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<br /> ��- • '� Tho F��nds ehpll bo hcld in nn insdtution whcisc dcpaslts urc insured by a fedcral ��inxtrumentalily, or cnttty
<br /> . , � . � .• (including l.endet,if I.ender ia such un institutfonl ar in imy Pcdcrnl Hume I.uun Hunk.I.ender shull iipply the Fundw to pay the �.=;__________v_
<br /> Y� • � •, �..�• E?SCr�w ltemti.Lcidcr may nat chargc Borruwer fnr holding und upplying the Funda,annunUy unulyr.ing thc escrnw uccount.or
<br /> ���;:'�=� ��• -�� �� vcrifying thc �.scrow Itcros,unle.ss Lender puyn Bc►rrnwcr interest an the Funds and app8cable law permita Lend�r ta mokc tiuch ----- --
<br /> � `;�`•�.'"'' �� ' � A CBQf��.N��wevcr, [.cndcr muy�q uire 8�rmwcr to pny u one-time churgc fur un indepciident rcul cstatc tax reponing scrvico
<br /> � �:,' used by L.rndcr In conn�tion wlth this Icum, unicw.g npplicuble luw pmvidcr� cnhenvina Uniesw an agrcement fa mede or r
<br /> �'+;~�r.•'`�� '"� upplicnble law requires intercwt ta be paid. 4endcr xhull not be required to pny 8armwcr any interest ur cuminga on the�'unds. - - -
<br /> Borrower 1►�td l.cnder muy ogree in writing, howcver. that intercst nhalt be paid an the Funds. L.endcr shall give ta Barmwer,
<br /> ' K�. , � wlthout chnr�e, m►nnnuul uccaunting af the Puttd�, nhowing creciits u�tJ debhn tu the Fundh und thc purpe►se far w�hich each �_ ;- _- -
<br /> . ' �„
<br /> �` debit to tho Funda wu.g mude.The Funds are pledgal av udditianul security far all r�wns secured by this Sscurity Instrument.
<br /> • . ,. If tfie Funda hetd by I.ender exccai the nmounts pern�ittcd ta be held by appticablc Inw.I.endcr rhatl acrnunt to Bomnwcr w_
<br /> � � for the eacess Fundr in uccardunce with the uirementa of upplicuble luw. If the umaunt of th�FundR heid by Lender ut nny
<br /> � � time is not su�icicnt to puy the Escrow itemti a en due,l.ender may sc�nnttfy Borrower in writing.and,in such case Barnawer
<br /> shail pay to Lendcr thc amuunt ner��ssnry to muke up thc deficlency. Bormwer shall makc up the de�ciency in oo maro tf�un �._-
<br /> � ., twelve month�y payments,at Lender's sole discretion. �' �
<br /> Upan pnyrncnt in full of ull sums securcd by this Security in+tcument. Lender shutl pramptly rcfund ta Borcawer any �_� - - --
<br /> � , • „ FundS hcld b L_cnder.If,under purngrn h 21.L.ender shull acquire ar sell the P►aperty,i..cnder,prior to the acquisitian ar sule �
<br /> . �� of the Pmpeny. �huU apply any Fund.s hcld by l.ender ut the time of acquisition or uile us u credit a�ainst the sums secural by �_=
<br /> " thisSecurity Instrument. _•_____
<br /> �� �, 3. Application of Paymentx. Unlecc�pplicuble{uw pmvidec otherwise,nil payments rcceived by l,ender undcr pu�ag��apl�a - -------
<br /> 1 and 2 sholl be appticd: first. ta uny prepuyment churges due under the Note; second,ta amounts payable under parasruph 2: ����-:_
<br /> � third,to intereat due;fourth,to principai due:and la�t,to nny late charges due under the Note. --=-
<br /> ;.�.:.
<br /> 4.Ghar��;I.iens. Borrower shutl pay ull taxes,a+ses�ments.churges, fines and impositians uttributable to the Property •.,,�
<br /> which may attnin priarity aver this Security Instrument, und lemgehold paymems ar�n�unJ rcnt,, iC uny.tiorreswcr sh;c3F pay _ .,-_.. -- - -
<br /> „ these obligations in thc mnnner provided in pamgraph 2,or if not puid in that manncr, Borrower�huli pay them on timc directly
<br /> ta the person owed payment. Borrower shull promptly furnixh ta Lendcr ull noticcs of amounts to be paid under this purngraph.
<br /> If Borrower rna�c�s these payments directly.Borrower shaU pr��mptly fumixh to Lender rcceipts evidencing the puymcntti. •;:�.:�_-
<br /> Barrawer shull promptly discharge any lien which hu.�prioriry rner this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a1 agreec in �?_—.
<br /> writing ta the payment of ihe obligution secured by the licn in a manner ucceptAblc to Lender:(b)contests in goad faith the ticn _ �.,�;��;
<br /> by, or defends againu enforcement of the Iien in, legul proceeding+ which in the L.ender's opinion operate to prevent the ; -
<br /> enforcement of the lien; ar tc)secums fmm the holder of the Hen an agreement satisfuctnry to Lender subordinuting the lien to �"��,:—_
<br /> � this Security lnstrument. If Lender dctcrmi�es thnt any purt of the Property is wbject to u lien which may attain priority over �, ��
<br /> this Security Intitrument, Lender may give Barcower u notice identifying the lien. Bnrrower�hult wtisfy the lien or tuke ane or
<br /> more of the actions set fonh above within 10 dayti nf the giving of nuticc. =����
<br /> �".:.
<br /> $. Hazard or Propert�� Insurance. Barrower shuii kcep thc U1INIOVCi11C111� now existing or hercaftcr crccted on the 5,;�_,�;
<br />__ ,::_, , .._ __ , _ p�o�rty incured aeain�t loss by fim, h�¢urd,included within the temi "extended coverage" und uny othen c��wrds, including }-��
<br /> floods ar flooding, for which I.ender requirec insurancc. Thi+insuranre shalt tm ma�ntutned in the umount+und fc�r the pericxl, - .�'��,H °
<br /> that l.ender requircs.The insurance carner providing the insurance�hall be chotien by Borrower,ubject to l..:nder's appmval , � <
<br /> which shap not be unreaxonably withheld. if Borrower faih to maintuin coveru�e described above. I.ender may,ut Lender'� , � '
<br /> option,abtaincaverage ta protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordunce with paragraph 7. , :
<br /> All intiurance policies nnd renewuls shall be acceptuble to L.endcr und shall inrlude a standurd mortguge clruse. Lender ,� .
<br /> � shnU have theright tn hotd thepolicic+ and reikwul.. if L.:ndcr rc.�uireti, &�rrnn•�r shall promptty gf�•e ta Lender uli receiptc�d __ :.. � , _
<br /> paid premiums and renewul notices.In the event of loss,Borrower+hull �ive prompt notice to the imurance currier and Lender. •� .},:y ;
<br /> Lender mey makc proof of loss if not madc promptly by Borrowcr. � �",
<br /> Unless I.ernlcr und Borrowcr otherwi�c agrce�n writing,insurarxc procecds �hull bc applicd to re�toration or repair of the
<br /> Property darnaged.if the restoration or repair is economiruUy fcatiiblc and l.endcr's,crurity is not Iexscned.If the mstoration ar �•��! ,
<br /> , � repuir is not economically fcasible�x Lendcr'+s�YUriry wauld lx Ir++c�ud,the in+urancc prcxxcds tihull bc applied tu the sumti �
<br /> sccurcd by thiti Scrurity In�trument, whether c.r not then due. Wuh •rny exre•+ paid to Borrower. If&xruwrr ahandom tl�c �
<br /> Property,or dcxs n�t un�wer within 30 day�a noticr friim L.endcr that thr inwrurKC carrier ha�offcn�l tu tiMde a cluim, then
<br /> , Lender may mllect the insuruncc prorerdti. l.cnder may u�c thc pr�xeed, t�� r�pair or re�tette.the Property or to puy sum+ '°:�
<br /> secured by thi� Sccuriry Instrument,whethcr nr nat thcn dua The�cl-day period will bcFin when the notirc is given. C �
<br /> Unletiti Lender and Borrawcr othcrwix ugr�r in writing, uny upplication ol' pr�xced+ tci principul shall n�x extend or � �
<br /> �.tponc thc duc datc c�f thc nwnthl3� p�ymcnt. mti•rrcd a� in paragraph. 1 and ? or rhangr thr amount of thc p•ryment,. If I , _
<br /> under paragraph 21 thc Property ir xqwreci by l.cndcr, Bc�rru�vcr'�nght tu any in+u�ancc {x�liric.r und pr�xc�tii.resulting from �
<br /> damage to thc Propeny prior to the aryui�itiun tihall pu�.t��I,endrr to thr rxtrnt�.f thr+umti�ecured by thi�Scruriry Intitrumcnt ;
<br /> immediutcly prior to thc acqui�ition.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Preservation. Atuintenance and Protection of the Pmpert�•;F2orro�ver's Loun Application:Lea+eholds. ; •
<br /> � Bncrc►wcr shall occupy, c+tahli,h,und wr thc Pr��perty a.Borr��wcr'�principal rc�idrnrr w�ithin.ixq•Jayti aftcr thc cxcrution of ;
<br /> - this Security Instrurncnt and,hall runtinuc to orrupy th� Pro{kny a.Be�rruwcr'ti prinripul rc.iJrnrr (or ut Icu,t onr year atter
<br /> thc datc of cxrupancy, unlc+� Lcndcr�ithcrwik agrcrti in writing. H•hirh run�cnt .hall not I+c unma��mably withhcld, or unlc��
<br /> extenuating circumsrrnres cxi,t whirh arc heyund B��rrowrr'. runtr��L Burraw�r .hall not d��vc��, damu�c ur impair the
<br /> . Property. ullnw the Praperty ta dctcrioratr.ur eummit w•a.tr un thc Proprrcy. Bnrrau�er +hull bc in def•rul[ if any fi,rfriturc
<br /> acti��n or pracccding,whcthcr civil��r �riminal, i.tkgun that in Lcndrr'ti gu�xl t�ith judgnxnt rouW rc+ult in forfciturc af thc
<br /> Property or uthcnvise matcriall��irnpair thc licn rreatcd hy thi,Srcurity In.trumrm or Lender'.+rcurit�•intcrrtit. &�rrowcr ma�� •
<br /> cure such a dct ault uixi rcin.tatc,a.prc���idrd in paragruph 1 R, hr rausin�thr artiun��r pr�xccding tu tx ditimi..cS�vith a ruliug
<br /> " � that, in I.rnJcr'}��xxl faith dctcrminatiun, prcrludrti tnrl'riturc uf thc B��rraa�r'. intcrc+t in thc Pruprny ��r uthrr matrrial
<br /> ' : impaicment nf the licn rrcated hy thiti Scrurity ln�trument ur LcnJcr'. �crurit� intcrc+t. Borr���crr +hall at.�� hc in dcfault if
<br /> Bocrowcr. ciuring thc liian upplic.�tii,n pnKC,..�a�•c m:itrri:►I1� lal�c ur inarruratr inti�rmatiun ur.txtrnxnt.tu LcnJcr ci�r fail�tt
<br /> to prrnidc l.cndcr with any matcriid intiirn�a�ianl in ronnectiun���ith thr luan c�id�nrrd h� thc N��tc. inrluding.hut rnit limitcd
<br /> , I to. repretientatian,c<,nccrnin�H��rroa•er'.�nrupanr� af the Pra�xm a.a prinripal rr.idrn�e. II thi+Scrurity In.trum�nt i.un a . _
<br /> Icuschold. Bnrrnwcr tihall cumply ��ith all tli� pn��•i.iun. ot thr lea,r. If H�,rru��rr a�yuirc. t�c tidc lu thr Pmrrn�. thc
<br /> ' lca�ehuld unJ the fcc titic tihall n��t mcrgr unlc.� Lcndrr ugrre.ta thc nurger in�vriting.
<br /> 7.Protectinn of Lender'c Iti�hts in the Prnpert��. lt'B��rro�ver fail+t��prrt i�rm tBe ri���rttant�and a�recmcnt.r��ntaineJ in
<br /> this Security In+trurncnL or thcrc i�a Icgal pnnceding that may �ignitir�ntly at'lcrt Lender'ti right, in thc Prci�xn�• t.uch a+a
<br /> , Prorcedin� in bankruptcy.pr<�batr.tiir rundcmnuti�m or tirrfciturr or to cnfi�rrr la�c���r regulatien�).thcn (Andrr muy du anJ
<br /> nuv fnr whs��rvrr iv nrrr..:�n• m nrntcrt tltr ealu� af th� Prop�rt> and Lrndrr�v CI�!fll� Itt f�1C Pmperl�•. lA�xirr'.artiun� nwn
<br /> - r-� ._.. ._.._.. ... .
<br /> indudc payin�any sums urur��i h�• a licn v�hich ha+ priurit� ����rr thi, Secunq In�trutncnt, appcanng m rnurt, paymg -
<br /> � ! reasonablc auc�mcys'frc�und cmcrin� on ttu Pro�xtty ta mahc rrpair�. Althuu�li Lrndcr ma} takr artiun undcr thi. paragraph
<br /> 7.lxnder�1�x�not havc to du w.
<br /> Any amewntti di�bur+cd by Lendcr undrr thi. p�ragraph 7 �hall hcrutnc •rdditiunul drht of Burru��cr .rcurcd h�• thi�
<br /> . Sccurity inxuumcnt.Unlc.� Burcuarr and Lcndcr agmc to uthcr tcrm. ul'pnymcnt. th��c anwunU �hall tkar intrre�t frum thc
<br /> ' � dute af distwr�cment at thc Ni�te rat� and tihall t+e puyuhlr, aith intcrc+t, u�x�n ni�ticc trum l.endcr t�� Borro��cr rryur>tin�
<br /> payment.
<br /> R.Mort�age In�ut'unce.(f I.cndrr nquired murtgagc in.urnnc�a.a r�mdition i�f mal.ing thr h+un+crure�l b�thi.Serunh
<br /> IImtrunxnt. geim�wcr �hull pay thc premiuui. rcyuimd to mainwin thr murtgagr in.uranrr in rflec�. If. t�►r an� rca•uii, tlir
<br /> .. J cnortNagc in+ttrancc a�verugc rcyuind by Letkier lap.rti or rca�e,tu hr in rftcrt. $ut7���ccr.hall pa� thr prrmium�rcyuirrd 1��
<br /> �" obtuin a,vcra�c subst;wntially cyui��alcnt to thc tnurt�agc inwranrc previuu,l�� in ct'liwt.at a cu.t ,uh+tantiall� cyui�alent t�,thr
<br /> r
<br /> , rci.t tu&�rmv►�er��f the mangagc in�uranre prr�•iau.l�� in rfl'rrt. irum an altcrnatr mi�rt�age in.urrr:tppru��rJ h� I.endrr. It'
<br /> �
<br /> �.,,,,.�,,,.� Form 3028 9i90
<br /> • ' �
<br /> � __
<br />