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<br /> ' • TOQETHER WITH aB the improvementa now or herattet enoted an tbe properiy, and ul eneemente,appuRananeca, �nd ---
<br />- �,.{ `� � � fixtures now or hereaRar a part ot the propeRy.M rcptacemento and additlona ehnll atao 6e oovered by thia Seourtty Inatrument. ___�_`___-_.-,.
<br /> � � . NI o}tho torepotns Is releRed to In this Secudry Inatrument as the•Property.' `" "'�"' -,,
<br />� ' �" BORROWER COYENANTB th�t BoROwer la IawNiq+ eeized of tho eatita t�areby aonvoyed and hae the dqht to prnnt and :; y n.T�� y__
<br /> - a•. oonvey the Properly md th�t the Property is unencumbwed, except tor enaumbnncea ot rocord. 8orrower warrante and wUl ;,��.��_,,�..,_f__
<br /> detend yeneralty the tNle to the Property ap�lnat aN clalms md demands,aubJeot to u►y enaumbranaea of�eaord. i= •
<br />- .�• 'fHiB SECURtTY IN87AUMENT combines unHorm aovanante tor n�Uon�l uee and non�unttortn coventnts wilh Nmitad ;; ��'�-�__
<br /> -- .,,�. . . .� , vadattone by Judediotlon te aonetkute a unNortn aecurity MsUumant covering�a!propaty. .•,. t���" _
<br /> - UNIFORM COVENANTB. 8orrowar and Lender covanint and a�re�ae folows: ��'� " ,�
<br /> .. 1.ptrymcnt ot Prinel��l �nd Irne�er.t; Prepeyrie�4 tnd Lats Char�ga�.BaROwer eh�u prompuy vay when ; , , _ --
<br /> due the edndpa�of and intaest on the dabt evidenoed by the Hote and any prep�yment and late ehargea due under the Note. �:.:;..%-�
<br />- � 2. F u n d s f o r T a x�s a n d I n s u r s n a s. 3ub Jaat to a p p Noabte I�w or to a wdtten w�iver by Lender,Borrowa ehaN pay � �'��'^xr:.�-�
<br /> � � to Lenda on the dey monthy peyments are due under the Note, unbl the Noto la paid in NIi, a sum {'Fundsy for. (a) yearly �`��'��
<br /> leaeeho�d , �'=Y'
<br /> texea and aeaesemente whtoh msy attain prioriry over thia Seeurity �natrument se a Iien on the Property: (b) yeuly �£°.,;�,:.,:_•^
<br /> . , peyments or ground�enta on the Property,N eny: (a) yeady ha:ard or properiy tnaurenae premtuma; (� yenrly Aood insurcnce . -
<br /> , � pTemiuma,H any;(e)yeady mortgaga Insumnce premiums,H any;and(Q any aume psyabie by 8oaower to Lender in accordanca , . `
<br /> wlth the provislons o} paragraph 8, in Ileu of the peyment ot moKgage fneuronee premiume. Thase Rema are called 'Escrow .��-•� -
<br /> � items.• Lender may, at any time, colleat and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a iender tor a ..
<br /> � � federalty related mortgage toan may require for 8orrower's escrow aceount under the tedera�Real Estete Setdemem Proaedures ; - .
<br /> Aat of 1974 as amended trom tlme to dme,12 U.S.C,�2801 et seq. ('RE9PA'), untess enother taw that appllea to tha Funda �
<br /> , , � seta a Iesser amounG It so, Lender may,at any Ume, cotlsat and hold Funds in an amount not to exessd the lesaer emount. n , �
<br /> Lender may esUmate the amount af Funds due on the besis ot cur►ent data and reasonabte es�matea of expendidues of tuture
<br /> ' Esaow Items or otherwlse in accordance witt+ appticeble lew• �' ''
<br /> � The Funds shall be held in an instltution whose deposNa are Insured by a tede�al agenay,instrumentaliry,or erttitty pnciuding '� ._-�
<br /> a• Lender,if Lender is such an InsUtuUon) or in any Federa�Home Loan Benk. Lende►ehall appty the Funds to pay the Escrow ...:,::�
<br /> - . - � ttom:. Latdcr may no! cherge Sorrower tor hoi�pne�and applying the Funda. annuaUy analytlnq the escrow eaaounl, or veritytng _. _ _ • _
<br /> !he Escrow Items, unlese Lender pays Barower Utereat on the Funds and app�icable Inw petmite Lender to make such a ';;;ti. ��
<br /> . charge. However. Lender may requlre Bortower to pay a one-time oharge tor an Independent real eatete tex reporting service • _
<br /> used by Lender In conneotio� wtth this ban. unieas appiicaae law provldea otherwise. Untess an agreement la made or _
<br /> , appllca6ie Iaw requ�es tnterest to ba pald,Lender ahatl not be required to pay Bortowe►any interest or eamings on the Funda. •
<br /> Barower and Lender may agree in w�ting, however, that Interest sheli be pald on tha funda. Lende� shail gtve to 8ortower, °
<br /> wfthout aharge,an annuel accounting ot the Funda, showing cred(ts and debita to the Funds end the purpose for whioh each
<br /> � debft to the Funda was made. The Funds ere pledged as sddldonai seaudty tor atl sums secured by the Security Instrument. '''�•: -
<br /> ' . If the Funda heid by lender exaeed the amounts pertnitted to be held by applicabte Iaw, Lender shaU aecount to Borrower , .;: . �;�
<br /> .R_�
<br /> tor the excess Funds in accordance wfth the requirements of app�laable Isw. Ii the amount of the Funda held by Lender at any , ,..
<br /> tlma is not sutficieM to pay the Eserow Items when due, Lender may so notNy Bo►rower In wdting,and, in sueh ease Borrower • � �`�
<br /> ahM pay to Lender the amount neeessary to make up the deflclenay. Borrower shall make up ihe deflciency in no mare than ' ;�!'�� -
<br /> twetve monthy payments,at Lender's sole discretion. ' � a <
<br /> Upon peyment in fiuA oi aN suma ae�,re�f Gy ihis ^�ecurlty Instrument,Lsr�dsr�ha!! promp!!y lelun�!0 9ortowa� eny Funds = . .. -.—.�_�� ..
<br /> he�d by Lender. it,•under paragreph 21, Lendet shall acqutre or seil the Property, Lender,pdor to the acquisidon or sele of the , ,.
<br /> Roperty,shell appiy any Funds held by Lender at the time of acqulawon or saie ea a credR against the euma secured by thla
<br /> - Seeurtty Instrument.
<br /> , �..
<br /> 3. AppllCatlOb Of Paymente. Uniess eppilcable law providea otherwlse, aY pnymenta recelved by Lender under y ;
<br /> ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be appiled: fltst,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payab�e under �• �+ .
<br /> paragraph 2,ii�i�J,(4{�ilei8bt dU6;18U12h,io prtnctpa!duc;and��t,!o:siy Iste che.�gee dsse��nd_w thp Nnrp ____.�:
<br /> 4. Charges; Ltena. Bortower shalt pay ait taxes, assessments, charges, flnes and imposidona attributabie to the f ^�=•�
<br /> Praperty whlch may attaln priority over this 3ecurity�nstrument,and leasehotd payments or ground renta,M eny. Bortower shall j .-'"��' '
<br /> pay these obllgaUons in the me�ner provided h paragreph 2. or if not pald In that manner. 8orrower shall pay them on tlme � .,:=�' �
<br /> dlreaUy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptty fumish to Lender all notices ot amounta to be peid under thla � ,.
<br /> peragraph. It 8orrower makes these payments dlrecUy. Bortower ahall promptty tumish to lender receipts evldenctng the �},
<br /> paymonts.
<br /> Borrower ahall prompty disaherge any Ifen whlch has pdodty over this 8ecurfty InsUument uniess BoROwer. (a)agrees in , •�.;/��'-,'�
<br />- wdting to the payment ot the ob�igatlon eewred by the Ilen in e manner acceptabie to Le�der; (b) contests In good tafth the '
<br /> Nen by, or detenda against enforcement of the Ilen in, �egai proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the ,. .
<br /> enforcement of the Iien; or(o) secures irom the hotder of the pen en agreement eatlsfectory to Lender aubordlnaUng the Aen to .
<br /> �, thls 3ecurfty Instrument.It lender determines that any part of the Ptoperty is subject to a ilen which may attaln priority over thls •• _
<br /> 3ecurity Instrument,Lender mey give 8ortower a notice identttying the Ilen.Bortower sheA satlsry the lien or teke ane or more oi
<br /> � the acUons set forth above within 10 days oi the giving oi notice.
<br /> ' S. Hazard or Property Insurance. 8ortower shaA keep the fmprovements now exfsling or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Roperty Inaured against loss by 8re, hezerds inciuded withln the tertn 'extended coverage' and any other hezards, Including
<br /> ' floods or flooding,tor which lender requlres inaurance. This Insurance shali be malntalned in the amounta and tor the perioda
<br /> that Lender requires. The Insurance cartier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Bortower subJc�^t to Lender's approvai
<br /> whbh ahall not be unreasonably withheld. II 8orrower talis to meintaln coverage desc�ibed ebove, Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> optlon,obtein coverage to protect Lender's rights In the Property tn aecordence with paragraph 7.
<br /> Ail insurance policies and renc+wais shall be acceptabie to Lender and shail include a standerd mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> . ahell have the right to hold the po�icies and renewais. It Lender requires, Borrower shaN promptly ghre to Lender all receipts of
<br /> �, peld premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss. Borrower shail give prompt�otice to the hsurence cartler and Lender.
<br /> Lender may make proof of loss H not made prompty by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower othetwlse agree In writing, insurance proceeds sfiell be applied to restoreGon or repair ot the
<br /> Property demaged,It the restoratlon ot repeir Is economtceity teasib�e and Lender's secudty is not lesaened.It the restoratlon or
<br /> � repair Is not economicelly teasibto or Lender's security wou�d be lessened,the Insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> aecured by this Security Instrument, whelher or not then due, with eny excess pald to Borrower. It Bortower abandons the
<br /> Property, or does not answer withln 30 days a notlee from Lender that the insurance cartier has a(fered to settle a clalm, then
<br /> � Lender may eoqect the insurence proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay suma
<br /> secured by this 3ecurity�nstrument, whether or not then due. The 30•dny period will begln when the notice Is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing, any applicatlon ot proceeds to princlpal shalt �ot extend or
<br /> , � postpone the due date of the monthly payments reterted to in peregrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount ot the payments. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property Is acqulred by Lender. 8orrower's�Ight to eny Insurence poilcles and proceeds rosufting hom
<br /> �L demage to the Property prlor to ihe acqulsftlon shall pass to Lender lo the extent of the sums by this Security Instrume�t
<br /> � immematery pnor to tne acquisniun.
<br /> 8. Occupancy� Preservation, Maintenance and Protectlon of the Property; Bo�rower's Loan
<br /> Appticatlon; Le880holde. BoROwer shatl oceupy, establlah, and use the Property as Borrower's princlpai resldence within
<br /> ' sixly days atter the execution ot this Seeu�iry Instrument end shall conGnue to occupy the Property as Borcower's principai
<br /> � residence tor at Iesst one year after the date ot occupancy. unieso Lender otherwise agrees In writing, which conse�t shall not
<br /> be unreasonabty wfthheid,or uniess extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower sha�i not
<br /> ? � '� deatroy,dartutge or Impalr the Property, alow the Property to deteHorate,or commit waste on the Properly. BoROwer shall be In
<br /> � � detautt R any lorfelture ecUon or proceeding, whether cNll or cdminal,is begun that In Lender's good tetfth Judgment could resuk
<br /> � In toMeiture of the Properly or othervvlse metetiaAy knpair the Ilen created by thls 3eeurity irtsirument or Lender's securiry fnterest.
<br /> ,
<br /> , F1316.LMO 1�?/931 Pag�2 ot 5
<br /> I
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