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. . . . , .�. _. �._.._..� , <br /> � � <br /> • . ... .. . . .�, <br /> ... .. _ <br /> -- ,'�?,-�I <br /> .. , <br /> � <br /> .�__.—:e.i�!^`�n. �i�Wlf� ��y �lF�TPL`�_''s'_�,_� .-- __ ..._. <br /> ; � . ; ._'M'7-. 7••.n.. . . - ' „ - I rk�.-.^ . . <br /> ,. <br /> � , . <br /> . - <br /> . .. . .... . - -_. <br /> .._ . <br /> .Ir�'nYY�11r�� ��� . . ..:., .. <br /> ,,. J��: � B.INltuf appllu�bl�I�w prodrA��otherwt�e,W p�ym�nh noNv�d by L�ndor undn t!u Not��nd paraar�phe 1 end 4 Mr�ol�hMl b�ytpq�d 6Y�� <br /> ��� ,�� ^W flrel In piYmm�of Wnounb peyabb tn laul�r by Borrower u�►d�r par�Qnph 4 h�r�oR thon to int�n�t pny�bl�on th�Not�,tlun to 1M pdrafpM of � _.___ <br /> '� . ' tk�Nqt�,enA then to intcrot end prl�alp�l on�ny tuetAtr sdv�noes ot oth�t ind�btsdn�a�uo�urd h�nby. <br /> �__-'-°=.,::,:_. .-_ <br /> ,. 8. 6orrowsr rhrf�k�N 141s°F�pony!n Qood repwr ond aha11 not oomrnit wut�or p�rmit Impeirmont or detedoretion of th�ProMny. • ----- <br /> t p � � . <br /> + � 7. It tfw Borrowsr fello to:d m�IntNn or p�y th�pamlums tor the rsQulnd inwr�no�of the Prop�tty,ot pf pny taxes bsfor�d�llnqutnt.w o)pW eny ---- --- <br /> �� �nount dw unda�pdor moRp�p�or tru�t de�d bstoi�delinqutnt,or d)maintain the Ptop�tty�n Qood tepuir,or e)psrfortn�ny of th�oov�n�nt�o► �.____ <br /> •:� . . �prNrn�nt�of thi�Trust Ot�d.eMn Lmda msy�t(te opUon p��ouoh inrwu�o�pnmtum�,taxa,mortp�po or true!d��4 paymenq,or m�k�tpain <br /> �nd dl�burse�uah tum�end t�ke�uoh action m it d�ert�mootwry to prot�ot IU intenit wfthout wdvinp or cftaoQnp itt d�At to G�olar�ov d4fault - --- <br />- � " - � and caoclorutu tho dcbt ooaurQd horoby baoaune M nny nuoh faliure ot ehe Bonowe►. Any�mounts so dloburaed by th� Lmd�r�hdl oonttltut� � i`�� <br /> ' sddldon�Ind�btsdnsor of 8or�ow�r tsoumd by tNt Tru�t D��d�nd�hNl b�a intsro�t irom ti»d�ts of dbburwment�t th�t�t�p�Y+a�undn tb� �y�.�..;�i.�—:- <br /> „ Not�. Nothinp aontNntd fn tblo psr�preph�hat�requlr�L�ndn to m�k��ny�uoh dlsbwsement�or tek�eny eotion wh�ttoova. tvv*;-=--- <br /> :s__�-_�s-;,�_ <br /> , �`'s�'�.Y 7'��.-.�`���,�`.�;... <br /> � 8. L�nder moy meke m anu��to bs mods roaaone6l�entrin upon�nd innp�odon of the Property. �" �•''+��;;`+� ;�.:s�_�=-- <br /> .. .� . . �''�'''�':!,'��.'�'. <br /> 8. The pr000edu of ony ow�td or ot�im 9or demepss, direot or oortsequendei,in oonnsotlon with�ny oondem��tion or othe►I�icinp of tM P�opetty, :. ,�+h.�.,• <br /> ., � or p�rt ihsraof,or fot oonveyanos in lleu ot oand�mnaUo�,are heroQy n�olpnad end�hell be puid to Lender to the extent of th�fuU amount of th� . � r•� �:� <br /> �� romelninp unpaid Indebtedne9e seoured by thb Trust O�W. • ''. �� �' : <br /> H th�Property tn e6andoned by Bortower,or if,efter�odoe by Lender to Borrower that the oondemnor oNere to mek�en swsrd or�ettle�otdm for : ;'�::i�+:=_ <br /> ' demepef,8orrowor tailt to respond to lender within 30 dsye aftar the dete euah notloe la mel�ed,Lender is euthorf:ed to aotleot end�pply the ptooeedt � o•; :���� '- <br /> Q to the suma seoured by thle Trust Oead. ..,4;�r,ir,. ;� <br /> � �Condemnodon proaseda or owsMe ohali bo orodited to the isat matu�inp inotelimsnte of the indebtedneso aeoured and ehell not exaeed or po�tpon� ,� 'V -° <br /> �he due date of th�Inaai�rtNnta rof�n�d to in pn�praph9 1�rd 4 hsreof or oh�npe the�mount of auoM inoteilmsnte. ;��, � ^t!`t��_- <br /> �1C. if tne landar iseuos a partia�rotooaa of thka Truot Deed,the prooaede reoeived thereto�ehall be oredlted to the Iset meturinp inntdimtnto ai tbe _ �� <br /> rtndebtednesa seoured heroby. . `�.�;':'==1-�– <br /> - _.�, : ...'1._ <br /> ... . 4 .r,�.---_-. _.-__ <br /> i t. if Lertder oithor volunterliy or Involunterlly beoomes o perty to eny euit or Iopoi prooeedinp rolstinp to the Propeny,Nota or this Trust Oesd,th�n •;-�,�A,=-_;__ <br /> 8orrow�r w10 relmburse the Lander for ali oonte and,to the eztont permittod by Iaw,roaeoneble ettornoy faes Inovrrod by tho 4onder roletinp to sult t -- <br /> , or lepal prooeedinp9 and aeld sume shal�oonsdtute addltbnal indebtednese seourod by thie Truat Deed and bear interest et the rote peyeble under the � �•�..���-'�— <br /> Note.undl peid. r �� <br /> �,ti. .� <br /> 12. At eddidonnl eeourfty Bo►�ower does heroby eseign,trenafer and uet over to Lends►,in ooee of defeu►t in tM periotmenoe of eoy oi the terma or .i:;+!�� <br /> ,, oonditione of this T�uot Oeed, the Note, or tho terma of any Indebtednese aeoured hereby,all of the rento,revonues end eny irtoome ot any typs ',"' ,?�t;� <br /> whoteoevor to bo dedved Gom tho Proporty,inciudinp land oontrqct peymonta. lendor,In pareon,by egsnt or by reoelve►,wfthout rogard to tM }F.�. -, <br /> eolvenoy ot Ineoivenoy ot tM Borrowar or the valuo of tho Propeny,ehell be entitied to teke poaeoesion of,ropeir,rent and menepe the Property end �� <br /> to ooileot the ronte,rovnnues end Inoome therofrom and It mey pey out of aeid inoomo ali expenses of roDeVr and aoste maurrod in ro�dnp end menepinp (� i�;���=� <br /> the Propetty end oolleotinp rente�s and for payment of Insuronoo pre�uumo wfeh eny remeininp balenoe to be epplfed to the latt moturinp peymente � •�, - -- <br /> , of tho dobt eeourod hereby. Upon preeenting a oopy of thie Ttuot Deod ond demend to eny Ieseee,tenent or oontraot purohoser ot tM PtopeRy,suoh ' <br /> � _, {... <br /> peraon enelt pay e�f rente,paymeme and profice aaoruod or iharoofior aooruin tv tt�e i.endar unrit iucihsr natics lram Lha l.ondar. � . - -= .- -- <br /> � �-��T�� -j.. <br /> 18. If dl or eny pert of the Property ot any fntereat therein is deedod,sotd by land contreot or otherwlee oonvoyod,eUenuted or further enoumborad ` <br /> either voluotnrliy or invotuntarlly wltheut Lendot'e prior wdtten oonsent,or It tha Ttuetor lo e oorporation end thero ie e ohsnpe In ownenhip of 8096 t:' '�. �� � <br /> or moro of the corporedon's otook, or it the T�wtor le a pnnnorehip end thers le�ohonpe in tha morberahip or e diaooiution ot tho pnrtnershfp, .,. <br /> excludlnp (a}a tranafer by oporotlon of low upon the doeth of e joint tone�t or tb)the arent ot eny Ieaeehold intereet not aonts(nlnp en opdon to � ••� �; <br /> purcheae with e teose term of two yeurs or tess,or to)the oroetion of the putoheee money aoouNty Intereet in househotd eppilenoes,then lender may, �"'''����, � <br /> et Its aotton.deolare ell eume eeoured bv this Truet Doed to bo Immodlatotv due and payable. In the event the Lendor aon9ents to any euah ohenpe `! ;,,� <br /> U owaerehip,oontrol or dlseolutlon or traneter ot ell or eny port of the Property,thon Lender may at its optlon ed►uet tha interset rate to the prevalltnp "��c � <br /> �ete of Intnrast thet ie ohatgad on now oeourotJ loans of Iho type noourod by this Trust Oeod at tho time ot the ohenga in ownorehlp,oontrol,dfasolution ?��,(r . <br /> ot transter end may charge o tranefor foe. S f'�� <br /> 14. Upon 6ottuwet's broach ot any eovanant ui egreanbnt of Bortowor�n thie Trust Deod,inctudmg the oovonentK io pay whendue any sume eecutod <br /> . bV thfe Truet Deed,Londot at tte optiom m�y docluro aN ot tho eums sacuted by this Truut Doed to bo imme d�ete ly due a n d peye b le w i t hou t w n h e r • <br /> demend and mny fnvoke tho power ot anto endlor any other rornodiae pornutted by eppliceblo law inciuding tho ri�lu to forecloso th(s Ttuet Deed In ', '''1� <br /> tM mannor pruvidod by luw for tho forectosute oi niortpagoc on ruol oeinto. lundor ehall bo entit�ed to colloet nit reasoneble ooete end oxpeeses ... r�,�.� <br /> inou�rad ln puroul�p auoh romodios Includinp,but not Ilmitod to,nnd tu the oxtant permictod by low,roseonebte ettornoy feos. � � <br /> i ^. .. <br /> If the power of seto te Invoked,Trustoe sholl toaord e�auoe of dofauit in oach county In wh�ch tho Proporty or some pe►t thereof ie looetod erd p►ovide � <br /> I notlue theraof In the manner prescribed by appiicebto law. Attor tho Inpso of auch timo as mey bo raquired by oppiweblo�ew,Troatee ehdl ylve pubila <br /> ' notico ot anlo tu thu yo�uu�ro tlfd in tho�imnnor prascr�buJ 6y epplicaLio{ow. Tr�stoc,or iha uttomoy for the Trustao, without demend on Borrower, : <br /> i ehall edl thN Ptoperty at public euatlon to tha highoat biddo�nt tho timo ond placn and under the terma desipnetod�n tho notiae of selo i�one or more � <br /> pdrotl�e end in eu�h urdot au 7ruatoo moy dotermno. Trusteo moy pootpone sdo ot ell or eny pe�oal of tho Propo�ty by pub�io announaoment at the <br /> 1 dme and ptauu ot any provfouslV suhodulad sate, tondor or Londor's desipnoo moy purchese tho pruperty ar eny soln. � <br /> � Upon reaolpt of pny�nont ot tho prica bld,Truntoo ehotl dol�vor to tho purcheu�r o 7rustoo's Ouud,rnthoui werranty,conveying the Proporty eold. Tho � <br /> racitele in tho 7t�stou's Duod ehull bo ptime fucie ovidence of tho truth of the utatomente mede therem. Trustea shnll supplY the ptoceeds of the eele <br /> fn the following order: e)to ell reasonuble cost�ond oxponeoo of the culo,i�ctuding,but�ot lin,�tnd to,Trustuo's fooe of not more then Fivo Hundted • <br /> � end No1100(8600.00!plus 1/2 0(1%of tho amouM soc�ued horuby nnd rameinin{�unpe�d,end c���tx of trtle ov�d.�nco;bl to e��sume seoured by thle <br /> Ttust Deod;und a)the oxc000,if eny,to tho pereo�ur patso�s lopnl{y o�HUTAd thureto. <br /> i <br /> � 15. A�y toroboatnnce by Londor in oxorcia(n�eny riUht or:amooy hnreund��r,or othorwioo uffnrdod by epplicet�l�•Inw,ehnll not be e werver of ot <br /> � ptealudo tho exorcieo of nny buch rfght or romody�n the event ot contuiuiny ot future bteuchod by tho Burtowor. <br /> 18. All temodles ptoNded In thle Truat Oeod ero distm<:t n�d�urnuletrvo to any othdr nght or remody�ndor this Trust Doed or ettordod by tew or eqwty, <br /> Ond moy be exercfeod concurrontly,indopondantly ur succoseivoly. If Butruwor Iure gwen Lnndei n chatlel murtgege,or e:ecurrty a8reoment on poreona� <br /> properry es odditlanel r.ecunty for the dobt socurud herabY hi�ho xvant of dofault h��rounder or therounder,londn�slioll hove the ripht a�d optlon to <br /> }Irat toroatoee on said poreonot proporty w+thout p�� rt�nnhr�o thorn��fter eell or fo�ocln�o thn PrnpFr�y or�u nureim aA eacurity et the aemo <br /> tlme or co pursuo tha paro�n�d p+oporty nRur iho tialu ar low�.lo:..�i�oi il:o N�up�.iiY. <br /> 17. Upon poyrnent of oll surt�e securdd by thi4 7ruet Oaed,londer r.hali eoquast Trustoe to rnr,vnvoy tho Proporty xnd ohall aurrender this Truel Oeed <br /> end ell nutoa evidencing IndebtaJnose sucurnd by this T�uet Oee�l to Tniytao. T.uateo 8hnI1 roconvoy tho Proporty w�th�ut werrenty to tho peteon or <br /> persona ledelly entftlod thoroRO. Suah porson m Do�sona oholl pay nII•,ustn ut rocurdntwn,d eny. <br /> 18. Lender,ot londor's optfun,muy}rom hme ro t�rno romovo Truatoo end eppoint e succoeaor nuetoe to ony Truotoo oppmnted hoteunder by an <br /> ' _ '".�._'_"""�_�._.�_n_.._...:_...ti...ti.ti.. r...�.ii��.i.�........�..w w:.ti..�.................e�..1�ti»C�.,o..rv ��onYCN ttlIGtAA YIIf1II ouceo�d fe <br /> � - u�ovvu�v...�oov.vev..�...v..v..�..�.................. ...... ........._..__...... ......""'....,_.." ' . . �. .,. <br /> S 811 tiNO,pOwn�end dutiee conferrod upon thn 7 nmtou hote�u iuid h�•ap�>I�cublo law. <br /> � 19. Excopt fot uny noticne,domnnde,roqun�.ts or othor commun� mwnx roQUi�od undor opphr��ule Ir�w tu bo g�von�n xnothe�manner,whenevor Londer, <br /> ' BUtfOWOf Of TtU8to0 p�V08 or BOrvoB ony nohCO pnr,luA�n�, vn�h��ut Irrnpbun, nohco ul doliwlt nnd nuticu of sn�n), demunde, roquoate ot other <br /> oommunlcatlon wlth rospeut to tNe Truot[�or+d,ea�:h eu�1�n�,uro.Aemond,r�quoFt ur nther cumn�u��i�•nLon sholl bo�n wnnny ond ahall be pt�oativo <br /> ; � only It tho aamo te dollvorod by poreonol surv�co o�medod by cu���tind mml,pe9fupo propa�d,�oturn ioce�p!roquestoJ.�cidresyod to tlw oddrese as eet <br /> , i �y torth ot the bogioMro,of tho Troet Qoud. A�•upy ut ony n��bco u(dotnult,nny n�ihco of eu1e,roqu�red��r pxrm�ttod to bo givnn herounder,ehell bo <br /> ' moltod to onch paraon whu Id e porty heroto at tho oddmn:i aot torth at tho bog�nrnnp ot this Tru�t bood Ai�y vo��y��wy Ht ony bme chongo rta addrosa <br /> for auoh notfces by eolivodn8 or me��ing to tho olher por��oe hmoto, .+s nforo•�uid,e nutn.o of vu�:h�:Nan�u. Any nut�ce huraundur shell bo doomed to <br /> . hevo to baen plvon to Borrowor or Londor,whon prven�n�hn munnor dox�gnntod hurom. <br /> ' 20. Tho covenunte end oproentonts horoin contulnod sh3I1 Mnd and thu n�hM h��rounder shatl moro t���h��rm:pu�.t:vo hmtx,roptosonla�rves,saccoeeore <br /> � end eselg��s ot the portiAO. All awnnantc ond npronmuh�c�f thn Bonuwo�chcll bo�mnt unJ huvo�+�I WI1Pf1UVRf�EIOfO�I'N iu medo tu the einpular <br /> , horoundnr,It ehull ineludo the pluru{efnd�ho pluro�oheM mdudo tho umgule�. <br /> � � <br /> ' � <br />