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<br /> - "+I , appUcuble law may specify for retnstatemev►t)before sale of the Property pursunnt to any p�wer of eale wntaSned in thia
<br /> S�curlry[nstrumenr,or(b)enny of a judgmcnt enforcing thls Secutlty instcume�t. Thoso conditiane are that Bomnwer. (e)
<br /> �;� paya L.ender a11 sums whtch then would be due under this Secusiry Insuument and the Note as 1f no ecce]eratI�n had
<br /> _ _�__________ _ _ _' , occutred;(b)cures any default of any�ther covennnta or ugnkments;(e)pays a!I oxpensea incurred!rt enforcing lhis 5ecudty
<br /> '�°� � Insuumen� including.but not limtted to. reusonable aaomeys'fees; and (d)takes sua6 acUun ar,l.ender may rcasesabty �---------
<br /> ''�' ' requlre to assure thnt the lien of thie Security Instrument.L,crtderb righta in the Property and Horrowerl�obligatlon to poy the
<br /> '� ' sums secured by thts Secutity Insdument shall continue unchanged Upon reinstatement by Borrower. thla Security
<br /> �' I insdument and the obligations sec�[ed hereby shal!rematn fully affecdve ss if rto acceleration had cecurred. However,thfs
<br /> ' t to reinstata shall not a 1 in the case of acceleradon under paragrnph 17.
<br /> d PP Y
<br /> �
<br /> � 19. SWe ot Nate;Change af LoAn Servtcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with th3s Secudty
<br /> " ' " ' Insuument)mny be sold one or mora dmes without prlor nottce to Sonowea A sale may result in a change in the entlry
<br /> �� >�:�-'•�r.��; ,
<br /> . ' '° (known ua the'Loan Servtcer")that coUeeta monthly payments due under the Note and thts Secudty Inauument. Titere also
<br /> . �:.�-�r.
<br /> ` ~'''' ,-� may be one or more charrges of the Lonn 9ervtcer uncelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of tha l.oan ServIcer,
<br /> • :ac.�d�!':�� . .�;' � -- —
<br /> �.=.°a�t�r��:�3�:�9:� ' Bomawer will be given wrttten notiee of the change!n aceordance with paragraph 14 above and applleable law. 'I7ie notice
<br /> " ���=�•,-�:: • �-� ; wiil state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The nouce w11t
<br /> ''� `� �� also contain any other infonnation required by applicable law.
<br /> ��r.�;��'�••�
<br /> ►�r, :. . - ,; � Z0. Hauirdous 3ubstences. Borrower shall not cause or peimit the presence.use,dtsposal,storage,or release of any .
<br /> � � • ••+ � ;`� � Hazardoua Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall net do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the �___
<br /> Propeety that is in violation of any�nvironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or � _ _�
<br /> �'� � �°.. • ' � storage on the Propetty of small quant�ttes of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be approprlate to normul ��__-
<br /> �` ' residendel uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> ' ,� - - -'--- -�- ' $orrower shall promptly give Lender writ�Cn nutica�f w�y uwcatigation,claini,demand.lawsuit or other actian by any
<br /> overnmental or re ulato a enc or dvate involvtn the Pro rt and an Hazardous Substance or Environmental �°``
<br /> � ^ 8 8 rY � Y P P�Y g Pe Y Y �`;:
<br /> ' ' Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by nny govemmental or regulatory � �--
<br /> T� , _- „ � � authortty,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecdng the Property is necessary,Borrower •.�."i�
<br /> • , shall promptly take aU necessery remedial acdons in accordance wIth Bnvironmental Law. '�'�T ,—
<br /> • •' As used In thla paragcaph 20,"Hezerdous Substances' are those subsiances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by �. r.' �
<br /> ; ° �� �� ° Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoltne, kerosene,other flammabie or toxic petroleum products,toxic °�•ti�;�_
<br /> :, � pesticides and herbtcides, volatile solvents,materlals containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,end radioactive matec�als. As + , -"�.-�_
<br /> used in this paragreph 20,"�nvironmental Law"meuns federai laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propetry ls locatPd �.�;�� .r•
<br /> • :, that relate to health,safery�r environmental protection. ';
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and u�ree as fallows: '
<br /> � � Zl. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall gtve notice to Borrower prior to acceleration foltowing Borrower's ,„'� �._�-
<br /> "� � breach of any covenant or agreement in this securlty Instrument(but not prinr tu�a�tieier�tion usder �taragraph t? - ,
<br /> i u�less applicable law provldes otherwise). The notice sheil specify: (a)the default;(b)the nMton required to cure the
<br /> � defautt;(c)a date,not tess than 3Q days from the date the nottce is given to Borrower,by which the default must be _
<br /> , � cured:and(d)that tailure to cure the defautt on or before the date speciffed in the notice may result in acceleration of ,
<br /> the sums secured by this Securlty I�strument and sale of the Property. The nottce shal!turther intorm Borrower of
<br /> ° the right to reinstate atter acceteration and the right to brinR a court actton to assert the non•existence of a dePault or _
<br />- -. � , _
<br /> - ,. --='-''`''=��`''�•� any other tieiense ui Burruwer tu ac��leraiiun a��d wir. [f tLe Sefeuit is not cu�ed on oi befarc ihc datc sp�rtflcd in --�_--
<br /> the notice,Lender at its optton may require immediste payment in full of all sums secured by thls Security Instrument :
<br /> without further demand and may invokr the power of sate and any other remedies permitted by appllcable law.
<br /> , I.ender shall be entiUed to collect aU expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21, � �i'�
<br /> Mcludtng,but not limited to,reasanable attorneys'fees and costg nf title evidence. " `._�
<br />;, �� IP the power of sale is invoked.'Irustee shall record a notice of defuult in each county in which any part of the =_
<br />_ : Property is located and shall mait copies of such notice in the manner pre!ceribed by upplicable law to Borrower and to ".�;
<br /> ��� th�other perxons prescribed by appltcable law After t he ttme required by appltcable lew.'IlrusteP shall give public �
<br /> � �� ' nottce otsale to the persons and in the manne�prescribed by appiiceble law. 7Yustee.without demand on Borrower, ,,,;;
<br /> , . ' shall sell the Property at public auction to the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in „ ;•
<br /> � the notice ot sale in one or more pnrcels and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of ali or any _
<br /> � parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time and ptace of a�y previously scheduied�ulr. Le��der o��IGS _
<br /> desi�nee may purchave the Property at any sale.
<br /> - Upon receipt uf payment of the price bid.7Yu+ter shuli deliver tu the purcheser'll�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> �� Property. The recltuis in the 11�ustee's deed shali be primu fucte evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. . .
<br /> 7Yustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the fullowin�order: tal to all costs and expenses of exercisin�the power
<br /> ;.,
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