':� . T � `.�,•':.. i • -- . . �
<br /> � -°-- - —�
<br /> --�e._._____._ �''�1+0��
<br /> ot them,sha11 be enulleA to entorce thle Tru�t Oeed and any othsr securlty nuw or hereeRar Aald hy�nsticl�ry a?�uttss In such order and msnrter
<br /> af thry ar eithar ot them may In thelr ebsolute dfauetlon determine.No remedy hsreln conierred upon a taaenred to Trostee a Bsmfklary te Int�M�d
<br /> to b�axctualvs ot any other rame0y herei�a by taw provided ar permitted,but eaoh ahall be cumuiativs and ehpJl be in edditlon to evsry otAsr rsmeQy
<br /> -- piwn hereunder a now or hereaRer ex�sting al law a M equfty or by stalute.Every power a remedy providad un0er this Truat Deed to Truetee a Ren�tldvy
<br /> .a=---_--� a to whloh eithe►of them may be otherwleo entitied,may bo oxercised,concurrentiy ur tndependently,from tlme to dme and aa oiten aa miy bs Cssmed �
<br /> �xpWl��t by Truetaear 88neflclery and eltAer of them may pursue inconalate�it remedlea Nothin9 haretn shall beconstrued ae prohib{ttny L3enoficlsKy
<br /> - trom seektnp a deilclency Judgment egainat Ihe Trustor to the extent auch aatlon ie permltted by I�w.
<br /> � 11.TflAN$FER OP TH@ PROPERTY: A98UIIRPTIOM. If all or any part ot the Propeny or Intorost thereln ie sotd,transterreA or otherwlae conveyed
<br /> '�'� by T�usto►without BenetlGary's prior written wnsent,excNding(a)the creation ot a Ildn or enoumbrance subordinate to thia Trual peed,(b)a tramfet
<br /> by ope►ation of law upon the death ot e Truelor who ta e Jolnt tenant a(o)the grant ot any Ieasehoid intereal of three(3)yeers or Ieas which doe�no!
<br />_,;R��..1 contatn an optlon to purchane,such actlon 18 e breach af thfa egreement,and Be�eficlary mey,at Beneficiary's opllon,deciaro aQ the sums aecured by
<br /> .;�, thla Truat Deed to!�e Immedlatey due end payable,provided.lurther,thla Trust Oeed may,et Beneticiary's optior�. 6e deotered Immediateiy due�rtd
<br /> J,j� payable,if(t)Trustor te a paRnership and any interest In the partnership is sold ar asstgned by any meana whatsoerer.or(�if the T►ustor fa a corpot�tbn
<br />`�{• and a translar of the majafry stock ownershlp Interest In the corporation occura,or the Trustor carporation energes in eny form witt►another corpontlon
<br /> a entiry.8enetklary shall have wafved sueh option to accoterate I},prlot to the sale,transter or conveyance,BeneNelary and the person to whom the
<br />=� � Pmperty ia to be sotd or transferred reach egreement In wrlting that the c�edit of sueh parROn Ia satlsfactory to Benefieiary and that the inroreat peyebta
<br /> on the suma secured by 1MS Truaf Deed ahall be at such rate as Benefi�iary shatl request.
<br /> 12.ACCELERATION iJPON OFFAULT;REIAEDIES;SALF.The faUure by the Trustor,to make any payment a to peAam any of the terms and eondidona
<br /> ot this Trust Deed,or the terma and condltions of the Note,or any renewals.modi}icetlons or exteneions thereof,a the taliure to meke payment of eny
<br /> "" other indebtedness,plor or subsequent to tn�s Trust Daed,and secured by thls prope►ty,or me doath ot ono or more Truatare ehali bca e breach and �- -
<br /> -- : defauit oi tni8 Itust ueea ana tne Fieneficiary rnny dnciurn n Jniauii a�id r�ay daciara ad surt;rcccsrcd h�rcby lmrntMlstely dup srtd payehie e�d tbA _
<br /> ��� ,, F eeme shail thereupon beccme due and payable without presentment,demand,protest ar notice of any kind,provlded,Trustor ShBIi have any atatutory
<br /> � ,,�- _
<br /> � tlght to cure tha default bebre any nW�ce of detault and demand tor saie may be de�ivered to the Trustee.Thereaft�r.BQneficlary may deliver to Truatee __
<br /> i.S�'!y�,s;;, <.r-,�,.,•.` e wfltten dectaratlon of dateuit and demend tor sale.Trustw agrees and hereby grnnis that the Truatee ahall have Ihe power ot saie of the Ptopetty 8nd --
<br /> �. .;::• , it Beneflclery decidea the Properly is to be sotd It ehall deposit with Trustee this Trust Deed and Me•Note or rates and eny other dacuments evidencing -_-
<br /> .�r;� �, . �+i� expanditures secured hereby,and shail deilrer to Trustee a wrltten notice af defauit and etectlon to cause the property to ba sold,and Truetee,In turn, _
<br /> ., �.i. �� ehe11 prepere e similar nolke fn the lorm required by Iaw,which 8he11 be du�y Bled fot reco►d by Ttustee. _
<br /> ' ''"'� ' "' ' (a) ARer the tepae of auch tlme as may be required by taw tollowing the recordation of Nottce of Default,and Notice ot Defautt and Nodce of °"`'
<br /> �' � Seie havi�g been glven as requlred by taw.Trustee,without demand on Truator,shalt seit the Property,if aot�edeemed,ln ons cu more �'�
<br /> parcels and In such orAer as T�ustee may determine on the dete and the dme and place designated In eald Notlee oi S81e,at pubilc auction
<br /> according to taw. i
<br /> ° 1B�':_
<br /> _ , .
<br /> ° (bj When Trustaa selts pursuaot ta ihc pa::�rs herein,Trustee shell eR�Y�►+w proceeda of the sele to payment of the Coste and expensea �.�.
<br /> • exercising the pov�er•of sale and ol the sale,tncluding,vdthout�imitetlon,attorney's feea and the payment ot Trustee'e Fees incuned,which —
<br /> Trustee's Fees ahalt not in the aggregate excaed the following smounts based upon the amount seeu�ed hereby and remalning unpald at ---
<br /> the tlme echeduled for saie.6 percentum on the ba�ance thereot:and then to the Iteme In subparagraph (o)In the order there steted. ���
<br /> ., . (o) After paying the�tems apecdied In subperagraph(b),If the sele is by Trustee,a if the sete ia pursuent to Jud�lal foreclosure,the proCeede
<br /> o(sale ahap be applled tn the followi�g order. �•-'
<br /> _.. . _.---- °---.�_..--•°•--
<br /> �{._,
<br /> 'l ^ .. (t)Cost of any ev�dence ol litte procured m conneciwn with such saie and of any revenue transter tee reqwred co be pa�a,
<br /> ' (Y)AII obligations secured by this Trust Deed:
<br /> ". (3)Junfor trust deeds.morlgages.or other lienhotders: •
<br /> � (4j The remalnder, if any,to the person legally enNtied therelo.
<br /> 13.APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.8enetk�ary may.(rom time to time,by fl wniten Mstrument executed end&cknowtedged by Beneficlary,
<br /> � malled to Trustor and recaded in the county or counUes��wh�ch the Property�s located and by otherw�se complying with the provislons ot the appticable .
<br /> �; laws Of the StetB ot Nebraska eubstduta a SucCessor or sutcessor6 t0 the Trustee n8m@d herein or aCling hereunder.
<br /> • � t4.INBPHCT10N9,Banet�c�ary,or�s agents.representahves or employees,are autha�zed to enter at any reasonaWe time upon or in any part of the
<br /> Property tor the purpose a�mspectmg ine sa�n and tor the purpose of performmg any of the acts d�s authonied to per�orm under the termsof the Truat Oeed.
<br />-- � 15.OPTfON TO FORECLOSURE.Upon inp octurrern-a of a�y breach and upon the dec�aret�on of delault hereunder,BeneNclary ah811 have the opdon
<br /> , � . , to(oreCiose this Trust Oeed in the manner prov�ded by law tor Ihe faeclosure ol mprtgagea on reat properly.
<br /> ,• 16.FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFICIARV OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearance by Beneficiary or Truatee in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> hereunder,or othennse ellordetl by appl�cable taw,shatl not be a warver ol or preclude the exerc�se ot any such nght or remedy.Likewlae,the waiver .
<br /> .., by Benetic�ary or Truslee of xny default ot Trustor under th�s Trust Deed shali not be deemed to be a warver of any other or simllar default8 Sub8equentty
<br /> ' occurring.
<br /> 17.BENEFICIARY'S POWHRS.W�Ihout alfecUng or releasing ihe Iiab�iily of the Trustor a a�y other person �iebie for the p8yment of 9ny obligetlOn
<br /> - • herel�mentloned, and without atfecung tl�e lien�r charqe of ihis Trusl Oeed upon any port�on of the Property. Benel�ciary may,irom tfine to time and
<br /> , without notice at the request o�one or more Truslors.IV release any person liabie.(u)eztend or renow the melunty or elter any of the terme ot any euCh
<br /> ,.; �• ob►Igatlons.(ui)graM other indulyences.pvl reiease or reconvey.or cause to ne re�eased or reconveyed at any t�me et Benehc�ary's optbn any percei
<br /> ' a all of the Property.iv)takR or�eiease a�y othe�or add�iwnal seCUr dy lor any obhgat�on here�n ment�oned,lvi)meke seqiements or other etrangBrnente
<br /> -� with Trustor in relatron thereto Alt Tn,stuis sha il he�omi ly and severally obligated and bound by the aCUOnS o�ihe Beneficiary or any On@ Of mOrg TruBtOf
<br /> . , • es Steted�n this paregraph �
<br /> ' ' 18.ATTORNEY FEHS,COSTS AND EXPENSES. ine Benehtiary ol this Trust Deed a enhtled to the payment of atbrney's tees,costs and expenses �
<br /> 8S provld6d fn th�s iruSt qeed.ezcept as otherw�se proh�bitetl by law
<br /> - �
<br /> ' 19.RECONVEYANC�BY TRUSTEE. Upr,n wntten request of Bono��aa�y and upon payme�t by Trus�or o�Ttustee'S fees.Ttust@9 Shell r6COnvey t0 I ,
<br /> � Ttustor,or the person or persons tegdlly oM�lled Ihereln wdhout warranty,any porhon of the Properly then held hereuntler.Recd816 in SuCh teCOnveyance I
<br /> �� of any matlers or fads shall bo cunclusive pruo�of iha truthluinoss thereof The graMee m any reconveyance may be deaCnbAd es the person or persons
<br /> legally 0ntitled therea" i
<br /> � 20.NOTICEB.Except�or no��tes,tlem.tnAS rey��esis or othor commu^�c2'�ns�e4u�red under applicable law to be g�ven m another manner,whengver
<br /> ., ;• BenefiCiary.Trostor a Trustee g�ves or se�ves any nol�co linclud�ny.wdhout hm�Wt�on.nohce of detault and not�te o�eale),dBmand9,requests or other ;
<br /> -- _- ----_- .• -- . ...-----.._..._ r..._.n...., ..,,.ti��,.-�,....���o .�omann rpnuc+c�nr ntnpr commun�catan shall be m wnUng and shall be eHective ontY ;.
<br /> - —^ ^---- -"-"- (:()f(ifI1U/1iWttV��n�����aaNv�..�.....� ..
<br /> if the s9me is delrvereA by personat serv�ce ur �s m;��ied by cer��hed mau.postage prepa�d,addressed ro Ihe address es set torth at the begmrong ol th�s �
<br /> ' i .
<br /> TruSt 08ed.Any parly rnay at any hme chane�ei ds:�a0rrss lor such not�ces by delwenng or maihng to Ihe other parly heret0.as afor@Said.e nOUC@ 0� ,
<br /> } such chaage Any eot�ce hereunder shaU be deemed to have been g�ven to Trusicx or Benehciary,when grven m the manner designated herem
<br /> • � ' ! 21.REQUEST FOR NOTICE.Trusinr:�nd E3enehc�ary herQny mquest a copy o�any not�ce of default,and a Copy ol any noUCe of sate ihereunde�, be
<br /> � maited to eath person who�s a party hereio ;+t the address lur such pe�son sel torth m the hrst paragraph Of ihis Trust Deed �
<br /> �r .
<br /> 22.�iOVERNINd LAW.1"h�s irusi Deud st�an t�e yuve�nr�by 1he iaws o}ihe State ot Nebraska.
<br /> • r 23.SUCCESSORS AND ASSI�iNS. Th�ti Trus�Dee4. .ind�di trrms r.unddwns and obhgauons herem, apply to and mure to the beneLt ot and binds
<br /> � all part�ea hereto. their he��s.legatees. densee,.personal represNntatrv•�s.sutcessars and assgns 1he term Bene��c�ary"shall mean the owner a�d
<br /> h0id@r Ot ih@ Note.whelher o�not nam�d as Henafi�.�,�ry h�iem
<br /> ' �
<br /> r
<br /> � �
<br /> ' 0 . . . . ._ _- _ __ . _ '
<br />