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<br /> - +�.'~����� Ih�Prop�rty i�so tak�n or dama�ed,Lendn�hatl heve the aptlan,in Iri tole and abaotuts dl�orotlon,to appry ali euch P�ooesd�, � ""�"--
<br /> �":;�"�� �ft�r drduatinp thsatrom alt oasts and expenses inourrod by it In aonneatlon with suoh Proceed�,upon any indebtedne�s s�aured
<br /> � �.:
<br /> �y�;�..::,,. , ha�eby and In euah order aa�ender mey determine,or to eppty atl suah Proceeda,after euoh deduotiarta,to the restoradon of ths
<br /> „�,,g�;.�, Proper�►upon ouoh canditlonoaa lsnslor moy dotermine.Any Applloellon of P�ooeedeto fndebtednets shell nolsxtsnd Qr ponports �_ __ _____ _ _
<br /> ���'• . th�due dats ot�ny payments under the Note,or aure eny detautt therounder or hereunder.Any unapptied fund�shatl bo patd to _
<br /> : . Tvuator. ��'-- - --.
<br /> '�i` ' T 8. P�ttoem��e�by L�nd�t.Upon!he oaaurrenco of an Event of Defaulthereundar,or if eny not ta taken ar Iepai praaeedinp
<br /> r;'�'•�:;�;.:' .�, ':.
<br /> �.. . ° aommenaed whioh m�terialty afteate Lender's intereet In the Property,l.ender may fn Its own dfecretton,bu4 wNhout obltpation to do
<br /> ��, � to,and without noUce to or demand upon Truator and without reteasinQ Truetor trom eny obtipellon,do ar►y aat whlch T►uetar has ___.
<br /> ayreed but fal►e to do artd may atao do any other aot it deema neceaeary to proteat the eecurlty hereoL Truetor ehell,Immedlatety
<br /> � upon demand theretor by Lender.pay to Lende�ell coeta and expenees inourred and eums expended by Lender in conrteotion wlth —��___
<br /> � �' .. the exercise by Lend[,r of the torepof�p rights,together with I�tereat thereon at the delsult rate provlded in the Noto,which aAsll be �;;�.__
<br /> sdded to the indebtedneaa seoured hereby. Lender ehali not i�aur any Nablilty beoauae Af anything it may do or omlt to do �S u�„—
<br /> hereurtder. -: '" ---
<br /> - 8. Hasa►daus Mtl�el�t�.Truetor ehall keep the Propery in compllance with all epplloebie�awa,ordlnances and regulattons ;,,� °---
<br /> � � retatinp to irtduatriet hyglene or environmentat p►otectlon(aolleativety referred to herefn as"Enviranmentat L.awo'�.Trustor ehelt �',,,.""
<br /> , - • keep the Property treehom all substanaes deemed to be hezardoua or toxio under any Environmentat Lawe(colleative�y retened to ;',�;;---�
<br /> . hereU es"Hazardous Materlals").Trustor hereby war►anta and represents to Lendar that there are no Hexardoue Materiais on or v.:'�''.'--
<br /> under the P►ope►ty.T�ustor hereby agreea to indemnity and hoid harmieas Lender,its dlrectora,oMiae►s,emp�oyees and agenta,and �"��=�-
<br /> '•• • a�y euoaeaaore to Lender'e intarest,trom and against any a�d ali olalme,damagea,tosses and ifabltitles adsing In aonneaUon with - '�^
<br /> . '_`
<br /> . .,..
<br /> . �. , ,; ,. the presence,uae,dleposal or trensport ot any Hatardoua Matarlats on, under,8rom or about the Property.THE FORF..aOINO . .�•.,_
<br /> -.::. ..,._
<br /> 10.Awipnm�nt of R�nt�.Truator hereby aesigns to Lender the rente,iesues and profita ot the Property;provlded that T►uator ,.
<br /> shall,unUl tho oaaurrence ot an Event ot Detauit hereunder,heve the rlght to.oilect and retein suoh rents,lssuea and protitsas they '• `�.�,
<br /> beoome due and payabte.Upon the oocurrenoe of an Event of Default,Lender may,etther in pereon or by agent,wlth or without • ��•-""""�
<br /> . bringing any acdon or p�oceeding,or by a reoeiver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of ita seaurity,enter , :
<br /> a—ac:,�ti �..
<br /> .,_ � upon and take posaession of the Properly,or any part thereof,ln Ita own name or tn the name ot the Truatee,and do any acts whfoh It ;y�'_:-
<br /> ` ' deoms necesoary or desirebteto preaerve the vaiue,merketablllty or rentability of the Properry,or sny part thereof or interestthereln, .�_
<br /> �� inorease the income theretrom or p�oteot the seourity horeof and,with or without taking posaession of the Property,sue tor or � �_
<br /> otherwise cotlect the rente,lesues end prolits thereot,tncluding those paet due and unpaid,and app�y the same,leas aosts and . -�<<
<br /> '' expensea of operation and aoileatlon Inctuding attor�eys'fees,upon any indebtednesa secured hereby,all in such order as Lender • , �
<br /> , may determine.The entering upon and taking possesston oi the Properry,the colteation of such rente,tasues and protita and the .r�=
<br /> � appiicadon thereof as aforesald,ehail not cure or waive any deteu�t or�otice ot defautt hereunder or invatidate any ect done in �,.,—
<br /> '
<br /> -- ==--___-_ -= rsspanss ia auah dsslaulL or p�reuant!o suzh notl�e ot defe��it and,notwlthstanding the aontinuance in possession o!the Property or ° �•F'
<br /> the Coileotion,�ecelpt and app�faation ot renta,issues o�protita,and Trustee and Lender shatl be enQUed to exerciee every right
<br /> � provided for in any ot the Loan Instrumenta or by Iaw upon oacurrence ot any Event of Defautt,Inciuding without Ilmitetion the right ,�ia-`
<br /> �� to exercise the power of ea�e.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under thla paragraph ahali be aumu�ative with,and In no way a ��—
<br /> Iimltation on,Lender a righta and remedies under any asaignment oi leases and rents recorded agalnst the PropeAy.Lender,Trustee „3�:_
<br /> and the recefver ah�ll be Ileble to aacount only for those renta actualiy recaived. _—
<br /> . .. tt Fy�nht nf Qwta��N.Tha(�+�Inwinn ahpll conetitute an Event of OetBUlt utldef thi8 Oeed Ot T�uet _ __ _ ►��__
<br /> � �''' � (a) Failure to pay eny inefal�ment of princlpal or Interest of eny other sum aecured hereby when due; �- : y�.
<br /> (b) A breach of ordelau�t under any provlsion contained In the iVote,thls Oeed of Trust,any of the Loan instruments,or any , ��-—�
<br /> other Nen or enoumbrance upon the Property: � -;'4r=
<br /> (c) A wrlt of executlon or attachment or any similar process shait be entered agalnst Truator whlch shali become a I len on ~,_�—
<br /> the Property or any portlon thereot or interest theretn; `9.^'_:
<br /> (d) There shatl be iited by or agalnst Trusto�or Borrower an action under any prosent or future federai,state or other '.i --_
<br /> ' stetute,Iaw or reguladon retattng to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellet tor debtora;or there shatl be appointed any trustee, �*i'� =
<br /> ' receiver or Iiquldato�of Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any part of the Property,or the rente,issues or profits thereof,orTrustor � , � ;��:-°
<br /> `...,.. :,-
<br /> or Borrower shall make any general aseignment tor the benefit ot oreditora; '.�'
<br /> (e) The sate,traneter,lease,e881gnment,conveyance or(urther encumbrance oi alI or any part oi or any intereet in the '7�
<br /> .� , Property, elther voluntarliy or Involunta�liy,without the expreas written consent of Lender: provlded that T�ustor 8hai1 be _` -
<br /> ,j permitted to execute a tease of the Property thai does riot co��tain an option to purchase and tho torm of whtch does notexceed
<br /> one year,
<br /> ,. (� Abendonment ot the Property;or
<br /> , (g) It Trustor is not an Individual,the tssuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than a total _ q_
<br /> � of percent of(If a corporation)fts issued end outstanding stxk or(It a partnership)a total ot porcent ot .
<br /> partnership intereats during the period this Oeed ot Trust remalns a Iten on the Property. � .
<br /> 12. Remediea;Aeee�eradon Upon Detault.in the event of any Event of Oefault Lender may,wlthout notice except as requlred by
<br /> law,deciare eli indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabto and the same shali thereupon become due and payable
<br /> wNhout any p�esentment,demand,protest or notice of any klnd.Thereaker Lender may:
<br /> (a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grantod herefn,and Trustee ahalt thereafter cause Trustor's �
<br /> � interest in the Property to be sold and the proceede to be dfatnbutad,all in th@ menner provfded m the Nebraeka Trust Deeds `'
<br /> Act; ' .
<br /> • (b) Exerclse any and al�rights provided tor In any of the Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of I. �
<br /> � Oefaulk and } '
<br /> , ' (c) Commence an actlon to forec�ose thfs Deed ot Trust as e mo�tgage,appoint a receiver,or speclticaily entorce any ot the
<br /> covenants hereot. ; •
<br /> No remody herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exc�us►ve ot any other remedy hereln,in the ,
<br /> Loan inetruments or by tew provided or permltted,but each ahalt be cumulative.sha�l be fn addttlon to every other remedy glven � '
<br /> � hereunder,in the Loan Inatruments or now or heteafter exlatfng et law or in equtty or by etatute,and may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> independentiy or successlvely.
<br /> / , 13, Tru�tee.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appolnt a
<br /> sucCeasor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shait not be Ilabie to any party,inciudfng without Iimitatlon Lender.Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> ;� __ . , _ ._ _ purchaser of the Property,tor any losa or damage unteas due to reckieas or wfliful misconduct,and ahall not be requlred to take any
<br /> .�_
<br /> T actlon In connectlon wlth the entorcement or cros ueed or irusi uniess indemniiind,ia w�iiitiy,ivi m�wow.VVn�1O:«;•...��:
<br /> . expenses whlch may be essoclated therewlth.In add�tlon,Truatee mey become a purchaser at any sale ot the Property(judfcfal or
<br /> under the power of sale granted herefn);postpone the sale of all or any portlon of the Property,as provtded by taw;or se�I the
<br /> ; � ., Property as a whole,or In sepa�ate parcels or�ota at Trustee's dlscretfon.
<br /> � 14. Feas and Expsntss.In the event Trustee selts the Property by exercise of power oi sale,Trustee ahall be entltled to appty
<br /> any 881e proceeds tlret to payment ot e�l coats and expenses ot exerclsfng power uf sale,Including alI Trustee's fees,and lender's
<br /> ' ti and Trustee's attorney's 1ees,actually Incurred to extent permltted by applfcabte Iaw.tn the event Borrower or Trustor exerClaes any
<br /> rlght provlded by law to cure an Event ot Default,lender shall be entltled to recover from Truator aIt coets and expenses actually
<br /> � Incurted es a resutt of Trustor's detault,Including wlthout�Imitatlon all Trustee's and attomey's tees.to the extent permltted by
<br /> ` ' eppllcabte law.
<br /> � tb. Futun Advancat. Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at Its optlon,make add�ttonal and tuture advances a�d re-
<br /> advances to Borrower.3uch advancea and readvances.wfth Interest thereon,shalt be secured by thts Deed ot Truat.At no tlme shalt
<br /> ••� ' the princlpat amount of the indebtednosa aecured by thta Oeed ot Truat,not fncluding suma advanced to protect tho securlty of thla
<br /> t ' peed of Truet,exCeed the otlglnal ptlnclpal amount etated hereln,or E 5,.�.p�A 00 whlchever la greater.
<br /> . . � • � >
<br /> . �
<br /> •
<br /> . _a,..__
<br />