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<br /> �„��" ^ '�-'� reaamble attorners•feea.on account ef�ny titlaatlon which may ariie with ie�poot to tht�Trust o:wjeh erapeet to =_
<br /> ' "� the indebtadnen erldeneed by uid note. elie pratection�nd malnunancR ot the pcopert�herelnabova dacrlbed or in �
<br /> _ �-� '""��"`` �.�°�' obuinin�po�aewlon of aid propenr �tter anr ule whiofi m�y be m�do��hee�ela�lter pmvIded. -�
<br /> s ;,� _... _ E=_--:=='`=---_—
<br /> .�� .. 2 Upon the full payment ot ehe indebtc�lncn evidenced by aid note aad the intereu thee�eon�.the paqa�eat ot ="-
<br /> , ,. �'-�.u::_-—_—
<br /> ut!other�utn�hemin provided tar�the �psyment ot oll monies advaneed or expeaded punwnt to wid note oe tl�u ,.:-,,�„���Y
<br /> ' irutntmer�ti�nd upoa the payment of tll other�.�mper cats.ch��6e�.commis�ions.andexpeuseW.the�bove dporIbed ` '�,;;��.��?R_�
<br /> ro rt �ha116e releued aad reconve ed to uad�t the co�t ot the Cranton � '��'", •
<br /> P Pe Y y .t+'�y��'A`�:
<br /> . . n 1�� 7e'' .
<br /> S.Upon default in aay o!dtic covenaa�a or eonditione ot Ihie insirument ar ot the note o�lona agaoment eecured � �� "-'i'"�`'"-'�`�'�r
<br /> . ., �, ... �,..
<br /> _ . ._.y,�_:._�t:, __ .. i�enby.the Be�zefielaey o�hie auig►�e may wiiliaui i�aiice:n� u iihani rc�arc! ia i:tc :de�usey af:.acutity fos!!se in� ., -�°sS-•='--
<br /> .... . . . - �-_•�,-__,-:��,�.,.� •
<br /> debtedneae eewred.etther penonnlly or br attorney or osent without bringiag uny ac�ion a�proceeding.oe by a ru ° . � : �., :,_
<br /> , ceiver to be appointed by the court.entee upon and t�ke poseasion of eaid psoperty or�M part thertof,and Jo�oy ,t;.���,;, •..�
<br /> � act�which Beneficiary deem� proper to protcct the aecudty he�eot. and either wfth or witl�out taking possc�eion oi h�'-
<br /> said property.colleet and receive the rentti roy�ltia.Uaues.and pro6ta thereof�including renb accweJ and unpaid� ,;;��{;�;,;`r��
<br /> " ° and apply the ame.lees coits of opes�tioa aod colleatIon, upon the indebtedaess eecured by thia Deed ot Trwt.aaid •�'r"�,�,;,LL•« _
<br /> � _. � --: .�_ .�_ .--- rsst:,rays!lfrw f:..-u��nd pral�te.br�xg lterr5y a::��es�!a Benr�c£srY�a fa:rtker!ecur3ty[oe ehe p4ymertt o!ee�c�► . - ` "a -`--
<br /> indebudnas.Ezerciee o[rl�hte under thi��po�agrnph ehrll �ot cure or waive any detault or nozice of default hete• •��••��'-• �
<br /> uader or invalidate eny act done pure�ant to aucb nottce but ahall be cumutative to any right and �emady to declare :r�''.�'::""
<br /> •� o detnult and to eanee notice ot defoul� to be recorded Aa hereinofter provIded.and cumulative to any oeher rIght `..; �� 1{ ;_..
<br /> ' and/or eemedy hereunde�.or provided by Issw. anrl may be exerciasd concurrently or iodcpendently. Expeneee in- �•?:
<br /> , curred by Beneficiary hareunder includiag�eaaonable attorneys fcea ahall Fxe eecured hereby. �' . ,. ; -
<br /> �s n,
<br /> . 4.Tha Grantor covenants�nd agrees thnt!f he ehail fail tn pay a�id tndebtedneu. or any purt ehereof. when � �,t
<br /> due.or eMll tail to pertorna aay covenans w age�eement of tliie inetcumeot or of tlae promiseosy note seca�ed heroby. � ' �-`-
<br /> I the entire indebtedneee ha�eby eecured shdl immedintely become due, payable� and colleetiblo without notice� at " '���
<br /> tho o tion of the Beneficiar or asei na re ardleas of maturlt . nnu the BeneScla or asei �e ma entas u n iaid � ,''�
<br /> . __-......�:,. � p Y B 6 1 tY 6 Y P� __��..�
<br /> - p�operty and coliert tho renta and profiia thereof. Upon suci� defnuit in payoirt�i ot�serlorniancs, aad lxtare ar - --- .,�.;,�; ;
<br /> a�ter euch entey. the T�uetee. actin� in �he execution of this Truat.ahall have the power to aell eajd propeety. � . e
<br /> and it sl�all be tl�e Trusteee �:�t�• to sell snid prope»�� (and in case of nny default oI any purchase�� to reaell) ' �: ,
<br /> at publia nuction. to the hishest biddcr,fimt giving four weeke notice af tl�c tinie. tcrme. and plactt of euch ' �y ;
<br /> sAle,by advertieement not less thar�once dusing euch of eaid fou�wecks in u newspaper published or dietributed in �' .� ;►: �
<br /> tl�e county or political aubdiv;atoa in wFatch ea{d property is eituated.all other notice being hereby walved by the „ . ti '
<br /> Grantor (and the Beneficlary ot nny peraon on behalf o!the BeneficIary mny bi�t nad pu�chaee .t auch eolel.Such f°'�`
<br /> sale w{Il !w l�eld nt a euftablo place to be ielected by the Bene6clary within xoid county or political subdlvieion.The I • r'�,'
<br /> Tsuetee ia hereby nuthoriaed to execute and deliver to ehe purcl�aeer at euch sale a eufrictent conveyance of naid proJr � �
<br /> erty,which conveynnce eMall centajn recitaln as to the happe�in� of a dcfault upon wbtch the executton of t1�e power I .
<br /> i ot aale lieretn gronted depends;and the e�id GrAntor hercby constitutee and appointa the Truetee ae hIa agent and � , .. ����
<br /> aitorney in fact to mnke euch recitals and to executc eaiJ conveyance and hereby covcnants and agreea that the re• � ��
<br /> , catals eo made ahall be binding and conctu�ive upon the Crpntor. nnd eaid conveyance shal! be eaectual to bar sll � , . �
<br /> � equity or rjght ot�edemption�homeetcad.dowec.ri�ht ot app�aiseoient,nn1 all other ri�hts and exemptione of the
<br /> � (:�antor.al!�f r�hich are hcrcby expreeal7 waive�!nm!conveycd to the TruetFe (n the event ot n eale na hereinabove �
<br /> � pe�ovided.the Grantor.or any pereon in posseeaion under the Grantor, ehoU ther� become and be tenants holding ; , '
<br /> � over end shal!forthwith deliver poseceeionto the purcF�aser ut euch enlc or bc eummarily dieposeeeaed. in accordance
<br /> , with the provfeione of law applicable to tenants holding ov�r. The power and ubency hcreb� granted are coupled ,
<br /> I with an interest and are irrevocable by de+th or otheewiee. and are granted as cumulative to all oti�er remediea!or �
<br /> � tlie collectton of eaid indebudaees.The H�eoe6cia�y or Aeaigne may take any other apprnprinte action purnuant to atate
<br /> or Federal etatute eithee in etnte or Federal court or otherwiee for the diepoeitiou of thc property.
<br /> ►
<br /> { 5. In the event of a eale Ae provided in para6raph 4.the Tn�atee ehall bc paid a fee by thc Beneficiary in an
<br /> � amuunt not in exreas of percent of t1�e groea amount of eaid aalc or ealee.provided,however.tl�at the amount
<br /> of euch fec ehall be reaeonable and el�all 6c a pproved by th�Beneficiary ae tn�eaxonableneea,Said fee ehall be in addi•
<br /> tion to the coeta und ezpennes incurred by the T�uatce in conductin6 such sate.The annou�t of auch coats and expeneee
<br /> • ehall be deducted and paid from!he eale's proceede.It is furtl�er nAreed thAt if said propert y ehall be Advcrtised for eale
<br /> s� • aa herein provided and not eold,the Truatee ahall be entitled to u reasonable fee,in ao amount acceptable to the Bene•
<br /> ftciary for tF�e eervicea so rendcred.The Trietoe Bliall also be reimburned by the Benr6ciery for nll costs and expeasea
<br /> iacurred in connection with the advertisinR ot euid property tor eale if thc aale ie not coneummated.
<br /> 6. The prnceede of any r lc of eaid property in acco�da�co with paragraph 4 ehull be applied 6eet to payment
<br /> � of feee. aoete.an.i expensee n[eaid eaIe,the expeneee incur�ed by the Brneficiaey for the purpoae of protecti.:6 or
<br /> _ � maintaining eaid property and reaeoaoble attorneys'feea: eecondly. to paymeet of the indebtednees eecu�ed hereby;
<br /> aad thirdly. to pay any aurplus or excees to t6e peraon or pereoae iegniiy entitied teurew.
<br /> I7. In the event eaid property ie eold pursuont to the authoriaation contained in thjs instcument or at n judicial
<br /> � fareclosure eale and the proeeede are not wR'icient to pay the total indebtedness eecured by thie instrument and
<br /> �� evlLenoed by eaid ptoenisnory aote. t6e Beaeficiary will be entided W a de&etency judgmeat for the amonnt of the
<br /> ; •� i deficiency without�eg�tcd to appraieement,tl�e Grantor having waiveJ and nxeig�ed all rights of appruisement to the
<br /> I Tru�tee.
<br /> �. 8. The Cr�nto�coven�nts md agred as follows:
<br /> I o. He wiU prompdy pay the indebudneee evfdeoxd by e�td pramiesnry nou nt t6e timee and jn the
<br /> i . lea�aae�theoetn provided.
<br /> . . . �
<br />