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_ _ _ <br /> � . . <br />__ � �..., <br /> . _ _ �� . .. <br /> --- � ---�--- <br /> - - -�-- -- --- - _ ,; - <br /> . ��r .m�r��rsnira� •;=r�.:.,�.� .; � . ._ <br /> ��.. <br /> �1 - ,�{ MM�tx3W�.v;• • - r� •� � <br /> - , �� _ : • }r� ,..a>. H!1'� .. .. � „ - ,. -. �'�s <br /> .il�..:P�. <br /> � � .r t�.d.,)oiw�4�•a,c'� .:.c�...:.," ' . � --- �ds.b_._.. _. ...�l� <br /> __� ,.,__...__�.... . �. <br /> ' � w A�r �'����r�� . <br /> ; • ''�y� °" � !f Boaower pays Funde to Lendcr,the Funde�hafl be held in an inatitution the deposits or accounts of which ue __ <br /> � Y.�.� • . ..,`*. <br />- insured ot guaronteed by a Federal or state agency lineiading LRSnder iP Lender is such an inatltutienl.Lender shall appiy <br /> .. . .. �,. •,y' �`'._�3� _re_s��R�a.. <br /> the Funds to pay eatd taxes.assessment�,insuraace pcemiums and ground renta.i.ender m�ty rat ehurgo for so holding - <br /> , . %l .,�,��,_ ;�% and applying tho Funda.andy�tng:ald account orvositying s�d compiling�uid aaseasmeats and bilis.uniess Lender ��� <br /> - � �:. - - '�r pAya�8onrawer incerest an the Funds�nd Appiic�►bla!�w permita Lendec to m�ice auch�charge.Borrower and Lendcr — <br /> , , .. . <br /> • ��;;��,. y 4�;;�1� may ngrea in writtng at the Nme oF executtoa of thts Deed of Trust thst tnterest on the FwiQs ehall be paid to Borrowet, — _ <br /> ,� � and ualess auch agrament is mude or applic�bis!tw aqui[es auch intetest to be paid,Lender ihall not be reyuired ` - <br /> _ .•;�, - to ps�y Sarrowce uny lnterest or eatnings on the Funds. Lender shWl give to Botrowet, w1thout charga, en annu�l �,_�;� �_ <br /> ' {�� „ , aa.wunt[ng of the Funds ahowiag crediu and debits w the Funds aad the purpose for which es�ch debit to the Funds wu �- <br /> - � • ° made.The Funda an pledged as additional security for the sums seeured by thls Dad of 7Yuat. -���=-�___ <br /> ..� - <br /> " . If the amount of the Funda held by I.ender.togethee with the future monthly installmenta of Fuads psyable prior W � ��=:;- <br /> the due dates of tuses,ass�ssmeats.tnsurance premluma and ground rents,shail eaceed the amovat requte+ed to pay aaid � �:,:.�_ <br /> . . tazes,assessments.insuraace premiume and geound rents as thry fal!due.such e:ceas aha11 be.ut Horwwer's option, °;.:}y.:x,__ <br /> �-� elther promplly repaid to Botrower or cndited to Borrower on monthly instaUments of Puads.!f the amount of the •,,;-�-______ <br /> �;�:..�_----- <br /> � , : Funds held by Lender:hati not be sufRcient to puy ta�ces�assessments,insu�ance pnmiums and gtuuad rents as they falt � f:•=ti••___ <br /> due.Borrower shali pay to Lender aay.amount aecessary to maice up the deRcieacy in one ar more payments as Lender � "-��`::�.,. <br /> ..,.,��::�.t.,_-_- <br /> ,. .. may require. �" , `- v - <br /> � ' � � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,L.ender shul!pramptly rctV�nd to Borco�yer any . . � °�' ����. <br /> � Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 17 hereof the Pcoperly is suld or the Propetty is otherwise acquired by ` j""' <br /> ,� • �� Lender.Lender shall apply,no latet than immediatcly pdor to the sale of the Peoperty ot Its acquisition by Londer.any ; ._�_-. <br /> �.. Fuads heid by Lender at the time of application us a credit agalnst the sums secured by this Dad of Trust. , _ ____ <br /> 3. Applfaatlon ot Ps�ea►a. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments rec�ived by Lender under _ —.. <br /> � � the Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applled by Lender Rrst in payment of emouats payable to Lender by y___ <br /> � Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof,then to Interest payable on the Note,and then to the princtpal of Rhe Note. t` ^�- <br /> 4. Pdor Mortgages aad Deed� of TrmtR Cb�a; Iaeas•Borcower shall perform gU of Borrower's obligations � ,'`' +ri��:_� �� <br /> under any mortgage.deed of mist or other secudty agteement wlth a lten whtch has pdortty ovec this Deed of Trust, � :.�'; ;;.°;;4:��•.: <br /> including Borrower's covenants to make payments when due. Bonower shall pay or cause to be paid all texes, , _N==_4 <br /> ' assessments and other charges,tines and impositions attributable to the Property wh3ch may attatn a priodty over this �. " ���- <br /> Deed of Trust,and leaschold payments or ground rents,if any. , , „ ��� � <br /> ,- <br /> S, H a u r d t i u p r a n c e.B o n o w e r s h a i l k e e p t h e jm provements now ezisting or hereafter erected on the Ptoperty ,..,,f--- <br /> . ' ' insured against loss by Rre,hazards includeA within the tetm"cxtended roverage",attd such ather hazerds as L en der , .; . ;! <br /> - -- -- - - _ - ma y re qulse sad in such amounts and for such periods as Lender may require. l_�___ S� r�..�` <br /> _. _ <br /> The insurance earrier providtng the iasurance sh a11 be chosen by Borrower subject toapproval by I.ender;provtded. � <br /> that such approval shall not be unreasonably wtthheld.All insurance pollcies and renewals thereof shall be{n a fotm � '►;' '� <br /> acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and tn a form acceptable to Ixnder. , <br /> Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof,subject to the terms of any mortgage,deed of trust :; ,�; ( <br /> or other security agrccment with a lien which has pdorlty over this Deed of Trust. . .•. <br /> In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. I.ender may make proof . -. a•� ' <br /> ��:�� <br /> of ioss if not made pmmptly by Borrower.• � � <br /> �c.:.,�� <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or If Borrower fa{ls to respond to I.ender within 30 days from the date ,� -� <br /> notice is mailed by I.ender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to settte a claim for insurance beneRts,Lendec is „ <br /> • authar�zed to copect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's optton either to restoration or repair of the � <br /> Property or to the sums secured by thls Deed of Trust. <br /> 6. Praervatton�d Matuten�na af Properqc Leasehold�s Condominiaau� Planned Unit Derelopmena. Bor• ,r"�.%�� <br /> rower shall keep the Property In good repair and shall not commjt waste or permtt impatrment or deterioratton of the -•',;'�'�. <br /> Property and shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this•Deed of Trust ts on a leesehold.!f thts Deed of Trust is ''�' • . <br /> on a unit in a condominium or a pianned unit development,Burrower sha{1 perfarm al!af Borrau�er's obl{getions under �- <br /> the declaration or covenants creating or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the bylaws and <br /> �, regulatlons of the condominium or planned unit development.and constituent documents. � � <br /> 9. Pe�nterdon ot Lender•�Securth.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this I • <br /> Deed of Trust,or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects L.ender's interest in the Property. <br /> then Lender,at Lender's option,upon notice to Borrower,may muke such appearances,disburse such sums.inclading � <br /> reasonable attorneys'fees,nnd take such action os is necessary to protect Lender's interest. If Lender required mortgage � <br /> tnsurance as a coadition of making the toan secured by thts Deed of Trust.Borrower sh all pay the premtums required to i <br /> matntain such insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for such insurance terminates in accordance with <br /> Bonower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. , <br /> Any amounts disbuned by Lender pursuant to thts pnragraph 7, with interest the Note rate.shall . <br /> become additional indebtedness of Borrower secured by this lleed of Trust. Unless Borrower and I.ender agree to <br /> ' other terms of payment, such amounts shnli be paynble upon notice from Lender to Bonower requesting pnyment � <br /> thereof.Nothing contained inthis puragraph 7 shall require I.ender to incur any expenseor tuke any action hereunder. <br /> 8. Inspection.Lender rnuy make or cause to be made rcasonable entries upon and inspections of the Pcoperty, ! <br /> • provtded that Lender shall gtve Botrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor <br /> related to Lender's interest in the Property. <br /> 9. Condemnatton.The praceeds o!'any award ar claim for or consequential,in connection with <br /> any condemnation or other taking of the Property. ur part thereof. or for conveyance in iieu of condemnation. are <br /> ' hereby assigned and shalt be paid to I.ender,subject to the terms of uny mortgage.deed of trust or other securtty Agree• <br /> �T ment with a lien which has ptior3ty over this Ueed ot i rus�. <br /> � 10. Borrower Not Releuedi Forbewrance By Lender Not a Wutrer. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> , modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust granted by Lendec •o a oy successor in interest of <br /> Borr�wer shall not operate to release,in any manner,the liability of the original Borrou�er and Borrower s successors in <br /> interest.Lender shall not be requircd to commence proceedings aguinst such successor or refuse to extend time for pay <br /> ' �• ment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums�ecured by this Deed of 1'rust by reason of any demoad made by thc <br /> originai Borrower and Boreower's successors in intetest. Any Corbearunce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> ' 3 hereunder,or othernise afforded by appliruble lau•. shall not be a wuiver ot'or preciude the exerctse of any such right or <br /> ; �' remedy. <br /> 11. Suca�easote wnd A►ssigiu Houndt Jotnt and Serenl Llabilttyt �o•eignen. Thr covenc�nts and agrerments <br /> ; herein contained shall btnd.and the rights hereunder shalt inum to.thc respective suc��esson and assigns uf Lender and <br /> • Borrower.subject to the provisions of pnragraph ib hereof.All covenants und agrcements uf Biimiwrr�hatl be joint und <br /> � ' �seYet:►I.Any Borrower who co•signs this I)eed af Trust,but dces not execute the Notr.lal i�ra•�igning this Ueed af rrust <br /> only to grant and convey that BonoWer'•,inter��st in the Propeny t��Tru�ter undcr thr urme uf ihi, I)eed��f 1'ru�, <br /> . ( <br /> � .... - —i <br />