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<br /> •�".°"" .. ."."`" the Propehy Is ao taken or damaped,Lender ehalt have the optlon,In ita sole end abaolute�saretlo�na,to appty a11 auoh P�ocesda, �_��_�_u�.��_.�
<br /> � ��.";:�,"a_•�;�:�;:�' ufter dsduatinp therehom all aoata end expdnees Inourred by It In conneotlon with auch Proccietl�,upon any Indebtedness�eaured
<br /> "• '- '''"'� herob artd fn auch order ee Lender ma determine,or te epply ell euah Praoeede,etter suah deduotfone,to the reetoratlon of ths
<br /> 'F. :sa•��:�ti`�. •.,;�.'f y Y _.._
<br /> Properiy upon euoh aondidona ea I.ender mey determine.Any epptioetlon of Proceeda to Indebtedr�eas ahall notextend or poatpons
<br /> ._-
<br /> v�,y,:;..::,�,� ths due date ot sny psyments under the Note,or cure eny dsteult thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funds ehall be pald to
<br /> -=
<br /> 'gr`��r.:.- -.-,�. ._'r� 7rustor. �-— _ _....
<br /> L _.; e. Rerfotmartce by l�ertdor.Upon the occurrenoe o1 an�vent ot Deteulthereunder,or If eny act la teken or tepa�proceeding �""`""-n _
<br /> ' �' commenced which materially aHeats Lende►'s Interest in the P�operry,Lender may In its own diacretion,but withoutobilpation to do
<br /> � � '� �� eo,end without notice to or dema�d upon Trustor and withaut reteasing Trustor irom any cbligaQon,do eny aot whiah Tivator hae
<br /> . '��''''
<br /> aqreed but falis to do and may aiao do any other eot it deema neceeeary to proteot the seourity hereo}.Trustor shait,Immediateiy �.��____° __
<br /> '' �. � �.;, � upon demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender el!aoats and expenees fncurred and sums expended by Lender in conneoUon wlt� �,;,:•
<br /> . ' • the exerclae by Lender ot the foregoing rights,together wlth interest thereon at the default rate provided in the Note,whloh ehali be �„_
<br /> � ' added ro the indebtedneas seou�ed hereby.Lender ehail not Inour eny Ilabiiiry because ot anything it may do or omit to do ���--�--
<br /> ..., _
<br /> • hereunder. "�"�-��
<br /> - 9. M�s�rdou�Mat�rlatf.T�ustor shalt keep the Properry In complience with ali applloabie lews,ordinances and regutatlona --
<br /> � , retating to Industrlai hygiene or e�vlronmentat proteodan(collectiveiy reterred to herein as"Envlronmental lawa'q.Trustor ehait --- -'
<br /> keep the Property Iree hom alt substancea deemed to be hazardoua or toxic under any Bnvironmentai Laws(colleaNvely referred to �
<br /> �I ., herefn as"Hozardous Meterials").Trustor hereby wana�ts and representa to Lender that there ere no Heaardous Materials on or �`'! v
<br /> :� under the Pro e Trustor hereb a rees to Indemnify a�d hotd harmiesa Lender,ita dlrectore,oHiaers,em Io eea and a ents,and °'�_-
<br /> . - -� , P rh'• Y 8 P Y g �-�.,.«::. _
<br /> , any successors to Lender's interest,irom and agalnst any and eli alaime,damages,loases and Ilabillties arlsing In conneobon with , •f,.`'° '
<br /> � �• � the presence,use,disposal or transport ot any Hazerdoue Materlais on, undor,irom or about the Property.THE FOAEQOINO ;-�-
<br /> . ___ -- .:� -- -._- _ ,
<br /> . •- 10. Aul�nm�n!cf Rent�.Truator hereby assigns to Lender iha�aritb,lasues end prailts a!the Praperty;prcvidcd that Trnstor ' -- - -
<br /> �� � eheli,untlt the ocourrence of an Event o}Oetault hereunder,havelhe right to coitect and retein auch rents,issues and profita as they � �,__
<br /> :�,..,.:
<br /> become due und payabie.Upon the occurrence of an Event cf Detault,Lender may.elther in person or by agent,with or without �r' -
<br /> bringing any eadon or proceeding,or by a receiver appotnted by a court and without regard to the adequaay of ite security,enter ,.t;u`•'
<br /> . � upon and take posaeasion of the Property,or any part thereof,in Its own neme or in the name of the Trustee,and do any aoffi which It � :?1�•-;--
<br /> deems neoessary or deafrabte to preserve the vaiue,marketebiilty or rentabflity ot the Properly,or any paii thereof o�Interest thereln, ,,•,���-
<br /> Increase the income theretrom or proteat the seouriry horeof and,with or wlthout taking posseasion of the Properly,sue tor or °�• �t;�:_
<br /> otherwise colleat the renta,lssues and profita thereof,f�cluding those past due and unpald,and apply the seme,Iese costa and "`���v `
<br /> �� expenses of operation and colleation Inc�uding attorneys'tees,upon any indebtednese secured hereby,all in such order as Lender _
<br /> " may determine.The enterUg upon and taking posaesalon of the Properly,the coilectlon of such rents,Issues and proilts and the � �.�� �
<br /> -� � eppiicadon thereot as atoreseid, 9ha11 not cure or waive any default or notice ot default hereunder or invaiidate any act done in
<br /> . ' response to euch detau�t or pureuent to such notice ot default snd,�otwithatanding the cantinuance in possesalon oithe Properry or ' ��
<br /> - ..
<br /> -_--=.::=-_:- - !he collectlOrt,reCelpt attd app!lcaUon ot rsnb,issues or proflts.and TruBtee and Lgnder 9ht�I1 b?wntitlad to exercise every right
<br /> , ,. _. -, - - - _ - _
<br /> " provided tor in any oi the Loan Inatruments or by taw upon xcurrence ot any Event of Detault,Including wlthaut Ilmttation the rlght ° � '
<br /> , to exerafse the power ot eale.Further,Lender's righta and remedles under this paragraph sha�i be aumulaUve with,and in no way a
<br /> Ilmitatlon on,Lender's rlghts and r�medles under any assignment of Ieases and renta recorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee
<br /> and the recetver shall ba Ilabte to eccount only tor those rents actuaily received. • °; �
<br /> 11. Evenb o}DstautR The foliowing ehal�constitute an Event of Defautt under this Oeed of Truat ,�.
<br /> (a) Fallure to pay any Instaltment ot princlpei or Intereat ot any othor sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> � (b1 A breach of or default uncfer any prov�sion conwinwi i n ihn i�vio,ii�i5 D66d v�TiU'o:,.;Gy�!!hC L��^!tt8�'.:!^°!!!3,^!°^� --_.- ''�' P. '
<br /> . other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; ��
<br /> (c)A writ of execution o�attachment or any slmltar proceas shall be entered againet Trustor whtch aheil become a Ilen on .
<br /> tha Property or any portfon thereof or fnterest thereln; "" ��
<br /> ' (d) There shall be filed by or agafnst Truetor or Borrower an actlon under eny present or tuture tederal,state or other � ,{
<br /> stetute,Iaw or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other reilef tor debtors;or there ehall be appolnted eny truetee. ' � ;
<br /> , receiver or Iiquidetor ot Truator or 8orrower or of ali or eny pa�t of the Propeny,or the rents,iesues or profits thereoi,or Trustor - ' . ��
<br /> � or Borrower ahall make any generat assfgnment fo�the benetit of creditors; � ,����•
<br /> (e) The sale,tranater,lease,a9signment,conveyance or turther encumbrance oi ail or any part ot or any Intereat fn the ���,,
<br /> � • Property,elther voluntarliy or Involuntarlly, wlthout the exprese wrltten consent ot Lender; provided that Truator ahsli be ( . � �
<br /> permltted to execute a�ease ot the Property that does not contaln an optlon to purchase and the term of which doea not exceed .
<br /> one year, . .,
<br /> (q Abandonment of the Properry;or I °
<br /> (g) it Trustor Is not an indivldual,the issuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyence or encumbrance ot more than a tofal
<br /> of percent of(if a cap�ration)its lasued and outstandfng stock or(if e partnershlp�a total 01 percent of l � .
<br /> partnershfp intereats during the period thla Deed of Trust remelns a tien on the Property. � „
<br /> 12. Remedies;Acceteration Uport Detauit.In the event ot any Event o1 Default Lender may,without notfce except as required by i
<br /> taw,deciare aIi Indebtedness secured hereby to be due end payabte and the seme shalt thereupon become due and payabie '
<br /> without any presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any kind.Thereaiter Lender may:
<br /> (a) Demand that Trustee exerclee the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee shatl thereafter cause Trustor'e I
<br /> Intereat in the Property to be so�d and the proceeds to be dlstnbuted,alt in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Oeeds �
<br /> Ack
<br /> (b) Exerclae any and ail rlghta provfded for In any of the Loan�nstruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event ot �
<br /> ' Detaul�and ;
<br /> (c) Commence an action to torectose this Deed ot Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or specifically enforce any ot the
<br /> covenants hereof. !
<br /> No remedy hereln conierred upon or reserved to Trustee or L.ender is Intended to be exctusive of any other remedy herein,fn the �
<br /> • Loan Inatruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall ba cumutat�ve,shali be in addition to every other remedy given
<br /> � hereunder,In the l.oan�nstruments or now or hereafter exisdng at�aw ar m equlty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrentiy,
<br /> independent�y or succesalveiy.
<br /> 13. Trustee.The Trustee may resign at any time without Cause,and Lender may at eny time and without cause appofnt a
<br /> � eucceasor or subatitute Trustee.Trustee shail not be Ifable to any parly,�nctuding without Iimifation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> ' purchaser ot the Property,for any toss or damage unless due to reckless or wllliul misconduct,and shali not be requlred to take any
<br /> ' action tn connectfon wfth the e�lorcement of this Deed ot Trust unless indemnitied,in writfng,tor ati costs,compensatton or
<br /> — expen888 whfCh may be as8oCtaLBtl therewtth.In afltlrtton,Tru9lee may become a purcnaser at any 981e oi ine rrop@rcy(judiciai or
<br /> i under the power of sale granted herein):poatpone the sale ol all or any portion oi the Property,as provlded by law;or sell the
<br /> �• Property ea a whole,or In separete parcels or Iots at Truslee's discretion.
<br /> j 14. Fees end Bxpsnses.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerCfse of power of sale,Trustee shalt be entltled to apply
<br /> • � any sele proceeds flrst to payment ot all costa and expenses ol exercfsing power ot sale,fncluding all Truatee's tees,and Lender'e
<br /> � `• end Trustee's attorney's tees,actually InCUrred to extent perm ftted by appl�cable law.In the event Borrowvr or Trustor exercises any
<br /> rtght provlded by law to Cure an Event ot Oetault,Lender ehall be ent�tled to recovet Irom Trustor all costs and expenses actualty
<br /> ' Incurred as a result of Truator's detaulf,includfng wlthout limltatlon all Trustefis and attorney's feea,to the extent permitted by
<br /> '� sppllcebte law.
<br /> 16. Futuro Advartaet.Upon request o}Borrower, Lendor may, at ita cption,meke addittonal and future advancea and ro-
<br /> • advance8 to BorrOwer.Such advances and readvancea,with intereat thereon,aha�l be secured by thts Deed ot Trust At no t�me shall
<br /> the princlpal amount ot the fndebtedness secured by th 1s Deed ot Trust,not�ncludmg sums advanced to ptoteCt the 6ecur�ty ot this
<br /> ,.,�, . Deed ot Truat,exceed the oNglnal prtnclpal amount stated herefn,or$ � , whtchever fs greater. '
<br /> •, . -- -- - ' �
<br />