'� '�� �N . ..
<br /> I
<br /> � , , �..i.. ) ,� �1fii':/• . � � .`_r�. _ __--__
<br /> _... , � . . . .� . . . . . � a � .
<br /> . .. .. r , - ----'-
<br /> . ,_r. __
<br /> . �
<br /> ;'s�— - �.--� . � 94- io�o�� . __---------------- _, -
<br /> 17.Tcun.9fer af the Property or n Bcne6lclal lntcrest in Hnrmwcr.If nl1�r imy p,irt of ilic f�ro�►rtiy ur uny Imrrc�t lu 11
<br /> +� iurruwcr I�a a„� i�n�uim,l e
<br /> is sold or transfcrred(ar if u bcncFciul intercst fn B��rrowcr(t�tinld ar trnnsfcrrcd nnd 1 0�:iFnul ultluntl _-
<br /> ��'7��. I.ender's prior written cansem. l.endcr may. at ite optlon. requlre Inm�cdiute puyntcnt in iltll uf tdl nt�mr kiruted hy IUIM
<br /> y Security lnstrument. However.this opti�m xhidt ncit ho exerci�;c�l Ny I.ender{f excrcixo�y p�y�hihlted by I'rder+il low ur s�P It�e�luw
<br /> '�`.;', of this Securlty In�trument.
<br /> ' If Lender c�erciscs thiu aptian,I.endcr sh�ll givc sarrawcr nutirr uP ncrctcrutlon.'1'i►c n��Urr nlmll +r�wlde n�kNiHl�►f nnt
<br /> + Icss than 30 duya fmm thc dutc the nnticc i�detivcrcd or �nalicd whhin whlcl� Hnrruwor niu�� pny ai� aum+ rucwr�l hy Ihlw =,. -,_ - :=�_ _.
<br /> '°`�� Security Instrument. If 8anower failx tn pay tNesc sunir prlor to thc cxptri�tiim�+t thiR peri�ui, i.endcr mny itrvnko n��y tr.ntrdtc� —�
<br /> .�- , permitted by this Secudty lnhtrumcnt wltituut 1'uniter nuti��e ur Jenu�nd�ni purr��wcr. �_ .
<br /> ;,:•. 't�,.. 18. Barmwcr'» Itight to Rclnstnte. If Harn�wcr �ncotx rci1uln cnndi�f�my. Hurrowirr nitull huw� di�� ilpl�t �u l+n��� _ _
<br /> ��: ��'���" ,t enforcement af this Securiry Instrument JiFruntlnucJ ut a�y timc prl��r tu tl�r eurHrr al': Iol � duyy 1nr �uel►��tlirr �a�N�Ht a�
<br /> _ ��,�� aPplicable law mny sperify far rcinstutetnenq befc►eo Kttk <if t0c Pru{x��ty purhuunt ta iury puwer uf �ule c����t�dnrd h� �I�la _
<br /> ' � Sexurity instrument:or(b)entry of a Judgment enfnrcing INi�Secu�iry Instrument.�'Ota�e ronditimix ure Il�ut Ilmaiaer: lul p.iyti
<br /> .�;�° r:;; �`�:-:�'�„ . Lender all�umn wMch then would l�e due under this Securlty Dihirument and�he Notc��r if��o nccricrutiom buQ�n�ctnir�l; �li► -
<br /> ;,.;:�k.r:-.:-;� , . __-
<br /> � �,�;';;'�;,�f .;.4.,,� cures any default af any athercavenantti ar agMementx; (c1 �Snyx nti expenar.r incurr��l in entirrcln�t �hir tir�iu iy I���nnu�cid. -
<br /> .�` . includins.but rcat timitcd to. reaxmabte uttc�rne�y�' feev: uud W)tuke!��,urli uctiun ii!+ I.�n:ier rouy textiu»alily�rapdre t����4�t�a.
<br /> , ,� ,, . , .
<br /> � � ' f i1��� that the lien of shis Secu�ity lnstrumcnt. I.ender s right� in the prupeny mid q��rr��wer'y��hUgudou ta p;iy Uir�innr hrcmr,l I►y - --�`
<br /> .� ;� Fa'. � :•''.�' this Security Instrument xhall continue unchungcd. Up�n rcinr:kitemcnt Ny W�rr��wcr. tliiti Secu�lly hntrumcuf ainl IN�• _=
<br /> •„ .:: ,;ir:..'..�.;�; . : ::, ubligatians secured hereby�;hall remain tblly effecdve uti If no u�celerntion hud�xrurrcd. li��wrvrn thi+ �I��in a,�rinrt�i�r nh❑II ---
<br /> � '•,=`': ° not upply in the cA.se of ucceleraticm undcr purugruph 17. "'��
<br /> ...:,: 19. Sale oY Notet Chon�c ot I.oan itiervtrcr. Thc Nntc or u purtiul intrmrt in ihc Nutc ItaEtctlirr wiN� tlNti tir�inlly . --
<br /> �. ' �� Instrument)may be sold one ar more timcs withuut pri��r noticc tu Bormwcr. A.ulc muy rc�uh in n chs�utt�in Ih�•cmUy�{�nm�u +`�-°
<br /> . �..�
<br /> , . ...
<br /> .: ':`°� - '' � �. as the'I.aun Servicer"1 that co�lect.r•monthly payments duc undcr tho N��tc und thfh Sccurlt Intitrumcnt. 1 Nerc nlnn un�y la�uur .�?r�=
<br /> ; .� '
<br /> '� �� or more chan�es af the I.cian Servicer unretuted tn u sule at the Notc.if there t.u ch+mge��yhr Loan Scrvicer,ti��rruucr aiil im "' "�
<br /> � . , .. - _
<br /> `: � :..=.:•;-��-_-��--��� givru w�ltieu��utke of t{ta change in accordance wtth paragruph 14 nhnvc and applfcuhlr l:ns.7'hc ttuti�c i�.}!!�tutr tl�c t�i:�►�e a+n! - ° '
<br /> address af the now Loun Scrvicer und the uddress t��which puyment+ xhould bc mndr. Thc nudre will nl�o rnntnin �my �ul�rr � • .. .�
<br /> � '.��"�'� �•� informatian requited by applicable tuw. „ :- —
<br /> . �!',�' � . 20. Hazardouss Substancc.w. Horruwer shull nnt cuusr nr pennit thc prexenrr. unc. dh��.ul, rtorugc.ur rrlcutir�d wiy
<br /> � ' � • Hazardous Substancc� an or in thc Property. Bcrrruwcr+huU nat do, nor i�U��w uny�mr cl�c t�► d��, cmyIldn?� ulirctfnit Il�r
<br /> , , Property that is in vialatian of uny �nvimnmentul Luw. Thc prcccding two nentenreti shull nut upply G► tl�c prc,cncc,u.r, u� �
<br /> � storage on the Pmperty af timull quuntitie+uf Hur.unious 5ubstunres thut un��SCncndly recognlicd tu Ix sq�pr��printr tu u�n•mul
<br /> residentiul uses and ta maintennncc nf thc Pn�perty. +�' •�
<br /> :-� Borrower shalt promptly givc l.cndcr written nc�tirc ut'uny invetitigutiun.cluim. demund. luw,uit ur uthrr �irtfun Hy uny �
<br /> ,:"ti:� . �ovcrnmentul or re�ulutury agcnry or prlvutc puny involvfng the P����xrty and uny Hur.urduu�Suh�tunrc�rr linv�r�nmir�iud 1 i�a•
<br /> � . .� • : � of which Borrower hn�uctual knowlcd�c. If&►rruwcr lcarnti,ur i+nntiticd Ny uny guvcrnmcnud��r rc�ulutury �mthu�ity, tl�at �, y, �
<br /> • .:. .
<br /> ` . . _ ��,". uny removai or other remediudon af uny Hw.urcious Suhtitanrc nffertin�the Praperty i+nrce.�nry. �urruwer tihult pru�nptly is�kr
<br /> ;, '` all necessury remediut nctions in uccnNunre with�nvfrunmentut Luw. '
<br /> y . • ,• � • As used in this putugruph 20, "Hu•r.urJou+SuM,hmccx" um thnxc+uh�tunc�x definal u�toxic or luvurdou+ +uM,uu�cr+by
<br /> '; �'• � � Enviranmentul I.uw und the following suh+tunre�: g���alinr, kc�u�ene, othrr IlunnnuMir ur taxir pru�drum {ir�niurt�, tuxic
<br /> yy _ pesticides und herbicldex,volutile solvent+,mutcriulti amtaining u+txst<n ur ti►rmuldchyde,unJ ruJiaurtive nmt�rfnl�. A�u�cd in
<br /> � this purngraph 20, "�nvironmentnl Luw" meunr fedcrul luwti mid luw. uf thr,iurfalictiun �vhrre thc pr�qx�rty i, ItKillCll tllltl
<br /> .: �
<br /> ' � �' relate m heulth,hufety or envimnmentul protcrtion. ' ,
<br /> _... ...-....:.: -,;:-.-_:,.:_::.,'.•• NON-UNlFORM��vFNANTC Ai�rn�w�a•nnil 1 r�alrr furthrr�vwcnunt t►nd Nurcc t���i�lluw•ti: . . �
<br /> , 21. Acceleratinnt Remed[c.w. I.ender xhull uive notic�to&�rrower prior to urcelerudnn fidlo�rinu Norr�n+cr'n breuch �
<br /> � aP any covenant ar agreement in this �urity In.rtrument ti�ut nut prior tn acccicrution undcr puruuruph 17 unl��r ° 1 �
<br /> -•• ' � applicable law provid�atherwise).The nuttce shnil ti�x�rify: (u)the defuutt:ti►) the uction r��yuimd to cure the defi�ullt ^
<br /> _ ' � (c)a date�not l�s thun 30 day�;fmm the dute the nntice Iw piven to 1lorroa•er.by which the defuult mu+t be cun�clt und �
<br /> � . . (d)thet failure to cure the defuult on or bcfi�rc thc dutc.rp�Yiticd in thc noticc muy nwult in u�rclernU��n ot the r+unt!� '•� ` .
<br /> - secured by this SPCUrity Instrument und s�lc of the Pn�perty. 'fhe nottcc�huit PuMhcr intorm liorru�cr of the rl{�ht to , '"'�'` p►�
<br /> J ' reinstate after acceleratton und the riRht to Nrinu u ar�uM ucti��n t�� uctiert the non-���cistenee oY u detuutt or uny other •'��, ..--
<br /> . • , detense of Borruwer to ucceleration und hule. If the defuult is nc�t cur��d�m or befi�re the dut� xp�rlfl��d In the�toUre. � . �� . ,�,,,;,
<br /> ' Lender. at i�s opttan, muy rcyuin imm��diutc paymcoit in fuD of ull tiums�►�rund b�•U�ix ti�rurity Inctru�ucnt ��Itbnut '"���y
<br /> � • ' ,. . further demand und may invokc the puwer of.ule und uny other renu�di�w�xrmittcd b��upplicul�le lu�r.Lender sfi►dl im
<br /> ' ' enHtled to collect ull expenses 6�curred in punuln�th�•remedi�w provid�d in thi�puru�;ruph 21.Includinu•hut not limtted • _. '
<br /> . ��� to,reasonable attorneys'fees and rost�of titic cvidcncc. •� ,
<br /> , If the pnwer of w�le is invnked. 1'ruxt�r xhiill r�rnrd n ��ntice of deGudt In atnc�ount� In �chich uny purt of the „
<br /> Prapert,v IR I��cxted und shall mail cnpi�w nf wrh nnticr in the manner pr�wcriimd M uppUcu�►!c luvs� to Norry�wer nnd to • ° °
<br /> � the other persanti prescrib�d by uppliruNle lu�v. After the timc r��yuirecl M ��pplhuble lin+. 'I'ru+t��.hull ulve puldic noUe�� .
<br /> otsule to the persons and in thc munncr pr�ycrib�d t►y nppifa�hic 1�►��.'l'ru�t�r, ��ithout demund on Itnrrr���cr. �h�dl�cll
<br /> ° � ' the Property at publtc auction to thc hiuh�wt biddcr nt the tinu und�lucc und uudcr the term�d�wlum►t�vl i��Ibe nnticc oP
<br /> � '; sale in one or more parcetti and in eny order'1'ruxt�r dctcrmfn�w. '1 ru.t�Y mn� {w.t{x►ne .ule of idl ur nn�� »�rccl of tl��
<br /> Property by publte ennouncement ut the time und place of�►n� pre�•iou.l� ,che�luied tinle. Lender or itti i��wiumti mu�
<br /> ' � purchase the I'roperty at any wle.
<br /> �
<br /> ' ;
<br /> „ f t
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