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<br /> - ---- °--�-----� applicable law mny speci�y for retnscatement)baforo ealo af tho P:operiy pure�ant to nny pawcr of sale conusinal !n this
<br /> Socur(ty Insuumeat;or(b)estby af a judgment enforcing thts Securiry Inatrumen� Thoso condltions are that Borrower. �a)
<br /> ' pays Lcnder aif sems which then would be due under thiR Security Inst�ument snd the Note ua it no acceleratlAn hed
<br /> oawred;(b)cuns any defsult of any other cavenants ar agrrsmonte:(c)psys all expenso»incuRCd in enPorcing thle 9ecurity
<br /> - =_--- - - Insqrument,lactudlag,but not Wnited% teasonablo attorneyK'tce.s:ond(d)taicea auch astton as I.�ndet ma,y reasonably __ _
<br /> • requin to a,cure that the lien of thte SecurFry lnatn�ment,Lender�riQhte In the Property und Bonuwerb obligadon to pay tho �___ .
<br /> - -- sums secund by thiA Security tnatrument ahall continue unchangcd. Upon roinatatemcnt by Borrower, thia Secur�ty
<br /> ° Iasuument and the obligadons secured hereby shali�emain fully effecdvo na iP no acceleradon had occurred. However,thia
<br />- right to c�einetata shall not apply in the caca of acceleratIon uader pamgraph 17.
<br />� : 19. Sde o!Note;Chuige of Loan Scrvker. The 1Vote or a purtiel interest in the Note(together wlth thie Suudty
<br />,,,w� Instrnment)may be sold one or more dmes wIthouc prtor notice w Barmwer. A aalo may�csult in a changa in the eat�ty
<br /> (Imown as the"Loan Se�vtcer")that coUecta monthly payntents duo under the Note und this Security IastrumenG Them also
<br /> mey be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to e�ale of�he Nato. if there is u changa of tha L,oan Servlcer,
<br /> Borrower will be gtvea written nodce of the chnnge in accordnnce wlth psuagrnph l4 atave and applicablo law. '!he nalce
<br /> �- wlll s[ete the neiae and address of t}�ee new Loan Servicer and the addmss ro which paymeata should be made. The notico wiU
<br />- , �'a;
<br /> -���. also contaiA any otder informatlon requited by appllcable law.
<br /> r7 .;` iK,
<br /> . �,�'_'�. +�a••. 20. �rdous Sabstances. Boirower shall not cause or permit the p�sence,use,dlsposal.storage,ar release of any
<br /> , �'f�?,�i:r'��i;''"�;; Hnzatdous Substanoas oa or in the Property. Sorrower shall�ot do,nor allow anyone else to da.any�hfeg effecdng the
<br /> '. t�,F'`�"�:� Propeity that is 3n violatIon of any Envlroamental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presenco. use,or
<br /> • Ka�:�.�:Yi
<br /> ,�.,bt :�:,�.,+;i*� storage on tde Property of smaU quaatiHes of HazArdous Substances that are generaAy recognized to be approprlate to nortnal
<br /> ;i:;;�`.;. .. '::;i;m. residendal uses and to�aiatenuuce of the Property. �
<br />- -==-- . „ Borrowcr sh�ll promptly glve i.eader rrrFaen notice of any investlgntton,clalm,demand,Inwxuit or c►ther actlon by any .__
<br /> � , �, govemmenta!or negulawry agency or prlvate party involving the PrapeAy and any Hazardous Sub�tance or Environmentel —
<br /> �, Law of which Bomnwer has actuat knowledge. If Borrower lcarns. or is nodficd by uny gavernmental or regulatory =
<br /> ° � euthorlty.that any removal or other rcmedlation of any Hazerdoua Substance affecting Ihe Propetty fa necessary.Borrower
<br /> �. ° �� �". shatl promptly take all neressary remedial actions in accoTdence wtth Environmenta!Luw. yy
<br /> • . . . �.- A s u s e d i n t h i s p a r a g m p h 2 0."H a z a r d o u a S u b s t a n c e s"a v e t h o s e s u b s t a t t c e s d e f i n e d o s t o x f c o r h e z a r d a u s s u b s t a n ce s b y �-
<br /> • Envlroamental Law end the followin�substanoes: gasoline,kerosene,ather flammuble or toxic pettolewn products,toxic �_
<br /> , pesticides and herbicides,volat�le solvents, metedals contnining asbestos or formeldehyde.and radfoacdve matedals. As =---
<br /> �,':. used in this para�aph 20,"Environmental Law"means federni laws und luws of the jurfsdiction where the Property is located "�"
<br /> ;. thet eelate to health,safery or environmental protecdon. ����:�
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant end A�ree ux foilows:
<br /> � 21. Acceleretton;Remediea i.ender shall�ive notice to Borrower prior to acceleradon toltowlas Borrower's �,;�
<br /> "' � ' breach of any covenant or agreemeat ia thls Secur[ty Insteument(but not prior to aceeterat[on under paragraph 17 ` ��°r::
<br /> " , �, unless appAcable law provldes othenvlse). The notice shall specify: (a)the defaulh,(b)the acUon requtred to cure the r;: '.•`.,°
<br /> detaulk(c)A date,aot less than 30 days t'rom the datc the nottce is given to&►rrower,by which tho dcfault must be s► ,
<br /> � ' cured;and(d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date s�cecttied in the notice may resalt in acceleration ot '����='
<br /> , t6e sums secnred by this Security L�strnment and sate of the Property. The notice shall fUether inform Boreower of '�.��.°�
<br /> � ` the rlght t�retastate after acceleration end the rlght to bring a court acUon to assert the non-existenoe of e deFault or •:�''s� ':':''
<br /> - _•--�--�-�-= = any otlter de.°ense ai Borra�rer ta acceleratton and sale. If thc dcfault is not cured on oe be[ore the date specitied in �` �- �
<br /> �' the nodce,Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of ali sums secured by this Secndty Instrument �';.•''_,�•
<br /> � - wtthout tl�rther demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by upplicable law
<br /> Lender shall be enttUed to collect all expenses Mcurred in pursuin�the remedies provtded in thts paragraph 2Y,
<br /> ° , , includtn�,but not limited to,reasonable nttorneys'tees and onsts of UUe evidence. ,
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked,'IY�uatee shall record a notice of default in eech county in whtch any part ot the
<br /> . Property is located aad shall mail rnples of such notice in the manner prescdbed by appltcabte lew to Borrower end to ,'�, �•
<br /> the other persons prescribed by appltcable law After the time requircd by appl[cable law,'Ilru.gtee shnll give public
<br /> � �. noNce of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by epp8cable Iaw. 7lrustee,without demead on Borrower,
<br /> � , shall sell the Property at public auctton to the Mghest b[dder at the time and place end under the terms designated in
<br /> � the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustae determirtes. 'Ilrustee may postpone sale of oll oreny
<br /> -'�" � � � percel of the Property by�pabtic announcement ut the tEme and plaee of sny pr+ev[ously seheduled+sale. i,ende�or itv .
<br /> „ designee mey purchase the Property at eny sale.
<br /> • Upon receipt of payment af the prlce btd,llrustee shall deliver tu the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveyf ng the •
<br /> • Property. The recttals in the Trustee's deed shall be prtma facie evidence ot the truth oP the statements mede therein.
<br /> 1lrustee shaD apply the proceeds of the sale in the followinR order: (a)to ull casts and expenses of exercising the power
<br /> . ��
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