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<br /> 1. hrr�nt�.Dorrown �preos ro m�k� �II prym�nb on tho�sourad d�Ct whep dus.unlnr Borrowor and 4snd�r �pros otMrwls�, my "'��"`=•�•�-°----
<br /> "°'�'�"�"� ��� p�ymint�l�nd��r�oMr�s trom Oo��owa or ior 9orrow��'�bm�tit w1U M�pptleG Iitet to�ny�maunt�Bor+aw�►own on ch��sound d�bt
<br />-- 'e::�i+-�-:� �xatuNw of Int�rne or prinolpN,�toond ca Int�r�t.pnd tMn to prinofpN.if p�rtiA pap�yrmnt of th�s�aund d�bt oaaur�tor ony r���on,it wlll
<br /> s not nduc�o��xaut�my oohMul�d p�yer+mt unU=YM a�aur�d d�bt b pMd In fuiL
<br /> _ . }a.�'+:,.
<br /> v •'' '' `•'' �,GNnf�A�r�t TIMN,Borrow�r wlil p�y dl td�x���,as�nrte�nt�.�nd othn ah�r�ss tttttbutsb��to th� rcpaty wbtn du��nd will d�it�d tiU�
<br />��. .,, ditim,i irlNOh Qottowii miy h�v�,p��st piN��whoiupply I�bor,or m�itiiUl�to 6mprov oi Milniln tMttpw�a�atelpn eny tlQhts,o!e!me or -.- ---. - --
<br /> t� " n;�:
<br /> ,,�;••;: 3.MMw�na.Ba��owu wlfl k�ap tiw proparty Inaurcd undor terme aoaaptcbto to Landor at Bor�oetor•a oxponao ond tor Landor'o banofit. AO � -
<br />- •::'}���,�3�. 'narano�p al�r thrll inolud���t�nd�rd mortpp�atius�in t�vor of l�ndtr.Lmd�r will b�n�mM u lott p�ya o�a th�Imund on�ny woh - -
<br /> "a°••.` ., '.,�� `" or�to th�,i��rid dibL If Li nid�er ttquli�e�i�moXy ps�iuurinast�oriowerT�priii to mNntsin iuoh Insurinoe tor ii�onp ii l ndir aq�res��� —
<br /> �: . ,.
<br /> ' `� ..; ' ". : 4.hap�ep.oor�ow�t witt k��p tM prop�rty in pood aondiGon�nd m�k��II r�p�ln ru�on�bly rno�sury.
<br /> � 8 �MN.8orrow�r�pt���to pwY�II l.�ndn'��xp�nsn Inoiudinp r�aon�tte attornsy�'tsef,if Bor�ower btak��ny oawn�nt�in tM�a��d
<br /> .N•". - o�uu�t ot in�ny obliptUon t�ourM by thl�d��d of trust.�orrowe�wtQ p�y these�mou�t�to L�nd�r�s proWdb In Covsn�nt 9 of thi�dsM of
<br /> .: r t1Ytt. �_. _ .-°- -�- - -
<br /> ��� A.Ma f���y 1nt�tqt�.Unlan 8orrower flr t obt�lns Lendet's wdtten oonsmt,Qor�owa wiil�ot msk�or p��mtt�ny oh�np��to�ny prior
<br /> �� '" s�nudry int�ns�.8orrowa wtil perform NI o�Borrower'�obiipatlons under any prlor mortptpe, deed of trun or other��ourity opreemsM, -
<br /> , � „ fnaludinp Bouowar'�aovsmnts to m�ks peyments when due. -
<br /> - - 7. t of 11.au�nd P►oflfs.Borrower asigna to lender the renu and qofitf oT the ptopattY.Unten Barower�nd Lereder hws�p eed -� _ _
<br /> ° otherw ss in w�ltlnp.Borrower msy ootlsot and retdn the ront�as Ionp ef Borro�var 1� not in defeutc.If 8orrower d�tautt�, Lendar,L��or'� -��,____
<br /> , ap�t�t,or s aouR�ppointed reoelver m�y take poa�ewsion eno0 man�po the property and oolleot the ronts.A�y roM�Lender ooi�ects shdl b� �;•;_-�--
<br /> • �io�sapi ietitsd e�n�esf Tthi remstrdnp Pam��arnt of rent�i will ihen appiy to pi�mmti on the ieour�d�ebt is provtded in covenantdt ��oth�r ��
<br /> ��'-
<br /> ,�..- .-_--..•-. --•- e.��„��•��:p�M���pe�ne�.Aorrower egross to o ty with the arovl�iom of env tease if this dssd oi tnt�t is on �.-_-�=---=� .
<br /> � •- a teasehotd. 1�thi�dud ot trust ia on a unit in s oondominium or a plenned ud�evelopment,Borrower wlil peHorm atl ot Bonower•s aune� �t:�n,�„ -
<br /> uMer tf►s ooansnts,hytaws,or repuiatiom of the aondominium or ptsnned unit devetopment. �M
<br /> �� .�'�:=
<br /> 8.Authaiq of I.�nde to P�dam fru Bortowu. If Borrowet felta tope rform eny of 8orrower's duUea under this deed ot trust, Lender m�y �;,- --
<br /> , ' perform tM dutie�or osu�e tham to ba pertormed.lender mey sipn Borrower'��eme or Pay any emount it naoeaeery tor psAonnsnas.it any .
<br /> oonstruoUon on the property ia dinaontinued or not aerried on in e reeeonebto mtn�ar,Lender mey do wheteve�If�eoeo�sry to proteot Lender's . ,.+:,,-.
<br /> � seoudty iMerast in the property.Thie mey inotude oompletlnp the oonatruodon. -:ri�;,�
<br /> „ f .
<br /> Lendet's failuts to pedorm will oot praolude Lende�irom exeroleinp eny of Ite otM�riphte under the lew or tNe deed ot tru�t. _
<br /> � Any amounts pdd by Lender to proteot Lender's eecurity interost will be seoured by th�a deed of ttuet.Suoh xnounts wiil be dus on demend "" _ _-
<br /> end will beat interest trom the Aete ot the paymant undl peld in fuil et the interoet tate In aNeot on the eeoured debt. ---
<br /> 10. D�fwtt �r►d AaaMs�tion. Ii Borrower talN to moke any peyment when due or breeks nny aovenents und�r thte deed of truat or eny ` '
<br /> oblipetion eeouted by thie deed ot truat or any p�ior mortgege or deed of truat. Lender mey eooelarate the rneturity of tM seouted debt and ,. :' ..�;
<br /> � demend immediete peyment end mey invoke the power o}sate and any othet temedias permitted by epplioeWe tew.
<br /> i t.R�qwst fa Notia ot O�tault. It is heroby roquested thet oopiee of the notlaea of defeult erW aete be eent to eaoh petson who is e parcy . ��'
<br /> hereto,et tM eddreBe of eaph suoh pereon,ae set torth heref�.
<br /> •� 12.Powa of S�N. If the Lander invokes the power of sele, the Truetee ehall flrst teootd In the offioe of the regieter o}deede ot esoh oounty ;
<br /> � whetein the truot propertY or some pert ot parcal thereof is situeted a notiae of detauit oontaidnp the Informatbn rsquired by lew.Tho T�uctee �i�i!
<br /> ' � ehdl e�so med oopioe of tAn ootloe of defeutt to the Borrower,to eaoh pereon who ia e pa►ty hereto,end to other pereons ea preaoribed by • �
<br /> . applloabie lew. Not Iass then one month etter the Truatee reoorde the notlae of defeult ar two montha if the trust proparty fs not fn eny '�
<br /> inoorporoted atty or vlUage end le used in farminp oporadona oerrfed on bv the truator,the trustee ehatl give publlo nodoe of sale to the pereone ._�.�
<br /> end in the menner presorlbed by�epppltoabie law. T�uatea,without demend on Bortower,ehatt eetl tne propertyet publio euotion to the hipheat � -- �-
<br /> bidder.If required by the Farm Homeatead Proteodon Aot,Truatee eheil offer tha property In two eeparate aeiae es roquired by eppiloabte tew. �� Y°j';�
<br /> Ttuatee mey poetpo�+e eele of di or any petoei of the prope►ty by pubiio announaement at the dme end plaoe ot eny prevlouety sohedu►ed sete. ,.•y' ,
<br /> lender or Ite deelprtee mey putoheao the property at any eeie. .;��
<br /> - Upon reoeipt of Dayme nt of ths prioe bid,T►uetae shell detiver to the puraheser Truetee's deed oonveyfnp the piope►ty.The reoidete oonteined In �� �
<br /> " Truetee'e deed ehell De prima faoie evidlonoe of the truth of the atetemente oo�taf�ed thareln.Trustee eheti epply the proaeede of the eeie In the ,
<br /> followfng ordo�: tn1 to a�i oxpensea of the eeie, Inotuding, but not Ilmited to, reaeonebie Truetee'e feee, reeaonebie ettorney's teea end �.
<br /> '" toinetatemant fees; (bl to ell sums seoured by thla daed of truat,end fa1 the belenae,f}eny,to the persona tepaty entltled to reoelve it. !
<br /> � ;;:;J?�
<br /> 1S.Faoolostu�.At Lender's optlo�,thfs daed of truat mey be foreotoaed fn the manner provide by appticaWo lew for foreoiosure of mortpapea
<br /> _;,�•'
<br /> , on reat property. i ' `
<br /> , } ,�;_,''.
<br /> 14.Imp�odon. Lender mey onter the property to inepect ft if Lender glvea Barower�otiae beforehand.The noUce must stete the reeaoneble ..
<br /> ' oeuse for Lendet's inepeodon.
<br /> 18,Cond�mmdan. Borrower aeslg�ne to Lender the proaeeda of eny award or olelm for dama�ges aonneoted with e aondemnaHon or other teking
<br /> ot�II or eny pett of the prope►tyr.Suoh proaeeds wUl bo eppiied ea providad in Covenent 1.Th18 eeelgnment ia eubjeot to the terms of eny prior •
<br /> neouAty eproement.
<br /> 18.W�iwr.By exorateing eny remody avafleble to Lender,Lender doea not give up any rights to Iater use en�r othet remedy.By�ot exerofel�g �
<br /> eny remedy upon Bottowor's defeult,lendar does not weive any ripht to teter oonsider the evont a dafeult If it heppene egain.
<br /> 17. Joint snd S�verd U�bllity Coa�pmn: Sueuuon�nd Asaipns Bound.All dutiea undor thfe deed of trust ere jofnt a�d eoverei. Any
<br /> Borrower who ao-sipns this deed of truet but does �ot oo•elgn the underiNn� debt Inatrumentle) doos so only to grent end oonvey thet
<br /> 8orrower's interest In the proparty to the Truatee under the terma of thle deeQ o trust. In eddttion,auoh e Borrower egreea that the Len�er end
<br /> any other Bortower under this deed ot troat mey eztend,modify�or make eny other ahanpea In the terms of thfs deed of truat or the aeoured
<br /> debt without thet Borrower'e oonsent end without reloesing thet Borrower from the terma oi thie doed of truat.
<br /> The dutiea and beneflte ot thie deod of ttuet sheil bind and benetft tho euccesaors end aesipns of Lender and Borrower.
<br /> t8.Noda.Uniete otherwise reQuired by Iow,eny notloo to Borrower ehali be given by doNvering it or by mailinp ft by oertified meU eddressed to
<br /> Bortower et the proparty oddraes or ony othor eddress that 8orrower hea given to lender.Borrower wlll give eny�otice to londer by oettftfed
<br /> � mali to Lender'e addrees on pepe 1 of thia deed ot trust,or to eny other eddreee whloh Lender hea designetod,Any other notioo to Lender ehall
<br /> be eent to Londar's eddrese ee steted on pege 1 of this deed ot trust.
<br /> Any notioa eheil he deomed to heve been gfven to Borrower or Lander when give�in the manner atetod above.
<br /> 18.Tnnsf�r of th�Ptop�rty a�B�mNo1�i In»r�n 1�tM Bortow�r.�f all or eny pan of tha property or eny Interoat in It le eold or transferred
<br /> without Londet's pda written oonsent, Lender mey demand fmmedfete peyment of the secured dabt. Lender may also demand fmmodfeto
<br /> paymont it the 8orrower fe not e neturel peiso�end e beneficiel f�terest in the Borrowor Is soid or trensferred. However, lender mey not
<br /> demend peyment In tho ebove situarions if ft ie proMbited by federel taw es of tho dete of thia daed ot truet.
<br /> 10.R�aa►va��na. Whon the obtigeUon aecured by thie deed of trust has boen paid, and Lender hae no funher obNgetion to moke advenaos
<br /> under the inatrumente ot egreemente aeoured by tNs deed of truet, the Trustee eheli, upon wrftten requeat b the lender, reoonvoy tho truat
<br /> .. property.The Lender ahell deiiver to the Borrowe�,or to Borrowor's succoaeor In Interest,tho truat deed end tKe nota or other evidenoe of the
<br /> ,--- .. ooi�gac�on ao eei�ai�w.ovrwwo�aiwii yo�b:iy iofs�iuoiiJi�i�vdie.
<br /> • 21. 8uowe�or Teuaus. Londor, et Lendor's optfon, may remove Truatee end eppoint e 9U6C0880f truatee by tirst, meilfnp e aopy of tho
<br /> subaHtutlon ot truatae ea requirod by epplioabb lew,end thon,by filing the subttitutlon of truatoe for reaord in the ottioo ot the register of deeds
<br /> ot eeoh oounty In wMoh the ttuet propetty, or eome pen thereof,re situetod.Tho suooeeeor truatee, without co�voyertoo o}tho propo►ty,ahnit
<br /> � ;
<br /> suooeed to ell the power,dudes.euthority ond tltle of the Truatee nemed f�tho deed ot t�ust end o}eny succeteot trustee.
<br /> '� � -
<br /> ; � _ � .- -
<br /> � ,
<br /> ( � I p1e f.l
<br /> � � BANKER88Y8TEM9,INC.,li.C10U0,MN 88301 It•B00•�91•2i{tl FONM1 OCO•MT6dlf 61tY�91
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