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� <br /> � -•• <br /> ____ - _ __ . . - __ <br /> :: <br />_ � - ��a»+-��i�rF•.= . ��.�., -�� ,� . -. <br /> . �r' �..1 '�' �:. "� , , _ _ <br />- � � ::� �., ....�. � _ _�� <br /> , ' <br />��_ ... - -._._..�.,.�:;.I — <br />_= r�t; .,,.; j a�4�.o�.�03 <br />- �.�.���� <br />- � � '['OC}6TH�R W1TH eU tke{mprovcnicnt�rtow ar hexenfter erected on the propecty.end u0 et►nemente,apput2ennnces. <br />"' and�ixtures now or hereniter u part of tha pmperty. All nplaccments nad eddiNons shall also be wvered by thts Securlty <br />� Inswm.ent. A11 of thc foregoing ia referred to in thla Sccudty MRuument+ui the"Property." <br /> BOR1tOWBR COVENANTS that Boaawer is Ipwttdly xeised af the esu►u hereby conveycd and han tho dght to grant <br />-� i,�"a.�,,,,�. 'T And convey tho Propcny and Ihat the PmpeKy IR unencumbered�exwpt far encumbrarnuH oP record. Rarrowcr wwnu+�g and -- <br /> - * wiil defend genendty the Qtle tu tho Pr�pe�y aguinat uU cl�ims and demunda,aubject ta uny encurabmnc�s of recc►rd. �-- <br /> .�' THI3 SECURITY 1NSTRUM�NT combtncs uniform covennntx for natlonal uxe and nan•unifarm covcnAnt� with <br />;' F llmtted varlatianx by Jurledlctlon ro canetitute n uniform Recudty inAtrument covcdng real property - <br /> l . �.� -, <br /> . ,:�;:��;_�.� UNIFOR�d COVBNANTS. Botrower und Lender coveaant und ngree as foilowR: <br /> ��'�r,{t5���' --"t�'� *� 1. Pnyment uf Principal And Interesti�PRyment and Ia�te Cbarges. Bairower ahull pmmptly pay when due tha <br /> ;� `r��'� ' ` �` grinclpml of and interest on the debt csvldenccd by the Note and any prepuyment and lata ch es duo under the Note. <br /> y:.��.� ..o.:. ,r <br /> ,�,:,,f... .: . , 2. Fuade for'Nxes end Iasurattce. Subject to applicabla law or to u wrltten waiver y Lender.Botrowor ahall pay to <br /> '�`� "�'�• '�. '��'� - Lendcr�n the day monthly payments are duo under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: (n)yearly _ <br /> ���� "� � � '� taxes and assesamenta which may sttain prioriry over thla Security Instrument as a lien on the Propecty:(b)Yeariy leasehold _ <br /> ;� '��.. � , .. ,�� pa ments or and rents on the Pro P Pe Y P (d) yeady flood <br /> i .. . Y �' PertY. if any: <c) Yearly hazard os ro rt Inaurnnce remiums: <br /> - � insurance premlums, if any; (e) yearly mortgage inaurartce premiums,if any;and (� any sums payable by Borrower to <br /> ; , L.ender,in accordence with the pmvisions of paragreph lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums• 7`hesa <br /> "; . � items are called"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any dme.collect end hold AWnds in an amount not to exceed the ma�cimum <br /> � amount a lender for n federally related mortgage loan may tequire for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real <br /> � � �'state Settlement.Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from Ume to time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unleas another �__ <br /> _ -_ ." !aw thst applies to the F�nui�aets e lesr,er amount. If so.Lender any dme,collcct and hold Fl�nds in an amount not to <br /> t, `. � exceed tha tesser amounG Lender may esdmate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cument data and reasonable <br /> � estimates of expendit�res of future Escrow Items or otherwise in ucrnndertce with appltcabla 1aw. — <br /> � ' , The Funds shall bc held in an insdtudon whose deposits ere lnaured by a federal agency.insuumentaUty.or entity - <br /> ' (including Lender,if Lender is such an inadtudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay �,,-_ <br /> �� the Escr�ow Items. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Fbnds. ennually unalyzing the escrow __ <br /> account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless L.ender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and applicable law petmits <br /> , ., l,ender to make such a charge. However,I.ender may mquire Borrawer to pay a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> estate tax repordng service used by L.endcr in connection with this loan,unleas applicable law pmvldes otherwise. Unless an ___ <br /> • agm.ement is made or upplicable law requices interest to be paid,Lender shell not be required W pay Borrower any interest or <br /> eamings on the Funds. Bomower and Lender may agree in wrlting,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender — <br />_ __ __ ___ shall give to Borrower, wlthout charge,an ennual account�ng of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the PUnds and the <br /> . purpose for which each debit to the Funds wac made. The Funds are pledged as addirional securiiy for att sants scctu�cd hy _ <br /> this Sectuity Instrument. <br /> If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shaU accouttt to <br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requic�ements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by <br /> L.ender at any time is nut sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Items when due, I.ender mny so notffy Borrower in writing,and in <br /> ' such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the R�_ <br /> °• deffciency Fn no more than rwPivP mnnthly payments,at Lender's sole discredon. -- _ <br /> . Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any _. <br /> Funds held by I.ender. If,undcr purugraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender.prlor to the acquixition or ��. <br /> • • sule of the PropeRy,shap apply uny Funds held by I.ender at tha time of acquisitlon or sale as a credit against the sums ��• <br /> secured by this Security lnswment. <br /> 3. Applicat[on of Payments. Unlesx applicuble luw provides otherwise, all payments recelved by I.ender under _•.� <br /> � paragraphs 1 and 2 shull be applied:first,to uny prepnyment charges due under the Note;second,to amaunts payable under ';� <br /> paragraph 2;third,to intercst due;fourth,to principal due;and la.ct,to any late chazges due under the Note. t,.. <br /> 4. Charges;I.iens. Borrower sha11 pay alt taxes, ascessments, charges, fines and Imposjtions uttrlbutable to the , <br /> � Property which may attein priority over this Security Instrument,end leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower _ <br /> shall pay these obligntions in the munner provided in purngrnph 2,or if not paiJ in that manne.r,Borrower shall pay them on <br /> - time direcQy tu die person owcd paymcnt. Borraa•cr shal!prompdy fumish to Le�sder a11 notice�of amountc to be paid under _ <br /> this paragrnph. If Bonower makes these pnyments directly,Horrower shull promptly fumish to L.ender recelpts evidencing <br /> thc paymcnts. <br /> Botrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priniity over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower:{a)asrees <br /> in writing to thc payment of the obligution securcd by the licn in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the <br /> licn by,or defends nguinst enforcement of thc licn in,IcEal prcxeedings which in thc Lendcr's apinion operate ta ptevent the . <br /> enforeement of the licn;or(c)securc�from thc holdcr of the lien an agnecment satisfuctary to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Security instrument. If Lender determines that any purt of the Property is subject to u lien which may attain priorlty ; ; <br /> over this Security ]nstrument.Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Bonower shall sndsfy the lien or take <br /> one or morc of the ectivns set farth ubove within 10 duys of the giving oF nodce. <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shull kecp thc improvemcnts now existing or hemaftcr erected on the <br /> Property insumd aguinst loss by fire,haz;srd,inrluded within thc term"extended covcrage"und any othcr hiv.ards,including <br /> floods or flocxiin€,for which I.cnder rcyuircs inxurunce. Thi. insutance�hull be muintuincd in the amounts and for the <br /> i <br /> Form 3028 9/90 (paXe 2 oj6 pagec) <br /> ; <br /> � • <br /> i <br /> ! 1 <br /> 7 <br /> r • <br /> C � <br /> . . y <br /> . f <br /> � .� - - <br />