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<br /> �� � ���`�.?i�t�� � B.ii��dous M�Nrt�ts.T�wtor�hell keep the P�operty tn aompilanc�with all�ppiloab►s Isws,ordinsnce�artd rput�Uons
<br /> �.���'��t'��� r�latinp to Indu�trl�l hypim�or�nvtronmenta�protecUon(aottsctivaty reftr��d to henin ae"Hnvtronmentai Lann'y.Trustor shall
<br />"' • � ' � �� kNp tho Prop�rty 1r�s trom aU�ubsLnass deemed to be haurdou�or toxto unde�any Environmental Lawt(colteativaty�eter�ed to
<br />_- ;,�,.;�,�`'?""�.y�,.,� . Iwte{n�o"iiazar�oua Matorksla'�.7ruaton c�rab�,�rrarraete ertt!repr�ent�to l.ender thet lhe�e a�ro v►�HR�rdow Mat�rfalt on or _ ___ �.__ _
<br /> � - . under the Property.Tro�tor hsreby s�reea to lndemnly nr.d hotd hermtees Lender,ib direatora omcere,employeeaand esmto,and
<br /> �:� °• r any aoaeaon to lender's intetest,f►om and ayatnot any and ali olalm0.dama�es,to�sw�nnd Iiabliitic�s arisinp tn aonnooUOn with �-- :--_-- --
<br /> � ,'`� `��%°��::`>��:;•'• r ths prasenaa.u�e,dlepotal or traneport oi any Heserdous Materlal�on,under.tram or etbout the Property.THB FOREGOINa
<br /> � � � ' � 10. Aut�nm�nt ot R�nt�.Trustor hereby aealpna to Lendor the►ente,Iesuea and profits of the P�operty;provided that Truator
<br /> ' " shall,unU�the oaourreaco ot an E�ent ot DeteuN hereunder.have the rl�ht to aolleat and retain suoh rents,lseues and profita as they _-
<br /> " " beaome due end payable.Ugon the ooaurrence of an Event of Oefault,Lender may,either(n person or by a�enf,w(th or w(thout ---
<br /> " � bringinp any aadon or proceedin�,or by a receiver appointed by a court and without re8a�d to the adequaay of ita aeouriry.enter �-___ _ __
<br /> �. • upon and fake posseasion ot the Property,or any paR thereot,in ila own name or in the name of the Trustee.and do any acta whloh it �,_-___
<br /> �� " deeme necessary o�desirabie to preserve the vatue,marketebilly or rentebUlry of the Ptoperty,or eny part thereof or intereatthereln, �..;:M==
<br /> � inorease the fnoome theretrom or proteot the eeaurity hereof and,with or without teking possession af the Properry,aue tor or
<br /> / � othe►wise aolleot the rente,tasues and prottts thereuf,Including those past due and unpaid,end epply the seme,lesa costa artd —,—_
<br /> � ° expensea ot opereUon and collecUon inaluding aKorneys'fees,upon any Mdebtednees seaured hereby,ail In suoh order as Lender �-��r�-=_----
<br /> � may determine.The entering upo�and taking posses8lon ot the Property,the oo�leaUon oi auch renta,issues and protits and the _:i;_-
<br /> appiication thereof as aforeseid,shatt not aure or walve any detauit or nodce of defauit hereunder or invalidete any aat done tn ���•�:==�
<br /> � responac to such deluutt or pursuant to such nodce ot detauit and,notwithata�ding the conUnuance in possession of the Property or :1`�Y -w _
<br /> ---� - -- -�-• -�-=- ihe cailscdan,reaeipt and sppltc:stlon ot son�,lGSUC�or prollb,and TruBtee end l.ender shei�be entUlecl fo wxaratru�Avery rlght '�i �
<br /> provtdediorinanyottheLoanDxumentsorby�awuponoccurrenceofanyEventof0efauit,inciudingwithoutlimitationtherightto -� •;.;�f:�.'-�
<br /> exercise the power of sale.Further,Lender's rights end remedies under thls paragraph shait be cumu�etive with,and in no way a � �
<br /> , Ifmitation on.Lender's rights and remedlea under any esaignmentof Ieases and renta recorded against tfie Property.Lender,Truatee . ���i'
<br /> � • and the receiver shall be liable to account only thoae rente actually received. , :-
<br /> � 11. Ev�ntt ot Oetau�.The totlowing shall conatitute an Event of Detauit under this Deed of Trust �.�
<br /> (a) Fallure to pay any inatallmen!ot prinolpat or interest ot any other sum secured hereby when due; �.��-� _ _
<br /> (b) A breach of or de}ault under any proviston contained In the Note,this Oeed ot Truat,any of the Loan Documents,or any � ;•
<br /> ather Iien or encumbrance upon the PropertY; �'' '"-
<br /> (o) A writ of executlon or attaahment or any slmfiar process shali be entered against Truetor which shall beoome a Ilen on --
<br /> th�PropeAy or any portlon thereof o�interest thereln; � .��
<br /> (d) There shail be filed by or agafnet Trustor or 8orrower an actlon under any present or future federal,atate or other � °
<br /> _ _.:_._._. . __... - _.... statute,law or regulation reiating to bankruptcy,insotvenay or other reliet tor debto►s;or there shall be appointed any trustea. .,,r�
<br /> _.._.-- -- ---
<br /> : .• receiver or�Iqufdator of Truator or Borrower or of all or any paR of the Propert�r,or the rente,�sauea or profiiis thereofi,or rostor - -''•
<br /> or Borrower shail tnake any general asslgnment ta the beneflt of creditors; �• .
<br /> ' (e)The,ea�e,transfer,lease,assignment,conveyance or turther encumbrance of alt or any part oi or any interest in the __
<br /> Property,either voluntatily or Involunterliy, without the express wrltten coAsent of Lender, provided that Trustor 8hall be __
<br /> permitted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contain an option to purchese and the term of whfch does notexceed ;_
<br /> one year,' � .'',,�.
<br /> �q ntiniu'3iu7�6Tii 3i i�io�'iG�i6�ji;vi :-_ �w;-"
<br /> (g) li Trustor Is not an individual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a tota� �;�,�,�„
<br /> otr__._�percent oi(ii a corporatfon�fts issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnership)a totat of percent ot ���
<br /> p8rtnership interests d�fring the perlod this Deed ot Trust rematna a�len on the Property. �°�-r•
<br /> . 12. Remedies;Aeceleration Upon Oetault In the event of any Event of Detau�t Lender may,without notice except as requfred by , ��a•---
<br /> �i=s
<br /> �atv,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable end the same shal�thereupon become due�nd payabte -�..s.
<br /> without any presentment,demand,protest or notfce of eny klnd.ThereaRer Lender may. "
<br /> � (a) Oemand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee ahall thereatter aause Truator's •�'y
<br /> Intereat in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be diatributed,ali in the manner provlded in the Nebraska Truffi Deeds l �,.
<br /> I Ac� I _ '
<br /> {b) ExerCise any and etl rlc�hta pr�vlcfad for in any of the Loan Dxuments or by taw upon oCCUrrenCeof eny Event of Oetault;
<br /> •.� and � " •
<br /> (c) Commence an actfon to foreclose this Oeed of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a recelver,or apecifiCally entorce any of the
<br /> covenants hereof.
<br /> No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or�ender le intended to be exc�uslve ot any other remedy hereln,In the
<br /> Loan Oocuments or by Iaw provtded or permitted,but each ahalt be cumutative,shall be in addition to every other remedy glven I ,
<br /> hereunder,in the Loan Oocuments or now o�hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exerciaed concurrently, I
<br /> independently or euccessivety. E
<br /> 13. Trustee.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appotnt e
<br /> . succeasor or aubstitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liable to eny party.Including wlthout Ilmitation Lender,8orrower,Trustar or any i
<br /> purchaser of the Property,for any Ioas or damege unlesa due to reckless or wlliful m Iaconduct,and ahait not be required to take any ,
<br /> action in connectfon with the entorcement o}this Deed ot Trust unless Indemnified,in writtng,for att coets,compeneatlon or
<br /> expenses which may be assoclated therewith.In additlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any saie of the Property Qudicfal or
<br /> . under the power of sale granted hereln);poatpone the saie of all or any ponion of the Property,as provided by law;or ee�t the
<br /> , Property es e whole,or in separate parceis or�ots at Truatee's discretlon.
<br /> 14. Fees and Expenses.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exercise of power of sale,Trustee ahali be entft�ed to apply
<br /> any saie proceeds firat to payment of all costs and expenses of exerc�sing power of sale,including all Trustee's tees,and Lender's
<br /> and Trustee's attorney's tees,actually Incurred to extent permftted by eppifcabte Iaw.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> right provlded by�aw to cure an Event ot De(ault,Lender shall be entltled to recover irom Trustor aIi costa and expeneos actualiy
<br /> incurred ea a resutt oi Trustor's detault fncludfng without limitatfon atl Trustee's and attorney's teea,to the extent permltted by
<br /> applicab►e taw.
<br /> � 15. Futuro Advanees. Upon requeat of Borrower.Lender may,at tts option, make additionat and tuture advances and re-
<br /> , � advancea to Borrower.Such advances end readvancea,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by thla Deed of Trust.At no tlme shalt
<br /> the prfnclpal amount ot the indebtednesa secured by this Deed of Trust,not including sums advanced to protect the securiry of thta
<br /> • ' Oeed of Trust exceed the orlginal pr�nC�pat amount statea nere�n,or a � wnicnever is greaier.
<br /> ; � 18. Mtsceitsneous Provisions.
<br /> (e) 80rrowet Not Released.Extens�on ot the Ume(or payment Or moditication of amOrtfzatfon of the sums seCUred by this
<br /> Oeed ot Trust granted by Lender to any succeasor in intereat ot Borrower shall not operate to release,f n any manner,the tiablllry
<br /> ' '. � ot theorfglna�8orrower and Borrower's successors in interest.Lender shal�not be requlred to commence proceedfngs agafnst
<br /> such successor or refuse to extend tlme for payment or otherw�se modify amortization ot the sums secured by th�s Deed ot Trust
<br /> + � � by rea8on of any demancs made by the orlglnat 8orrower and Borrower's succesaors in interest.
<br /> � {b� ��ndlt's Powsa.Without aHecting the liabi�lty of any other person tiable for the payment ot any obligatfon herein
<br /> mentloned,8nd without aifecting the tlen or charge of this Ooed of Truat upon any portion ot the Property not then or theretotore
<br /> ' ,� released as aecu�lty for the tut�amou�t of alt unpatd obllgatfona,lender may.trom tfine to time and without�ot�ce(i)re�ease any
<br /> person so Ileb�e,(Il�extend the maturity or alter any of the terma ot any such obligatfons,tfif)grant other indulgences,(fv)releaso
<br /> or reconvey,or cauae to be re�e88ed or reconveyed et any time at Lender'8 optton any parcet,pottion or all ot the Property,
<br /> ` (v)take or re�ease any other or additlonel aecurlry tor any oblfgatfon heretn menticned.or(vf)make composltlons or other
<br /> aRangements wlth debtors In retatlon thereto.
<br /> �
<br />