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<br /> � __-----=-� 94- �:o�x5i
<br /> ---- --�-- � 19.Transfer oi the Property ar u aene�lciAl InYce�.st In liorrawer.tP ull c�r uny pnrt oP the Prnperty ar Any Intcrc�;t in it �_ _ --
<br /> is�;uld ar trnnsTcrceci t�r iin beneficial interest in 9urrower is suld nr trunefcrrcd und Hurrower Ir. nnt i�natun�i pertion)withnut �., -_ ,.��•�_
<br /> '�`-"''''-`« �-'� ., Lendcr's pric�r writicn cnnscnt, Lendcr muy, at its�ptian, requirc imn�cdiutc puymcnt in full af ull sums n��ur�xt My this __-,_— -�-�---
<br /> Security Instrument. Hnwever.thia�ptian xhall nat be exercised by L.ender if cxerclsc Ix pmhihitcd by fcdcrul luw i�x uf thc dutc �_ -__ _ _ ___
<br /> = af this Secudty Instrumsnt.
<br /> _b If l.endee exerci�ey thia aption,l.ender Fhall give Bonower notice of uccelerati�m.The nadce ehull proviJc u peNcxi uf m�t � �s�� =
<br /> Icws than 30 dayR fram thc dutc thc nuUc� i»dellvered or maiteci witl�ln whtch Rc�rrowcr muxt pay ull sum� tiecunYl hy this � � -__ -
<br /> �., :�."•'.::a: Sccudty(nstrument. If Barmwcr fuils to pay thesc sumti priar ro thc expirntinn of thix pedod. l.endcr muy invokc uny rcnu�lics ,T7,�r�.
<br /> ' 4;�,�� permitted by this Secudty inatrument withaut further notice or demund un R��rruwei•. ,��_--=-- '
<br /> �� 18. Borrower'e Rtght to Relnstate. if Bonowcr mceta cenain cunditlons, �rrawer tihull huvc thc right tn I�uvc "+}t�"--
<br /> - ' °:��±��;�.� �::s.�;,- .---:---
<br /> � enfarcement af thfs Secudty Instrument discontinucd at nny tim�prfor to the curlier e�f; {u) S duyti (or,ucl� uther peri�xl us •; ''�'��.,��;,±";
<br /> ' ,i. , •.:,
<br /> ' "' applicable law muy specify far refngtatemenU befare sale of the Pn�perty purnuunt tc� uny power of sule contaim�i in this •,����ya;�_-
<br /> �.,,. . w . , ,_.�ar:
<br /> �• � Serurity Instrument:or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing this Secudty instrument.Those ecmditi��ns ur�thut Rorrnwer:(u)puya .�,.
<br /> ,. ; .� , , ;:,� -,.'
<br /> • L.ender all sums which then would be due under this Securlty Instrument und the Nate a+if na uccelerutian hud accurred;(h) ,,
<br /> ° "'- „ � ' cures any default of any other cavenants or agreements; (c) pays all expcnses incurred in cnforcinb this Sccurity Instrutncnt. • •
<br /> '�t, ,;; Includin$, but nat limlted to. reasanabie attomey�' fces;and(d)takes such actian us l.erxler muy rca.tiunuhly rc�ulre tu a.5sure • • � - '
<br /> �`. `�a :�. that the lien of this Security Instrumcnt. I.ender's right+in the Property and Borrawcr's abli�artian tc�pay the tiumti sccured by -. �' ,' ,x
<br /> �� •%� this Securlry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstate�nent by Borrower, this Sccurity lnstrument und the ,' ' �'�� .-
<br /> �� � ' . ' obligations secured hcreby shall remain fuUy effective u+ if na ucccicmtlon had cxcurreci. Hawever, this right t��rcinstatc shull �, '�'"•. -l. .; ;
<br /> s'� - � � aat upply in the cuse of ucceleration under parngruph 17.
<br /> � � . .
<br /> t � 19. Sale of Notei Change of I.aan Servicer. The Nate or u partiul intercst in the Nnte Itogethcr with this Sc:curity t�. .,
<br /> 1- �� ' ' Instrumenq may be sold one or more time+witl�out pdor natice to Borrower. A side may result in uchange!n the entity(kanwn " .. : '�;'
<br /> `� '-� � .„:. . as the"Loan Servirer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also muy be one
<br /> �'T--:n
<br /> t--'_---:: — _ �r mnre changP��f the I.oan Servicer unrclated to a sale af the Nate. lt there ls a change of thc Laun Servicer. Harrawcr will be __ _�_�;::���-
<br /> � f . ° given wi�itten notice of the change in accordance with puru�ruph 14 atxwe anci upplicuble luw. The tx�tice will stute thc numc und --=�:`
<br /> , ,• address of the new Laan Serviccr und thc address to wl�ich payments shauld hc made. The notice will nlso contuin uny ahcr T�.�'•��;.•°,_-.
<br /> �� information required by appllcnble law. ° "'
<br /> '' 20. Hazardous Substunces. Barrower shall nat cuusc or permit thc presence, use,disposal, htoru�c, ur rcleu.0 of uny • '';�'`,;:`� '` y
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do, rx�r allow anyone else t�i do, unything affecting the � `��
<br /> rr. ; � . Property thnt is in vialation of uny Env{ronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shaU qot apply to the presenee,use,ar � ��.r
<br /> .. • s tornge nn t he Prape rty o f smn l l quan ti ties o t Haza r d o u s S u bs tu n c e s t h a t u re g e n e r a l l y r e c o g n i x e d t o h e u p p r o p r i u t e t o n o rn�H l . � •�
<br /> •� ' • residendal uses and tu maintennnce of thc Praperty. .�t
<br /> Borrower shnll promptly give Lender written notice of any investi�ution, claim,demand,lawsuit or cither action by uny •- ,. :f�i�
<br /> g o v e rn m e n t a l o r r c�u l a t o ry u g c n c y o r p ri v u t c p n r t y i n v a t v i n g t h c P r o p c r t y a n d a n y H s u a r d o u s S u b s t u n c c��r E n v i m n m e n t u l L u w " •
<br /> , .
<br /> af which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower Iearns, or is notified by uny govemmental or regulatory authcirity,thut ,_�gtq�•
<br /> � �� any remaval ar ather remediation of uny Hazardous Suh�tance uffecting the Pmperty is necessary, &�rr��wer shull prompdy tuke ____ �,�;,,,�
<br /> all necessary remedinl actions in uccordunce with Environmental Laiw. �
<br /> ' . As used in thix pKragruph 20, "Hu•rardous Suhstunc�s" are those substances defined a, toxic or hai.�rduuti substunces by r
<br /> 'r -�►
<br /> Environmental Law and thc following substanccs: gusolinc, kcrcncnc, othcr flammublc or toxic petrolcum pr�durts, toxic , ,�, �
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvent+, muteriuls c�ntaining s�sbestoti or formaldehyde,und rndiouctive muteriuls. As used in ;::�
<br /> this purugrnph 20, "�nvironmcntal Luw" mean, fedcrul Inws und lu�v, of thc jurisdiction whcrc thc Pro�xrty iti located Il�at � `''=� •
<br /> . _. ._ . .._.... .. . • rclate to hculth.safety or cnvironmcntul protcction. � �
<br /> _.—.............. _. -- ,.:,-----:�
<br /> �. PJON-UNIFORM COVE1vAN'fS. Horrowcr and l.cnder lurthcr covcnant unct agrcc us tc�ltow�: - �-�•_-�
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedi�.�s.I.ender�hall give notice to Borruwer prtor to acceleration followin�Borrower's breach �°..�
<br /> ' of any covenant or u�rc�ment in this Security Instrument (but not prior to ucceleration under para�raph 19 unless �'
<br /> ap�licable law provld�othcnvtse). Thc nottce shell specify: (a) thc deFault;(b)the actian required to curc thc defauet; :.;;. ,
<br />- (c)a date,not less than 30 day!�from the dute the notice!s�iven to &►rrower, by which the default must be cured:end '
<br /> , , (d) that faiture to cure the defautt on or bef�re the date sp�rificd in the notice mu�� retiult in acceleratian of the sums , " ' �;
<br /> � � secured by this Security Instrument and sale af the Properh�. The noNce shall further inform Bnrro�r•er of the ri�ht to ."r�,�y��p�
<br /> % �� relnstate after acceteration and the right to brin�; a rnurt actinn t�� uisert the non-existenre af a default or any other � :�y�.
<br /> . defense oP Barrower tn acceleretion and xule. If the defeult is not cured on or befarc thc dete+pecified in the notice, - �r,���.
<br /> � I.ender, at its aptton, �nay reyulre immediete puyment fn full nf ull sums s�rured by thlx Sccurlty Instrument without
<br /> , further demand and may invoke the puwer of salc und an�•othcr remedicy permltted b�� app8ruble luw. I.cndcr shall be '
<br /> � ' entitted to collect alt expenticx incurred M punuin�thc remedi�w provid��d in thl,�parugraph 2 i,inciudin�. but not iirnited �. � . - -
<br /> � to.rwsonuble attorneys'Pees and c�htti of Ntte evidence. �
<br /> If thc{wwer of salc is invoked. Trust�r shall ri�nrd a noticc uf dcfault tn cach count,r tn wl�ich un�• purt �►f thc �� �
<br /> Pmperty is locuted and shalt mail coples of tiuch notice in the manncr pr��ribed b,r xpplicuhle la�v to Borrower und t<► I ' '
<br /> ! � the othcr persons prc�scritxd by applicnBlr law.After the time required by upplicaMe la��,Trustcc�hull Five public notice
<br /> ° of sale to tfie pernons and in the manner priwrritx�d By epplicable Iaw.Tru.rt�w. «ithnut dcmend un Borr�nver. .r•hall reU � •
<br /> � the Property at publlc aucti�m t�thc hi�hcst blddcr ut the timc snd plure und under the tcrm+dawi�nuted in the notice of {
<br /> sale in one or more parcels und in uny order Trust�Y determin�w.Truzt�r mny �x�.tp�ne sute of all or any parcel c�f the I
<br /> • Prnperty by public unimuncement at the time und place of am• pre��lou�l� xhcdulcd sale. I.endcr or its dcxi�n�r mu�•
<br /> purchase the Property at uny sale.
<br /> �
<br /> �� :
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