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<br /> �
<br /> -��► :. • � 8orrower may auro euoh a defauft and relnstate, as provfdod In parngraph 18, by csuatng the aoUon or proce�dinp to M,� � � -
<br /> � � , • dlamissed wfth a n,ling that,In Lenders good feith daterminaHon,preeludes fortelture of the Borrower'o Intorest In the Propady ot � �.�" 'il`:°-� -
<br />—. . � other materlai Impelrment ot the Ilan created by this 8ecurtty insWment or Lender's secudty Intereat. 8onower ahrli�Iao ba In _-���' .�•�-�
<br /> �:,.�—m.—.
<br /> �� � „ • datault If 8orro��or,dudng the foan eppl(caUon procesa,gave materlaty tetso or Inaccurato IntomwUon or amtemnnts to tsnda(ar� .,�..., `,�w.,�,-�.,�. ---
<br /> � • tailed to provido U;nder with any materlai informadon� in connecdon wfth the loan evidenaed by the Note, IrtNudin4, 6ut not >'�.;��.;`:�',`��'._
<br /> - ' qmRed to, repreaentatlons aonaem(ng Bortower's aacupanay of the Property es a pdndpsl roaidenae. It lhia 9eourfty � "��'•�,s:r•;; -_.__.
<br /> � Instrument is on a Ieaeehold, Bortower shefl compy wtth aN the provislona ot the teaee. If 9ortower acquiroa tee tlGs to th� ; ;,-„��,�t�' -
<br /> t ��.,�`�•._:___- �
<br /> - � • Property,tha lecachotd and lNe fee UUe ah�it not merga unless Lender agresa to the msrger in w�idng. . - -
<br /> 7. Proteatlon of Lender'e Rtghte in the Property. It 8onower falls to per(ortn the wvenants and�greemente . ���:��3�=•--_�
<br /> • � conteined tn thta 8ecurity tnswment, or there is a tagai proaeeaEng that may slgnfAceMy aifeat Lenda'a dphta in ths Propetty � '�•.:r==-`�--
<br /> , �� . (suoh as a proeeedtng in bankruptay,probate,tor oondemnaUon ar torfeftu►e or to eMorae tewe or regulatlona),then Lender may �• �„`";�;�,:._
<br /> . .:I do and pay tor whatever is neoesssry to proteat the vabe of the Property►and lender's dghte M the Properry. Lendet's aoUone ' "`�`-_
<br /> may include paying any eums secured by a Ilen whioh has priodry ovar this 8ecudty InsWment, appeadng In couA, p�y(�g �"".
<br /> �. -� " reasonabie attomeys' tees and ente�tng on the Prope►ty to melce repeiro.Atchough Lender may take noUon under thts paragnph �� �` r _
<br /> " 7,Lendet doea not hava to do ao. . __
<br /> •• My smounts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 ahatl beaome addklonai debt of Borrower secured by thla 9eaurfty '
<br /> Inatrument. Uniess Bortower and Lender sgrea to other te►ms of payment, these amounts shnii bear(nterest from the date ot =_
<br /> "„ d(sbu►sement at the Note tate and shalt be peyabie,wfth interest,upon natico irom Lendet to 8orrower requesdng peyment. , , ~_
<br /> ' S. Mortgag0 IltSUrellCe. It Lender required mortgage hsuranoe ae a aondlUon of making the Ioan secured by this � ��..
<br /> . ., � Security Inshument, Borrower shail pay the premiums required to maintaln the moRgage insuranae in effeat. If,for any resson,the „
<br /> • mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapaes or ceases to be tn effeot, Borrower shaA pay the premiums►equlrad to �"
<br /> , obtek► ooverage aubstanUalty equivalent to the mortgage insurance previousry in effeot, at a cost substanUally equNaient to tha ''+d;,Y`
<br /> - coat to Bortower of the mortgage ineurance prevtously in oitaot, from an aRemate mortgage inaurer approved by lender. It , '"`�`-�--
<br /> substantiaily equNatent mortgage insurance coverage is not availebie, Honower eheA pay to Lender each momh a eum equat to •� - _;���
<br /> - ,- • • onetweHth oi the yesrly mortgsge insurenae premium 6eing peld by Bortowe►when the tneumnen�u+vnrnga Inpaed�r�asxd to :. _...._-,___.��.-,--+`;r--_ „
<br /> be in etteat. Lender wlll accept,use and retaln these psyments as a lose reserve in Ifeu of mortgage insurance. Loss resene • �..�!� � ,�
<br /> � paymenta may no longer be req��ired,at the opdon of Lender, if moKgage Inau�anoe eoverage pn the amount and tor tho perlod „ ° ;
<br /> that Lender requires) provided by an Insurer approved by Lender ageln becomes available end ia obteined. Borrower shaA pay . . , .�
<br /> the premiums required to malntain mortgage insurance In eileat, or to provide a lose reserve,undl the requirement tor mortg�sge ,
<br /> insurance enda in accordance wflh any wdtten agreement between Bortower end Lender or eppNoable Iew. I ' � �
<br /> 8. (nepBCtlon.Lender or fts agent may meke reasonabie enMes upon end inapeodone of the Proportyr. Lender shali give " J�` ��
<br /> � Bortower notice at the time oi or ►ior to an ins eotion s e ng reasonabie cause for the ina eetlon. '� ;'
<br /> P A P �M p � + •. y_.--
<br /> 10. Condemnadion. The proceeds ot any award ar ciakn tor damages, direct or consequentiai, in eonneaUon wilh any � ;����
<br /> condemnatlon or other taWng of any parl ot the PropeKy, or tor conveyance in Ileu ot condemnatlon, are hereby assigned and , �.;
<br /> ehall bo paid to Lender. � �`�- � :
<br /> _ In the event oi a totai feking ot the Property, the proaeeds shali be appliod to the sums secured by thls 3ewrity � , ,�•�'
<br /> Instrument.whether or not then due,wfth any exaesa paid to Borrower. In the event of a partlat taking ot the Propeny tn whioh � -- --� �
<br /> the tair market value oi the Properly knmedlately betore the taking ia equal to or greater than the amount ot the sums secured � • ;i j
<br /> by this 3ecwity Inatrument Immedlately betore the taking, untesa Bor►ower and Londer othe►wise agree in wdtlnp, the aums ! . ' �
<br /> secured by thia Seaurfly Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeda mulGplled by the foliowing iraatton: (a)the � " ��
<br /> - totai amount oi the sums secured immediately betore the taking,divlded by(b�the fair market value of the Property Immedlately i � y,
<br /> betore the taWng.My balanae shali be paid to BoROwer. in the event of a partlal taking ot the Property in whioh the fafr market ' .. ;,,�
<br /> . valus ot tha f'�opeKy Immediately betore the taMing Is Iess then the smount ot the sume secu►ed�mmwilataly hafnrw ihw tnkine�. � • :,,.=7;_�l
<br /> iunlesa 8ortower and Lender atherwise agree in wriGng or unlesa appllcebie law otherwlae provtdes, the proeeeds sheil be i � ���1
<br /> Iepplled to the suma seaured by this Secutily Instrument whether ar not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Properiy is abandoned by 8onower, ar M,after notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor offers to make an � '�`��
<br /> � award or settle a clekn for damagea, Bonower teiis to respond to Lender wkhin 30 days efter the date ihe noUce is gNen, � , �
<br /> � j Lender is authorixed to coAeot and apply the praceeds, at fts optlon,either to reatoraUon or repalr oi the Properly or to the ;}.
<br /> , ; auma secured by this Secudty tnstrument,whether or not then due. �
<br /> � Untesa Lender and 8onower otherwlae agree in wdlk�g, any appllcaUon of praceeds to princlpai sha�t not eMend a J s,
<br /> ' poe�tpone the due date of the monthly peyments reterted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or ehange the emount of such payments, . . � �
<br /> ; 11. Bor�ower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension ot the time tor payment or . �
<br /> � modNicatlon of amortizatton ot the sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument g�anted by Lender to any succeasor In interest oi • �
<br /> ,� : Bortower shaN not operate to release the IiabYity ot the originai BvRVwnr vr Borruwex's euccesso�s in Interest. Lender shaY not �,�
<br /> be requlred to commence proceedinga against any successor N interest or refuse to extend Ume for peyment or othervvise
<br /> modity amortfzatlon oi ths sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason o(eny demand made by the origlnai BoROwer or _
<br /> � Bortower's successore in Interest. My torbearance by Lender In exercising any �ight or remedy shall not be a waNer of a ;
<br /> praclude the exerclse of any right or remedy, �
<br /> 12. Succeaeors and Assigns Bound; Jotnt and Several Liability; Casigners. Tne covenants and .
<br /> opraomonts ot this 3ecurily instrument shal bind end benem the succeasors and essigns oi Lender and Borrower,subJect to the
<br /> provlalona ot pa�agraph 17. Bonower's covenants and agreements shell be Joint and severai. Any 8onower who co•signs thls
<br /> 3ecudty Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)Is co-signing this 8ecurily Instrument only to mortgage, grant and eonvey
<br /> thnt Borroww's Interest in the Properly under the terms of thls Security Instrument; (b) Is not persona�ly obllgeted to pay the
<br /> sumo oocurud by this Secutlty insttument; and (c)agrees that Lender and eny other Bortower may agree to extend, modity,
<br /> . lorbcar or make any eccommodations wlth regerd to the terms ot thls Security Instrument or the NoSe without thet Borrower's
<br /> consant.
<br /> 13. L08n Che�ge9. It thv loen secured by this 3ecurity Instrument Is subJect to a law which sets maxlmum loen
<br /> oharqos, und that Iaw is Melly Interpreted so thet the Interest or other loen charges collected or to be copected In connection
<br /> with iho loen exceed the permkted Iimits, ihen: (a) eny such loan charge shall be reduced by the emount necessary to reduce
<br /> ' tho chargo to the pertnitted ilmft: and (b) any sums already coileated hom Borrower whfch exceeded permitted IImRa wYl be
<br /> - retundod to Bortowar. Lender may ohoose to make this relund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> diroct payment to Borrowor. It a retund reduces principei, the reduction wlll be treated as a pertlai prepeyment without any
<br /> � propaymont chnrge under the Note.
<br /> 14. NOtICAB.My notice to Borcower provided tor In this Securlty instrument shail be given by delivering h or by melling It
<br /> by Iirot cluoa mall unloss eppllcable Iaw tequires use of another method. 7he notice shall be dkected to the PropeAy Address
<br /> �; � or nny othor oddrpss Bortower designates by notice to Lender. Any notfee to Lender shell be given by flrst cleas mail to
<br /> � Londot'c� oddtoso ot8ied heteln or any other addreas Lender dealgnates by notice to Borrower. My notice provlded tar In this
<br /> 8ocudty inotrumont ahnll bo deemed to have been glven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in ihls paragraph.
<br /> 18. Govorning Law; S8v8t'8bility. lhis 3ecurity �natrument shall be govemed by tedera� taw and the Iaw ot the
<br /> : i � �urfadlotlon In whloh the Property Is loceted. In the event thet eny provlsion or c�ause ot this Secudty Inatrument or tfie Note
<br /> ' t i aanlllcto wlih nppNcobie �uw, auoh contilct shatl not aNect other provisbns of thls Security Instrument or the Note whlch cen be
<br /> ; �� � qlvon ottoot without tho conllicting provision.To this end ihe provisions of thla 3ecurlty Instrument and the Note are dectared to
<br /> ' � bo aovarabto
<br /> i.
<br /> � 18. 80ffOMl9tb COpy. 9ortower sha�l be given one conformed copy of the Note and of thia Securlty Inatrument.
<br /> i
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