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__ -- ...�,-- —- _ ______ ___ _. . <br /> _ _ _ _ __ . �_ _ <br /> ,.�,.�;,;�.:�-- - °.U,.�s� ., ° _. _._. <br /> ,� �• ! t2�K4: 'Lia►6�iviv..�Ft0.' 'u ,, -- <br /> i u <br /> . . . ., � �� _ _ <br /> ,.. <br /> ___. <br /> . �..� �ri�� . ._..�..,. - - -— - <br /> ' - -� YY�r� • ....w.�_��.__- �M r�N���. . <br /> - - - --- - �4- 102'�5i <br /> T �� '"°'�� - ���� S. Haznrd or Property Insurance. Borrower Rhell kcep the impravementa now exi�ting or heret�ftcr erectccl on thc <br /> ����'�"�"``� Pra ,.rt insurai a ainst loss b fire. huzurds includcd within the tenn "extendul cuveru e und uu ather hw.ards. includin °'°'�`�"�'-��--"--- <br /> °��-;�r,�er�s�� P' Y B Y !3 " Y 8 _ _ <br /> �' floodx or flooding.for which Lender rcquires insurunce. Thia insurance shnll he maintuined in the Amaunts and for the p�rioda _______ <br /> '� that Lender requircs. The insurance cartier praviding the insurance shall be chosen hy Borrower suhJect tn l.ender's uppmvul <br /> which shull not be unrcusonably wlthheld. It Borrawer fuils to mnintuin coveruge detic�ibed above, L.cnder may. ut l.ender'e+ ----- <br /> aptian,abtnin caven�ge to protect[.ender's dghts in 1he Property 1n uccordance with puragraph 7. `�` ""'"'�� <br /> � ' Atl intiurance palicies nrtd renewals shull be acceptnblc to I.endcr and shull includc u stundani martgugc cluu+c. I.ender �'7,'T�' <br /> L____. <br /> _ shall have the rlght to hald the pcilicies end renewals.If I.ender requircs. Hc�rmwer shall pramptly give ta l.ender uti r��cciptx of °"r`' <br /> • a. puid premiums a�xl renewul notices.In the event af lo�s, Barrower shall �ive prompt notice ta thc insurance carrier and l.ender. •��:�=-=�--� <br />- ' �''''�+��'��;��. Lender may makc proof of lo�s if aat made pmmp[ly by Borrower. i,'��.��=�--W <br /> �r'r���`�`' A Unless Lender and Borruwer ahenvisa a rec in w�itin insurance roceeds shaU be a lied to restorution or re air of the .�•r���"�—;�-- <br /> %''..{.�.:. ' B 8� P PP P , ..�*�_..,�,� <br /> � y.t'�'�_{��::.,;.��,'.;.,, praperty dumaged,If the restarntion or repair is economicully feasibleand Lender's scrurity is nat Iessenal. If thc restoratian ar . ;�J,��,,,_�;:_�_. <br /> :�• ... ..7 . ., rcpair is not ecunomically feasible or Lender's security would lie lessena.•d,the intiurunce p�oceeds shaU be applied ta the sums . �°K,�•:►.�_:. <br /> . .. .r� . ,��,Y._��� <br /> - � secured by this Security Instrument, whether or nat then due. with any excess paid ta Borrower. If Borrower abandons the i��,..�,.•�;�..__.__ <br /> .. � �„"�'�, �'.. : ,.y ' -s`ti!- <br /> • Prapeny,or daes not answcr within 30 duys a natire lram Lendcr that the insurunre currier hns offered to settle a cluim, then 1'�°:`�;;;;;,,. <br /> . .-, '�t'`':,...1 t ,�; . : <br /> / � ��� ' � � l.ender may col lect the Insurance proceeds. L.ender may use the procea�s to repuir ar rcsture the Praperty ar tc� pny sums s'" �-�r . <br /> � � ��4'• �, � � � sccumd by thls Sccurity Instrumcnt,whcthcr ar not thcn duc.Thc 30-day periad will bcgin whcn thc noticc is givcn. {" ����� �' ' ' <br /> , " �� 'r Unless I.ender and Barrower otherwise agree in writin�. eny npplication of proceeds to principal shall nat extend ar : � ,,�,,,�;',. <br /> ... ,„ , . 'i.."�•-�r_ <br /> • postpone the due dnte of the monthly payments rcferrea to in parugmphs 1 and 2 ar chungc the nmaunt af the payments. If . •z�x��-�-�---- <br /> � � undcr arn ra h 11 thc Pro en is ac uised b T..ender, Borrower's ri ht ta un fnsurance IicIes and roceeds resultin from `��`°�`"� <br /> , _... ,.. . : .... P S P P Y 9 Y B Y Fo P S • ,_ ,.._..,,-_ <br /> :_... �...._..�u�:°__--_ <br /> ---. �__,..:-:-----.-----•. _.. .. _ <br /> damuge to the Property prior to the acquisitian shnll putis to[.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument �"-�== °T. <br /> � � immaliately priar to thc acquisition. " '�''��"'��— <br /> ;� , >:�r r:,.,,,-:..__ <br /> ,, 6.Occupancy,Preservatian, Maintenance and Protectlon ot the Property;Borrow•cr•s Loan Appl�catian; I.easeholds. . , .�? �,�,_,-:.- <br /> � Bonower shull occu establish,and u�e the Pro rt a.ti Borrower's rinci al residence within rixt da s after the executi��n of � '.��''`'� : <br /> .. PY• P� Y P P Y Y '. �..,;�.- <br /> '' this Securiry Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Prc�perty ux Borrowcr's principal residenre fi�r at Ieast one yeur after 3�_ <br /> - � the date of occupancy,unless I.ender otherwise a�rees in writing,which consent shall not be unreusanably withheld,ar unless ,'��'� <br /> � . extenuatin� circum.tunces exist which are beyond Barrower'ti control. &+rrowet shall nnt destmy, dumuge ar impuir the . ,�,�,� - <br /> „ ° Propcny, aUow the Property to deteriarute, ar cnmmit wasu on tiu Pmpeny. Barrowcr shull be in default if any farfeiture , � <br /> � . action or prciceeciing, whether civil or criminul, is bcgun that in I.ender'ti gnod faith jud�ment could result in forfeiturc nf the , <br /> " Property or othcrwise materially impair ihc licn crcated by thi� S��ccrity in�trumcnt or[.cnder's security interest. Borrower may r� •���� <br /> --- � --- curs suclt a d�f�ttlt and reinstat�.as prnvid�d in par�graph 18,by ruu�ing thc actic�n t•r proc�eding tc�bc dismiesed with e ruling =- --- � , <br /> .. _ , <br /> " that. in Lender',good'faith determinntion, precludes forfciture of thc Borrower's interest in thc Property or ather mutcrial „ ;s .. <br /> impaicment of the lien created by this Security instrument or Lcnder'x security interest. Borrowr.r shall also be in defuult tf . �; '° <br /> - Borrower,during the loun applicutian prores�,gave materiully f�l.x or inuccurnte information or statements to Lender(or fuiled ` <br /> to provide Lender with any materiul informutiim)in connection with the lonn evideneed by the Nnte, includins, but nat limited <br />___. �.:_.__.._.__._.. ._....,_:_ ta. rcprescnWtions conccrnine Borrawcr'�cxcunancy of tFx Pmnrnv nc a �rinrinal u•�id�nc� If thie Srrurity In�t��mrnt i��in n ...___._-.�.� ' <br /> �� � � . .� leaschald, Borrawcr shall comply with ull thc provisions af thc Ica+c. if &urower arquires Fec tidc t�� the Propeny, thc d <br /> „ Ieasehold und the fee title shall not n�crgc unlesx Lendcr�grecs to the nxrgcr in writing. �T�.`� <br /> � ' 7.Pratecttan of I.ender's Ri�htti in the Propertp. If Borrower failti to perforni the covenants und agreements contained in �; <br /> •; <br /> this Security lnstrument, c�r there i�u Iegul pr<xccding that may.i�±nificandy uffect Lender s rightti in the Property (such us� ' •r ; <br /> " proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for cundemnatiun nr fortciturc��r to enfurcc lawti or regulation�). then L.ender muy du and '�' <br /> P Y rY P P' >' ' S P� Y• Y � .•r .`I''�12� <br /> . t a for whatcver is neccssa to rotect the vuluc of thc Pro �n anJ L.endcr'+ ri htti In thc Pro rt Lender's actions mu � ��_ <br /> " inctudc pnying any sums sccurcd by a licn which ha� prinriry ovcr thi. Sccuriry instrument, appcuring in cc�urt, puying �;�'� <br /> _ rcasonablc attomeys' fecs and enterinb nn the Property to urrke rcpuin. Althuugh Lendcr muy tukc artinn undcr this puragraph . • <br /> " 7,I.ender dc�es not have to do su. . " <br /> Any amnunts disburscd by l.cndcr undc� th�s parugruph 1 shall bcrome uddit�onal dcM i�t l3cttrc�wcr srcurcJ by thi� � „ <br /> , Serurity lnvtrument. Unless &irrowcr and l.ender u�ree to olhcr ternu cif puyment, the�r i�mountti.hull txur interest from the <br /> - datc of disbursement at thc Notc ratc and \11:tII Ik (I:I�'7I1I1`,with intcrc,t, uFx�n nuticc from I..enJcr t�� Borrc�wcr rcquc�ting ' <br /> payn�ent. ' , - <br /> 8. Mortga�e Insuranee.If I.cncicr rcyuirrci mi�rtEuge in+uranre a�u condition of muhing the loan,ecured by this Security . ' � <br /> Intitrument, &�rrowcr shal� pay thr prcmium. rcyuimd ai nwiintain thr murtEa�!c in,uranre in effcrt. lf, tirr uny reu,on, the � <br /> , � mortgagc imurunre rnvr,ragc rcquirc�i hy I.ender lap�cti<�r rra.cs tu hc in etfcct. Rc,rruwcr,hull pay thc premium, requireJ ta <br /> - i obtain covcrugc subtitantiully cyuivulcnt to thr mort�agc inwranrc prcviciu�ly in rffcct,ut a ru,t �uh.tuntiully cyuivulrnt tu thc • � <br /> � . cnst to &mo�vcr af thc nx�rtgugr intiur,uuc prrvioutily in etTcct.f�<nn an ahcrnutc mort�ugc intiurcr approvcd by L.cndcr. if <br /> i substantially cyuivulcnt m��rtgugc in,urunrc cavrr,��c i.n��t cnxi laMc.B��rruwrr�h.ill pay tu Lendrr c:�rh month cyual ta <br /> � c � ane-twelfth ot the ycurly mc,rtguge in.urancc premiurn hrin�: paid hy ��rr<�w•rr whcn thr in.urancc ravcrugr lup.ed ur rru�cJ ta �� <br /> � ; bc in effcct.Lcnder wil)accept,u.c and retuin thcu payment.u� a I<n+ re+en�e in li�u of mort�agc in,uranrr. Lus� reurvc ; <br /> Form 3028 9190 � <br /> . ' � v�:a oi� <br />- -� i <br /> �:. <br /> .j . <br /> , y <br /> • � .. <br /> l� <br /> 1 <br /> i:t ' �� <br /> u <br /> r • <br /> :'� , , <br /> � � <br /> � � <br /> .. 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