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<br /> --- �and all casementR.a u�tcnences. — -
<br /> — 'PO��THER WITH alt the lmprovcmenta now or hemnfter erected on tha property PP
<br /> - and fiaturea now ot hereafter a part of the property. All rcplacemcnts att�udditionF shnil also be covered by thie Scxudty
<br />—` Inatrumen� AU of the foregc►�n8 ia refemed u�1R thle Secudty Ynsaument as tho"Property."
<br /> `'—'-'�' ��� - � BORROWER COVLNANT§that Bo:sr,��er is lawtl�lly seised of the�+tato hercby¢onvcyed nnd has the dght to grant
<br /> . and convey the Prnpeny and that thc Propercy ia unencumhered,except for encumbrances ot r�cord. Botrowcr wwnunL�►and �_____ __
<br /> wUl defend generaUy the tide w the Proparty oguinat all clahns and demaads�eubJect to ar►y encumbrancas af recoN.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUM6N'I' combitees uniform covenanta for national use und non-upiform eovenan�► with
<br /> limited varIadons by judsdlction to wnstitute a uniform secudty inawment covedng real pmperty.
<br /> . •�;t'�>� • .,. ��p��p�IgNpNTS. Bomnwer and L.ender covenant and agree as follows: p When due the
<br /> �.,���. .• ent and Late Charges. Borrower shall romptly pay _
<br /> � y�}�y.:rt�, . ; I. Plnyment of Prtndpul and 1i►tereati PcePaYae ent and laus ch es ducs under the Note.
<br /> �,r���u,r� .prfaci�o f aa d i nterest on t he debt evidenced b j the Nate and any prepaym �►'8
<br /> .,�;�+ : P�uuda for'Thxes und Inst�rence. Sub ect to applicable law or to a wrltten waiver by Lcnder�Burrower shall pay to
<br /> ��,�r. �k :.�� � Lender on the day monthly paymenu are due undcr the Note.until the Note Is paid in fult.a sum("Funds")for. (a)ycerly
<br /> �'`'•+�., ` �" taxes and assessmenta which may attain prlodty over this Secudty Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yeurly leasehold �-- -
<br /> k� -" . . ", payments or grouad rents on the Property. if any: (c) Yearly hazard or propeity insurance premiwna: (d)Y�Y ��
<br /> � a�• , •. `� inaurance premiums, if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any; and t� eny sums paynble by Borrower to —
<br /> . :,� I.ender.In accordance with the pmvls lons o f paragrap h 8,in l ie u o f t h e p a y m e n t o f m o rt g a g e I n s w'a n c e p r e m I ums. These
<br /> �� ' ' . ' Items are called"Escrow Items." L.ender may,at any Qme,coAect and hold FLnds:n an amount not to exceed the m�num
<br /> , . �. .. .
<br /> �� amount a lender for a federaily related mortgage loan muy reqnlre for Bomowers escrow account undar the fedecal Real
<br /> + .,, Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from ume to dme,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unteas another —��_
<br /> --- � ----"--- taw that applies to the runds sets a tesscr amoun� If so.Lender may,ai�y G�nc.��tl�:i a�►d hoid iT�nds ia an amouns noc so ___
<br /> exceed the lesser amount. I.ender may esdmatc the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable �,�;�,�,.�,
<br /> , estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with appltcable law. �;�A, __'`-`
<br /> ,�: , The Funds shcill be held in an institution whosc depostts are insured by a fcderal agency. lnstrumenta�ity.or enHty — :4;.—
<br /> � � . _,., (including Lender,if Lender is such an institudon)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay �L�T,
<br /> . the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applyiog che Funds�annually analy�ing the escrow �;:�:_
<br /> ;�t .
<br /> ""� " account, or verifying the Escraw Items, unleas Lender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and applicablc law permits yq�'ri:�°�
<br /> Lender to make such a charge. However.Lender may require Honower ta puy a one-time charge for an independent real •`"'�'�fi..��:_
<br /> estate tax reporting servlce used by Lender[n connecdon with this loan,unieas applicable law provides otherwlse. Unless an ;;�,;�"
<br /> • agreement is made or applicable law requires interest ro be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Bonower any interest or . ;•_;..
<br /> � earnings on the bl►nds. Borrower and I.ender may ngree in wdUn&,liowever,that interest shall be paid on the�nds. Lender '�+��
<br /> -'t�.�:�
<br /> �'� shall give to Borrower.without charge,an annuai accounGng uf the Punds,shawing credits nnd deblts to the F�mdc and the : . ,� ,:-_ ,
<br /> ' purpose for which each debit to the Funds wus mude. The Funds are pledged as addltional security for all sums secured by
<br /> „ ' this Security Insuument.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicuble law,Lender shall account t,o , y
<br /> " Barrower for the excess Funds in accordance wtth the requircments of applicable law. If the amount of the FLnds held by . 5
<br /> L en der a t a n y t i m e ts n a t sufficient to pu y the E�crow items when due,L.ender muy so notify Borrower in wr�ting.nnd,in .
<br /> � such cuse Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessury to mnke up the deficiency. Bortower shuli mak� up t he :
<br /> . -- dettatency tn no mnre tnun tweive mun�niy puyuieuia,tti�.euuc���+uu:wntci�wi.
<br /> Upon payment in full of ull sums securcd by thiti Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly mfund to Borrower nny ,. �..
<br /> Funds held by Lender. if,undc�purugroph 21. I.cnder shull ucquim ar tieil the Praperry.Lender.priar to the ncqufsition or �
<br /> " • wle of the Property,chull upply any Funds held by Lender ut the ttmc of ucquf.itinn or sulc us a crcdit ngainst the sums _
<br /> secured by this Security Instcument. �r�
<br /> 3. Application of Psyment�. Unles� upplicaAle lnw provides otherwise. ull puyment+ mceived by I..ender under ,�,
<br /> paragraphs I and 2 �hall be upplied:firxt,to uny prepuyment chargex due under the(Vote;second,to amoun�c puyabie under _
<br /> puragrnph 2;third,to intcrcst duc;founh.to principal due;und last,to any lutc chur�cs duc undcr thc Note. :--
<br /> 4. Charqes: I.tens. Borrower shull puy ull taxc,, ussessments, churges, fines and imposttions attribuwble ro the �i`
<br /> Property whfch may attuin priority ovcr this Sccurity In�trumcnt,and leu�ehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower �
<br /> shall pay the�e oh1iEation�in the manncr provided in parugruph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> time dimctly to thc percon owed payment. Borrowcrshall pre�mptly furnish to Lender ull notices of umounts to be paid m�der •:' t
<br /> this purngraph. If Borrower makes these puyments directly, Borrower�hull promptly fumish ta Lender mceipts evidencing
<br /> the payments. '.
<br /> Borrowcr shall promptly dischurgc any lien which has priority over thi�Sccurity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees
<br /> in writing to the puyment of the obligation secured by the lien in u munner acceptoble to Lender;(b)contests[n good faith the
<br /> lien by,or dcfends aguinst enforccmcnt of thc licn in,lrgal pnxcedings which in thc Lendcr's opinion operate to prevent the ,
<br /> cnforcement of the licn:or(c1 ticcures fmm the holdcr of the licn on ugreemcnt wtisfartory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> to this Security lnstrument. If Lender detcrmines thnt any p�rt ot the Property is subjcct to a lien which may attxin priority
<br /> over thix Security Instrument.Lendcr may give Borrower a noticc identifying the licn. Barrowcr xhall satitfy the lien or take
<br /> �. " one or more of the actions set forlh above within 10 dayti of thc giving of noticc.
<br /> 5. Hazurd or Property Insurance. Borruwcr �hall kcep the imprc�vements now cxi.tin�or hercafter erected an the
<br /> property insurcd a�ainst lors by firc,ha�urds includcd within thc tecm"extended coveragc"und uny other hauirds,including
<br /> floods or flooding. (or which Lender rcyuirey imurance. Thix insurunre shull be muintuined in the amounts und for the
<br /> Form 3028 9l90 �r�Rp��f h�+xP3�
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