•+�.w.�� _ . .... . . � • r;n�ra�ra:,�:. _ .�.- .r. . . . --
<br /> .
<br /> - --- .'..` - -- --•�-- - ar - --`" - --
<br /> "'�f �.)... ' v!eh.�5�3::� .. — '�i . :_ . -
<br /> � . ' .. .yc-y r.' ' , : P ,.. . _.--
<br /> „ _ - -
<br /> - '_'_"_._..s �lar'__ "_ ' ._y.,. ._ .__—.._._ - .. . _. ..._____...--.-�
<br /> � �� ���� lnsurenoe p►emlunts,ground ront�,and ail other cherges whatso�ver Ievlod upon or easessed,placed or made agaf�st the Tnrsi
<br /> ._. .. ' ' Properry.Tivaro�lurthereg�es,upon wdKen request by Beneflclery. M p�amptly defive�to Benefialary ap recalpts for the payment of
<br /> , . . ��;; such chsrgea.Tiustor tlkewlse ag�ees to pay all texea,assessments end other char�qes levJed upan o�aeaoasod,pleced o�made �___,_-.__ ___
<br /> t � , . ,. asa�nst or meaaurod by,thJs paed ol Trust or the►ocordotJOn hereof. �-_-_-_..�::::.�<..:�.
<br /> �,f ;. ^ _; 8. App/loatlon of Payments.N/paymenta recelved by Benefialery as ro any debt,OabllJry o�obilgeGon owed�o Bonefklary by Tiustor __ _�
<br /> - ' ��� may be epp l l e d bY Bene Bc lery t p t h e p a y m e n t o f t h e tndabtednoss or ro en y eueh other debt.lleb!!!ry or obllpetfon,ln eny orde�o► _r . _____
<br /> . �� manne�ol epp!lcadon wNch BeneNc/ary,In Its abso/ute disorodon,deems ap propdate.lln/esa othenWa�e/ecfed byBenepcfary�any
<br /> - .-- �� ' suoh paymsnt ehal!be daemed applled Nrst ro the payment o f eny da b t,l la b l f l ry or o b l lga H on o t h e�t h a n t h e N o f e. �-��;::
<br /> =����� ` ' ;, 6. Charges;Uena.Tnrabr wlll keep the Tiust Property Iree/ra»eil llens and enaumb�ances whleh!n any wey mey,tn tlre�udgment o1 `__ ,� ____ _
<br /> : " `I Beneficlary,have pdorlty over,or impely d►e aecudty o/,thls Oeed or Tiust but Tiustoi ne9d not dlacheiga t�ny such Ilen ao lortg es , �,,-,�� �
<br /> -. . .� .
<br /> Tiusb►shall eg►ee,in wAdng,to pay the oblfgatlan seoured by 8uch IJen!n s msnna�eacepteble!o&,ne/lolary and shall in goad to(th ��_'__`` -
<br /> �• " � � contest sncb llen by appropdate/egal proceedings eHeodve io preveat the enforeement o/the llen end tNe late ol any Intereat in or
<br /> ,�' partoftheTiustPropsrry. �•"��..":�-���-
<br /> �,�,,-,..—•_-_
<br /> rs-.,,.�_.
<br /> ' 7. Hazard/nsurence.Tivator ahalf keep the bulldings end other Improvemenle now exlaGng or hereefter ereoted on the Tiust Propeny n-�°�°—
<br /> :�,.'�.c..�.�._�_.—..
<br /> �, lnsured 6y Insnrance caMeis sotlslaotory to Benellciary against loss by Nre,ha=e►ds included!n the te►m"extende0 coveisgo"snd ':,'.;�;�fY�
<br /> � � � such other hazards,casualNes and conUngencles ss may be requlred by BeneNciary,in sncA amounta end fa such pedods as may be -..;�, � ��.��:
<br /> required by Beneflciary.fie popoy of incwance shaq treln brm ecceptable to BeneNolary,provlde that the seme mey not be �: , ;�..�.:.,:w.�i�t•.��c
<br /> � cenaelled or modlfled wiGrout Nlteen(t b)days pdor wdKen noBae to Benoficiary,s�d ahell P�eve/oss payeble provlsbna in favor ot end ° ° "�• _
<br /> :;:
<br /> in Mrm acceptsble ro Beneflclary.All premlums on Inaursriae pollcles sheN be peld In the menner provided urtder peregraph�hereol ' �'�;.,^"•���i�•�'
<br /> ,,� '. � oi,!/not pald in such manner,by Tivator meking payment at Jeast AReen(t8)days prlar to the due date,dlrectly ro the Insnrsnae ,_' . .�ya,�.,�;. � _
<br /> ca►rler.BeneNclary shall have the dght ro hold the pollcles and�enewefs thereo/end Tiustor ahall prompdy fumish to Beneflclary aA � �'°�� �>�
<br /> ienewsf notices arrd a!1 pald premlum recelpts received bylt.tn no event sha!!8ene�lciery o►Tivatee be held iespanslble loNailure to . �:" , . _ : _
<br /> . � pay Inaurenae premluma or lor any loss a damage adain8 out of a de%cNn any polloy or adsing out o!any lellure o►eny Insurance „r�:�.�„�,�::,�
<br /> company to pay tor any loss or damage Inaured against o►for lellare by Truator to elleot the lnsurance requlrad hereunder.lrt the eveM '�'� �.
<br /> - ollosa,Tiustor shall give prampt notice by msll to the lnsurance oam►er and BeneNclary.8eneflclary may rnake proof oflosa H not ',"�=���'�-'
<br /> � T�
<br /> •• � - mada promptty ar In Froper torm by Trzistor.All pollclev ef lnsu►ance and any end e!!relands of uneamed premlurr�a are horoby • �•___?���_--"
<br /> � � t asaigned M Benedc►ery es additional secudry lor the peymeni of the/ndebtsdness.ln the event o/Benellclary's exerclse oi the powe► - ---- -���-•l��-_
<br /> �„ of sale conta/ned hereln,or in the event of loreclosure,all rJght,dde and Interest o/Tivator!n and to any Msure�+ce policy thert!n lorce :J.'�;:�=°�Y°
<br /> , she1/pass ro the pwchaser at the tr�istee's sele or foreclosure sale.!n case o/eny losa,the lnswance proceeds mey, at Gre opdon of � � _
<br /> � Q? Beneflclary,be applled by Benelklery upon the lndebtednesa,or any pert thereo%end!n such order end amount se Benefkiary may • .� -„ j . a
<br /> � determine;or seld lnsurance proceeda,at ihe opGon ol Beneflciary,may elther 6e used!n replacing or restodng the Tros[Properiy . 4 S.•..�; _
<br /> pertlalty or totelly desdoyed to a conditlon sads/aotory to Bene/lclary;or aeld lnsurence proceeds,or any poNon thereol,may be �"_
<br /> • ieleased to Tiuetor.Unleas Banaflolery and Trusror otherwiae egree!n wridng,sny such appllcatioo ollnsurar�ce proceeds shell not . +� ��
<br /> extend or postpone the due date of the Note,or any lnstallments cal/ed/a thereln,or change the emount of such lnsiellments.N the '• .
<br /> Tiost Property is acq�lred by Beneflclary parsuant to the exerclse o/�ha power of sale or other foreclosure,all tlgh4 dde and Uterest o/ „ :?.,�" _
<br /> � Truator!n and to any Jnsnrance proceeds payable as e reault o1 demage ro the Tiust Property pdoi to the salo a acqulsldon shall pese . �= :
<br /> to BeneNctary end ahaN be epplied 1lrst to the costs and expenses,lnclud►ng attorney/eea,lncuned!n collecdng such proceeda,then ,.�,' �
<br /> !n the manner and In the order provided hereln. ,'�� �
<br /> `" `- 8. Freserva�ion end Mdfrrt�net�Ce of Truei PropsRy.Trustor w!!!kaep ttrs bulldings and aihar Impravcmenp now ar heresfter erected orr � f
<br /> the 7rust Prope►ty!n good repalr end condldon snd wlll not commlt or permit weste,w!1!not alter the deslgn or stiacturel cheracte► •�:'� •
<br /> conadt�ting any bulfding now or hereslter erected on and conaUtutlng the Tiust Pioperiy wlthout the prfor written consent of -
<br /> Beneflclary,will not do eny act or thing whlch would unduly lmpalr o�depreclate the velue of the Tiust Properry and wlll not abandon �?:°��
<br /> the Tivat P�ope�ly.Trustor wUl not remove any Nxtores consdtuUng the Tiust Properly unless the same ere lmmed/ete/y replaced whh �, ?
<br /> Oke property aubJeci to the Ilen and secuRry lnterest of thls Deed o�Tiust and ol at lesat equel value snd ud1Uy.Tivator wlll comply whh • �'
<br /> e11 p�esenr and future adinances,reys�InGuu�er�J�equJremanis ol any gavammorrta!body s��hlch are epplfaable to NrA Truat Prope►ty ' � -
<br /> snd ro the xcapancy and use thereo%!1 thls Deed o/Tirist Is on e unit!n a condomJnium or a planned unit developinent Tiusto►aha0 • �� ;
<br /> , per/orm aN of Tiustor's ob/igadons under the declaradons or covenents creedng or goveming the condominlur»oi U�e planned unit ��-
<br /> devebpment,the bylaws and regulallorrs o/the condominlum orplannedunit development,and the constltuent dxuments,
<br />- 9. Inspecdon.BeneNclery or!ts agenta mey,at all ressonabte Hmes,enrer upon the Tiust PiopeRy lor the puipose o/lnspecdon. ..
<br /> � Beneflclary shall have no dury to make such lnspection and shell not be llable ro Tiustnr or to any pereon!n possesslon!f it makes or ",. �•,
<br /> !alls to make any such InspecHon. • ��
<br /> ' 10. ProtecHon of Secudry.l�riusror lells to perlorm any ol the covenants end agreements contelned In thla Deed of Tiust,or JI any action �;;;i
<br /> or proceeding Js commenced whlch does or may adversely eNect the Tiust Pioperry or the lnteres►o/Tiusta or Beneflclary thereln or � ���' ' •
<br /> the dNe of Tiustor thereto, then BenelJclary,at!ts opUon,may pedorrn such convenants end agreements,meke such appearances, ��; "
<br /> ` delend agalnst end Jnvestigete such acBon or proceeding and teke such other action as BeneNclary deerns necessery to protect!ts
<br /> interest 1►�clud/ng,but not Iimlted to,dlebu�semertt o►ressoneble attornwylees and entry upon the Trast Pioperry tomake repelrs.My
<br /> emoui�ts dlsbursed by Benellc/ary pursuant ro thls pa►agreph f0,with inte►ast thereon,shRll consBtute/ndebtedness o►Tiustor � " �
<br /> secured by thls Deed ot Tiust Unless Trustor and BeneBciary agree fo other terms ol payment,such amoants shti9 be paysble upon
<br /> notice trom Benellclary ro Trustor requesting payment thereol,and sha//besr lnterest fiom the date of dlsba�sement at the defeult rete, �
<br /> U eny,set foKh In the Note,or otherwlse at the highest rate permltted by law.Nothing contained!n thls paiagraph shell►equlre
<br /> BeneflClery M lncur any expense or take any aCBo�hereunder.Tiustor inevocabfy aothodzes and empowers BeneHclary to ente►upon �
<br /> the Trust Properry as Tiustor's agent and,In Tiustor's name or otherwlse ro perlor�»any and all covenants end agreements to be y •
<br /> performed by Tiustor as hereln provlded. Benellclary sha1G at its optlon,be subrogeted to eny encum6rance,Hen,c/alm or demand
<br /> and to a!1�fghts end securiUes fo►the payment thereol pald or dlscharged by BenellcJary under the provislons hereol and eny such
<br /> subrogatkn dghts shall be addldonel and cumulaUve secur/ty lor thls Deed ol Tiust.
<br /> � 11. Condemnatlon.The proceeds ol eny award or clslm/or damages,dlrect or consequentlel,!n connectlon wlth any condemnatlon or ;
<br /> othe►taking of the Trust Property,or any part thereo%or lor conveyence�n 1leu o�o�ln an8clpatlon o/condemnet/on, are hereby
<br /> � asslgned ro and sha11 be pa(d to BenefJclary. Trustor wlll llle and prosecute,!n good/elth and wlth due di/igence,tts claim/or aoy such
<br /> awa►d o►payment and w111 ceuse the same to be coflected and paid to BeneNclary,end,shou/d!t 1all to do so. Tiustor lrrevocabfy :
<br /> euthorizes and empowers BeneNc�ery,fn the name o/Tiasfor or otheryv/se,to Rle,prosecute,settle or cornpromJse any such clalm and i
<br /> to collecb recelpt Jor end retaln the p�xeeds.Il the Trust Property!s ebandoned by 7rustor,or,a/te►noNce by BenefJclary to Tiustor '
<br /> thst the condemnor oNers to meke en award or settle a clatm for damage�, Tiustor lalJs to respond to BeneNclary withln thlrty(30)days
<br /> � after the date such notice!s malled,Beneflclaryls authodred to collect and epply the proceeds In the menner lndlceted hereln.The '
<br /> � proceeds oi any ewaM or clalm mey,aker deducting all ieasonab/e cosfs and expenses,including ettorney lees,which may have '
<br /> been lncurred by Benellclary ln the collectlon thereo/,et the so/e d/screnon of 9eneflclery,be relessed to Tiustoi,epplled to
<br /> , restoretlon of Trust Properiy,or appded to the peyment ot the Indebted�ess. Unless Benellciary and Trusto►otherwise egree in writing,
<br /> � eny such sppflcadon a proceeds to lndebtedness shall nof extend or pastpone the due date of the Note or the payment o/any
<br /> � lnstallments caNed lortheieunder.
<br /> t. f� rn.c�rv Nnr RA�eased.Errenslon of the time lor navment or modl/icaGOn ol anv emortlzaGon o/the Indebtedness granted by BeneNc(ary
<br /> � ` to any successor(n lnterest o/Trustor shall not operate to ielesse,in any mariner,the 1lablliry ol Tasto►and Trusta's successors In
<br /> fnterest.Beneficlary shall nof be requlred to commence proceedings e gemst such successnr or►eluse to extend bme for payrrient or
<br /> othe►wlse modlly amatizetlon ol the Indebfedness by reeson o/any dernand made by Trustor and riustor's successo►s
<br /> � !n lnterest.
<br /> ; ;t 13. Flnarrcfal fnlortnatlon.Upon request ol 8ene6clary. Trustor wd►provfde ta Beneliciary,withln ninery(90)dsys o/the cbse of each Bscal
<br /> , year ol irustor,the consolldated balance sheet end stetement o/eamings o/Tiustor snd eny snd a!1 guaiantors of the lndebtedness
<br /> , secured hereby,ll any,and wifl provldo and del(ver to BeneNc(ary such other llnanclel(nfom+at(on and 1n such manner as Berrepcfary
<br /> � may reasonably reqaest hom tlme tc Bme.
<br /> �� 14. Flnenclal Covenents.In eddlBon to any other linenclal covenants of Trusfor made in any othe►agreement.(nshurnent or document,
<br /> Tiustor shgll comply wlth snd shall cause any and aN gusrantors nf the fndebtedness secured hereby to comply wRh,or be(n
<br /> �� compllence w/th,the following llnanc(al covenents:(Thls peragraph shaa noi apply f/covenents antl requ�rements are noi set
<br /> • . �orth he►efn.)
<br /> 16. Schedule o/Lesses.Withln ten(10)days alter demand,Trustor she0�umish to Benellciary a schedule,cemyed to by Trustor,semng
<br /> � lorth ell leases of tha irust Prope►ry,o►eny portlon thereo/,►ncluding in each case,the name o/Me tenants or occupants,a descnphan
<br /> 'o/the space oCCUpfed by such tenant or occupant,tha rental paysble 1w such space,and such other inlormahon and documents with
<br /> a respect to such feases and tenancles as Benefic(ary may ressonebty request. �
<br /> �
<br />