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<br /> � � .. ,� . _... . _ . _.
<br />_ �� _ _...�._._y��� 10�344 � �.�
<br /> �'-���� TO(i�THER WITH nll tha impravements now ar hom,�fter er�ted on thc pmperty,nnd ali eaxementa.appurtenances.and
<br /> ..r��
<br /> flxtures now an c�reufter u part af thc property. All replacements und additions shall altia be covered by this Secu ty _—�
<br /> __ tnstrument. Alt of the foregaing is referred to in this Sacurity Instrument ns the"Property."
<br /> BQRROW�R COVENANTS that Borrowcr is luwfully seise�of the estnto hercby conveyed and has the rlght to gmnt and
<br />- canvey the Property und that the Property is unencumberr,d, except far encumbmnces of record. Barrawer wurrants aitd will
<br />= ctefend genernlly the titla to the Prnperty against alt claims nnd demands.aubject to any encumbrances of rccc�rd.
<br /> _ � ;y THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform covenants for natianul u�se und nan-unifurm covenunts with limited �
<br /> ==, verfations tsy jurisdietion to canstitute a uNfarm security instrursent covering reul prnperty. ° - --=T °
<br />-;� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and a�ree es follows:
<br /> , . ' k 1. Peyment o!Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Char�es. Borrower ahall pramptly pay when due the
<br /> ;,�, ,�;}���s;• principal of und interest an thc debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late churges dus under the Nate.
<br /> ' `"�^�'' •" �'•':' �. Funds tor Taxe.v and Insurance.Subject to applicuble Isw or to n written waiver by Lender. Borrowcr shall pay to
<br /> :1.�. 7
<br /> " �- ���;�."•�'�:�>�' 4•rr; L.ender on the day monthly paymente are due under the Note.until the Note is paid i�full.a sum("Fund�s">f�r:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> , � �.,: •,.• �•-. . .
<br /> � 4���•�:.;•:,::i�x; and assessments which may attain pr�ority over this Securiry instrument as a Hen on the Praperty:tb)yrsuly lensehol payments _- .-_---.- --
<br />-•_ ,.. � or gruu�ni rcma u��tt,r Pw�rty. if any:t�3 Ycarly haztud ar prapeny iasurance premiums:(d?1'early tlobd i�ar°»nce�rerniums. --
<br /> �t�� �} '�,� `' ���� if any; (e) yearly mortgage inwrance premlums, if any;and(� any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance wlth
<br /> � . , ' the pmvistcns of paragraph 8,1n lieu of the payment of mon�u�e insu�unce premiums.These items are called"Escmw Items."
<br /> - • Lender may,at any time. rnllect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed thc muximum amount a lender for a federafly _
<br /> �' ' .� : related martgage laan may require far Borrower's escraw account under thc federal Reul Estate Settlement Procedures Act of =
<br /> „ .
<br /> << .. � •... 1974 as amended from ttme to time, 12 U.S.C.Sectton 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that upplIcs to the Funds
<br /> " —=��-=, =— �ts a ksscr asnount. If so, Lee�cr mny, ar Hny �ime. coilect and hold Funds in un amount not ta exceed the lesser amount. - :
<br /> � •• i.cnder may estimate the nmount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasanable estimat�of expenditur�s oF future �
<br /> 8scrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable Inw. �`'=°`
<br /> � � The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agenc,y. instrumentaliry. or entity °_:°��
<br /> � , (including Lender,if I.ender is such an institatian)or in any Fedcrul Home L.oan 8ank.Lender shall upply the Funds ta pay the �'-'�-
<br /> ...�'a�;";:
<br /> , �• • Escraw Items. [.ender may not charge Bonower for holding and upplying the Funds,unnually unalyzin�the escrow account,or _�,,-_.�
<br /> � verifying the Escrow Items. untess Lender pays Bormwer intemst on the Funds and upplicable law permits Lender to make such ''�{�.•_-
<br /> • , a chargc. However, I.ender may requirc Bnnower to puy u one-timc chur�c for an independent rcal cstutc tax repoaing servIce ';��;�
<br /> ., used by L.ender in connection with this loan, unless applicuble Inw provides otherwise. Unless un agreement is made or " ,:,-'
<br /> " ppplicable law rcquires interest to be paid,Lender shull not be required to puy Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. �� .,}Z�;::;,�-
<br /> Borrower and Lendcr may Agrce in writing. howevcr, that interest shull be paid on the Funds. Lendcr shull give to Borrower. ',:.'.'�_r�T-'
<br /> without charge, an annuul aaounting of the Funds,tihowing credits and debitx to the Funds und iiic pw�iu,e fi�r which r.ach .. °
<br /> .� �� " debit to the Funds was iriade.The Funds are pledgexi uti udditionul sccurity for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. ��
<br /> `' If thc Funds heid by Lender cxcecd the amounts permitted ai bc hcld by applicablc luw, I.ender shuU accaunt to Bnrrower � . —
<br /> ° far the excess Funds in uccordunce with thc requirement�of upplirublr luw. if the amount of the Funds held by [.ender at nny ':•c��
<br /> , � time is not sufficient to puy thc F.xcrow Itemti when Jue,Lcnder muy so nutify Borrower in writing. und,in such wse Borrower _
<br /> ' shaU pay to i.ender thc umount �xreswry tc� mukc up thc dcficicncy. Borrawer shull muke up the deficiency in no more thun __
<br /> ,. • twelve monthty paynxntti, at Lender's tiule Jiacreti�m. :���
<br /> • � ' Upon paymcnt in fuU of all +um. +ecurecf by thiti Serurity Imtrumcnt. Le:ndcr �hull prumptly rcfund to Barrower any _
<br /> Punds held hy I.endec If, under paragraph 2I. LenJer�hall ucyuirc or�ell the Property. Lender, prior to the ucquisitiun c�r sale „�� ;;:���
<br /> of thc Property,shuli apply uny Fund.hcld by l.e�xler at the timr ut'ucqui�ition or tiule us u crcdit againyt thc tium+�ecureJ by '��.;
<br /> thiti Sccuriry Instrumcnt. � ��r;`{
<br /> 3.Application��f PuymcnRs.Unlc�ti upplicablc luH•providc�uthcrnitic,ull payment�rcrrivcci by L.cndcr undcr para�erwphs �%�,�J
<br /> � t und 2 tih.�ll he upplird: tir+t. to uny prepaynunt cliar�e.Juc wider thr N�rie: uc�md.ta am��unt. papahle undrr paru�ruph 2: �'
<br /> third.t�i intcre,t duc:ti�urth.ta rrincipal duc:unJ la.t, t��any latc rl�argc,duc undcr thr Nut�. ��
<br /> 4.Char�4w: I.icns. B�ttn�wtr �hall pay aU taxc�. a+tie��ntrntti.char�r.. finc,und impu�itiun, uttributuhlc t��thc Property � - � '
<br /> . which may attuin priority c�ecr thi� Sccuriq• In�trwnrnt. and Irauhold pay►ncnt.or gruund rent�, d uny. Burrc�wcr .huU pay . _-; ._
<br /> thc+c obli�:a�ion.in thc tn:�nncr proviJrJ in puragruph?.,ur if n�,t paiJ di that mannrr. H�rrruw•cr,hall pay thrm�m timc dircrUy .
<br /> to thc pcn�m i,wcd payment.Burr���vcr.hall promptly turm,h t�,I.cnd�r all nutirc,at'amuunl+tu hr paid undcr this paragraph. �
<br /> If Bur�i�wcr makr,thc�c paym�nt.dircrtly.E3�,rruaer.h:�n rr�,�»��i, furni.h t��Lcndcr rrrript.r��iJrnring thc payment..
<br /> - � 8uuu��rr.h.�t1 pr��mptl�di�rhar�:r am li�n�chirh ha, rri«rit� r�c�tlii• Srra:rit� In•.truntrnt uc:lc�,�.13urr�mc:: ;�:rrnc,in i ._ . ..._
<br /> ' writin�t��thc paymrnt ul thc��hligutiun.�currd h�•�hr licn in:�mannrr:�crcptahlr tu I.rndrr:�h►runtrtit.in g�x�d faith du lictti `
<br /> by, ar Jcfeixi.again.t entiircr�lknt ��f the li�n in. Ir�:al p��,rrcJing, ��iiicli �n the I.rndrr'. „pinian uprr.rtc tu prevent the
<br /> entiirremrn���f thr lier: �,r �r�.rrurr.fr�,m the he,ldrr ul th�lirn:m agrcrm�nt ,ati.fart�u•� a, I.�ndrr,uhurdinatin�! tlt� licn to
<br /> thi. Scrurit� In.trument. If L�n�lcr�t�trrminc,that an� part ut'thr Pn,�rt� i� .ut?t«•t tu:� licn ��hich ma� attain pricttity nvcr i
<br /> thi.Serurit�•In�trument. I.cnJrr m,�� gi��r liurru«rr a nuuc���tcntd�in� ►I�r I�rn. f�orrm�cr,hall �ati�l'� the lirn ur txke unr ar i
<br /> m��re of thr artiun+srt li,rth ah�►�c��ithin IU da�,ul the�!i�in� uf nuti�c. �
<br /> � Form 3028 9190 �
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