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_ ._. ._. _. �__...__ ... . ' ' . . � �• <br /> -- - .._ �a-- -- — - —.. . .. � ' -- <br /> � .' . �— �,.,� -. <br /> i�' - A��, . .:. - <br /> �..�-_��. ,�r 1 � Bl114 .. . .. � <br /> �7' <br /> . .. . ;'� • . .. <br /> _ � ___- ..�y{�rc� ��._ <br /> .:�:;-��_�=:�� 9�4- ��3,a�� <br /> - -- -- � TOO�THBit WITH nil thc impravemcnt�s now an c�mattcr emctcd on the propcny,nnd nll cascmcrts.uppurtcnunces. °��----- ----- <br /> - and fixturea now or herenfter a part of tho pmpeny A��c�P�nccment:►und ndditiana shall alsa be cavemd by this Seeurity <br /> :;' — — Iaqtrument. All aP tht farcgaing ia reFc�red ro in thla 5ecurtty Insuument as the"Properly." <br /> _____�_-_—_., pORROWE?R MVPNANTS th�+t Bormws�is luwfuliy setscd of tho estatc hcmby convcyed and hus tho�ight to grunt _ __ <br /> and canvoy tho Pmpcny and thnt thc Property iR unencumbered,oxcept foe encumbrnnces of recard. Borrower wnmints and c— - <br /> will Qefend genernity the titlo ta the F'ropet�y p8uin�+t uU ciaim�+und dernunds.subject to uny encumbrances of record. � -� - __ --- - <br /> - THIS SECURLTY INSTRUMENT combinex uniform covenants for nutionul use und non•uniform covenanta with <br /> �` limited variutlans by judadicttan to constitute a u�iifonu s�cudty inatrument covering real property. <br />- UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrawer and I.cnder covennnt nnd ugree as followR: <br /> �� , t. PAyment of P�incipat and[nte�esti Prepayment�nd Late Chmrges. Borrower shall promptly puy when duc the <br /> . ' ',' .,� principn!af und intereat on the de6t evidenccd by the Note and sny prepayment And lute charsea due under the Note. <br /> _ ' � ''p`,,:r t. FnndR tar'I�xea ond I�suraace. Subject m ap lic�ble law or to a wrftten waiver by I.ender.Bonowcr ahull puy to <br /> .. <br /> ��.i . �-._ •- -- <br /> �„a_,.,,,� Lender on the dc�y monthty puyments ore duc under the ote,untii tho Note is pnid in full.u sum("Funds")for:(n)ycar y <br /> ;,r�+';�.',''0�b= taxcs t+nd assessmcnta which mny attain pdorlry ovcr this Securlty Instrument us a lien on the Property:(b)yctuly lew+ehotd <br /> �'/;;�;;::'"�: .�� '` .., paymenls or ground rcnts on the Property, if any: (c) yearly hAZard or property insuranco premiums; (d) yeurly flood <br /> ;r:,afi.:t,•• .''.s in�urance pmmtums, if any: (e) yearly martgage insurnnce premiums.!f ar►y; and(�any sums pAyuble by Borrower to <br /> � '��;�• ti,,;ti; l.ender,in nceardance with the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurnnce premiums. These <br /> ';rf�. ` ',".'i''^ � items iu+e culled"Escrow Items." Lender any time,collect and hold Funda in an umount not to excecd the maximum __ <br /> •• a.. .� °.�,:' — <br /> ,;�s�.;• „.;'; itmount a lender for a federally reinted mort�age loan may require far Borrower!s escrow account under the fedeml Reat __ <br /> • ..' � ; EJState Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.�260!et seq.("R&SPA'),unte.�.c another �r <br /> --- �--•---�, --------- taw it�at appllcs ia tlsc Funds sets�le��er asnount. lf so,Lender may,at any dme,collect snd hold F1�nda in ao emmint nnt to �■y <br /> �� exceeci the lesser umount. Lender may esdmate the amount of Ftinds due on the basis of current data and rensanable K� ��= <br /> ...H'ti"- <br /> � � esdmntes of expenditums of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. �, - <br /> o The Funds shall be held ln nn institutlon whose deposlts Are insured by a federal ctgency,insuumentelity.or entity .�:. <br /> •• (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federa!Home Loan Bank. [.ender snall epply the Funds to pay • %�'` <br /> F . .t • the Escrow Items. L,ender moy not charge Borrower for holding and applyin�the Funds,annuaily ana�yzfng the escrow �. , <br /> ' accaunt,or vedfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the FLnds and appllcable law permits �,<' <br /> �' Lender to make such a char�e. However,I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> � . eatate tax reporting service used by Lender in connectton wIth thts loun.unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an <br /> , � . ugreement is madc or upplicable law requlres intcrest to be pald,Lender shall not be required to pay Horrower any intercst or � �_ <br /> ' eamings an the FLnds. Borrowcr and Lender muy nsree in writin�,h�wever,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender --= <br /> _ '� shnll�ive to Bonower,without char�c,un annual uccountIn�of the Funds,showing credtts and debtts to the Funds and the ' � _ <br /> ���� purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledgai as addiiiuuut�c�:urity ioc aii sums sccured by . ..,- .- <br /> '. '��'"�' this Secudty Instrument. . <br /> • � if the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be hetd by applicable law. Lender xhall nccount to �� � <br /> Borrower for[he excess Funds in accordance with the requimments of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by ,� : <br /> � . Lender at uny time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow ltems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wdting,and,in <br /> ' such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the umount necessnry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> . ' ,.'' a�Ci�CiCi'iCy�i�i'iv�rnr�ihao iu•ch•c manth:�pa,mC^:•"•.»S«::ld°iM vn�n�+:�cretion. - -_--__ -_. . <br /> ' � Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower nny � <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,undcr paragraph 21,Lendcr shull ucquirc or seil the Property,Lender,prlor to the acqulsttion or <br /> ' ,, • sale af the Property.shaU apply uny Funds hetd by Lender at the cime of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. '��r . <br /> . 3. Applteation of Payments. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under -.;x ;� <br /> ° '� � • puragraphs 1 and 2 shall bc applicd: first,to uny prcpayment churges due undcr the Notc;second,to umounts payuble under 4r S <br /> � para�raph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to princ�pul due;and lust,to uny latc chargcs duc undcr thc Note. ''�,,��' <br /> 4. Char�es; L1ens. Borrower shall pny all tnxes, assessment�,chargcs, fines and impositions uttributablc to the � r�� <br /> ,.•A'� .:� <br /> Propeny which muy uttnin priority over this Securiry Instrument,and Icasehold puyments or ground rents,if any. Borrower '�:.� ,� <br /> shall pay these obligutions in the manncr provided in purugr�ph 2,or if not paici in thut munner, Borrower shall puy them on .•�� � <br /> time direcdy to the pcnon owed payment. Borrower,liull pn,mpUy fuc ui,h tu LenJer all nutices oF amounts ta bc paid undcr • -� ��� <br /> � this parugraph. if Borrower mukes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish tu l,ender receipts evidencing �-N <br /> s <br /> thc payments. � , - <br /> Botrower shall promptly dischnrge any licn which huti priority ovcr this Scrurit��lnxtrument unlexs Borrower:ln)ugrees � _ <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligution secured by tlie lirn in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)enntests in good faith the � <br /> lien by,or dcfends�gainst cnforcement of thc licn in,legal procccdings whirh in the Leneicr:opinion��Exratc to prevent the f <br /> ' � enforcement of the lien;or(c)sccures from the holder of the licn an agreement xatisfactory ro I.cnder subordinating the lien i . <br /> � to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines thut uny part of the Pmperty is subject to a li�n which muy attain priority � <br /> '' over this Security lnstrument,Lendcr may Five Borrower a notice identifying the licn. Borrower shull sati,fy the lien or tnkc ` <br /> one or mom of the uctions set forth above within IU duys of the�ivin�of noticr. � • . <br /> 5. Haznrd or Property Insurance. Bonowcr xhall kecp the improvemcnts now exititing on c�reuftcr crected on thc <br /> Property insured a�ainst lo.s by �re,hazards included within the tertn"extended coverage"und any other huturds,including <br /> . lloods or flooding. for which Lender requires insurance. 'I'his in,uranc�.hall tx maintained in the amounts and for the � <br /> Form 3021i 9l9(► qwA��2 aJ A�qes� ` . <br /> ;� �� <br /> . i, <br /> , �i <br /> 1 , � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � .�J . . .. . . , . . - <br />