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200407103 <br />ordered to pay the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50) per month child <br />support commencing on the 1st day of September, 2002, and on each <br />and every succeeding calendar month thereafter until the minor <br />child attains the age of nineteen (19) years, marries, or further <br />Order of the Court. <br />6. Respondent is required to furnish the Clerk of the <br />District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, with his address, <br />telephone number, Social Security number, name of his employer, and <br />other information relevant until the judgment for the child support <br />entered herein is paid in full. <br />7. In the event Respondent fails to pay any child support <br />payment, failure shall be certified by the Clerk of the District <br />Court and if such payment is delinquent for more than thirty (30) <br />days, the Respondent shall appear before this Court on a date to be <br />determined to show cause why payment was not made. In the event <br />that the Respondent should fail to appear or pay as ordered, a <br />warrant shall be issued for his arrest. <br />8. Petitioner and Respondent shall each be responsible for <br />one -half (1/2) of medical bills for the minor child. <br />9. Each party shall have their own personal property which <br />they currently have in their possession. <br />10. Each party shall be responsible for his or her respective <br />debts since separation on September 1, 2001. <br />11. Petitioner shall have set aside to her as her sole and <br />separate property the marital residence located at 213 South Pine <br />Street, Grand Island, Nebraska, and legally described as the North <br />Forty -Five Feet (N45') of Lot Six (6) , Block One (1) , Heyde Is <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />12. Petitioner and Respondent waive a complete record in this <br />matter and the Clerk of the Court is ordered to refund to the <br />Petitioner the costs advanced for the complete record. <br />13. The costs of this action have previously been paid and <br />are therefore not taxed. <br />-2- <br />