br /> ` �� � � Lender'R pr:or wdtten con�ent. Lertder mny, at lts optiun, rcquire immediate payment in full of uil �ums Fecumd by this — -
<br /> � - " Security Instrument.However,thiR optian shull nat be exercised by I.ender if exercic�e is prohibited by federal law as of the dnte
<br /> �A��.^;��' • of thiF Security Jnwtcument.
<br /> . (f i.ender exorcises thia optia».Lendec shntl give Barrawer notic�af acxlemtion.The notice shall provide a perfod of not
<br /> , K . less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailai within which Barrower must puy sll Fums secured by this
<br /> � "��� ���•�•^ =� Secudty[nstniment. If Borrower faits to pay the�e sums prior to the explratian of this periad,[.endcr moy invoke uny remedie.g
<br /> '�-�.:"T:^"';;. ,,,, �-_y _ - _.
<br /> ��,,��L4;j�,� , permitted by this Security Instrument without fmther natice ar demund an Borcower.
<br /> x w.... .�� .,ti�., 18. Borrower•a Rlght to Relnstate. If Horrower meeta certain canditions. Bonower shall hnve the right to have
<br /> '� �• • � :•� enforcement of chis Secudty Instrument discontinu.� ut uny time pdor to the aulier of: (a)S duys (ar such other pedod us
<br /> ` � ' � �`:`� upplicable law muy specify for rcinstatement) befure ssale af the Praperty pur�uant to any pc►wer af sule cantained in this —
<br /> '�. .. • �� Secudty Instcument;ar(b>entry of u judgment enfoning this Security Instrument.Thosc condttion�t�re that Borrawer:(a)pays
<br /> �i' Lender all aum.r• which then would be due u�der this Security Instrument and the Note as if na ucceleratian had occurrPd; (b) —
<br /> " ,,.S� ' ' . cures any default of nny other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurned in enforcln� this Securlty Instrument. �_.,_, �__�_�� ,
<br /> _ _c_ . �� � including. but not limited ta.reasonable attorneys' fees;and(d>talces such ection as Lender rtuiy masonably require to assure —___ _ ____ __
<br /> � � �•:, T^' ` that the lien of this Security Instrument. l.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obllgation to pay the sums secured hy �_:;;;_.
<br /> this Security Instrument shal! continue uttchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and the �=�_
<br />,� ' .. abligations securai hereby shalt re►rain fully effective as if no acceleratfon had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall _ _
<br /> not apply in the wse af ucceleration under paragraph l7. �- -- ------
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; ChanRe of I.oan Servicer. Thc Note or a partial intcrest in the Notc(together with this Securlry ��- ~
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more timcc without pr�or notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a chenge in the entity(known ,�n;:�,_ -
<br /> ... _ �"` =_--
<br /> as thc "Loan Scrvicer")tFiat collects monthly payments due ander the Notc an�! this Security Instrument.There slso may be one �.�';;:::----
<br />-• •=--•---_--_-_ —
<br /> -- ': - � – OC IiIOfC Chilll$Cti OI tllC I.cWII JC7ViCCf UI1iCIHICt�ttr u au�c ui iti� i'�6�C.ji tii�iC i:a��'iuiibc uf It�C IdltUi rJCIViCCC. Borrower wifi be : ----"" _----
<br /> �� . ' .. �iven written notice of the change in Accordance wlth puragrnph 14 abave and applicable law.The notice will state the name and .ri��::��'_��
<br /> • address of the naw Loan Servicer and the address to which puyments shauld be made. The notice will also contain any other i��.e. _
<br /> infumustian mquired by appltcublc law. .:.5 �''-"�'-
<br /> � ., 20. Hazardous Sub.stances. Borrower shall not cause ar permit the presence, use. disposal, storage, or releuse of any •
<br /> � . Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Bonower shall not do. nar allow anyone else to do, anything uffecting the �.�.
<br /> � , Property that is in vialution of any Environmental Law. The prececiing two sentences shall nat apply to the presence, use, or '"� ���
<br /> " storuge on the Propetty af timall quuntities of Hc�zzurdous Substunces that nre generalty reco�niud to tx appropriate to normal • �� a��
<br /> residential uses unJ to maintenance of the Property. �� .
<br /> • Borrower�hall promptly�ive Lender written notire of uny imestigution. claim,demund, lawsuit or other action by uny �- -
<br /> ` �� governmental ar regulatary agency or privutc paity involving thc Pmpeny ard any H:i:.ardaus Substanre or Enviramncntal Law A �"• J
<br /> of which Bonower hati actuni knowled�e. If Borrower l�:arns, or ic notified by any governmentul or regulatory Authority,that � . ' �
<br /> any renio�al ar othcr rctrcdiaiion af any H:�:►rdou:;Sut�ssancr affcctirsg the Propeny is neces:„�ry, $«nms�er sh�!!prnmptly tal:c '
<br /> -�—__-
<br />