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...e..�.��,_� � � v.a � — __ .. ;�,�.._____ _ _ _ ..... _�. . _ <br /> ��,. --- . . , <br /> =_�° :n: — . • ._.--- ._. -_r__-- . . _ <br /> T MH��iF- <br /> , ' �t . �i4'�1:IM!r�4:�h...: • � <br /> .f,� • � 1���I��� e.t . '•• � . . - '"_ <br /> r , , <br /> . <br /> . ,. .. _. _ _ -- <br /> � -._...��.a.,.,+�:s:.�,��N ._..,..---._y.,— -- - - .._..._.... _ . . -- <br />- � <br /> . '4:n]ntttiv:+�'.,� - <br /> _ � �. . . v 94��o2�xo ��-�3 .:.__{::r:_:_�. <br /> �� � � ��. °���" 9. H�saMous M�t�dah.Trustor ehail keep the Property In aomptlanae with a��appliaebte lews,ordinanaee and�epulaUono <br /> . «''i• v '`� releUnp to induatrl8l hypiane or environmentqt proteotlon(coileotively refdrred to hereln ee"Environrnentel Lewa'y.T►ustor ehail <br /> , .:. <br /> ��---- <br /> -•'m�-° �- - �=* keep the Praperty free trom ett eubatances desmed to be huardous or toxia under any Environmental Lawe(aol�eotivety roterred to - - <br /> i�°�'- --- -- - - ---_ _ <br /> "':�''���'',""`, `'� herein as"Hezardoue Materlals").Truetor hereby warranb and repreaente to Lender lhst there ara no Maurdous Materiafs on ar -_-_- <br /> t • ,. undertheProperly.TrustorhorebyagreeatoindemnlryendholdharmlessLender,itadireotors,oNiceraempioyoesandagents,and �R.�y' --_ __.__ __ <br /> �� ? any euaceaao►sto Lender's mterest trom and epalnatany and all ataime,damapea,loaaea and IIablUttes ar�alnp In�onnecUan with --- <br /> �''"' � the presenca.use.disposat or tranaport ot any Herardoua Materiets on. under,trom or about the Propedy.THH FORE�OIN(i �-. ,.,,. <br /> . � � WARHAN71E8 AND RHPRESENTATION8,ANO TRUBTOR'8 OBUGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FORE001NQ INDEMNlTY,�HALL aa`T ae r•ro�•�� <br />_ ' � SURVIVE RErONVEYANCE OF THIS OEED OF TRUST. - <br /> '. " 10. Atsipnm�nt of Renb.Trustor hereby aeaigns to Lender the rents,isaues and proflte ot the Praperty;provided that Truator °�','��_ <br /> . shati,undi the oaourrence of an Event of Oefault hereunder,have the right to collect and retaU such rents,issuas ana vronca as�ney ��� f,��,F__� <br /> � • becomo due and payable.Upon the ocaurrence of an Event of DeTault,Lender may,either in pereon or by apent,with or wilhout '���;;�„�,,::--- <br /> bringing any ecdon or proceedin�,or by a receNer appointed by a aourt and without regard to the esdequaay of ita Seourity.enter ���=i ` "°"` <br /> , '�.. :r�:_..__ <br /> - -- - � ---• � upon and take possess4on otthe Property,or eny pert thereof,in Na awn nemeor In the name of the T�uatee,and doe�y aetn which it _,,.�?-�_ <br /> deems necossary or dealrabie to preaerve the velue,marketability or rentability of the Property,or any paR thereof or tntereat therein, ;�,•�.:,'-` _ <br /> Inorease the incorne thereirom or protect the seaurity hereof and,with or without teking possesalon of the Property,aue tor or � �%�4=�-�"-°--- <br /> '/ otherwtae cotlect the�ents,issuea and pro8ts thereof,inoluding those past due and unpaid,and apply the same.�esa costs and ��--.__ <br /> w expenses of operation and collecUon inciuding attorneys'teea,upon eny Indebtednesa seaured hereby,alt In euch order as Lender =- <br /> may determine.The entering upo�and taking possession ot the Property.tha collection oi such rente,issues and profits and the �•'�- <br /> apptioaUon thereot as etoresaid,shali not aure or waive any default or notice ot detault hereunder or invalidete sny aot done in � __ <br /> � ,, , .... <br /> �.____�:_^:.�,_._:� res=ton�eto sesch�+eteUltor pureuent tn a���h nntlr.e nt dateult and,notwithstanding the conUnuance In poasesaion of the Ptopetiy or <br /> ....� <br /> '�� �, the collacUon,recoipt and apptieaUon of rents,lssuea or profite,and Trostee and Lender shall be enUGed to exereiso every right - - - <br /> " providediorinanyoftheLoanOocumentaorbylawuponocounenceotanyEventofDefault,inaludingwithouttimitat(ontheHghtto �• ., <br /> exercise the power of se�e.Further,Lender's rights end remedf�rs under thia paragraph shall be cumulative with,and(n no way a -- <br /> Ifmitetionon,LendersrightsandremediesunderanyessignmentofleasesendrentarecordedageinsttheProperly.Lender.T►uetee +�-+=� <br /> and the receiver ahail be�ieble to account only those rents aatually received. . - <br /> � „ it. Evsnt�of Dehull.The toilowing shall constitute an Event of Detault under this Deed of Truat ---_--- <br /> . (a) Fallure to pay any instaliment of principai or interest of any other aum secured fiereby when due; <br /> „ . (b) A breach of or default underany p�ovlelon conteined in the Note,this Deed of Truat,anyof the Loa�Oxumenta,orany ' t, r <br /> other Iten or encumbrance upon the P�operty: t _aiirz -� <br /> . - (c) A wrlt ot execution or attachment or any elmiiar procesa shel�be ente�ed against Trustor which shali become a Ilen on . ;.� <br /> � _ � " , the Property or any portion thereot or Intereat therein; � ^ <br /> (d) There sheli be fited by or against Trustor or Borrower a�actlon under any present or tuture tedoral,state or other �• --�-=�'R• - <br /> �----------�= siatuis,!aw or rsgulattan ratating ta�ankruptcy.ln:,olvoncy or athar rallat!or debtors;or there shal!!�e eppointed any lrustge, E ' ,; + '� <br /> receiver or Iiquidator o}T�ustor or Borrower or of ali or any pan of the Property,or the renta,lesues or profits thereof,or Truator ", <br /> or Borrower ahall make any generai assignment for the beneflt ot credltors; • <br /> (e) The,ss�e,trans(or,lease,assignment,conveyance or turther encumb�ance ot all or any part of or any Interest In the " <br /> Property. either votuntarliy or Invoiuntarily,wfthout the expreas written cot�sent of Lender,p�ovided that Trustor shali be ' • <br /> permitted to exeaute a lesse ot the Property that does not contaln en optlon to purchase and the term ot which does not exceed <br /> one year ' ,� ,,; ' <br /> . (� Abandonment ot the Property;or � <br /> (g) If Trustor is not an indlvlduai,the isauance,eale,traneter,asaignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than a totel �:; �� <br /> �� ot.�percent of(if a corporetion) ita Isaued and outstanding stoCk or(It a partnerahip)a totei ot percent o} t;r <br /> pertnership Interests ddring the parfod this Oeed of Trust remains a Hen on tho Property. �'•a r <br /> . 12. Remedles;Aacelaratton Upon Deteult.In the event ot any Event ot Oefault Lender mey,wlthout notice except as required by �!• <br /> Iaw,deaisre ell Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the eame shelt thereupon become due and payab�e .�' '�' <br /> without any presentment demand,protest or �otice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: .�-t�+��� <br />" , (a) Demand that Truatee exerciso the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall thereatter c8us8 Trustor's ,,��y�,y�- <br /> intereat In the Property to be soid and the proceeds to be distrlbuted,all fn the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Oeede � t�,/.,.: <br /> AC� ` <br /> , (b) Exercise any and aII rlghts provided}a in any of the Loan Oocuments or by law upon occu�renceof any Eventof 0elauit, � �; °--•--- <br /> and - <br /> � (c� Commence a�actfon to torecloee thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appofnt a recelver,or speclflcaliy enforce any of the , <br /> covenants he�eof. I <br /> No remedy herein conierred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exctusive ot any other remedy herefn,In the � • <br /> . Loan Dxuments or by law provided or permitted,but each shatl be cumuiative.shalt be fn addttion to every other remedy given � .. <br /> " ' hereunder,in the Loan Documenta or now or hereatterextsting at law or In equity or by gtatute,and may be exercised concurrentty, f � <br /> independently or sucaessively. , <br /> 13.Ttustae.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appolnt a I <br /> successor or substitute Trustee,Trustee ahaU not be tlablo to any party,Including without Iimltation Le�der,Borrower,Trustor or any 1 <br /> � purchaser of tN�Properly,for any Ioss or demage unlesa due to reckieas or witlfui misconduct,and shall not be required to take any ' <br /> actfon In connection wlth the entorcement of thls Oeed ot Trust un�ess Indemnffied,In wrltfng,for all costs,compensation or <br /> oxpenses which rt�ay be assocfated therewltti.In addition.Trustee may become a purchaser at sny sale oi the Property(judiciat or , <br /> under the power of sale granted hereln);postpone the sale ot ali ur any portlon of the Property,as provlded by Iaw;or sell the � <br /> Property as a whole,or In separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlacretlon. <br /> 14. Fees and Expentte�.in the event Trustee aeils the Property by exercise ot power ot seie,Truslee shali be entitled to apply <br /> r' � any sa�e proceeds 11rst to payment ot ali coats and expenses oi exercising power oi sale,inciuding ali Trustee's tees,and Lende�'s ' <br /> and Trustee's ettorney's tees,actually tncurred to extent permltted by applfcable law.In the event 8orrowc►r or Truator exerciaes any � <br /> right provided by law to cure an Event oi Detauit,Lender shali be entit�ed to recover trom Trustor ait costs and expenses 8ctually <br /> tncurred as a result ot Trustor's default, Inctuding wlthout limitatfon all Trt,stee's and attorney's tees,to the extent permitted by <br /> appticable taw. <br /> 16. Futu�e Advences.Upon request of Borrower, lender mey,at its optton,make addltional and future advances and re- <br /> advancea to 8orrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shalt be secured by this Oeed ot Trust At no tfine ehatl <br /> . fho n��nnlnel oMn��nl n1 fhn iniinhfuilncco oon�.rdl Mu Ihlo I1md nf Tr��01 n��Inn���elinn u�.mo nd..nnndl ln nrnfn�f Iho eon�uilv n}fhin <br /> —' ' �.��...�. <br /> _.' T='__.'..._ .....•. .� . �.�..�...��...�.�.�.....��'��"�������'���7....������. ..��-�..�....�.��...p��...���"�"���.��.�.��....��� <br /> ; Oeed ot TruBt,exceed the origlnat prfncipel amount ateted herein,or$?s aaq��a ,whlchever Is greater. � <br /> ? 18. fNfsceilaneous Provl�ions. <br /> } (a) Bortower Not Reieased.Extenslon of the time tor payment or modiflcation of amortizetio n of the sume secured by thfs <br /> Deed ot Trust granted by Lendor to any successor In fnterest of Borrower shal�not operate to any manner,the Ilabitiry <br /> - ot the origln�l Borrower and Borrower a successors fn interest.Lender she�i not be requtred to commence proceedfngs againet <br /> � snch successor or refuse to extend time tor payment or othenvise modtfy amortlzatfon ot the sums secured by thia Deed ot Trust <br /> �� by reason ot any demands made by the odgina!Borrower and Borrower's successors tn fnterest <br /> (b) Lender's Powen.Without aHecting the Ilabl�iry ot any other person �iab�e tor the peyment of any obilgatfon herefn <br /> mentloned,and without aNectlng the Ilen or charge nf thls Oeed of Trust upon any portfon ot the Properiy not then or theretotore <br /> '�.. reteased as securiry tor the tutl amount ot ail unpald obligatlons,lender may,from time to tlme and without notice(I)reioase any <br /> . pereon so Ilable,tH)extond the maturiry or alter any ot the terms ot any such obiigations,(fll)grant other tndulgences,(IV)reiease <br /> or reconvey,or cause to be reieased or �econveyed at any Ume et Lender's option any parcet, portion o�all ot the P�operty, <br /> � , (v)take or release any other or additlonai securfhr tor any obilgatlon hereln mentloned,or(vl) make composltlons or other <br /> � . a►rangemonta wlth debtors in retaUon thereto. <br /> , ' 1. � _- <br />