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<br /> ths Proporty i�to hken or dtmaysd,Lmdsr ehall have tha optlon,in Ito sole and abaotuts discretlon,to eppty all�uoh ProcNdt,
<br /> aRsr dsduatin�thereirom alt costs and sxpsnse�Inaur►ed by It In aonneation with auah P�oaeed�,upon any Indebtodnas waured
<br /> hereby and In auoh order as Lender mey determine,ar to epply ait euah Praceeda,after euah deduodone,to the reator�tlon of tha
<br /> __ .__T_.____.�� prop�rty upon woh eondltlona a�Lender may determine.Any app�loadon of Proaseds to indebtednm��heil natsxtand or po�tpon�
<br /> - the due date ot any pa�ymente under tha Note,or oure any defauit therounder or herounder.Any uneppiled tunas shatt bs pstd to R","'�- ' - -�
<br /> �—- ------� Truator. �_ ..___
<br /> 8. P�rfom►snc�by 1.�ndn.Upon the ocaurrence of an Event of Qefauit hereunder,or ff any sot le teken or tepat prcaesdinp
<br /> ---
<br /> commenced whiah materislty aiteote Lender's tntereat In the PropeRy,Lertder may in Its own diearetlon,but without oblipatlon to do
<br /> - eo,and wlthout notiee to or demand upon Trustor end without reteaeing 7rustor irom any obllgaUan,do any aot whioh Tru�tor hes
<br /> apreed but taita to do and may atso do any other aot it deema necessary to proteot the aeouriry hereot.Trustor eha�l,immedfately
<br /> upan demmr+d theretor by Lender,pay to Lender all aoets end expenaes Incurred and euma expended by Lender in conneatton with
<br /> the exerelae by Lender of the torepoing rtghts,together with interest thereon at the detau�t rato provided in tha Note,whiah ehall be
<br /> added to the Indebtodnesa seaured hereby. Lender sheil not Incur eny Ilability beoause oi anything it may do or omit to do _ _ _ __
<br />.�� hBreunder.
<br /> :� �j��j R--' 9. Huardoa�Mabdab.Trustor shall keep the Property in aomptiance with ail appHoable lawa,ordlnences and repuiatlons
<br /> - retatinp to industriat hygiene or environmental proteotion(collectivety reierred to herein as"Environmentel Laws'y.Trustor shatt
<br /> `! keep the P�ope►ry iree from sil subatancea deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any En�lronmental laws(�oltectivety reterr�d to
<br /> ' i herein es"Hpzardoua Materials'�.Truat�r hereby warra�ts and repreaents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materiais o�or
<br /> under the P�operty.7ruator hereby agrees to IndemnNy and hold harmlesa Lender,Its dlrectors,oNfaera,emptoyeas and agents,and
<br /> eny succeasors to Lender's InteresL irom and agalnat any and all otaima,damages,losaes and�iabiltties arising in aonnaoUon with
<br /> the presence,use,dieposat or transpart of any Hatardous Matertats on,under,(rom or ebuut the Property.THH FORE(iOINCi
<br /> , .;. :'•"�`� �..:, 10. Aalpnment of Renb.Truator hereby assigns to Lendor the rents,lasues and protlts oi ihe Property;provlded that Truator
<br /> '=�~ �+� ' ::.:'�:;.�y: shell,untll the ocaurrence of en Event ot Defeuit hereunder,have the right to coliect and retaln such renta,Issuea and prutits as thay �'"
<br /> _ '���`�th:"�w�4 become due and payabie.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Oetauit,Lender may,either In peraon or by agent,with or without _
<br /> ^•��`.
<br /> ,;'_• • : . • bringing any action or proceedinp,or by a recelver appointed by a court and without regerd t�the adequaay of its seauriry,enter -�_t-
<br /> 'n,�,���.;;;��.�:�'V_.h upon and teke possesslon ot the Property,or any part thereot,in its own name ar in the name ot the Trustee,and do any aats which it �?���
<br /> � deems�ecossary or desirable to preserve the value,marketabi�ity or rentablllty of the Property,or eny pe►t thereof or Interest thereln,
<br /> , . . :�» �' inGre�ee the income theretrom or protect the aecurity horeai and,wlth or�rlthout taktng possession of tho Property,sue for or �'.:'=
<br /> � ` „ � othenvise colieat the renta,isaues and proflts thereof,Inciudtng those past due and unpald,and apply the same,leas costa and ��`;�'---
<br /> . , expensos of operation and coliectlon inctuding attorneys'tees,upon any indobtedneas secured hereby,a�l In such order as Lender �''�e,..
<br /> , may determine.The entering upon and;aking posaeeslon of the Property,the collectlon of auch rents,lasues and profita and tho ,�,` �' -�,:�.-�
<br /> . ^ applicatlon thereot ee aforesaid,ahali not aure or walve any default or nodce of default hereunder or Mvaiidate any act done In •: �,�,.�___,
<br /> '" ' ° responsa tv suah defauit nr purauani tn such nviicn ui dainuii erid,n�tw�ti-�5tan�ing the cor►i►nuancs In passessian at tt►a t'rapsriy ar
<br /> the coltection,receipt and appHcatlon of rents,issuea or proflts,and Trustee and lander shal�bo entltted to exercise every�Ight •. �
<br /> provided tor in any ot th8 Loan Instruments or by Iaw upon occurrence of any Event ot Default,inciuding without Hmitatlon the right r , .•�:�•_
<br /> to exarcise the power ot sale.Fu►ther,Lender's rights and remedles under thta paragraph ahall be cumulative with,and in no way a '
<br /> �• ' �Imitation on,LendePs righta and remedles under any assignment oi leases and rents recorded ageinat the Property.Londer,Trustee �
<br /> .. ' and the recelver shal�be Ilabie to account onty for those rents actualty received. --
<br /> . �,,,, • : 17. Bvente et 9etault.The following shai!annstitute an Event o}Detault under thfs Oeed of Truat �� -
<br /> ° , (aj Fal�ure to pay any instailment of principel or Interest of any other sum secured hereby when due; . ��_-
<br /> (b) A breach of or defautt under any provfslon contained in the Note,this 08ed of'frust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any -
<br /> :• other Uen or encumbrence upon the Property; , .�_
<br /> � (C) A wNt ot execution or attachment or arry simf lar process shall be entered agafnst Trustor whtch ahall become a Ilen on y�;_
<br /> • ' the Property or any portlon thereot or Interest therein; '�a`
<br /> . (d) There shall be tiled by or agafnst Trustor or Borrower an actfon under any preaent or future tederat,state or other .°�a�+'�
<br /> statute,law or reguiatlon relating to bankruptcy,insotvency or other rellef for debtors;or there shall ba appofnted any trustee.
<br /> recelver or Iiqutdator oi Trustor or Borrower or oi all or any part of the Property,or the rents,issues or profits thereof,or Trustor .;.+�.°Rs�
<br /> , � or 8orrower aha0 make eny general assignment for the benefft of creditors; � �y j";
<br /> � (e) The saie,transfer,�ease,asslgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance ot all or any part oi or any Interest in the ��
<br /> � Property,either voiuntarlly oi Invoiuntarily, without the express •Nritten consent ot lender; provided that Trustor aha�l be �- "��'
<br /> - „ � permitted to axacute a lease oi the Property that does not contain an optfon to purcha�c and tho tcrm of which does not exceed - -z--_
<br /> 4 one year, , . ?'- ��
<br /> ' � (t} Abandonment of the Property;or �
<br /> (p) �t Trustor is not an Individua�,the issuance,sale,transfer,assignment.conveyance or encumbrance of more than a tot9i _'; �
<br /> ., of NJA perce��t ot(If a corporation)its issued end outstanding stock or(it a partner3hip�a total of��percent of �?. � ;'
<br /> , partnership tnterests during the perlod thls Oeed of Trust remains a lien on the Property. � ,..
<br /> i2. Remediea;Acceleretion Upon Oatault.In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,without notice except as requlred by
<br /> «�,. � • taw,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and peyablo and the same shall thereupon become due and payable �
<br /> , ,,, without any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Ldnder may:
<br /> (a) Oemand that Trustee exerclae the POWER OF SALE granted heretn, and Trustee shail thereaker cause Truator's
<br /> • tnterest in the Praperty to be sold and the proceeds to be dtstnbuted.ali in the manner provided�n the P�ebraska Truat Deeds
<br /> „ ACt; �
<br /> (b) Exercfse any and a�l rights provided for in any of the Loan�nstruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> . R Oefauit;and i
<br /> (a) Commence an action to foreclose th�s Deed of Trust as a moitgage,appoint a receiver,or spQC�fically entorce any ot the j
<br /> covenants hereof. I
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclus�ve of any other remedy herein,in the � _ �
<br /> . ' Loan Instruments or by law provlded or permftted,but each shall be cumuiative,shalt be in additfon tc every other remedy glven
<br /> � hereunder,In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafler existing at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrently, �
<br /> Independently or successlvely. '
<br /> � 13. Trusteo.The Trustee msy resfgn at any time without cause.and Lpnder may at any tlr,ie and w�thout cauae appolnt a ,
<br /> � , auccessor or subatltute Truatee.Truatee shalt not be Ilabte to any party,including wlthout Ifmltatfon Lender.Dorrowar,Trustor or any
<br /> � n�..wl.mn.n/�hn D•nnn.h. Inr onv tnnu n.rimm�no��nlncc�i�m fn ror4�onc nr wil�t��l m�nrnnrlurf wNI CItAII�1(f}F1fi fiifltlifAl�1ft 1ARA AflV
<br />. _,�. _ __ � -:_ ___..__.__ �_ r.........................��.�..�..�'�"�'����'��...�o��...'�����'�'�'...'��" "'____'_'_' _"'•_ __ _ ' '' '�' '_ _ . _ . . :
<br /> �' eCtlon in connectlon wlth the eniorcement of thfa Deed ot Trust unless indem�ittod,in writing, for all costs,compensation or �
<br /> y expenaes whlch may be essocfated therewith.In addition.Trustee may become a purchaser at any sele of the Property(judlcfal or �
<br /> . under the power oi sale granted hereln);poatpone tne sale of alI or any portlon of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the ,
<br /> �� � Property as a whole,o�in separste parceta or lots at Trustee's dtscret�on. .
<br /> � 14. Fees and Expenaes.�n the event Trustee setla the Property by exerctse oi power of sale,Trustee shall be entltled to apply
<br /> , � any sate proceede flrst to payment of aIl costa and expenses of exercistng power of sale,fncluding ail Trustea's tees,and lender's
<br /> �� .� �' ° - and Truetee's attomey's it►es,actually Incurred to extert permttted by applfceble law.l�i the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> •� , tlght provlded by law to cure an Event of Oefault,Lend�r shall be entttlod to recover from Trustor alt CostB and expenses actually
<br /> Incurred as a reault ot Truator's detautt,Includtng without I�mltatlon all Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent pe�mitted by
<br /> ePPllCable law.
<br /> 15. Future Advances. Upon requeat oi Borrower, Lender may,at Its optlon,make additlonal dnd future advancea and re-
<br /> 8dv8nces to 8orrower.Such advances and readvances,wtth fnteres;thereon,shr�ll be secured by thfs Deed ot Trust.At no time sha�l
<br /> . � the prtnclpal amount o}the indebtednesa secured by thls Deed of Trust,not fncluding sums advanoed to protect the securlry of thfs
<br /> Deed of Trust,exceed the orfglna�prtncfpa�amount stated heretn,or$._.__ whlchever is greater.
<br /> ' �
<br />