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<br />-- —.— perlods that I.ertder requirea. The tneurunce canier peoviding ihe inaurnnce shull ha chosen by Borcower eabject to I.,enderi� �,a—�-�-�---T—.- -
<br /> - — � appmval which shall nat be unrcusonably withheld. if 8orrower fnils to maintuin covemgo described above.l,ender muy.nt
<br /> Lender's opdon,obu►in covemge to pratect i.ender�dgR►ta in tho Property In acco�ance with paragrapfi 7.
<br />�r i All ir�sura�►ca policles and renew�ls shuU be acceptsble to Lender nnd ehall irtalude a stendard moAgage clause. Londer
<br /> s;.= -- _--—�— ; shnli have the right to hvld the poltctes and renewnis, tf Lend�r requie�s�Borcower ehalt promptly giva t�l.ender aU rccelpis —__
<br /> .�.�N___-�
<br /> of puid premium.s und mnewal notices. in the event of IasR,Borrower Khall ptive prompt nodce to the insurance carrier nnd
<br /> `'0� L,ender, Lender may make proof of lava if not made pmmptly by Borrower. c
<br />°'� : .,,�� Unleas Gender ttnd Botrower othenvlse agt+ee ln writtng,Insurnnce proceeda ehall be applled to rest6tatton or reputr of
<br /> ` � the property damaged,lf the restoration or rcpair is economically feasible And l,ender's securiry is not l�ssened. if the
<br /> reatoration or repair is not economically feasible or L.enderk secudty would be Ieucened, the inauranee ptnceedg shall be
<br /> �» '��''��' •�•" apptied to the sums secured by thls Secudty Insuument. H�hether ar not then duc,with any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> �� � ��. ••;.:,
<br /> '��.,°'•��.t�;-. _��, Bormwer abandons the Property.or dcea not answer within 30 dayx a notice frnm L.ender that the Msura�►ce cazrler has ��_.__
<br /> ,�u. =; a� �w:�� affered to stttle a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the procceds to repair or restore �__ __^ _= -
<br /> �..��.� .., :,;,..: the Property or to pay sums secured by thls Security Insqument,whether ar not ihen due. The 30-day perIod will begin when _ _
<br /> the notice is given. �—� --
<br /> 'tr ��.� ,�•�� '4 ��•� licatIon of eeds to dnci al ahall�not extend or —R�°�-�° ^^
<br /> ' �� '� •� • Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in wdting,any app proc p p a;_--��
<br /> �'�� ' � ''{ � .+. postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta referred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the amount of the pnymenGc. If —..-�•-
<br /> ' ' under paragraph 21 the Property fs acquired by Lender.Borrower�s ri�ht to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting �!�!��_--°._____
<br /> �" ° � ' from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the gums secured by this Securlty L�?�°��r�-�
<br /> �*��--
<br /> �'•'' ' �� Insuument immedistely prior to the acquisition. '��"�?��:_�—��
<br /> i_l J^'A-___:..`�_• 6. Occupancy, Preservadon, 1►�iaintenance a�id Protection of the 1'roperty; Horrower's Loua ApplicaUon; �_ �
<br /> i�essettatds. Sormwer sh�ll occapy.esiebltsh,and use the Property ac RnrmwerF�xInclpal residence within sixty days sfter
<br /> � � the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Praperty as Borrower S principal residence for at .
<br /> � least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in wdting, which consent shall not be _ � .;���,_
<br /> unreasonably wtthheld,or unless extenuating clrcumstsnces exist which are beyond Borrawer's control. Borrower shall not .f�—=-----
<br /> destroy,dumage or impulr the Property.allow the Property to deteriorate,or cummit waste on the Property. Borrower shaU �����,,
<br /> �� � be in default if atty forfelture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun thut in Lender�s gooci faith judgment ,,?�r'�:��+�-
<br /> ' could result in forfeiture of the Pmperty or otherwise muterialiy impuir the lien cmuted by this Securlty Instrument or --
<br /> ' Lender§secudty interest. Borrower muy cum such a defautt and reinstate,as provided in para�raph 18,by causing the action ��'�•-
<br />