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-�..�� . . � _ . o�� — <br /> �. , � �. . . .: <br /> , ��',�° . � _ --�. <br /> ,� .� - <br /> ��i -'-_. _.__..�...._.,.r:rL �� ----- - — <br /> ---- 94-10�� <br /> : :��r���s <br /> '1�0(O(ifiTHBR VirITH all the improvementx now or hexonftcr crectcd an tho pmpercy,cutd all ei►caementa.appurtenances, <br /> nnd fixtur�a now or hereutter a part of the pmpetty. All replacement�and nddiUona ehall also be covc�ed by ti�is Securlty <br /> —_ _ - _ 1n�trument. Ail atthePpngofng is rofcned to ta tdis Security Instr�rr►ent as tho"Property." <br /> BORROWI?R COVBNAIVTS that Borrower ie lawfully Roisai of the estate he�eby conveyed nnd hs�s tha dght to grant <br /> �___ ___.._.._ ... .� and convey thA Prop�tty and that the Property is uaeacumDered.excapt for encumbrances of recard. Borrower warrante artd <br /> - will defend generally the dde to the P�roperty ugainat�11 claims and demands.subJect to any encumbmnces af t+ecord. �"�°`-- <br /> -`� TH[S S�CURITY 1NSTRUMBNT combinea uniform covennnta for aatioaut use and non-uniform covenants wIth `- �--- - <br /> :�� Ilmtted variuNonss by judsdiction to constltute a uaifotm securlty insnument coveriag real pmperty. <br /> � UNIFORM COVENAIVTS. Borrower and l.ender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment ot PrindpAl and dntereats Prepayment ond Latc Charges. Borrower shell promptiy pay when due the <br /> prfoctpal af und interest on the debt evtdenced by the Note and sny prepayment and latc churgea due under the Note. <br /> Z. Ft�nds tor 7lutes wfd It�urance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by L.cnder.Borrower shall pay w <br /> , . Lender un the duy rnoathty paymenta nre dua under the Nate,undl the Noto is paId ia full,a sum("Funds")for. (a)yearly �T„_, <br /> ° taxes nnd asscasmente which may uttain prtorlty over this Secudry Insm�me.nt as a Iten on the Property:(b)YeadY leasehold <br /> ' ��•�<' payment� or ground nnta on the Propeny. If any;(c) ycariy hazard or pmpeny insurance pnemiwas; (d) yearly fiood <br /> , .s�t� i;..,A �-:r. <br /> '�'.' . tnsurunce premiums.if uny; (e)yeurly mortgago insurance premiums. if any; and (�uny sums payable by Hore�ower to <br /> �� � �'��''�.=.`•'"� �'���=" accordence tvlth the provIsians of para�aph 8,in lieu of thepayment of mortgage insurance premiums. These <br /> ; * ,.,�. ..'� <br /> , . ;,�i�,,:: .. . ,...:,., items ate caUed"Fscrow Items." Lender any time,collect and hold Fnnds in an amaunt not to excee�the maximum — <br /> ,.,;;•�� . :�.',;^�'•` amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real <br /> . ..=4Y3-,t; gR���ennent Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another <br /> ., '` � , law that applies to the Funds sets a Iesscr amoun� If so.Lendcr any t�nte.coilect and hold Fluids in an amount not to = - - <br /> . --.:---- � - axccxc3 the tccser�musst. Lender may estimste the amouat of Fsinds due on the basis of current date snd reasonable �z�-_�_: <br /> � eatimutes of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise!n accordance with appll�uble law. -_,;: <br /> + °p � The Funds shall bc held in an institution whose deposits ere inaured by a federal agency, instrumentality. or eadty =_ <br />