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<br /> -�--- _._ _ � _—___—— _ _ __ -- -
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<br /> �' , j t. ,� . ' . .; _ _
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<br /> , ^'�.�:'�'���; •��;. �.Nnf�w�ppNa�bw provldN othWwlM.MI pa�nt�nodwd by I.end��und�r ths Not��nd PK��PM 1 �w14 Mrwf�MM M�ppll�d bY 4�
<br /> f Ant in paynMnt of�rriounb paq�bt�to undn py Ibtrowe uod�r p�npnph 4 h�nof�th�n w Inur�n p�y��on tM Not�,thsn to tM pdtocip�i ot ---
<br /> ,� � tM Nop,ond thtn¢o int�rut ond prinatp�t on ony turtha�dvonoes or othar�ndsOtedneto u�ursd hv�by. � �""��__u-�•�".TM-
<br /> � �> �i� A. �o�M A�iiMk�tM��opmy M pood npdr�nd�P�aN oot canmlt wMU o�p�rmlt Impalrmmt or d�tnlotstlon of tM Propsrty. ----- �
<br /> - ' ^ 7. if ti�Yorrown fdb toi�I m�►nt�in o�p�y tM pnrNune�tor tb�nqulnd Inwrano�ot th�►►cp�ny.or Ol pay ax��Wton ONlnqurnt,o�a1 pq�ny -----
<br /> aneunt dw und���pdo�mort�o�t�u�t d�l Mtoro d�Ynqwnt,of d!m�l��in th�'ropaty In qood�pdr.or�!p�Aorm�ny of tM aowrnnt�m �x=
<br /> eg►eenM�+te ef tAb Tnut Mrd,tlwm L�edu m�y�t la optlon p�y�uoh imut�no�OnrNwne,tuc��,nfortO�pe ot tru�t dNd p�ynMM��or nNit�tp�in
<br /> M
<br /> ' �nd dl�bun�wcA�ume ud t�k�woA�atlon a It d��me tNOn�+to prot�ot{t�Int�rat wlthout w�vinp or df�otlnp it�dphe to dai�n or d�P�ul� v.�Y�,-.�r���,,
<br /> �, �� � , �! �nd�ooN�at�tM dMt uound Mmby Wwuw ot�ny woh tMtur�ot eM oorrow�a An��riw�i+u so dl�wroad by/iw Landcr clt�aoa9Ututo �'` -_ --
<br /> '► �dd1UoM1 Ind�budn�u ot btrowN Nound by tN�T�u�t Oad�nd�MM bMr intu�n from eM dn�ot dbbun�m�nt�t tM nt�peY��u��tM !"r�--=�
<br /> • • ^ Not�. Nathinp eontNn�d in thi�pupnph�h�V rsqWa L�ndu to m�fc��n�woh Elsburs�erNm�o�t�k�my�otton wMnaw►. {Y'�''—
<br /> �:-�;.�--
<br /> _ «. �•..-,.�
<br /> ' � „ �. L�nd�r m�y mMa o►owa to b�mid�aaon�W���tda upon�nd tnsp�oUon ot tM Prop�ny. ,� •z:?sw�a�-.,_-__
<br /> j'''�=__-
<br /> . . -F. ' A'�Y /
<br /> n �•�f
<br /> „ � �. Th�prao�sd�of�r►y�w�►d or olNm tor darnp�i�dtaot or oom�qumti�t,in aonmoNon with eey oond�mmtion or otM►tMcinp of tM Ptap�rty, ` ,N:,� .__
<br /> or p�R th�nof,ar for oonwy�no�in Il�u of oond�tnnnioe,m hmby�wipned�nd shW�b�pdd to l�nd�r to th�actmt of tM futl KnouM af tM '�} ; �-,��"•��
<br /> �1•:;.---`
<br /> � nmtlNnp unpNQ ind�bt�dmts wound bY tNt Trutt W�d. �:;.,,,w.:_-_.:_
<br /> ' " �M tM Prop�rty i��b�ndomd by 8onow�r,or M,�ft�r notio�by L�nd�r to Borrower thet th�aond�mnar aNen to mdc�m�w�rd or ntd��al�im for ` :; � `";�_ `—,
<br /> ' C�d�m�9e�,Borrow�r f�l�to n�pond to Lend�r within 30 dqn�fter th�det�suoh noGoe is m�lied,L�ndar i��uthodeed to co���at ond�ppty ths prooe�d� � � ' � ri'�?K
<br /> ,� to tM sums saound by tht�Twst Os�d. - ��?';�°t.'_''-
<br /> Cond�enrnUon proo��ds or�wud�sMll b�ot�dit�d to tM Iut m�tudnp intulinunts o}tM ind�tWmat Naund and sMli not exoNd or po�tpom ' :_�'.r.��;..
<br /> tM dus d�te ot the tmt�Itm�MS abrnd to in p�np►�ph�1�nd 4 h�not or ohae�p�tM�nnount ot suah Inn�Iim�nt�. '��yt�s,^,��—
<br /> 10. It tM Lsndsr issua�p�rtl�l r�l��f�of thl�Tntst Oeed,tM proosedt rooelved therofor�hett be aredlt�d to the last metudnp Inrt�trtwnta of tM � "'-=`�w"'g��
<br /> . `:°�:�...,.
<br /> __ -
<br /> .. . indelrte�l�e eeeirro�d Mnhy. ....-.—____..ti,:�.-- -- -
<br /> _ . . .. ��_
<br /> 11..It Lsndsr etthsr votuntaAly or Involuntetily bsoome�e perty to any auft ar le�d proo�edinp teletlnp to ths Propsny,Note ot tFdt Trust Ds�d,then �- . � �"`,:;�,
<br /> 8orrow�r witl relmbuns th�L�ndsr for NI oosto and,to the sxtent pemdtted by lsw, reasonebis ettornsy t��o Inout�ed by tAe lendn�s�sdny to sult -�,�
<br /> or tspat proossdiops�nd Mid oums th�ll oonsdtute eddltfonai indebtednett seoured by thla Trust Oeed��d bsei Intereat�t the rst�psy�bl�unde�ths � ;�'� ,�
<br /> . Note,upol peid. ,�� . �fir.� .
<br /> , t Z. A�eddldonat teourity 8orrower does hereby aseipn,trenofer end�et over to L�nder,in oese ot defeult In tM pertorm�noe of eny ot ihs terms o► � �
<br /> oondidons ot tMt Tru�t O�ed,ths Not�,or tM tertre ot my Indebtednest�eou►ed henby,eil ot the�eMa, rovenuea end eny Inoortn of eny typ� b���
<br /> wheteoever to be dedved irom the Property,inotudinp lend oontraot payment�. Lt�der,in peraon, by ep�nt or by teoelve►,without teperd to th�
<br /> , so�venoy or Insoivenoy of th�Bor►owsr or ths vetus of ths P�operty,eh�Ii b��ntided to teke possetaion of,repair,rent end menspe ths Propsrty sod �Y.,:�'���
<br /> � to ooileot the ronto,revenua�od inoome theretrom and it msy psy out af�aid inoome ell exp�nass of repelr and ooats Inourred in ronUnp end marwpinp r; �•�'l�
<br /> '' the PropeRy end aottsodnp rsnte�s and for peym�nt o}iniurenos premlums with�ny remsinlnp bdanoe to be epptied to ths�e�t m�tu►inp p�yment� ��'r'
<br /> - ot the debt aeoursd hsrsby. Upon preeendng e oopy of thi�Truat Osed end demand to any leasee,tenent or oontreot puroheser ot the Ptopsrty,iuoh __ _ � �
<br /> �.--
<br /> pereon eheli pey ell�ents,peyment�end protite eoorued or thereshe►soorulnp to the Lender untit tunher notioe from the lender. � . �s.� —
<br /> 13. If ail or eny pan ot ths Property or eny interest therein is dseded,so�d by land oontrsot o�oth�rwise oonveyed,ellenoted or(urther enoumbered ,. .� '
<br /> either volunteAly ot involunU�ily without Lend�r'�prfor wdtten oonosnt,or If tl►s Trusto►is e oorporeUon md there fs e ohanps in ownstahtp of 6096 ,,;
<br /> or mors af the oorpontfon'��took,or if the Trustor i�e psnnenhip�nd there i��ohenp�in the nwmbershlp or e di�aotudon of the p�nnenhlp, ,;
<br /> I exotudinp 1e)e tr�nsfer by opsredon of I�w upon th�deeth of a Joint tenmt o►(b) the prant ot�nytee�ehold Intere�t not oontdninp an opNon to ;i�� .��; �
<br /> purohass with�I�es�tsrtn oi two y�an or lese,or 10)ths otesdon ot the puroh�se money oeourity Intereet In househoid applianoe�,thsn LenOermsy, .,., j
<br /> at fto optlon,doclare atl auma eeeured by tMe Truet Deed to be immedietety due end peyebie. ►n the�vent ths Lender oon�ent�w any suoh ohsnp� �•:[ �
<br /> in ownenhip,oontrol or diseoiutlon ot trenster of ell ot eny pert of the Property,tMn Lender mey at ite optlon edJust tM i�tere�t rsts to ths p�avNlinp � ,������
<br /> rate ot intereat thet io oherped on new�eoured loene of the type aeoured by iNa Ttust Oeed ot tho time of the ohenge in ow�ership,oontrot,dls�olution I ; '���
<br /> ot tramier end mey ohnrye e trenefer tee. ����
<br /> 14. Upon Borrower's breeoh ot eny oovenant or epreement of Borrower In thlt Trust paed,i�dudinp�M aovenants to pay wMn due eny aume�ecure0 I �,
<br /> � by this Truat Deed,Lender ot its optlon mey deotere ell ot the eums eeou�ed by this Truat Deed to be immedletety due end peyabis wlthout funher :I•
<br /> demand and mey invoke the powet ot sele end/or ony other remedlee permltted by epp�foable iew fnek�dinp the nght to foreoiose this Trust Deed�n : ,��
<br /> tM m�nner provided by tew for the foreo�osun of mortyepes on red e�tete. Lander ah�tl be entitled to oolieot all reeaonebie oo�te end sxpenses ; , •;,e<
<br /> loourred in pureuinp�uoh remedlet Inoiudiny,but not Ilmtted to,and to the exte�t permltted by law,reeeoneb�e ettorney teea. , . � '
<br /> � �f the powet of sete le Invoked,Truttee ehell teoord a nodoe o}defeutt in eeoA oounty fn whfoh the Property or eome paet theteot is tooeted end provide ' �
<br /> � notioe thereof in the manner presoribed by appUaeble low. After the Ispse of tuoh time es mey be requlred by epptiaeble�ew,Ttuetee shell pive pubilo
<br /> i �otioe of�ale to the peroo�re end in tha mennar preearibed by epptlaebta lew.Truates,or tho attomoy f or the Trustee,without demend on Bonower.
<br /> eheil oeli the Property at pub�lo auotion to the hlphest bidder et the tfmo end plaoe and under the terma desipneted in the�otioe ot ae�e tn one or more
<br /> i peroeis end in dueh erder ee Trustee mny detem+lne. Truetee mey Qoatpone eo�e of ell or eny peroei ot the Proporty by pub►fo e�nounoement et the
<br /> I dms end pieoe of eny previously soheduied ee�e. Le�dei or lendor's detienee mey purchaee the prope�ty et eny sule.
<br /> , � Upon reoeipt oi peyment ot tM price bid,Trueteo eha0 detiver to the purchaeer e T�uetee's Ooed,w�t haut werrenty,conveylnp thn Properry eold. The
<br /> teoltele in the Trusteo'e Oeed aheli be p►Ime teole evfdenoe of the truth of the etatements modo thorein. Truatee shnll auppty the prooeede of ths seio
<br /> � in the fo�towing order: s)to eil reaeonebie oosts end expeneea ot the se�e,Ineludinp,but�ot lim�tod�o, Truateo's f oos of e+ot more then Flve Hundred
<br /> � end tVol10018500.001 plue 1/2 of 1%ot the emount oeaured hereby end remeininp unpeid,end coete uf trtie evide�co;b)to ell aume aeoured by thie
<br /> � Trust Oeed;end o)the exoese,it eny,to the person or pereons tepatty ontitled theieto.
<br /> i
<br /> 15. Any torobeerenoe by Lender In exerolsinp eny ripht or remedy hnreundor, or otherwiso eftorded by applicobto law,ehell not be e weiver of or
<br /> preoiude the exoroise ot eny suoh tight or remedy In the event ot continuinp or tuturo breeohes by the 8orrowor.
<br /> • 18. AI�remodiea provlded In tMs Trust Oeed ere distinot end oumuletive to sny other ripht or remodyunder thie Trust Oeed or afforded by law or equity,
<br /> � end may be exeroisod oonourrenUy,indapendentiy or euaoeesivety. If 8orro wer hae given 1.ender e ahetlot mortgege,o�so¢urfty eproement o�pereonel
<br /> � � propetty oe additlone�eoourity for tho dobt seoured hereby,in the event of defeult horoundor or thereundo�,lendor eheil have the�Ipht end opUon to
<br /> flret toreotoee on soid personai proporty without pre�udico to ita riqMt to thereef ter soil or toroc�ose the Property or tu pureue all securfty at the seme
<br /> , Ume ot to pu►sue tho pereone�propony attor the sele or foreoioauro of the Proporty.
<br /> 17. Upon puymant of etl sums aecuted by thla Truet Doed,Lendor shell requect Trustee to rocunvey the Property nnd shell eurrender thie Truat Oaod
<br /> end ell notes evidencinp fMebted�oea secured by this Truet Ooed to Truetee. Trustee shell roconvey the Property w�thout werrenty to the peison o►
<br /> , peteone lepelly ontitlod thoroto. Suoh pereon or pereons ehall poy eli coeta of reco.dation,i(eny.
<br /> 18. londer,ot letsdar's opUon,mny trom timo to time remove Tnistee end oppoint o euaoeseor trueteo to eny Truateo eppointed hereundor by un
<br /> _�. o._ _�.��� ��•
<br /> � . . .. . ....." ' '_.._.._�' _'.... .�__"�_'��"'�'�'�� ..
<br /> � � IIIBLNTeM fOGOfO00Ifl 1t10 bOY(lt�l Itl 1Ntli�tt tttiv I tUII�YOOY 10 fOUV u••�t� ��IU�VYI'.�/���e�o�wV v.�•�v•.vpvr�7��.�v ov�.�.voev.•.vo�vv o..a...�v�r�...v
<br /> , ell Ude,powet ond dudea oonforrod upon tho truatoc heroln end by eppllcobls lew.
<br /> 18. Exoept for eny noUoos,domonde,toquoats or othcr commurncutio�s roqulred undot appliceblo low to be glvon in unothor menner,whenever lorxJor,
<br /> ' 8orrowor or Truetoe Qivea or sorves eny notioe(inoludfnp, without Iimftmion. not�co of dofeutt eod natice of setol,demende, requests or other
<br /> ; oommunioeNon wlth respeot to thla Truet Dood,eeoh auoh notioo,demond,roquost or other communcation ehell bo in wrltfnp and ahel�be etfeotrvo
<br /> ; o�y I}the eame le dellvored by peraonol servlce or meftod by eortified mall,poatupe prepeid,retu►n raeoipt roquoated,eddresaed to the eddrese es set
<br /> i, forth et tM bopinninq ot the Truat Deed. A copy of ony notico ol dofeutt,eny notioe ot selo,requireA or permfttod to be piven herounder,ehelt be
<br /> �, ; melted to eeoh pereon who Is e perty horeto at the eddreau 9ot torth ot the bopinninp of this Trust Oeed. Any perty mey et eny tfine ehen�e ita edd�ese
<br /> tor suoh noUoes by delfvednp ot meilinp to the other perties heroto, es etoreield,e notiae of auch chenye. Any nuhce herounder shell be deamed to
<br /> � hevo to been plven to Bottower or 4ender,whon nlven i�the manner deaignated horein.
<br /> � .• 20.The oovenanta end apreemonto heroln oontelnod ahall bind,encl tho riphte hotoundor sholl�nuro In tha rospectivo heire,ropreaentetivee,au000eeors
<br /> � nnd asslpne ot the peniee. AII eovenenta end e�reomente ot tho Borrower ehetl be joint end sevore�. Who�over reteronco is medo to tho alnpuler
<br /> ; hereunder,it shell inolude the ptural and the p�urd shall fnclude the einpuler.
<br /> ,�. �
<br /> � , J
<br />