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i ..� .;� ��`� t • -s= r - -=_- <br /> , <br /> _ , ..._ •.---------� ----- <br /> v�_ .__� <br />�.� --, g�� �V�Ilfr►i� <br /> �.Hasudow NiM�t1N�.Ttunor shall ke�p th�Propenly I�aompllanae with aii appfioabl�I�wa,ordlruihcN and ropulatbns <br /> �N�tlny to IndueMa�hypi��or�nvlronm�ntat p�at�otton(aoit�otiv�ly nt�rr�d to h�r�ln ae"Environm�nt�t L�ws'�.Tru�ta�11 <br /> k�p�Prop�rly irMtrotn�II tuWUtnc�sdNmsd W M her�rdou�ortoxlo und�r�ny Envlronm�nMl Law�(coli�tiv�ly nt��r�d to � <br /> _ - -- h�nlo�s"Mwrdcuslui�fs"j.Trustor honby wansnfcsrnd n�rwwn�i Ec�L�r�tw b'w1 Gyara�ra�to Na�a�daw Mr�i�xi�i�nn wr <br /> underths Properly.Trustor hereby�prass to indsmnlfy ancl hold harmless Leader.lte di�eotors,omaer�.employ�a and apenb,and <br /> -- --- -� any succsuors to L�nd�rs Intoreat,from�nd apain�t anr�nd Atl otaims.dam�pe�,lowte�and NabHlttes a�ltir'�p In aenf'w�sikin witii � <br /> the pre�nop.uw,dltpaut or tnn�port ot any Husrdou�MatKlais on,undor�frorto ar�bout th�Prop�rty.THE FOREa01NQ <br /> -- WARRlINYIE8 AND REPRESENTATIONS,AND 7RU8TOR'800UQATIONB PURgUANT TO TMH FOHE(iOiNQ INDEMNITY.gH11LL <br /> 8URVNE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DE�D OF TRUST. <br /> _ -- 10.A�tpnmmt d it�n�,T�uator hereby asuiane to Lendsr the ronb,issues and proilts of the Properiy;provided that 4rustor <br /> �� ahail.until tha oaaurrmrtce of an Event of Oetautt hereunder,havethe�iphtto coileatand mtaln euch�ente,le�uesar.d pro�ts aa thsy <br />-±t�';�` beapme dus and payabte.Upon the oaourrenae oi an Event of Oefaul�Lender may,either In porson or by apenL wtth or wlthout <br />�i�;::,i,;,� brin�tnp any aoUon or prooeadinq,or by a receiver uppointad by a coun and without�eQnrd to the adequeay ot its aecurily.enter -- <br /> ,d� upan and take possasslon ot the Praperty,ar any pert thereot,M ite ewn name or in the name of the Trustee,end do eny acb whinh it <br /> ; f}�;• deemaneoeseary or desirabteto presorve the vaiue,ma►Icetebttity or rentablliry of tha Properly.or any partthereotor Intereat thereU, <br /> „�;:, Inoreaae the Inaome theretrom or proteot the seourtty hereof and,wlth or without takinp poasosaton ot the PropeRy.aue tor or <br /> - otherwise colieat the rents,tesues and proflts thereof,includinp those paet due and unpaid,and opply the same.�eas coats artd <br />/.. expeneea ot oReradon and collecUon inoluding attorneys'fees.upon any Indebtedrteas secured hereby,ali In suoh arder ea Lender <br />:. �+ may determine.The entering upo�and teking possesslon of the Property,the colieotion of auch rents,isauea and proflls and!he <br /> app8cedon thereof as aforesald.sha��not cure or watve sny defauit or notfce of deiault hereunder or invalidate any aot done in <br /> "` • • responae to suoh detaut4 or pu�suam to such nodco at dofauk aad,nohyithatandtng the oonanuance i�posse�slon o!the Property or � <br /> -r.—�-- ..., <br />' �!.•r > ��'?�:,��n ;:., provid�edtorinenyoflheLoanDocumenteor ylawuponoccurrenceofanyEvent Oefault,inoludingwfthotlmitati n he�ph to <br /> ,�l'i'- .,7... <br />- exercise tfie power of sate.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this peragraph ahall be cumuletive with,and In no way a <br /> �,:''.,r,,.`:,•",SS: �= . ..� Ilmitationon,Lender's►ightsandremediesunderanyssslgnmentofteesesandrentsreaordedagalnatthePropeAy.Lertder,Truatee <br /> '�r°",�r'�'' ��^ • t� and the receiver ahatt be Iieble tc account only those rentsactueily�ecetved. <br /> � 1 t.Ev�nb of Oetauib The totlowing ahall constitute an Event o!Detault under this Deed of Trust <br /> � �� "'^��'=''�'- � - " (e)Failuro to pay any Inetaliment oi principal or intereat of eny other sum seeured hereby when due; <br /> '' ., ` (b)A breachof or detaultunderany provislon contained tn the Note,this Deed of Truat,any of the Loan Oxuments,orany <br /> � • other�len or encumbrance upon the P�oqertY; <br />- ' (o)A w►It ot execution or attachment or any similar process ehall be entered agelnst T�ustor which aha�l become a Ilen on <br /> ' the I�roperty or any portion thereof or tntereat therein; <br /> ' �� (d)There ahatl be flled by or agalnst Trustor or 8orrower an astion under any present or future tederal,state o►other �_-_--- - <br /> . __ z .. : � . _ atetute,taw or regulaUon reladnp te bankruptoy,inaolvency or other reilef tor debtors;or there ehall be appointed eny trustee, - <br /> '.. receiver or Ifquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of ail o�any part ot the Property,or the rents,iasues or proflts thereot,or Trustor i <br /> or Borrower shall ft�ake any general assignment for the beneflt of creditors; <br /> r: �„ , (e)The,seie,tran8ter,tease,asalgnment,Conveyanae or further encumbrance ot all or any part ot or any interest In the `Y.�� <br /> Property,either vo(untadly or involuntarily, without the expreas written coAsent ot Lender, provided lhat Trustor shaii bd <br /> , permitted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contaln an optlon to purchase and the term ot which does not exceed --_ <br /> one year,' �1..: <br /> (Q Abandonment of the Property;or -- _ <br /> , (g) it Truator Ia not an individual,the fesuance,sale,tranater,assignmen�conveyance or encumbrence of more than a totel -�:— <br /> .�," �-- <br />_ � � " ot,--percent oi(If a corporation)Its fasued and outstanding stock ar(ii a partnershlp)a totai of percent ot '`��� <br />° ` p9rtnerahip Intereata d�lring the period thls Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the Properly. , <br />_f,. • � 12. R�medta;Ae¢4�sratlon Upon DefautG In the aventof any Event of Defautt Lender may,wlthout notice exceptas required by „ <br /> ., taw, declare all Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and peyable and the same shai�thereupon become due and payable <br />—� wlthout any prosentment,dema�d,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: -� <br /> (a� Oemand that Trustee exercise the NOWER OF SALE granted hereln,a�d Truatee shall thereatter cauae TruatoPa <br />� � inte�est in the Property to be aotd and the proceeds to be distributed,ali In the manner provlded in the Nebraska Trust Deeda <br /> , Aak <br /> • (b) Exarci:.oa�yundaNrlghtsprovidedtoNnanyoltheLoenDocumentsorbytewuponxcurrenceofanyEventofDefat�it; . <br /> and . " : <br /> , (c�Commence an actlon to foreciose thts Deed of Tr�stas a mortgage,appolnt a receiver,or speaNlcally entorce any ot the <br /> covenenta hereof. <br /> No remedy herelr,conferred upon or reserved to Trustea or Lender la intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herefn,in the . <br /> • • Loan Oocumenta or by law provided or permitted,but each shalt be cumulative,shall be in additfon to every other remedy given '� <br /> hereunder,in the l.oan Oocumente or now or hereafter exisling at law or In equlry or by atetute,and may be exercised concurrentiy, <br /> f�dependently or successively. <br /> • 13. Tru�tee.The Truatee may resign at any tlme without cause,and Lender may et any tlme and without cause appolnt a � <br /> • •� aucceasor or substitute Trustee.7rustee shali not be Ilabie b any party,fncludfng without Ilmftation Lender,8orrower,Trustor or any <br /> purchaser oi the Property,torany losa or damage unlesa due to reckless or wllltut misconduct,and ahall not be requlred to take eny <br /> actlon in connection with the entorcement of thls Oeed ot Trust uMesa indomnftled,tn wrlting,tor ail costs,compensation or <br /> ',, ' expenaes which may be assocfated therewith.In additlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale ot the Property Qudiclal or <br /> under the power of saie granted herein);postpone the sele of alt or any portfon of the Property,es provlded by�aw;or sell the <br /> � , s Property as a whote,or In separate parce�s or lots at Truslee's discretfon. <br /> 14. Fees and Expensse.ln the event Trustee selis theProperry by exercfse of power of sate,Trustee ahali be entitled to appty <br />__ any sale proceeds fhst to payment of a�l coats and expen sea of exerclsing power ot sale,tncluding eit Trustee's tees,and Lender's I• <br /> ' • and Trustee's adorney's fees,actualiy Incurred to extent permitted by appilcable law.In the event Borrower or Truetor exercises any <br /> right provided by law to cure an Event oi Detault,Lender ehall be entltled to recover irom Truator atl costs and expenses actuatly ! <br /> � . � incurred as a resuit of Trustor's defauit,Including withoul�Imltetlon at�Trustee's and attorney's tees,to the extent permfttod by I <br /> ' eppitcebie�aw. � <br /> • 16, Future Advances. Upon request ot Bo�rower,Lender may,at Ita optlon,make additionat and tuture advances and re- <br /> advances to Borrower.Such edvances and readvances,wilh intereot thereon,shali be secured by this Deed oi Truat At no tfine shali ' <br /> �� Ne arincipa�amountof the tndebtedness secured by thls Oeed ot Trust,not includlne sums advanced to protect the securfty ot thfs <br /> 1 Oeed of Trust,exceed the orlgMal prinelpai amount atated hereln,or$leb-e�e-�� ,whfchever Is greater. ' <br /> ' , 18. Mlscellaneous Provqlon�. <br />- ,, � (a) Borrower Not Retea�ed.Extenston of the timefor payment or modiffcatlon of amortlzafion of the sums secured by thia , <br /> ; � ' ; Deed of Trust granted by Lender to eny succesaor fn i nterest oi 8orrower eha�l not operate to retease,in any manner,the Ilabittty <br /> � of the orfglnai Borrower and Borrower's succeasora f n Intereat.Lender shait not be required to commence proceedinga againat <br /> ' !� ' ".� such succeasor or retuse to extend time tor payment or otherwfse mbdlry amortlzatfon ot the aums sacured by thls Deed ot Trust <br /> � ;' . by reason of any demanda made by the orfginat Borrowe�end Borrower's successora In interest. <br /> ' (b) Lender'�Powsn.Wlthout aftect(ng the IlebiWy o}any other person�lable tor the payment of any obllgatlon hereln <br /> •• � r � mentloned,and without attecting the Ilen or charge ot thts Deed ot Trust upon eny portlon of the Properry not then or theretotore <br /> releaeed as seour►ty tor the tuli amount ot a�l unpatd odigatlons,lender may,trom time to time and without notfce(f)retoase any <br /> � �: peraon so 8abte.(If)extend the maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obUgations,(ill)grant other Indulgences,(Iv)reiease <br /> or reoonvey,or cause to be reieased or reconveyed at any t�me at lender's option any parcei,portion or aU of the Property, <br /> ; ��• . (v)take or reiease any other or a�dittonal securlty tar any obHgatlon herein mentloned,or(vf)make composltfons or other <br /> �_ , . arrangements with debtore in reietion thereto. <br /> � i <br />