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,�'� „' ', �',;.. f �9 ,:, ` . , � :, <br /> _ ^ /.J <br /> �. <br /> T� �-_ <br /> '.-�•f� - . �... .. .-�wrww�s".. .— __.._.. <br /> �••�__" __"."_�Af�!!�� , . .. - <br /> � 94-1�y2o3� � <br /> :��� <br /> --- oondomnadon or other takin$of any part of the P'roperty.or for canveyance in lieu af condemnadon.aro hcrcby agafg��ed a�►d <br /> ehali be paid to Lender. <br /> In the ev�nt of a total wking of the Froperty. the proceeds shnll be applled to tl�e sums Fecured by thle Sxurity <br /> - Insuumenl.whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. In the evont of a pattlal taking of tha Ptoperty in <br /> wh[ch the feir murket valua of tho Pmpe�tY�adlately beforc the taking la equal to or greAter than the amount of thb eums <br /> �Tl.�' Fecured by this Security Insm�ment immediutely befon the utkIng,unless Horrow�r and Lender otnerwise agrec in writing. -- <br /> ° - _---- - tha suma secured by this Sec�uiry Instr+umertt shuU 6a reduce6 by the umount of the pmeeeds mu�tiplied by the following �---_-ff__ <br /> frncdon: (u)the total amount of the sums sx�ued.lmmedistely 6efore the wkIng.dlvtded by(b)the fair market valae of the <br /> �?�! Prope�ty immediately bcforrs the taking. Any balance sh�ll be paid to Sorrowcr. In the event oY a partial taking of the <br /> 'f� Property in whtch the fair market vulue of the Prope�ty immediately befora the tuking la less than the a►n�w�t of tha suma <br /> �^ �' recured immedIately before ehe taking. unless Boaower and I.ender otherwise ag�+ee in wnting or unless applicable law <br /> otherwise provides.the proceeds aha11 be applled w the sums secured by this Secudry insuument whether ar aot the sums aro <br />-• then due. <br />— � If the Propeety is ubandoned by BoROwer,ar if.after notice by Lender to Bocrower thut the candemnor offera to malce — <br /> • an sward or e,ettle a claim for damages.Bomower futfs to respond to I.ender within 30 days atter the dnte the notice is given. <br />- l.ender ia authorized to collect and appty the proceeda,ut its option,elther to resroration or repair of the Prnpetty or to the <br />?�/ � �, suma recured by this Securlty Insaumenti whether or not then due. <br />� Unless L,ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrltin an ap lication of roceeds to ncl al shall not extend or <br /> . „�r a�,�,,��•,,:. b• Y P P Pn P <br /> '�`y"''' st ae the due date of the monthl a ments Kferred to in aza ra bs 1 and 2 or chan e the amount of such a ments. <br /> �;„:. �: po po Y P Y P E P 6 P Y <br /> . �e�,:Y;?;�%�"y'��; il. Barrower Not R�teased; Forbearancc By I.ender Not a Waiver. Bxtension of the dme for payment or <br /> �.�....�3f�f:N madificntton of amartization of the sums secured by this Securiry(nstrument granted by Lender to eny successor in interest <br /> ,'_r•- ....,?:' <br /> - __ �•�?" �•�w_-__=�� of Borrower shall not operate to releasc t�e Ifability of the or�ginal Borrowcr ar Sorrowerh successors in interest.i.ender � � <br /> �%�;?•••.M � f shall not berequireA to commence proceedings agaiast any successor in interest or refnse to extend time for pr.ymcni vr = <br /> � "`�? �'``�' ' " � • otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Secudry Instrument by reuson of any demand made by the original _ <br /> - .�,fl,�,. Borrower or Borrower�s successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shull not 6e a -�-- <br /> �"' • � �•�'i %�*= waiver of or preclude the exercise af any right or remedy. <br /> l 12. Succes.sors and Assigns Bouad;Jolnt and Several Liabillty;Co�signers. The covenants and a�reements of this �-�- <br /> ' � Seeutlry Instrument shaA bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,sub ject to the provlaiona of o� <br /> �," ' psiragrnph 17.Borrower�covenants nnd ngreements shaU b�:joint and several. Any Borrower who casigns this Security �y,♦___ <br /> Inspument but dces not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securlty InsUVment only to mortgage.grant and convey that — <br /> � Borrowerk interest!n the Piroperty under the tecros of thls Secur�ty Instrumenr, (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums ���_A <br /> . " � secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thot Lender and any other Borrower may a�ree to extend.modify.forbear �``f• <br /> • or make any accommodutions with regard to the terms uf thts Security Instrnment or the Note without that Barrower� ��'�" <br />�- " _ coa�cat. <br /> � 13. Loan If the lonn secured by thix Security Inswment Is subject to a law which sets maximum loan , "^xs: <br /> charges,and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other lonn chargea collected or to be collected in connecdon • �a�, <br /> wttb the loan exceed the permltted limlts.then: (u)any such lonn charge shall be reduced by tl�e umount necessary to reduce �:"'`•'•� <br /> � ' the char�e to the permitted iimit;and(b)nny hums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pem�itted IimiGg wili be '�' � <br /> . refunded to Borrower. Le.nder may choose to make this refund by�educing the prfncipal owed under the Note or by m�lcing a <br /> _,_.. . __.:..___............._..__....__ direct pnyment to Borrower. If u refund reduces princIpal,the reduction will be treated as a purtial prepuyment without any �r <br />- - � -----.___......_.... <br /> prepayment churge under the Note. <br /> •' 14. Notices. Any nottce to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shalt be given by deliverins it or by <br />- � mailing it by first class mail unless upplicnble law mquims u,e of unuther method.The notice shafl be directed to the Ptopercy <br /> ' ' Address or any other nddress Bomower detiignates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice ro Lender sh�ll be given by tint cla.tis <br /> � �• ;nail to L.enderk address xtated herein or uny other addmsr Lender dexignateti by rtottce to Borrower. P,ny notice provided for <br /> _'- � ' in this Securiry Instrument shull be decmed to huvc bcen given to BoROwer or Lendcr whcn given ati provided in this <br /> �! arn rn h <br /> �� ' p �15 Governi�g I.nw; Severability. This Sccurity Instrument xhall be �overned by federsil law and tltc law of the <br /> ' , . , jurisdiction in which the Pmperty is Iocated. In the event that uny provision or cluuxe of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflictc with applicnble law,tiuch conflict+hall not affect other pravisions of this Security In�trument or the Note which cun <br /> _ be given effeet without the ronflicting pmvision. To this end the provisions of this Security Intitrument und the Nate u��e ° <br /> „ � declared to t.e severable. <br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrawcr�hull be given onc confortned��py ot'the Notc and of this Security lnztrument. �� <br /> 17. 7hansPer of the Property or a Beneticinl Interest in Borrower. if all or any part of thc Pmperty or u�y intcrc+t in <br /> � it fs sold ar transferred(or if u hencficial intcrest in Borrowcr is tiold or transferccd und Borrawcr ix not a nnturnl penon) <br /> ' � wlthout l.enders prior written consent,Lender muy, ut itti option,requirc immediute payment in full of ull sums secured by <br /> � ' " this Security Instrument. However,this option shull not be exerci�ed by Lender if exercise i� prohibited by federul luw us of <br /> the date of this Security(nstrument. <br /> � If Lender exercises this option.Lender tihall give Hunower notice of ucceleration. The nutice shall provide a period of <br /> ' not less than 30 days from the dntc the notice ix delivemd or mailed within which Born�wer mu�t pay ull sums securcd by tliis <br /> � Securiry Instrument. [f Borrower fails to pay thesc sum, prior to thc expirution of this period.Lender may invnkc any <br />_�; • remedies permitted by this Securiry Instrument without further notire or demand on Borcower. <br /> ' 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower mertx cenain ccinditianti, Borrowe�+hall have the right to have I <br /> J ; � enforcement of this Securiry Instrument dir�ontinued at uny time prioc to the earlicr of: ta1 S day�(or such other perind u. � <br /> . • SinEk Family-•Fannte Vlae/F�eddle Mac l"�IF'ORN INSTRI'NENT••(�nd�Krn Co�cnant. 9/90 rpux�0 ujn�wxe-si <br /> �� � . <br />_ : i <br /> I <br /> . �` ' <br /> - —.—-- -- - .. __ ..__:-.--_-.,_ <br />—_ __. . .T— . "... . . - , _ . <br />- l <br /> I �} <br /> ,' � <br /> � � , <br /> � i� , <br /> ' u _ ' <br /> .� � <br /> ' i . <br /> � <br /> �.. _ . .._� -- -__. _ <br />