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<br /> �' 03-�1-1�94 , DEEO t9F TRUST � Pa�a 4 ' -____
<br /> _ ,.��, �� I.�oan No S7$8� � . � � (CoMlnued) 1,��Q� ---�- -:s__--::��;--
<br /> • .. - ', . . _ _
<br /> � . S�WRIT11 AQREEtAHNTO FtNANCINQ STATENAEHTB. the tolbwing provlabna relaUng to thts 0 ot n�et ea�secudty egreemeM�re�pert ot _.�`.:;;`_��;�::;�_"
<br /> � : � We Oeed ot TNat. .. ..s'n v+,. -.-__—
<br /> .��.r;..---- .__.
<br /> ^y . S�ourtly Apn�m�nt Thb Instrumem ahW!oonotituta a eecudry�gteerr►c�r�to ihe exteM arry►of the Ptoperly consNtutes 1fxNres or other .:. ���m�.;n=-
<br /> peroonat propeAy�and Lend�ehe!!have M of the rlgMe ot�rewnd p�rty u�d�r tM UNtorm CotrmKCW Code a�rner►el�d fram Urrw to — ,�J��.:,:., --
<br /> eh 4�:•-•----- _
<br /> „ � ., tlme. '��:f,�i,:��;� _,Q
<br /> ••�v " �� S�ouAty U�tWf. Upon reque�t by londer,Tn�ator eh�N execwte An�ndn�sl�tane�and Wce whatever oiher aaUon Is toqucatod by tonder ; ; ,.� ,.-.,.�i�,��:,__
<br /> " to petfoot end ooMinu�Lender's security intareat in the ReMs md PenonN Pro In�ddWon to reoording 1hb Oeed ot T�u�t In tM reat �,,,:_ �—
<br /> ,•-. �•���_h��
<br /> � ' � � properry record��Lender mq.at u►y tlma�nd wtthout turther�utho�a9on irom tuetor,Ne executed counterprute�wpies or reproductl�one ot _ �.�•��z-:�__
<br /> thfe Oeed of TNSt as R flnRndng statemer�. Ttuetor ahall retmburoe Lender tor�N expa�IncurteG In pertootln9 or con8nuing thb securlry ' �".'�'i���_.���.
<br /> " interest. tlpon detautt.7Nat�r sh�q�emble tl�PeisonM PropaAy ln�m�►net and�t�plaae reasonabty oornenter�to Truator and L9nder �:�' �'� '�""'�`�':,
<br /> � `� " - and make ft avdlable w Londer within three(3)deya nfter►ecelpt oi wrfttan danend from Lender.
<br /> n .:,� ��:;.
<br /> Addr�ssrs. Tha me111ng addresaea of Ttustor(debtor)�nd tsnder (eeaired Party).from vrhlch IMortnadon oonoernln9 the eecuritY trrcerest ,;���},r� :
<br /> grn�rted by thia Deed of 7ruat mey be obtelned(each as requtrod by tho UnHortn Cortn�erdef Code),ere es stnt8d on tl►e tUet paga of thta Deed � �.:;�.w�_ _ __
<br /> ., „ ofTrusL , �:<�;.�i'a::�-�
<br /> :':-ir�:-_ --R .-
<br /> " FURTHER ASSURANCEB;ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The follawing provislona relatlng to fudher�surancea end nttomey-k��iact are s part of ihla �...�•._:.���...�v,k
<br /> Osed ot TruoG ��'„`u�'>�°'
<br /> FuMhet Aesuwncea At any dme,and from tlma to tlme,upon request ot londer,TNSta w[0 make,execute itnd delivst,or wUl oause to be .�,�,
<br /> made, executed or detivered. to Lender or to lender's designee,and when requested by Lender,otwse to be flted,recorded, reflted,or � .r:•:�
<br /> �erecorded,as the case ma1 be,at such tlmes and in such oftkes and p�aces as lender may deem eppropdato,nrry and ell suah mortgagea, : ;z�-_�
<br /> � deeds ot wst,securily deeda,sewrtry egreemarne,flnandng statemsnts,contlnueUon statemante,inswmerne of furthe►assuranoe�ce�tlflcatea, L'
<br /> pnd other doaments as may,tn the eote opinbn oi tander.be necessary or deskabb !n order to ettectunte,comA�ete,peKect,contlnue,or <s hJ�q-_,_,
<br /> � , pteserve {a)the obRgaiiu�a ut 7rustor under iha Credtt AgrROrtsont.tMs Deec!ot Trn�t,anA tha RNeted Oocumen� and (b)tha Nons and _ _ �__
<br /> " security imeresta created by thie Qeed ot Truat on the Prope�r,whether now owned o�hereatter ncquked by Truetor. Un�eas prohiblted by Iaw r�.,,,,r-
<br /> or agreed to the conVary by Lender in wrldng,Truator shaN relmburse Lenderto�aN oosts and expenses incurred in connectlon vNth the mndere ;�-
<br /> referred to in tNs paragraph, '��
<br /> .,..-.-
<br /> Attomey-in-F�at it Truetor faits to do any oi the things reterred to in the preceding peragraph,Lender mey do ec for und in the name of r:,_:._
<br /> T�ustor ond at Truscor's oxpenae. For euch purposes,Tntstor hereby irtevocabty appalnte Lender as Trustore attorney-In-faat tor the utpose �� ;.,
<br /> of making,executlt�g, delWeting,fliing,�ecording,and ddng aA other lhings as may be necesser�►or desinsbte,In Lendera eole op�nbn,to �,..��
<br /> acoompNeh the mattere reterred ro in the preceding peragraph. ` '�
<br /> FULL PERFORMANC& It Truaror paye ail the Indebtedneba when due,tamUnates the credR Iine account,and othervAse pertortns all the obltgatbna
<br /> "����.�.
<br /> Imposed upon Truetor undet this Oeed ot Tn�st,Lender eheil execute and deYvsr to Truetee o request tor full�eoonveyenoa and ehaN execute and � �:�
<br /> i• dellver to Truaror auRabte statemer�ts ot terminadan of any flnencing statement on flle eWder�ing tsnder's securiry Interest tn the Renta snd the ��
<br /> Peraone►Property.Any►econveyance Tee tequhed by Iaw ehal�be pald by Ttustor,B permitted by appUoable taw. � '
<br /> i �
<br /> - OEFAi2iS. Eactt ot iha lottoulrtg, at ths opdon o!l.ender,ehel! �nomute an eve�t ot default("Event ot Cefaull") under this Oeed ot Trust: (a) •��
<br /> T►uetor comrnNe ftaud or mekes a materiai misrepresentatlon at any dme In connectlon with the aedlt Iine axouM. Thfa can tncNae,tor exempie,a °
<br /> tatse slatement about Truetore income, sssets, Ilabllltles,or any olher espeate ot Troator�s flnandei conditlon. (b) Ynrator does not meet the
<br /> repayment tertns oi the credft Nne accouttl. (o)Trustor's actlon or InacUon adversely eilecta the ootlaterat for the credR Yne account or Lender's�Ights
<br /> In the coYateral. ThIe can include,tor exempie,tatlure to melntoin requlrod iro�urance,waste a descuadve use ot the dweling,taiiure to pay taxea,
<br /> death of aU persona Ilabte on the account,tra�ter ot tltle or eale oT the dwelling,aeatlon ot a Ilen on tha dwe�iing without our pertnissbn,foreetoaure ��
<br /> by the hoider of arather Iten,or the use of lunda or the dwetling 1or prohlbited purposes. r?
<br /> RItiMT3 AND REMHOIES ON DHFAULT. Upon lhe oxurtence oi eny Event of Detault and at any Umo tho►oafter,T+uetee or lender,at ile optbn, *+L �
<br /> may exercise any one or more of lhe tollowing�ights end remedles,In additton to any other rlghts or remedles provldod by Iaw: � �}�I
<br /> Aaoslerotlon upon Detaulh,Additlonal Remedtea. Q any event of detauR occure which b not ared wlthin fifteen(16)days etter notloe,as per ��`�
<br /> the terms of the Credft AgreemeM secured hereby,Lender may dectare ell Indebtednesa secured by thta Deed ot Trust to be due and payabie •
<br /> and the sarr�e shali thereupon become due and payabte without any presentmen4 demand, proteat or notlee ot eny k(nd, Thereatter,Lender .
<br /> ,
<br /> mey: � ,:
<br /> . � (a) Elther in pereon or by agent,with or without bringing any aclbn or proceeding,or by s recalver eppolnted by e court and wilhout � ,`��;n.
<br /> I regerd to the adequecy of Its aeauiry,anter upon anA take possessbn of the Propeny,or any part thereof,in tte own name or in the neme �:.�
<br /> ot T�ustee,and do any acts which It deems necesaery or deskable to presenre the velue.marketabiltry or rentabillry ot the Propeny,or part l . 1.%�
<br /> of the Property or interest in the Property;Increase the income from the Proporty or protect the security ot the Property;and,wlth or wfthout � ,
<br /> taking poesessbn of the Properry,sue tor or otherv�lse coNect the rents,issuos and profits ot the Propetry,Including those pest due and �
<br /> unpeld,and apply the same,tess costs and expenses of operatlon and collectlon,including sttorneys'tees,to any indebtedness secured .
<br /> by tMs Deed ot Truet,atl in such order as Lender may deterrttine. The entddr�y upon and t6fcing posso�lon of tha Properry,the coliectlon . � __
<br /> ot euch rente,issues and proflta,and th�appllcadon thereot ahalt not cure or waive any defeuR or notice of default under this Deed ot Trust
<br /> or Invetidate any act done in response to such defauft or pursuent ro such notice of detautt;and, notwithstanding the contlnuance In
<br /> poesesabn oi the Properry or the cc�llecdon,recetpt and appileelb�ot rents, Issues or profils,Truatee or Lender ahail be entltled to
<br /> exercise every right provided for in the Credtt Agreement or the Reteted Oacuments a by Iaw upon the occuRence oi any event ot defautt
<br /> , including the►ight to exercise the power of eaie;
<br /> � (b) Commence an actlon to foreGose thls Oeed of Truat as a matgege.appotnt a recelver or speciAcalhl entorce any of the covenants
<br /> hereot;end
<br /> , (c) Deliver to Trustee a w►ilten dectaration of defauR and demand tor eale and a writlen notice ot defauh and Hlecdon to cause Truetor's
<br /> intereat In the Propehy to be sold,which noUce Trustee shall cause to be duly IYad br record in the nppropdete ofllees of the Counry In
<br /> wMch the Property Is bcated;and
<br /> , (d) With respect to ail or any part of the Pereonat Property,Lendor shatt heve eil the rights and remedles of a secured party under the
<br /> Nebraske UnBorm CommerGal Code.
<br /> �> Foreotoaure by Power o!Saie. If Lender e�ects to torecbse by exerclse of Ihe Power of Sele herein contalned,Lender shaN notNy 7rustee and
<br /> ti ehail deposit with Trustee this Oeed oi Trust and the Credit Agreement and such reeeipts end evidonce ot expenditures mede and secured by
<br /> this Oeed ot Trust as Truslee may require,
<br /> ' (a)Upon recoipt ot such notice hom Lender,Truetee ahal cause to be recorded,pubtlshed and dellvored to Trustor such Notice ot Detault
<br /> and Notice ot Saie as then requlred by taw and by this Deed ot TNSt. Truatea ehaN,without demand on Trustor,arier such tlme as mey
<br /> then be requlred by tew and aRer recordatlon ot such Notice ot Delautl end after Notice ot Sele having been glven as requked by law,seA
<br /> the Properry at the tlme and place ot sete flxed by tt in such Notice of Sde,etther as a whole,or In separate lots or perceta or ftems as
<br /> � I Tn�stee ehal►deem expedlent,and In such order as tt may determne,at pubNc auctlon to the highest bidder tor cash In Iawfut mo�ey ot
<br /> the United States peyabie at the tlme ot sNe. Trustee ah�t deliver to such purcheser or purchasere thereof Ita good and eutticlent dc�ed or
<br /> � deeds canveying the property so sotd,but wlthout eny covenant or werranry,expre�s or implled. The reckata In auch deed ot Any mattors
<br /> •�..� � �....r�.a�..,....u�.,...�u..��nNnx Tn�etnr Tnia�pw. or Landar.mav
<br /> .: . . . _. . . .._._..�_............----'�---. ..��.
<br /> of IflClB BnWt Otl wncituWrn jirovt v� ttro uvuuanroai anww�. r.u�pww�y n�v.......n ..............'•--'.. ..--° . . . , .
<br /> � purChase at such sele.
<br /> � l (b) As mey be pemYtted by taw,efter deductlng atl costs,teea and expenses ol Truetee and of thla TNSt,Inciuding costs ot evlde�ce oI
<br /> Utle In connectlon xrlth sa�e,Trustee shail epply the proceeda of aele to payment of (q alt sums expended under the tertns of thls Deed ot
<br /> ; i � 7ruat or under the terms of the Credit Agreement not then repald,including but�ot tlmtted to accrued inlerest and late chazgea, (M)aN
<br /> j Wher surns then necured hereby,and Quj the remalnder,Y any,to ihe peraon or pereons legetty entltled thereto.
<br /> ' �� j (a)Truetee may In the menner provided by taw postpone sate ot al or eny portlon of the Roperry.
<br /> j Remedles Not�cotualve. Ttuetee and Lender,and each of them,eheM be entltled to eMorce payment end perlortnance of any Indebtedness
<br /> � , � or obilgetlons secured by thts Ooed of Ttust and to exerclae elt rights and powere under thls Oeed ot Truet,under the CrodR Agreement,undor
<br /> , I arry ot Ihe Retated Documents,or under eny other agreement or eny taws nc►w or haeatter In torce; noMrtthstanding,some or all of euch
<br /> Indebtedness and obtlgatlona secured by th�Deed ot Truat may now or heresfter be othervvise secured,whethe�by matgage,deed ot truat,
<br /> � piedge,Ilen,nsalgnment or otherwise. NeNher the eocaptanco ot thls�eed ot Truet nar Ns entorcement,whether by court acUOn or pursuent to
<br /> i; I the power ot eaie or other powera contained in thia Oeed of Truet,ahaM pteJudke or h any enanner aNect Tn�atee's or Lender's right to reall=e
<br /> upon or entace any other security now or hereatter hetd by'fNStee ot lender.R being egraed that Truetee and Lender,and each ot them,ahall
<br /> be entltled to entorce thla Deed ot Trust and any other oecurtry naw or hereaRer held by Lender or Trustoe In such order end menna as they or
<br /> . ,
<br /> � ! I
<br /> t � - - -- - -
<br />