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<br /> (�) ��I�d!RNoaNd.F.xt�nslon ol tM dm�for p�ym�nt o�modMadon of amotN�llon d wm�
<br /> - - -.- ----� DNd o1 TruN OrtnMd b�t Ir��dK b���ucarNONn inMrwt ot BoROwK rhaN nol op�r�M b tNMS��in my nNn��IM MM�IM11
<br /> Of ttf�adpinalBorrAW�r�nd�oROw •W6eNSOn In In1Kwrt.Lw�r oh�it nai b�rwrUli.0¢oGi�'.'�r�nca�sa:s�dlttys c�:�� --. _
<br /> �— --T---� suoh suoas�s��or r�fut�W vxWt+d tlm�tor�aymsn!ar o4Aonviao mcdify�nterNaetlon 4f the eume eenurs�by thls ONd o!Truet __ --.
<br /> by n�oon of any�manda m�d�by th�alpinsi Bonow�r�nd BonowK'�wca�uon In inMrNt
<br /> �p� �«�+�p�n,Without aff�otlnp tRs I�abltlty of any otMr pKSOn Ilabl�ta th� p�ymmt ol any oblipa�on h�►�in
<br /> m�nqonW�and w(thout aftsctlnp ths tlen or ah�r�e of thls Ossd at Trust upon tny portloo of th�PropsRy notth�n or th�ntoloro
<br />— retsawd as Naudty tor the full amount of al l unpatd oblipadone,Lender msy�Bom�me to dms�nd without eo�a�(I)reloae�any
<br /> l penon a Iisbts,(li)axtend the meturiry or atter any of the tertni of any suoh obllpe�ons�p�q 9►ent othsr Indutpeece�.(ivj rN�ta
<br />�,:,,��:^ or reaonvey,or osuse to be roisased or reconveyed at any Nme et Lende�'s opUan any parcel,poRion or sll of ths Property.
<br /> _:,:;�; (v�take or retenae any other or addiNonnl aenurHy tor any obtipa�on herefn mendoned,or(vq make compoiitions or oth�r
<br /> � anartpements witb debtoro tn rolstlon thereto.
<br /> "�1'..: (o) Fotb�anna�b�L�nd�r Not�.WatvK.Any forbearanae by Lender�n exerelalnQ any ripht or remsdy herounder,or
<br /> =� �. otherwise aiforded by apptloable taw,ahali not be a waiver of or preotude the exeralse ot any suoh�ipht or remedy.The
<br />/ acceterate the tmaturlti ot the ndeabt�edness eeaured by thfs Deed of 7n�is�.by Lender ehall not be e waiver ot Lender'e rtpht to
<br />-� �d)Suaa�uoa and AsstOru Bound;Joint and Sw�rat Ltabllit�C�rpttons.The covenante end apreements herein con-
<br /> tained ahail bind,and the riphte hereunder ahall inure to,the respeadve aucceasoro end aenipna ot Lender and T►uator.All
<br /> � covertente end epreementa ot Trustor ehalt be Jolnt and eeveret.The oapUona and headinga of the paraprapMa ot this Deed of
<br /> .-,-
<br /> Truet are for convenlence only and a�e not to be used to interpret or de8ne the provislons hereof.
<br />-� -- �e�ppuN►i�iiofk�s.Thtl peritae nereby rsquaai that a copy o!ssny nobee o!dsisult hereunde*enel n esopY ot any n oe
<br /> � ;.. �^•, �,, '�• ; ot sale hereunder be mallad ro eaoh party to thia Deed of Truat at the addresa aet torlh above in the manner preaoribed by
<br />- �'� �"1 eppl(oable taw.Exaept for any other notice required under app�icabla law to be given In another ma�ner.any noUce provided
<br /> � fot in this Deed of Trust ahail be given by maliing sueh notiae by certifled mall addreased to the other paRles,at the uddrees eat
<br /> �+�'' ���":: ��'�� fortt►above.Any notice provlded tar in thie Deed of Trust shall be eNecdve upon malting fn the manner desipneted herefn.N
<br /> �'$'.?h��'4,-�r°:,� Trostor Is more than one peraon,notiae sent to the address se4 torth above shall be notiae to atl suah peraone. ravtdad
<br /> �'�� Lender ms meke or cause to be made reasona6te enhiea upon and inapeatlone ot the Property,p
<br />. , •,.,. :�: • � (� (nsp�atloe. Y
<br /> .tn°.• ,'.• ;•��•' �^; that Lender ehall give Trustor notice prlor to any suoh inapeadon apeoiryin�reaeonabte cause theretor related 2o Lendet's
<br /> "� ^ ' intereat In the Properly.
<br />� � � (�)R�aonr��ano�.Upen payment ot all sums socured by this Deed of Trust,Lender ehall requeatTruatse to reconvey ths
<br /> •• Property artd shelt aurrender thts Oeed ot Trust and all notea evidenatnp Indebtedness eeaured by this Deed ot Trust to Trust�s.
<br /> � ,;' � _ Truetee shali reoonvsy the Propeny without warranry end wlthout ahar�e to the pereon or Rereona Iepa�ty enUUed thersto.
<br /> • .. - Truetor shaii par aii avsie vi reoo�dailars�!i any. ,
<br /> (h�p���u�ppp�rty;S�oud�►AOtNnf�nb As addltlonal seau�lty tor the payment ot the Note,Truator hereby�rante —
<br /> P -� Lender under the Nebra�ka Unitorm Commercial Code e seaurity Intereat fn all flxturea,equipment,artd ott�er pe�eona�properiy
<br /> uaed in eonneoAon with the real estate or Improvements loceted thereon,and not otherwise deatared or deemed to bea part of
<br /> � �� the rea�estate eeaured hereby.Thls instrument shell be construed ao a 3eauriry Agreement under said Code,and the Lertder
<br /> � " eha�l have 8I1 the righte and remedlea ot a secured party under safd Code in additlon ro the riphta and remedies oreated under _
<br /> end acaorded the Lender purauant to thle Oeed af T�uat;provlded that Lender's rlghta and remedles under thia parapraph sha0 =__
<br /> -_....c _________ ....�.wr•. t..wwd M• �
<br /> —. __—_'_--_'.___ . . _.�"'".. .dr
<br /> be aumulative wlth,and tn�o way a Itmltation on.�enaer a rignca and rnmeniine u��uo�a�iy.,u�o� owL��.j ay..+..�.�....�.y........� _
<br /> � • Bonower or TNStor. �
<br /> - � (i)U�ns and Enaumbranc�s.Trustor hereby warrants end representa thet there Is no default under the provislons ut any ��'�_
<br /> ' mortgage,deed of trust,tease or purchase contract deacribtng att or any part of the Properry,or other aontraat,instrument or
<br /> �,.a_-
<br /> �� agreemont Conatituting a Iten or encumbrance againet ell or any part of the P�opertyr(collectiveiy,"Liens'y,exlsdng as ot the .
<br />�• "' '" date of this Deed of Trust,end thaf any and al�exlating Liens rematn unmodHied except ee dfaCtosed to Lender In 7tustor's
<br /> `` • wHtten discioaure oi 8ens and encumbrances pruvided tor herein.Trustor shall timely peAorm alt o!Trustor's obiigeUons,
<br /> covenanta,representatlons and warranties under any and atl exlatting and fuwre Llena,shalt promptly torward to Lender copies �. .
<br /> � oi eli�otices ot detault sent In connectlon with any and ali existing or tuture Lfens,and shalt not wlthout LendePs prlor written
<br /> �� coneent in any manner modity the provlslons of or allow any tuture advances under any existing or future Llens.
<br /> �• Q)App�lcedon ot Paymenb.Uniess otherwiae required by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,including without IlmltaUon
<br /> - ' , payments of Arincipa!and Interesb insurance proceeda,condemnatlon prxeeds and renta and profita,shail be applied by _ _
<br /> • � . . I.ender to the amounts due and owing trom Truator end Borrower in such order as Lender in Ita aolediacreUon deema deslrable.
<br /> (k)Severabt�ity.It any provision oi thla Oeed ot Trust conil�cts with applicabie Iaw or 15 declared invalid or otherwise
<br /> unentorceab�e,such conflict or invatidlty sha�t not aHect the other provfsons of thls need of Truat or the Note which can be
<br /> , given eftect without the contlicting provlslon,and to thls end the provisiona of this Deed of Truat and tfie Note ere deciared to be ��
<br /> severab�e.
<br /> � (1)Terms.The terma"Trustor"and"Borrower"shalt Include both singular and plurai,and when the Trustor and 8orrower
<br /> are the same pareon(s),those terms as used fn thts Oeed of Truat shali be Interchangeable.
<br /> . (m) Goveming Law.This Deed of 7ruat ehall be governed by the aws oi t tate of Nebrask .
<br /> • Truator hea exeCUted thls Deed of Truat as of the date wrltten above. .I: "�
<br /> , . �_ i'�, ,
<br /> �' ; riike L Neubert rustor Single Person �
<br /> Y . I
<br />� J Trustor �
<br /> T�
<br /> �
<br /> � I�
<br /> � �
<br /> J
<br /> � 1� .•
<br /> i,
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